Noticias desde New Vrindaban

1 year, 7 months ago by Gopi Radha Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido gurudeva por favor reciba mis reverencias. 

Ahora nos encontramos en New Vrindaban, Vidagdha, los niños y yo. Decidimos que uno de los objetivos familiares de mayor importancia, es darle a Mukunda y Muni más experiencias agradables con devotos y ampliar la perspectiva de su entorno y personas de quienes ellos aprenden.

Hay devotos tan increíblemente dulces, maduros espiritualmente y entregados a la misión de Srila Prabhupada de una manera excepcional. Talves sea raro y desalentador decir y pensar esto después de 20 años de conocer Conciencia de Krishna 🙈, pero pienso en lo corta, diminuta o casi nula de mi experiencia práctica en seguir con seriedad y entrega el proceso de bhakti. He analizado que la vida de un devoto soltero es muy fácil y feliz 🙈😅. Asi que, trato de entender la razón del porque estuve tantos años en un estira y afloja en mi vida espiritual. Por supuesto hay madres que pueden lograr más, pero mi experiencia fue así y ahora me acepto y motivo para hacer lo mejor que puedo. Es como si de repente puedo ver con un poco de claridad como es que avanzan tan rápido y de manera tan sencilla tantos devotos. En verdad, es como me dijiste, su corazón se ha vuelto tan suave, y sin presunciones han llegado a ser tan expertos en su área, tan dedicados en su servicio a guru y Krishna. Pienso también en ti y todo lo que has logrado. Es muy muy alentador ver que es muy posible cambiar tu vida y llegar a ser tan maduro y bien situado en tu varna.

Han sido años de trabajo de tantos devotos. Me siento como la rana en el pozo que no sabe cómo es el mar. Es tan inmenso el mar, pero la rana sigue pensando que su charco es lo más grande y agradable que existe, hasta que logra salir de ahí. 

Y aquí me encuentro en New Vrindaban, como una ranita despistada (talves más, como una osa🐻) descubriendo solo una pequeña parte del legado de Su Divina Gracia Srila Prabhupada.

Gurudeva, Vidagdha y yo estamos pensando en el bienestar de Mukunda y Muni, en todos los aspectos, y de toda la familia. Estamos analizando opciones para permanecer por más tiempo en EU. Nos gustaría que ellos pudieran continuar sus estudios aquí. En New Vrindaban casi no hay devotos tenns, así que, veremos como ellos van encontrando su lugar. Por lo pronto, Mukunda decidió aprender el cuidado de las vacas en el goshala y continúa con sus prácticas de guitarra y piano. Muni ayuda en momentos a su papá en el restaurante Govindas. Aún no encontramos actividades recreativas y sociales que ellos puedan realizar con chicos de su edad, pero esperamos pronto encontrar alternativas.

Recuerdo que en tu visita a México mencionaste que Mukunda y Muni podrían obtener una beca para estudiar en tu academia en Nashville, qué debía llevarlos a Nashville?

Mukunda y Muni continuarán por el momento estudios del idioma inglés y en un par de años ver las opciones de estudios universitarios. Pero dentro de nuestras prioridades, esta el dar seguimiento a tu proyecto en Nashville. También he revisado información del programa para jóvenes devotos, Krishna House, en Florida.

El tiempo pasa rápido y por supuesto dependemos de la misericordia de guru y Krishna, esperando hacer lo necesario de nuestra parte.

Estos días me a sido posible conectarme a tu programa matutino y tantas actividades espirituales aquí en New Vrindaban, Mangala Arati, Japa, clases, kirtana, puja, etc... 

Muchas muchas gracias Gurudeva, por todo tu esfuerzo. 

Tu sirviente Gopi Radha DD. 


All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Dear gurudeva please accept my obeisances.

We are now in New Vrindaban, West Virginia, USA, Vidagdha, the children and me. We decided that one of the most important family goals is to give Mukunda and Muni more enjoyable experiences with devotees and broaden the perspective of their environment and people from whom they learn.

There are devotees who are so incredibly sweet, spiritually mature and exceptionally devoted to Srila Prabhupada's mission. It may be weird and discouraging to say and think this after 20 years of knowing Krishna Consciousness 🙈, but I think about how short, tiny or almost none of my practical experience in seriously following and surrendering the bhakti process. I have analyzed that the life of a single devotee is very easy and happy 🙈😅. So, I try to understand the reason why I was in a push and pull in my spiritual life for so many years. Of course there are mothers who can achieve more, but my experience was like this and now I accept myself and motivate myself to do the best I can. It's like I can suddenly see a little clearly how so many devotees move so quickly and so easily. Indeed, it is as you told me, their heart has become so soft, and without presumption they have become so expert in their field, so dedicated in their service to guru and Krishna. I also think of you and all that you have achieved. It is very very encouraging to see that it is quite possible to change your life and become so mature and well situated in your varna.

It has been years of work by so many devotees. I feel like the frog in the well that doesn't know what the sea is like. The sea is so immense, but the frog continues to think that its puddle is the biggest and most pleasant thing that exists, until it manages to get out of there.

And here I am in New Vrindaban, like a little clueless frog (maybe more like a bear🐻) discovering only a small part of the legacy of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.

Gurudeva, Vidagdha and I are thinking of the welfare of Mukunda and Muni, in all respects, and of the whole family. We are analyzing options to stay longer in the US. We would like them to be able to continue their studies here. In New Vrindaban there are almost no Teen devotees, so we'll see how they find their place. For now, Mukunda decided to learn cow care at the goshala and continues his guitar and piano practice. Muni helps her father at times at Govindas restaurant. We have not yet found recreational and social activities that they can do with children their age, but we hope to find alternatives soon.

I remember that during your visit to Mexico you mentioned that Mukunda and Muni could get a scholarship to study at your academy in Nashville, what should I bring them to Nashville?

HpS - I don't remember anything specific. NIOS is only involved in development of publications and conferences. The university here, MTSU, might be an option when they are ready for university, but beyond that I think that devotees like Subra Devi Dasi would know more. They will be visiting us on next Saturday, Memorial Day Weekend. Call us then and you can talk with them. Send us your USA phone number in this Blog. We won't publish it but will use it to connect with you by telephone!

Mukunda and Muni will continue studying the English language for the moment and in a couple of years they will see the options for university studies. But within our priorities, is following up on your project in Nashville. I have also reviewed information from the program for young devotees, Krishna House, in Florida.

Time passes quickly and of course we depend on the mercy of guru and Krishna, hoping to do what is necessary on our part.

These days I have been able to connect to your morning program and so many spiritual activities here in New Vrindaban, Mangala Arati, Japa, classes, kirtana, puja, etc...

Thank you very much Gurudeva, for all your effort.

Your servant Gopi Radha DD.

HpS - Jaya. I think ISKCON is coming to maturity. The problems you found in your spiritual life in Mexico, I think you would have found the same in New Vrndavana a few years ago. Our whole society is blossoming with the flowers of the years of hard work of devotees like yourselves, and even ourselves under.



the causeless mercy of Srila Prabhupada.

Now Argentina in

Hari bol, Guru maharaja, AGTSP please accept my humble obeisances.

Now I am in Argentina (Bhakti Sashtri), it has been somewhat difficult to adapt to the rhythm and especially to the small details that living in an asrama has (such as sleep close to some one that it is common for others to snore and not being able to sleep well all night) or the typical problems that have a bathroom when it is shared by more than 4 people, but other than that the classes and the place are lovely,

ASA - !

Maharaja Dhanvantari Swami gives some very good classes on the Bhagavad-Gita, we are now in Cordova with Devaki and Mitravinda who have been very good hosts. Well, I've also been singing my 16 good rounds (although sometimes it's kind of complicated) and following the 4 principles.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja.

May health be with you and without much more to add.

AGTSP and please accept my humble obeisances again :D. 

HpS - Thank you 1,000,000 times for sending this news. Did you meet with Deva-vrata and Mataji and others in Cordoba?

My respects to Maharaja.

Yes, ashrama life is challenging, but it is easy in that you are carried along without any effort in following the standard principles, no?

Visión Creativa

1 year, 8 months ago by piyari_mohan_das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I know we have an everlasting relationship, but I think it's hard for many of us to think about the moment when you will leave your body. That is why I always wish to follow your instructions and serve you in this way, despite the physical distance.

As for a previous letter, about my "inspiration in the heart", I think that I am not pure enough to trust it. I prefer to continue strengthening my intelligence.

My sadhana remains regular: 16x4 - Reading - Arcana - Online sastra study with Vaisnavas - Some days of sankirtan (but little) - Prasadam (although sometimes I also eat bhoga). And well, I also don't have too regulated schedules with waking up in the morning.

The truth is that Krishna has credited me with several different qualities in this incarnation. Most of my life this has been a problem, as he didn't understand how to channel those abilities, and I didn't know what I should do in this incarnation.

Already in several letters he told you about my conclusions about my nature.

Today I understand that I will always be doing different things, but I think it is necessary to give direction to all these activities.

I think that direction is the ARTS.

After spirituality, what moves me the most in this material world is artistic expression and creativity.

My experience in the arts comes from childhood, but I never took it seriously, it has always been as a recreational activity, a hobby. I think it is time to dedicate myself to it and make this my livelihood and my contribution to preaching.

When the temple authorities can solve my situation and I can apologize to mother Guru Govinda and the rest of the congregation, my wish is to start my career as an artist.

After working and gaining experience in the cultural industry, I would like to create a cultural and creative development project that at the same time functions as a preaching system to present Krishna consciousness through the arts.

The idea is that in the future many other artists will be encouraged to participate and can help the expansion of Krishna consciousness through artistic expressions.

If I get your blessings, that will surely come true.

My obeisances Gurudeva

Your servant

Piyari Mohan das

HpS - ASA --- Your attitrude seems good now. We hope to hear comments from other members of this Blog. If I am assaulted in body, words or mind by someone, then I should think what apology with body, words, mind is really just so that I can really forgives them, and have practical relation with them again.

Report Month Madhusudana🌹🌸🌼🌻

1 year, 8 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my respectful obeisances unto your beautiful lotus feet adored Gurumaharaja.

ASA - En este verso, Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī le aconseja al devoto ser lo suficiente inteligente como para distinguir entre el kaniṣṭha-adhikārī, el madhyama-adhikārī, y el uttama-adhikārī. El devoto también debe conocer su propia posición, y no debe tratar de imitar al devoto que está situado en un plano superior.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to You, my dear Gurudeva!

I hope you are in good health and happy in your wonderful Govinda consciousness.

I am always trying my best to achieve the beautiful consciousness of love for our Krishna❤ thank you Gurudev for guiding me to Him and his friends!!

I send you a comment about song 1 cap.4 verse 22

I felt very lucky to read this meaning and was surprised that even though I had read it several times, I don't remember understanding it. I really liked the attitude of the bull, which was the personality of the religion.

I did not know that identifying the author of the acts is as sinful as the one that he does sinful acts. I think understanding this helps a lot to not get angry or hold resentments with anyone. It helps us understand that in case of gain or loss both are Krishna's grace.

ASA - In English, Christian culture, it says, "Hate the sin not the sinner".

I also thought that this meaning could be a bit strong if someone has gone through very difficult situations... they will always get angry with the author... how could we help in those cases?

ASA - It is for Uttama adhikari. For Madhyama adhikari: "Se espera que el devoto que no es un neófito ni un mahā-bhāgavata (un devoto altamente avanzado), sino que ésta en la posición intermedia del servicio devocional, ame a la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, haga amistad con los devotos, favorezca a los ignorantes y rechace a los envidiosos y a los demoníacos.", " Avoid the demoniac en the character of devotees and develop friendship in terms of their purification.

I also think that it is so important to ask krsna for protection in both cases be it gain or loss.

It is said that krsna gives us protection through intelligence... and since we all have different types of intelligence... some women should trust our intuition?... it is said that intuition and modesty are protection in women.

ASA - Castida y recatada! Comenzando en etapa de Dvija, podemos comenzar confiar en nuestra intuition, pero con confirmacion de Guru, Sadhu, Sastra.

And finally, now it is very fashionable, the constellations, healing of cakras, etc. Those things really help to connect with ourselves and our intuition?

ASA - maya tatam... Jaya.

I always believe that chanting the well-sung maha mantra will help us more than all this, but I ask if these things really help because I see many people doing these things.

ASA - As much as you can chant Maha-mantra, do that. It will dictate using other Mantras or systems of purification.


I feel very excited and inspired by his films Gurudev!

How can I help spread the word about him? We just bought the first one and we are going to see it!

I would like to be able to collaborate with you


Once they told me that my dance videos were very hippies🙂 .. I thought that the video Radha and the bee has many defects .. I put the dedication to you at the end (I had edited everything and I realized at the end .. and yes something was moving, the whole edition was going to move...)..and it's very long...we beg your feet to be able to know the defects of this video to better edit the next ones.

Many people comment that the festival that was held in the limestone "city where we live, was very beautiful, despite the fact that there were not many people (I sent photos to you) We hope to do another one... maybe in the nearby city where there are the slaughterhouse of cows. Sometimes I go to that city and see how the cows are taken in trucks... it is painful to know that they take them to kill them.

ASA - Yes, but they were killing cows and now they have become cows, no? Still try to help them!!!

I am sending you photos of the last festival we participated giving a dance workshop and presenting some choreographies.

It was in Villa Belgrano, a city about 4 hours from our home.

Please forgive any offense in this letter.

Thank you for your time respected Gurudeva.

Please accept obeisances from franco and gopal.

Your eternal servant aspirant:

Jpjr dd

HpS - ASA - Thank you. Hare Krsna~~ More Japa. Now. 2.37AM

Hare Krishna Gurudev

1 year, 8 months ago by bhaktadamian in Personal Sadhana Reports

(traducido con google)

Hare Krsna, Gurudev.

Please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to you.

I hope you are well.

The reason for my letter is to make you aware of our relationship situation with Campakalata devi dasi.

When we told you that we were starting a relationship, you said: together as brother and sister?

With Campakalata we have known each other for 7 and a half years, and we have a relationship of great affection, compatibility, affection, friendship, etc.

A little less than a year ago we are living together as a couple and we plan to get married.

We know our relationship is atypical. I am 42 years old and Campakalata is 56 and also she is much more experienced in Krsna consciousness.

Is this decision of ours to your liking?

HpS - AgtSP! Paoho. Almost anything is to our liking if people are chanting 16-enthusiastic rounds/day and following the four principles strictly.

We have heard that Srila Prabhupada said that if the wife is older than the husband then marriage will never work out. She will not be able to be submissive to a younger husband. In 90% of the cases we have unfortunately seen that it is true.

Of course, living a life as Vanaprastha is something different.

Living as Brother and Sister is different. Then having an older sister is not bad.

I cannot say much more.

We don't and really cannot know the details of the situation, but we have seen that both of you are very nice devotees, so we think again that if you make 16/4 the center of any situation it will sort it self out in a very satisfactory way.

Best wishes!!

Thank you gurudev

His would-be disciple and well-wisher, Deva-Vrata das

Hare Krsna


Hare Krsna Gurudev

Por favor acepte mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a usted.

Espero que usted se encuentre bien.

El motivo de mi carta es para ponerlo al tanto de nuestra situación sentimental con Campakalata devi dasi.

Cuando le contamos que estábamos empezando una relación usted dijo: ¿juntos como hermano y hermana?

Con Campakalata nos conocemos hace 7 años y medio, y tenemos una relación de mucho afecto, compatibilidad, cariño, amistad, etc.

Hace poco menos de un año estamos conviviendo como pareja y tenemos pensado casarnos.

Sabemos que nuestra relación es atípica. Yo tengo 42 años y Campakalata tiene 56 y además ella tiene mucha más experiencia en la conciencia de Krsna.

Esta decisión nuestra es de su agrado?

Gracias Gurudev

Su aspirante a discípulo y bienqueriente, Deva-Vrata das

Hare Krsna

Algunas preguntas

1 year, 8 months ago by Nadiya Nivasi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Hare krishna Guru Maharaj, aqui mi reporte con nuevas noticias y algunas preguntas que tengo desde Rio de Janeiro - Brasil.

En primer lugar me alegra que nuevamente ud. esté conectado en la mañana por "go to meeting".. me alegró bastante participar de este programa tan bonito en asociación con los devotos.

Mi sadhana es el siguiente; 2.45 am, 16 rondas ( estoy mejorando mi canto dia a dia) 4 principios, lectura del bagavatam todos los dias, 3 gayatris, puyari en el templo de Rio de Janeiro a sus Señorias Jaganath Balaram y Subadra y Gaura Nitay en cocina, bañar a las deidades, cambiar, aprendí a hacer turbantes con madre karuna mayi, acostar.

Tambien algunos dias hago guirnaldas y estoy aprendiendo a cuidar de tulasis con M. Karuna mayi y Yasoda, tulasis estan muy hermosas, esta semana le aumentamos tierra y baño de hojas con agua de clavo de olor para auyentar a las arañas y otros insectos.

En mis ratos libres me voy a nadar a la playa, el mar es tibio , aveces voy temprano cuando no tengo servicio y camino por la arena cantando rondas con matayis, algunos dias me pongo a correr por la arena... tambien un poco de hatha yoga.

Estamos extrañando la asociacion de m. Karuna mayi y p. Anandamaya, esperamos que vuelvan pronto, cuando llegué aqui encajé muy bien con los devotos, me gusta el templo y la asociación que hay aquí, pero el idioma no me gusta 🤭😬, pero estoy apendiendo de apoco para poder tener buena comunicación en servicio con los devotos de Rio de janeiro.

Es increible pero estoy viviendo en asram de madres ya casi 1 año...(6 meses en iskcon san borja y 3 meses en templo de Rio) no sé como puedo aguantar tanto porque en verdad no me considero brahmacarini, pero a la vez me gusta la vida de templo y hacer austeridades, los ayunos en mi cuerpo ya no sufren como antes 🤣, ahora disfruto de los ayunos.

Pero he pensado que no quiero ser brahmacarini, nunca estuvo en mi mente esto, y necesito hacer vida de grjastra quiero que sea natural esto para pasar a la siguiente etapa... pero tambien le pido a las deidades que hagan lo mejor para mi, pero necesito establecer esto en mi vida para mantener un equilibrio en mi vida espiritual.

Por otro lado con Gadai Gauranga Das mantenemos buena comunicación como amigos, no guardo ningun rencor ni resentimiento a El, siempre esta en mis oraciones y sé que es un gran devoto, pero solo puedo verlo como un amigo o hermano espiritual y conversamos lo necesario sobre la casa y el terreno que tenemos.

Siempre hay pruebas y problemas en la convivencia con los devotos especificamente con una madre de 47 años, esto me llenó de mucha existe perfeccion en este mundo... ni menos felicidad plena y entiendo que son pruebas para purificarnos, pulir y mejorar nuestro carácter y comportamiento entre los devotos, creo que ningun devoto es malo conosco desde los 8 años de edad iskcon... y apesar que he visto cosas muy graves siempre he pensado que los.devotos no son tan malos que siempre será mejor estar en iskcon que afuera. 🙂

Creo que solo este año estaré viviendo en un templo, porque necesito rehacer mi vida y formar un hogar, no le voy a mentir gurudeva pero conocí algunos devotos del sexo opuesto del extranjero, pero no he decidido nada todavia, le rezo todos los.dias a las deidades para que cuiden mi corazon y mi futuro sea para mejorar mi vida espiritual y avanzar mucho mas en el sendero espiritual con mucha asociación de ďevotos, quiero que todos mis deseos sean canalizados para mi avance espiritual.

Bueno me despido gurudeva, estamos tomando muy en serio lo que ud. Dijo" solo.un demonio puede intentar terminar sus rondas rapido". Estamos tratando de que nuestra yapa mejore y podamos amasar y amasar las cuentas una a una con mucha atencion y amor.

Gracias por permitirme seguir este sendero maravilloso del bhakti, seguimos quemando karma, purificandonos y llenando de amor nuestro corazón para que algún día tengamos la verdadera felicidad 😇

Hare krishna 🙏🏼

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi


All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare krishna Guru Maharaj, here is my report with new news and some questions that I have from Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.

First of all, I'm glad you're back. be connected in the morning by "go to meeting".. I was very happy to participate in this beautiful program in association with the devotees.

My sadhana is as follows; 2.45 am, 16 rounds (I am improving my singing day by day) 4 principles, reading the bagavatam every day, 3 gayatris, puyari in the temple of Rio de Janeiro to their Lordships Jaganath Balaram and Subadra and Gaura Nitay in the kitchen, bathing the deities, change, I learned to make turbans with mother karuna mayi, lay down.

Also some days I make garlands and I am learning to take care of tulasis with M. Karuna mayi and Yasoda, tulasis are very beautiful, this week we add soil and bath leaves with clove water to scare away spiders and other insects.

In my spare time I go swimming at the beach, the sea is warm, sometimes I go early when I don't have service and I walk along the sand singing rondas with matayis, some days I start running through the sand... also a bit of hatha yoga.

We are missing the association of m. Karuna mayi and p. Anandamaya, we hope they come back soon, when I got here I fit in very well with the devotees, I like the temple and the association here, but I don't like the language 🤭😬, but I'm learning little to be able to have good communication in service with the devotees of Rio de Janeiro.

It's incredible but I've been living in the mother's asram for almost 1 year now...(6 months in iskcon san borja and 3 months in the Rio temple) I don't know how I can endure so much because I really don't consider myself a brahmacarini, but at the same time I I like temple life and do austerities, the fasts in my body no longer suffer like before 🤣, now I enjoy the fasts.

But I have thought that I do not want to be a brahmacarini, this was never in my mind, and I need to lead the life of a grjastra I want this to be natural to move on to the next stage... but I also ask the deities to do the best for me, but I need to establish this in my life to maintain a balance in my spiritual life.

On the other hand, we maintain good communication with Gadai Gauranga Das as friends, I do not hold any grudges or resentment towards him, he is always in my prayers and I know he is a great devotee, but I can only see him as a friend or spiritual brother and we talk as necessary about the house and land we have.

There are always tests and problems in living with the devotees, specifically with a 47-year-old mother, this filled me with great anxiety.....there is no perfection in this world...nor less than full happiness and I understand that they are tests to purify ourselves , polish and improve our character and behavior among the devotees, I think that no devotee is bad I have known since I was 8 years old iskcon... and even though I have seen very serious things I have always thought that the devotees are not so bad that they always it will be better to be at iskcon than outside. 🙂

ASA/Tom Brown - In Iskcon is 50% mad. Outside is 85% mad?

I think that only this year I will be living in a temple, because I need to rebuild my life and make a home, I am not going to lie to you gurudeva but I met some devotees of the opposite sex from abroad, but I have not decided anything yet, I pray to him every day. to the deities to take care of my heart and my future is to improve my spiritual life and advance much more in the spiritual path with a lot of association of ďevotos, I want all my desires to be channeled for my spiritual advancement.

Well I say goodbye gurudeva, we are taking very seriously what you. He said "only a demon can try to finish his rounds fast". We are trying to improve our yapa and we can knead and knead the accounts one by one with a lot of attention and love.

Thank you for allowing me to follow this wonderful path of bhakti, we continue to burn karma, purify ourselves and fill our hearts with love so that one day we will have true happiness 😇

I will do krishna 🙏🏼

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

HpS - Very nice report. I can think of other devotees with female bodies for whom this is a perfect perspective on their own life.

Thank you.

Hari Bolo!