My Anartha - Sayuja Mukti

asa[e] - sayuja mukti

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva,

Please accept my hopeful obeisances.

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada,

HpS/ASA - AgtSP! Thank you for your Blog post! We were talking with some Senior ISKCON devotee a few days ago and a thought was that 'AgtSP' should come before anything else. 'Ekaki amara, nahi paya bala, harinama sankirtane', (Ohe, Vaisvana Thakura).

Without SP we cannot chant, follow principles, respect each other... .


Is correct?

We had detail conversation with HG Partha Pratim Prabhu about our own desire and Anarthas.

It came out, we never wanted to serve Krsna, we want Sayuja Mukti (merging with Krsna Body).

Moreover in this world we want Opulence of Fame of Krsna, but we wanted to famous as Renunciant, so that every other famous person ( beautiful, powerful, rich, knowledgeable) will bow down in front of us.

ASA - Even Arnold Schwarzenegger? 😲

We have accepted that we can not become Krsna, so we will try to become as close to him as we can, by even merging in him.

HG said that only good quality /hope is our attachement to you.

We did not know that we envy Krsna so much, that we are ready to eternal Spiritual suicide.

Can you kindly elaborate more in on desire of Sayuja Mukti? Can you add more of your expert comments as Guru ( finding fault with disciple for Disciple's benefit).

Who in scripture was also suffering from this disease? What steps we can take be cured from this disease?

rarest of the offender

Harsh Pradhan

HpS/ASA - Thank you for this question!

This has been in the back of our mind forever.

We hear about this desire.

SP writes about it a lot, no??!

Yet, he also says that Mayavada, Sunyavada, philosophy is 'incomprehensible'.

We first read this long before initiation or living in SF temple. We were trying to understand Buddhist philosophy.

Eg. God is a circle with its center everywhere and no circumference. We were going mad trying to 'comprehend' it. Then we read Prabhupada's above comment, and 🙂 aaaah. It all made sense.

What does it feel like to merge with Krsna's body or become Sunya, zero?

It seem like a completely silly question.

It is like, "What does it feel like to be dead"? 😄 😄😄

I have heard that SP said the closest we can come to understanding Sayujya mukti is to imagine what it would be like to wake up in the morning and there was no one else in the world except for you.

Hare Krsna!

Very interesting, no?

Would all the bakeries still be working?


I can only understand wanting unobstructed fame, power etc.

Even that I'm seeing I have childish ideas of what these are. It is like a three year old child thinking that unlimited power would be to eat as many cookies as you wanted whenever you wanted etc.

Now that we are inspired in this meditation, and we have been informed how really great God really is we can start to imagine really big power.

Eg. Benediction of Vrkasura.

Ooof. Scary. Empty. We just want to be servants of Krsna, in so many indirect ways, always at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada (with you?).

Of course, our personal power, ability, beauty, can continually develop in service in ways that not even Krsna can predict.

That is our realization.

We've seen at moments how deeply rooted these desires for fame are. I suspect that you, me, HG Partha Pratim Das, are doing everything, EVERYTHING, 99.999% for selfish desire.

Only hope is that Radha is more powerful than Durga.

Mercy is the essence of justice, not truth.


Respects to Prabhu.

Hari-nama Diksa Candidate

1 year, 8 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

From Yahoo.Com:

Hare Krishna, Hanumat Presaka Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Attached below is a first initiation letter of recommendation for Sunita Telhan.

Your servant,

Giri-govardhana Dasa



A A A gSP! Paoho... !. It is so nice to get your association.

On the basis of this official recommendation, our personal contact with Mataji and recommendation of others, we are certainly very happy to act as ISKCON Diksa guru for Mataji.

Very happy.

In general we have stopped giving Hari-nama Diksa because of our advanced physical age and can certainly recommend devotees like Radha-krsna Das in Houston to perform the function, but in Mataji's case it seems appropriate.

What Mataji's date of birth?

The ceremony will be in Rich Mound when we visit in a few weeks?

Thank you.

Hoping you find some engagement for us in your Sankirtan!

Hanumatpresaka Swami

Devotional Service and Association

1 year, 8 months ago by balabhadra dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja, please kindly accept my most humble obeisances; all glories to his divine grace, Srila Prabhupada, who has established this worldwide mission of Lord Chaitanya for the benefit of all souls; all glories to your good self, for your many years of selfless devotion to Srila Prabhupada.

I was chanting one of the "Gopinatha" prayers by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, and reading over the translation. As I was reading the translation I began to realize more fully how these prayers were meant for me, just to help me realize my precarious position. It's kind of like "Now listen hear Balabhadra, you really don't understand you're in some pretty serious trouble here." There is no way that I can deny that my heart is still full of unlimited desires. How is it that I am able to keep up with my practice of sadhana bhakti in light of this truth is beyond me. There are times when I feel the need to shed tears because I feel so helpless and so useless as a devotee because of so many desires that don't allow me to be more sincere and determined in my life.

This summer marks 40 years since I received brahman initiation and when I began performng full time Deity worship, and yet I don't feel very brahminical at heart. But I do find that I feel hopeful when I have some small opportunity to give someone a book about Krishna consciousness, sharing what little I can. I'm not exactly a stalwart or empowered preacher or book distributor. The online classes that I give help to uplift me and keep me enthusiastic, although sometimes no one else is online, and I am alone. Still, I maintain these online classes even if no one shows up, because I heard on more than one occasion that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta had said "if no one comes to listen, then preach to the four walls." And so, that is what I do, to try and stay enlivened in my devotional service. Keeping up with my sadhana of chanting my rounds, following the regulative principles and being able to serve Sri Sri Radha Govinda on my altar is certainly of great solace, and thus I can feel some measure of hope.

HpS - AgtSP! Are you able to do some worship of Radha Banki-bihari?

I felt the need to write this small bit because I feel like I am in your association when I take the time out to share. I wish that I had more physical association of older devotees, such as yourself. I find great comfort and hope when I listen to the classes of older devotees: in particularly those who are disciples of Srila Prabhupada, but who are less known by the greater world of ISKCON, because of their of simple living as Vaishnavas. The Bhagavatam classes that come out of Hawaii each morning are especially enlivening. The devotees in that group are seasoned with some five decades of devotional service. So often their realizations are out of reach of the younger, lesser experienced devotees. Upfront they are "rank and file" devotees. In reality I consider such stalwart Vaishnavas to be the "unsung heroes" of Srila Prabhupada's movement. How I wish I could be worthy of their mercy and personal association.

I will close here, hoping that I have not committed some offense to any devotees, especially to your good self. I beg for your forgiveness in advance, if I have done so.

Your lowly servant,

Sriman Balabhadra dasa

HpS - Very nice. We just started a Whatsapp group to organize our ASA visit to Boise, and included you!

More news as it comes.

Personal and Sankirtan News from Bali etc.

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble Obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Kapi Dvaja family, Ki Jay!

Due to visa, me and my husband, we had to leave Bali for a while. Now we are back here.

HpS/ASA - Hare Krsna!! Thank you for writing us! Where is "here". 😃

Unfortunately, I don't get India 's student visa. I don't know when India will reopen a tourist visa to China. I was planning to meet you in Kartik in Vrindavan.

ASA - We have no plans to be in in India in Kartika!

Seems like that won't happen so soon. It's very sad.

HpS - A little bit, but Mother Saci was happy that Nimai was based in Puri. She was getting news and Prasadam from Him and He and Nitai came for lunch everyday.

In Bali,we stay in one temple, Singaraja Town, Prabhuji gives classes and does books, I do service in the kitchen and sowing deities outfits.

HpS - Super!

We attend mangala arati and other programs everyday. We chant our rounds early in the morning. To improve my chanting, I watched some seminars from Hari sauri prabhu, Giriraj maharaja and Jayadvaita Swami. I have followed all the rules strictly and have been enthusiastic. I am ready to take responsibility of being intitiated.

HpS - Have you taken The Disciple Course? You need letter of recommendation from Temple President or some GBC line authority. In any case, if you are chanting 16-nice rounds and following the four principles strictly and following Temple program and want to take shelter of Srila Prabhupada for initiation, it seems certain that he and the Supersoul are taking lasting attention to your commitment.

Can you fulfill the above administrative requirements?

How long 16/4 been doing?

Your aspirant

Wang Pan

Dandavats dear Hanunat Preshak Maharaja

Glories to His Divine Grace!

Its my privilege to write few words from the Eastern front to your Holiness. I apologise for my English mistakes.

Initially we were on the way to New Gowardhan, Australia. Rupa Ragunath prabhuji (TKG) invited me to join the green pasturing grounds on the Golden Coast in distribution of books. Mainly I thought that could be a better place for Rukmini. More girls and some senior matajis so she can grow more healthy.

Also everyone speaks English which is not the case in Indonesia. Bali although tourist place hardly anyone can say few words in English. Nothing is written in English on the streets or shops. They want to keep their culture untouched as much as possible is what they say. However, somehow we got stuck here.

Here is work in progress, New Gowardhan is already well organised. Recently in Bali government banned devotees from public activities and party members often come to temple to treaten devotees. It did had effect . Many devotees just stop coming to temple. We could say, their activities and faith were not based/rooted on sastra, so when trouble came, many left.

With sentiments they came, due to sentiment they left. Its sad. Its been long time things were going well here. Now is turning point and major test for devotees who remained. As usually, two sides are claiming they know how to continue. One wants to remain as it is and the other one wants to mix with Balinese culture to make it look more "normal".

We know everything is temporary and sooner or later things will change so we are basically unaffected by this. As Prabhupada said, nothing can stop the movement from inside. That is the case again. We have seen similar things around the society but it seems like devotees have to go through that purification.

I got good responses from local devotees. Simple people, culture of humility. Lots of facilities to talk and I hope for more as the relationships become more solid with steadiness.

Books are hard to get. Australia is expensive and Indonesia tax books from there. Mumbai gave up saying that there are no ships. So I personally went to Vrindavan and send by post and found someone who can do that when needed.

Shipping for 100 kg is 500 usd . Someone says its too much, but that would be vaishya calculation. We are interested in the pleasure of the Lord and experience showed us that yagna brings multiple benefits, not only to the person who has received the books. So we took it as a favorable and believe in Krsnas intervention.

Books only go to foreigners, its more safe. Locals are all very negative for Hare Krsna at this time. There are plenty of spots where I can move and remain invisible. Our devote bought Ganja oil online from Holland for his wife who has cancer and police found out the bottle in the post office. They took him to jail and sentenced 14 years. So severe are punishments here for small offences. That is another reason books find owners in foreigners hands. And and and....lots of things, it's a time of need in short.

Maharaja, with your prayers and attention we can continue contributing to this wonderful movement of Lord Caitanya. This movement makes sense and its worth of giving life to it. Taking Prabhupada to the future is our motto.

Book Distribution ki Jai!

Sarva Sukhino Bhavantu!

Your servant

Narayan pandit das

HpS - Wow! Thank you so much for this letter. It is an honor to know you and your Sankirtan. Our old friend Abhimanyu Das we in a center in Bali teaching in the Gurukula. Do you know him? He is disciple of B. S. Damodara Swami.

I hope you can help Mrs. Rukmni adjust the GBC requirements for initiation.

Nothing can stop us.

URGENTE carta de LaksmiRadha DD URGENTE

1 year, 8 months ago by laskmiradhadd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances at your lotus feet all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

HpS/ASA - Lettuce feet. AgtSP!

Dear Gurudev, I hope you're doing very well on your transcendental basis, every day we ask Lord Narasimha to protect you in all directions.

ASA - 🐷


 We are very grateful for the daily Darsan, which serves as a focus to develop our daily devotional service, I feel that little by little I have been improving, we still have to heal more anarthas, but sadhana and sadhu sanga are the best medicine.

 We continue to serve at Krsna Lunch Gainesville, our sponsor, where we are 30 minutes from the Alachua Temple, which we visit on Sundays for programs and parties. We are truly very fortunate for such mercy and the transformation of our lives.

We continue to study the Bhakti Sastri with Prabhu Laksmana Agraja who is very enthusiastic about deepening and sharpening our gaze on the sastras.

We will have a one week break from Monday. June 28th

ASA - Monday, today is June 26th? Next Monday is July 3rd?

. . . and we want to visit you in Nashville,

we would travel on Tuesday to Murari Sakha Temple (where we would stay) and go to your base for the program on Wednesday and Thursday

ASA - What program??? 😕

We live in a cottage in the jungle and the only regular program we have is FMS and Evening Walk with NgD and the GMGWS?

Murari is like a two hour drive each way????

We would suggest you don't come.

Spend more time with Alachua Temple or Subra and Caitanya et al!!

Devotees are coming for the 15th July weekend.

That would be more productive.

Then the 16th or so of September.


and return Friday loaded with bhakti and illumination of your lotus lips. Excuse me for writing at the last minute, but time has played against us between service and sadhana.

Surrendered at your lotus feet,

Laksmiradha DD & Syam Krsna Gopal Das

HpS - We don't use our lotus lips too much here.

More on line.



🐒 🐒

Yasoda Devi Dasi - España??

1 year, 8 months ago by yasoda in Personal Sadhana Reports



Hare Krishna muy querido y siempre recordado Gurumaharaja 🙏

Aún seguimos en "Gopalandia"= Cochabamba Bolivia (todos los devotos tienen un Gopal en sus casas) Estamos hospedados con los discípulos de Srila Narayana Goswami Maharaja, ellos tienen una relación vivencial espiritual tan fuerte con su guru que nos inspira mucho. Ayer tuvimos un programa de Ratha Yatra y me dieron la misericordia de pintar a las deidades JBS para el festival 🙏

El Prabhu Nityananda (vivió 16 años en India) formó un grupo para tocar bhajans MANTRARAS, mi pareja (Govinda) toca los cartalos y yo hago coros. Concursamos para un concierto musical grande que organiza la Alianza Francesa y fuimos clasificados!!!! El sábado 24 de junio tenemos la presentación musical, también repartiremos dulces haribolitas prasadam. Y el 25 (sí Krishna quiere regresamos a Perú)

Se presentó la oportunidad para viajar al templo de España. Escribí al Prabhu Mahajan para consultar sobre un anuncio de voluntariado en el hotel del templo, luego hablamos y cuando le conté que estudié educación y tenía práctica con niños que tienen diversos problemas de aprendizaje, el Prabhu me dijo que quizás podía hacer el voluntariado en el gurukula. Consulté con mi papá y él está muy feliz de que yo viaje al templo de España (ese es su deseo y sueño para sus hijos, que hagamos nuestras vidas fuera de Sudamérica) mi papá se siente más seguro si yo estaría con los devotos. Según me dijo el Prabhu Mahajan en estos días me mandarían la invitación para que yo solicite una visa religiosa por un año... bueno mi deseo real es estar en España para así luego poder ir a India y verlo Gurumaharaja Y al mismo tiempo conocer a la familia de mi pareja que viven en Eslovaquia e Inglaterra (soy sincera) Mis tíos que me educaron de niña ya dejaron este mundo, siento que necesito cambiar de espacio, laboralmente ya aprendí lo básico para trabajar con niños en Sudamérica (hice unas prácticas en un centro de terapia para niños en Bolivia y la metodología es la misma) Pero usted qué opina Gurumaharaja?

Sí Krishna quiere que el viaje a España se realice pues iría con Govinda (mi pareja es de Europa así que para él no hay que realizar trámites de protocolo) él estaría conmigo un mes quizás y luego Govinda iría a Checoslovaquia para un trabajo. Pensamos en casarnos pero mi papá dice que es mejor esperar un tiempo más para conocernos (tenemos 2años y unos meses de relación) pienso que los europeos cargan unos trastornos sociales históricos muy fuertes (la unión soviética, invasiones de Sudamérica, India, etc) karmaticamente les cuesta mucho ser sumisos y quizás rendirse al guru y Krishna (piensan mucho con la mente,ego y escuchan poco a paramatma quizás)

Yo lo extraño mucho Gurumaharaja... aún creo que va venir a Perú para pasar su cumpleaños con nosotros...pero luego pienso que usted siempre se acercó a nosotros, ahora es tiempo de que nosotros vayamos a verlo donde usted se encuentre.

Que el Señor Nrsimha lo siga bendiciendo y protegiendo mucho!!! Mis oraciones son para usted 🙏

Gracias por los mensajes a través del corazón 🙏🧡🙏

Con aprecio y respeto:

Yasoda Devi Dasi




Hare Krishna very dear and always remembered Gurumaharaja 🙏

We are still in "Gopalandia" = Cochabamba Bolivia (all devotees have a Gopal in their homes) We are staying with the disciples of Srila Narayana Goswami Maharaja, they have such a strong spiritual experiential relationship with their guru that it inspires us a lot. Yesterday we had a Ratha Yatra program and I was given the mercy to paint the JBS deities for the festival 🙏

Prabhu Nityananda (lived 16 years in India) formed a group to play MANTRARAS bhajans, my partner (Govinda) plays the cartalos and I do choirs. We competed for a large musical concert organized by the Alliance Française and we were classified!!!! On Saturday June 24 we have the musical presentation, we will also distribute sweet haribolitas prasadam. And on the 25th (if Krishna wants we return to Peru)

The opportunity presented itself to travel to the temple in Spain. I wrote to Prabhu Mahajan to inquire about a volunteer advert at the temple hotel, then we talked and when I told him that I studied education and had practice with children who have various learning disabilities, the Prabhu told me that perhaps I could volunteer at the gurukula. I consulted with my dad and he is very happy that I travel to the temple in Spain (this is his wish and dream for his children, that we make our lives outside of South America) my dad feels more secure if I would be with the devotees. As Prabhu Mahajan told me, these days they would send me the invitation so that I could apply for a religious visa for one year... well, my real desire is to be in Spain so that later I can go to India and see Gurumaharaja and at the same time meet Gurumaharaja. my partner's family who live in Slovakia and England (I'm honest) My uncles who raised me as a child have already left this world, I feel I need to change places, at work I already learned the basics to work with children in South America (I did an internship in a therapy center for children in Bolivia and the methodology is the same) But what do you think, Gurumaharaja?

If Krishna wants the trip to Spain to take place, he would go with Govinda (my partner is from Europe so there are no protocol procedures for him) he would be with me for perhaps a month and then Govinda would go to Czechoslovakia for a job. We thought about getting married but my dad says that it is better to wait a while longer to get to know each other (we have been in a relationship for 2 years and a few months) I think that Europeans carry very strong historical social upheavals (the Soviet Union, invasions of South America, India, etc) karmatically It is very difficult for them to be submissive and perhaps surrender to guru and Krishna (they think a lot with their minds, ego and listen little to paramatma perhaps)

I miss you very much Gurumaharaja... I still think that he will come to Peru to spend his birthday with us... but then I think that you always approached us, now it's time for us to go see him wherever you are .

May Lord Nrsimha continue to bless and protect you a lot!!! My prayers are for you 🙏

Thanks for the messages through the heart 🙏🧡🙏

With appreciation and respect:

yasoda devi dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna. AgtSP! Paoho. Hope there are some photos attached. Very interesting news. Go ahead with your efforts. You seem to be on the right path. Respects to "Your Partner", Govinda. 😃

Almost any relationship is fine if everyone is following 16/4 under the authority of Srila Prabhupada.

Going to India to see us is rather unstable. We have no plans to travel to India. We do not have any fixed travel or residential plans fixed yet, except what is in the Calendar in the:


Yet, going to Spain, New Vraja-mandala seems very, very, nice.

Respects to your esteemed father.

Your analysis of European people seems to match ours in many aspects. They have much deeper resources than we Americans.

! Hari Bolo !.

It, the Sun's position, is 9.30PM now.

Brother Ass, our body, is very, very tired, exhausted, but Monkey, our mind, is still active.

Hare Krsna.

Thank you.

Thank all the participants in this Blog!



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