Time Moves Everything In This World

asa[e] - guru-tattva, diksa and vartmana-pradarshika guru

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope you're well in your service to Srila Prabhupada. From where i see it, it seems that you are. My respectful obeisances unto you!

I'm writing to you after reading the recent Kapi Dhvaja. Have missed some so i'm not fully up to date but it seems there are changes happening. With a mixture of sobriety and relief i took notion of the new list of disciples, which has shortened. My name is missing. This was to be expected, judging from an earlier conversation where you told me that you no longer could serve as diksha guru because i didn't keep my part of the contract. It's the first time i ever heard such a thing within ISKCON, but it makes sense in a way and i can respect that.

I must say that i don't feel bad about it. Sad perhaps that things didn't work out as i envisioned them earlier. My resolve wasn't strong enough to maintain strict sadhana throughout my life. I came to ISKCON from past life connection to Hare Krishna somehow, and dove deep into it when trouble in my life overwhelmed me and i saw no other way out. After some years of living the Hare Krishna life i became your disciple. It made sense at the time and i managed to keep up for some years. I had two children and was living a kind of brahmacari life while being a grihasta. For many years i've tried to avoid wordly duties and fled in ISKCON.

I come from a family with not such good parental relations. I got involved in drugabuse and sexual addiction in my teens and this has been a thread throughout my life. Becoming a devotee helped a lot, but it didn't root out everything as i thought it would. I had high hopes from reading Srila Prabhupada's books, but i see things in a different perspective now. I don't hold any grudges to him. I guess i only took some of his points and not others.

So in my life after a few years of being your disciple, at some point i realized that if i wanted to keep my marriage alive and be a decent father, i needed to step up my worldly life. I hardly had an education, i had been a taxi driver for most of my life. It doesn't pay the bills, and my wife had the same. She is a twice initiated devotee from Russia living in the Netherlands, doesn't speak the language, and is too headstrong to take up a menial immigrant job. So it was on my plate. Krishna helped a lot. But i didn't keep up my initiating vows. Yes, i've always stayed connected to ISKCON. I do some service.

So now i read the new list. Next month in May it is ten years since my initiation. I hardly knew you, Maharaja! You see, i look a lot like my father, both inside and out. And like my uncles and aunts from his side as well. When i saw you the first time, you looked like the best of them, and this is how i connected to you. The wisest of this particular family of the universal form. Most spiritually evolved one of them as well. Unfortunately, i was not mature enough to open my heart and build the relationship which is so deeply needed for a 'contract' to stay alive. This had happened before; i couldn't remain in Radhadesh because i didn't connect to someone senior deep enough to share what's inside and help me overcome the hurdles.

But things are going well in my service to my family. Its hard work for small successes. Destiny made me a father. We weren't married and i hardly knew the lady. But i'm making the best of it. I didn't maintain my spiritual life like i did when i was living in an ashram. It never was my strength, it was the association and the temple program. Hare Krishna. My wife was already kind of out of it, and so am i now. But i pray to Krishna that i may not forget him, and that when the time is right, i can get back into it like never before. Perhaps later in life, when the kids are grown up (now 7 and 10).

HpS - You may not be my disciple as Diksa guru. That's important. It's like being religiously married to your wife. You should be, no? We should find a bona fide priest, and perform the rituals. They are rituals but not without meaning.

<pre class="ql-syntax" spellcheck="false">In the Contract it is right there: https://jayarama.us/kd/guru-tattva.txt (WHAT HAPPENS IF A DISCIPLE FALLS DOWN?) </pre>

I don't know why the above turned black. Amusing.

Read this? Then try to get back to the Diksa level. Everything we try to do such as family, nation, humanity, will all be easier if we can be formally connected to Krsna.

Of course, there is informal relations too. If you want to advance in Krsna conscious and we are some inspiration to you in our actions and preaching. Then you are also our disciple. Vatmana pradarshika guru.

Really Srila Prabhupada is you guru in every sense and we are appreciating each other in roles in his institution.

Personally I often think about the incredible help you gave us in airports, temples, ashramas. We owe you so much debt.

Last month His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami left the planet. His passing was beautiful. It touched me more than i had expected. I always had a kind of tense and uneasy relationship with him. I see people, devotees, having good relationships and i want that too. I'm learning to be more vulnerable (don't want to say humble yet) and practicing to establish better relations. Perhaps you would be so kind as to bless me to find a suitable spiritual teacher when the time is right.

HpS - Why just one! Time is the external manifestation of the Paramatma. He is our Guru in the heart. We know when we are not being sincere enough, and we know that He knows. We also know that we are trying our best and He knows, even when other people neglect us.

I had wanted to come to Spain earlier this year when you were there. It would have been a risky trip financially. Yes, i could have trusted in Krishna, get out of my comfort zone. But i didn't. The reason for coming was to tell you this all personally. At least now i told you in writing.

Thank you Maharaja for picking me up and initiating me into Srila Prabhupada's family. It was very generous of you. I will keep the name, devotees know me and call me as such. But i know deeper what transpires here between us, and that's private. It makes me sad. I'm not sure how it all works on a spiritual level, but i guess i'll find out.

Your servant,

Raghava Pandita dasa

HpS - Read the above. Part of the Contract, as listed also above, is that people we initiate should at least once a year report to us. If Srila Prabhupada asks us, "Do you know if the people you are initiating are following their vows?", and we have to say, "No", then we think he will not be pleased.

Diksa guru is very practical.

Siksa guru can be more informal.

We must have both.

Because you did not make an Annual Formal Report, then Formally we are not acting as Diksa guru.

Is O.K.?

It is kind of German, no?

Our paternal grandfather was Austrian.

Make the statement right now: Srila Prabhupada, I will work to chant the Holy Names and follow the four principles to the standard that you set?

We would be super honored to help you come to that standard!!

Nueva Govardhana - Lago de lotos

1 year, 9 months ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports

¡Hare Krsna! Querido Guru Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias

Todas las Glorias sean a nuestro Divino Fundador Acarya Srila Prabhupada, el salvador de los caídos y todas las glorias para Usted, fiel seguidor de tan exaltado maestro.

Querido Gurudeva, luego de su maravillosa visita a México, intento repasar una y otra vez cada instrucción, cada experiencia, cada realización. En resumen, puedo decir que, ¡Una vez más! ¡usted me rescató, y me devolvió mi corazón reconstruido y fortalecido! Gracias, Gracias, Gracias.🙏

Sería imposible describir todo lo vivido en aquella atmosfera trascendental, pero me gustaría resaltar que; ver a los devotos de ese modo tan transparente fue lo más impactante para mí. Conocerlos de manera profunda y sincera y poder admirarlos como personas que, aún en medio de dificultades y posibles deficiencias, se alzan para ofrecer lo mejor de sí mismos a nuestros Amorosos Señores… Eso fue realmente impresionante y transformador ¡fue como estar en un lago lleno de lotos multicolores!

¡Me sentí tan insignificante y profundamente conmovida ante ese espectáculo! Me siento avergonzada porque mis tratos ásperos lastimaron a tan preciosas joyas. Ruego a nuestro misericordioso Señor me perdone y sane el corazón de aquellos que, dentro de mi locura, pude lastimar. Le agradezco sinceramente que me permitiera recuperar tan preciadas relaciones.

Por supuesto, debido a la pobreza de mi corazón, aún hay algunos devotos con los que no concuerdo o a quienes no entiendo; sin embargo, creo que puedo admirarlos a cierta distancia.

Tras la experiencia, rogamos – nunca más olvidar nuestra posición como sirvientes y siempre apreciar las exaltadas cualidades de cada vaisnava, oramos por mantenernos en la maravillosa asociación de los devotos. –


Gurudeva ¡Gracias por vuestros obsequios que atesoro en mi corazón! Gracias por concederme tanta misericordia, que es una muestra de la ilimitada misericordia que Srila Prabhupada emana. ¡Sabemos que no la merecemos, pero ciertamente la necesitamos con urgencia! Muchas gracias.🙇


Por favor, permítame expresar públicamente mi agradecimiento a Ananda Maya DD, Gadadhara Gosai Das y su familia; por los esfuerzos sobrehumanos que realizaron para brindarnos el espacio trascendental en el que se llevó a cabo este encuentro “Nueva Govardhana”. Ellos cubrieron TODOS los gastos y realizaron innumerables trabajos físicos para proporcionar este espacio a todos quienes tuvimos la fortuna de estar ahí. No lo se con seguridad, pero podría afirmar que las pocas donaciones que recibieron, ni siquiera cubrían el gasto por nuestros alimentos, además ninguna cantidad podría retribuir tan maravillosa experiencia. Oramos sinceramente a nuestro Señor que les bendiga para que puedan seguir compartiendo la conciencia de Krsna con todos quienes tienen la fortuna de conocerlos. 

Gracias por tanto Guru Maharaja.

Intentando ser su discípula

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi


I will do (Hare! 😃) Krsna! Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my obeisances

All glories be to our Divine Founder Acarya Srila Prabhupada, the savior of the fallen and all glories to you, faithful follower of such an exalted teacher.

Dear Gurudeva, after your wonderful visit to Mexico, I try to go over and over again each instruction, each experience, each realization. In short, I can say that once again! you rescued me, and gave me back my rebuilt and strengthened heart! Thank you, thank you, thank you.🙏

HpS - AgtSP!!! AgtSBhSS!!! AgtLC!!! AgtSSRM-gopal!!! 😃

It would be impossible to describe everything lived in that transcendental atmosphere, but I would like to highlight that; Seeing the devotees in such a transparent way was the most impressive for me. Knowing them deeply and sincerely and being able to admire them as people who, even in the midst of difficulties and possible shortcomings, rise up to offer the best of themselves to our Loving Lords... That was truly impressive and transformative! It was like being in a full lake! of multicolored lotuses!

HpS - Wars are not won by well equipped healthy soldiers. Wars are won by illequipped, wounded soldiers who keep on fighting.

I felt so insignificant and deeply moved by that spectacle! I feel ashamed because my rough dealings hurt such precious jewels. I beg our merciful Lord to forgive me and heal the hearts of those who, within my madness, I could hurt. I sincerely thank you for allowing me to recover such precious relationships.

HpS - Don't worry we were all stepping on each others toes: "Our Father who are in heaven, forgive our offences as we forgive the offences of others"

Of course, due to the poverty of my heart, there are still some devotees with whom I do not agree or understand; however, I think I can admire them from a distance.

After the experience, we pray – never again to forget our position as servants and always appreciate the exalted qualities of every Vaisnava, we pray to stay in the wonderful association of devotees. –

 Gurudeva Thank you for your gifts that I treasure in my heart! Thank you for granting me so much mercy, which is a sample of the unlimited mercy that Srila Prabhupada emanates. We know we don't deserve it, but we certainly need it badly! Thank you so much.

Please allow me to publicly express my gratitude to Ananda Maya DD, Gadadhara Gosai Das and their family; for the superhuman efforts they made to provide us with the transcendental space in which this “New Govardhana” meeting took place. They covered ALL expenses and did countless physical jobs to provide this space for all of us who were fortunate enough to be there. I don't know for sure, but I could say that the few donations they received didn't even cover the cost of our food, and no amount could repay such a wonderful experience. We sincerely pray to our Lord to bless you so that you can continue to share Krsna consciousness with all who are fortunate enough to know you.

Thank you for so Guru Maharaja.

Trying to be his disciple

Karuna Shakti Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA --- Thank you for such a nice view of the program. I think all of us are grateful to you for putting into words what many of us thought. Was an eternal pastime of Krsna. Community can grow. We can all help it.

Let us go to the next letter with New Govardhana Ashrama in mind.

Report of stay in NVM - Rukmini dd (Peru)

1 year, 9 months ago by Rukmini in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you are in good health. It has been very gratifying to have had your association the last few days you were at Nueva Vraja Mandala. Likewise, it has been very inspiring to hear from some godbrothers about your activities and Sankirtan programs carried out in Mexico.

As you know, I arrived at NVM in February. I stayed for almost 2 months serving mainly as a teaching assistant at the Gurukula. It has been such an enriching experience for my career and my spiritual life! I also had the chance to do other services like cleaning, making garlands for Radha Govindachandra, singing and playing the mrdanga at Mangala Aratik and Sandhya Aratik, even leading kirtans in Madrid Harinams! Also, I had the chance to meet so many devotees and take their wonderful association, as well as preach and make friends with some guests who were temporarily staying at the farm.

Now I am back in Peru. Why? That is what I want to tell you in this letter.

Earlier this year, I had a strong desire to return to Vrindavan and take the Bhakti Sastri course. However, during my stay at NVM, Radha Govindachandra turned my plans upside down. There is no doubt that they were! It seems that the Gurukula will require a teacher for the next school year (which starts this September). Since the children already know me and I was learning how the teachers are carrying out the Gurukula, I feel responsible for continuing to support the school. I want to offer the career that I have studied at the service of the devotees.

So, I accepted the challenge. In that sense, in order to stay longer in Spain I must apply for a religious visa. That is why I returned to Peru and I am currently processing all the documents required. I don't know how long this process will take, nor if my visa will be accepted or denied, but we are leaving it to Krishna's will. However, so far everything has been favorable and we have received so much support from Yadunandana Swami and other devotees. In fact, They have encouraged me the most to take this opportunity. I was a little unsure if I could do a good service for the children of the community, but I will do my best.

I realized that, in the end, the intense longing that I had to return to Vrindavan actually came true. As one mataji told me, NVM is Vrindavana Dham, that place where one can be Krishna conscious 24 hours a day. At the beginning of this year, I was missing taking darshan from Krishna Balarama and Radha Syamasundara every day, and this wish was also fulfilled! I was able to take darshan from Radha Govindachandra every day. When I realized all this infinite mercy, I cried with happiness. Finally, I have also realized that I like so much the ashrama life, running every day at 4:30 am to sing and dance for the Lord. I remember when I was little I used to admire the monastic life. I also wanted to give my life to the service of the Lord. This childhood memory was revived at NVM.

So, that's my report, Guru Maharaja. Krishna's plans are mysterious and wonderful.

Learning to live a life of service,

Rukmini dd

HpS - AgtSP, We have been getting news of you! This all seems very nice. When Krsna wants something it happens. The world becomes Vaikuntha ... but ... He does not want us to get too attached. Like he shook up M. Pariksit when he got to attached.

So, do your service in this reflection and be happy seeing it all as a reflection of Vaikuntha, but be ready to get on the boat and leave for next destination at any moment. Teach the kids that.,

We get our news out in the next few days also.

Hare Krsna!!! Super!!

Boise temple: Slowly moving upwards

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - Jaya!!! AgtSP.... Paoho..... Thank you so, so, so, so much for this letter. Thank you!

I’m still here chanting 16 rounds, following the four principles of freedom and rising early for morning program. We are maintaining and keeping things going at the temple. I really appreciate what you said in your response to my last letter: Temples never fail. They are part of the Sat-Cit-Anaanda reality. Such a wonderful perspective. I’m holding on to it. I am seeing all of my zeros and I am trying to put that One in front of them every morning. It’s hit and miss. Only by your grace and inspiration am I able to attempt.

HpS - Srila Prabhupada makes his Generals out of mud!!

Lord Nityananda on the altar subtly winked at me the other morning to say “you are doing okay, you can do better”. I heard from Gopal Hari Prabhu in class recently that spiritual life is actually never stagnant. You are either going up or you are going down. This is very profound to me because I find myself just wanting peace and comfort but actually taking risks for Krishna and being bold is where the real life/fun is I’m starting to see.

Many experiments to conduct here and you have helped me see how Srila Prabhupada has given us everything. Now we must find new ways to “let Krishna out of the box” like you are saying. Please pray for us, Maharaja.

We’ve been very much enjoying seeing you in Mexico and chanting with you through the internet and hearing your talks. Such a wonderful thing to see you with Bhakti Sundar Goswami Maharaja as well.

On the appearance day of Lord Rama we presented the cane that you gave Anantarupa Prabhu to Srila Prabhupada. Thank you so much for this. Prabhupada looks very happy to have it. Very beautiful handle!

HpS - Do you see the SB verse engraved in the handle!!

Maharaja, will you be able to visit us this Summer or Fall at any point?

Also, I was wondering if I could come see you in Tennessee for a day or two and do some service. What do you think?

Your aspiring servant,

Nitisara das

HpS - We have been On the Road for nine months. We are close to dead as an ape can get.

Hanuman returns to Kishkinda with the news for Rama.

Kishkinda, Nashville, NgD other Princes and Kings of the Monkey army.

After a few days resting there and getting our feet on the ground I hope we will have the proper perspective for the next plan of work of Krsna, and our possibility of joining it.

Maybe we visit Boise again in this lifetime.

Need a travel partner.

Yet, also very nice if you all can visit us for a symposium and personal association in Nashville. You can channel Bhaktivinode Thakura through guitar and music! 😄

If we travel in USA it will be to only three places: Houston, Richmond and Boise, but now please join us getting our feet on the ground in our Base Camp.

Make movies.

Do Kid's dramas.

Interview local community leaders and scholars.

Local devotees headed by Ananta rupa Das.

Now 10.22PM. As you can see from the letter to Anandamaya Devi Dasi we are ripped up from today's war, so we will rest our body now.





See you soon. Very much respect to all of the Mothers. Husbands. Brahmacaris....

Hare krsna gurudev

1 year, 9 months ago by Rituraj majumder 8165 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, gurudev


Please accept my pranams at your lotus feet.

HpS - Lettuce feet, AGTSP! Paoho.

Since my last letter in January, my sadhana was good with 16rounds and 4regs till Gaura purnima.

HpS - Three months. Quarterly Report. That is nice.

Since Gaura purnima I am again struggling. There are ups and downs.

Yesterday on 1st April I was lamenting that I am bereft of your grace and at night in dreams you came and touched my head and my body became calm in my sleep. Thank you.

HpS - Hansadutta Swami told us that SP told him that the Spiritual Master does not do anything extraordinary usually. He chants Kirtan, answers letters, but ...through him... the Paramatma does many things. AgtSP.... Paoho...

On the note of association, I wanted to ask a question. The place I stay, we don't have an established Iskcon temple but there is established ISKM Ritwik temple with regular programs.

I am lonely here without any association.

Will it be a offence at your lotus feet if I go there for kirtans, prasad and programs?

HpS - If you can extract the poison from the nectar then do that. Even more potent is if you can go there to help them become free from misconceptions.

Praying that your blessings never leave this useless soul.

Hare krsna Srila Gurudev

Rturaj Krsna Das

HpS - Hare Krsna. Nehabikramo naso sti, pratyavayo no viddhya te, svapam api asya dharmasya, trayate maho bhayat. Find this verse and purport. Tell us what you think. It is after, around BG2.35

Hari bolo.

You are an importan soldier in this effort.

You need to become Guru for a thousand people.

Go ahead.

¡Hanuman Ayudaaa! (CONTENIDO)

asa[e] - yoga ladder, guru, sadhu, sastra

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I thought that this was something very intimate in the spiritual life and that it should not be revealed openly to other people, but following your instruction, I am now making the contents of the letter public.

I want to reveal my mind regarding a situation that has been happening to me for a few weeks. Today, April 1, 2023, I am writing this letter to you again.

On several occasions in the past I have tried to have a mystical connection to be able to make decisions in my life. On one occasion I asked questions in my mind and felt the answer in different parts of my body, but I found that it was not something reliable. I also paid attention to what was happening around me to have answers, but that can eventually turn into paranoia.

Before and after meeting the devotees I have practiced different methods of meditation, and recently I tried to meditate and have an answer within. And indeed I had an answer, either positive or negative.

As the days passed, I began to have answers in meditation that seemed contradictory, and the question arose in me: Could it be my false ego?

After that experience I tried to connect with who I really am, the soul, momentarily freeing myself from the false ego, and at the same time visualizing you: Hanumatpresaka Swami, Srila Prabhupada and Sri Krishna Caitanya (his feet), as an altar in the heart or in consciousness.

When I began to meditate and receive an answer, either positive or negative from this altar in my heart. The contradictory answers stopped and such a great clarity and peace came within me that I felt happy and surprised at the same time.

I have realized that I need to go into a state of deep meditation to have a clear answer, otherwise the false ego gets mixed up in the communication.

I have been able to organize my life better, have peace and be able to make decisions that are difficult to make due to my indecision and insecurity.

However, I come to you to confirm this communication in the heart. This may be my speculation or something similar, even more so for a mental patient like me.

Is this real Gurudeva or should I avoid doing it?

Thank you very much Gurudeva

Your Servant

Piyari Mohan das

PS: After receiving your response to the previous letter on this topic, this fact of communication in the heart began to be contradictory and finally stopped working.

Anyway, if this is not real, it has helped me to realize the implementation of intelligence, and make decisions through it.

Thank you Gurudeva.

HpS - AGTSP. Thank you so much for these comments and questions. Honestly, as far as we know, they are so useful for many people. Some are in a very similar situation as you and may not present it, and for others it is a chance to understand people of different mentalities than themselves.

Our Yoga is "sublime". That means it works directly on the root connection, directly from our current situation. We can be inclined to Tama and Raja guna in a body like Jayananda Das, a Sudra or woman or a child or a dog... but that does not matter. Krsna incarnates in a gross form like the Rathayatra cart or bread and potatoes, and we can do Yoga straight from the heart through that incarnation.

Our stuggles with building or assembling the Rathyatra cart touch our heart.

Yes, the mind and intellect, manas and buddhi, must become purified, but no direct effort is needed. If you see the light house and try to go towards it, automatically you negotiate all the obstacles in the path.


Maybe you are influenced by Tama and Sattva guna, so you can do very inspired art, but then sometimes very gross physical desires are activated in a very artistic way.

So, you must learn how to engage your body, words and mind in Krsna's service. Direct experiments with Yoga might be a natural part of your work, just as Anandamaya Devi Dasi or Jaya-prema Devi Dasi in their letters might be involved with children and mothers or aunts.

It is Visvannatha cakra Varti, as we remember, who says that whatever realization we have, we should check it with Guru, Sadhu and Sastra.

So, you may be in contact with the Paramatma, Deities on your gross or subtle altars, but then you check that with Guru... we are acting as Diksa guru, Siksa guru and Srila Prabhupada is your Siksa guru and Founder-Acharya (Samstapaka-acharya) Siksa and Diksa guru. He gives tons of information in his books, by his examples,

Sadhus --- There are the examples and preaching of the previous Acharyas through him, and our godbrothers in ISKCON.

Sastra - Does your inspiration agree with Srila Prabhupada's books.

If the answer is yes, yes, yes, then you can have trust in the details you get by inspiration. All of us must become Gosvamis. All of us just develop connection with Prabhupada in our intelligence. After that we can become completely pure devotees.

If there are very fine, necessary details to discuss, that you cannot solve by detailed discussion with other devotees, then we can communicate quickly about these details in more confidential communications.