My Anartha - Sayuja Mukti
asa[e] - sayuja mukti
Hare Krishna, Gurudeva,
Please accept my hopeful obeisances.
All Glories To Srila Prabhupada,
HpS/ASA - AgtSP! Thank you for your Blog post! We were talking with some Senior ISKCON devotee a few days ago and a thought was that 'AgtSP' should come before anything else. 'Ekaki amara, nahi paya bala, harinama sankirtane', (Ohe, Vaisvana Thakura).
Without SP we cannot chant, follow principles, respect each other... .
Is correct?
We had detail conversation with HG Partha Pratim Prabhu about our own desire and Anarthas.
It came out, we never wanted to serve Krsna, we want Sayuja Mukti (merging with Krsna Body).
Moreover in this world we want Opulence of Fame of Krsna, but we wanted to famous as Renunciant, so that every other famous person ( beautiful, powerful, rich, knowledgeable) will bow down in front of us.
ASA - Even Arnold Schwarzenegger? 😲
We have accepted that we can not become Krsna, so we will try to become as close to him as we can, by even merging in him.
HG said that only good quality /hope is our attachement to you.
We did not know that we envy Krsna so much, that we are ready to eternal Spiritual suicide.
Can you kindly elaborate more in on desire of Sayuja Mukti? Can you add more of your expert comments as Guru ( finding fault with disciple for Disciple's benefit).
Who in scripture was also suffering from this disease? What steps we can take be cured from this disease?
rarest of the offender
Harsh Pradhan
HpS/ASA - Thank you for this question!
This has been in the back of our mind forever.
We hear about this desire.
SP writes about it a lot, no??!
Yet, he also says that Mayavada, Sunyavada, philosophy is 'incomprehensible'.
We first read this long before initiation or living in SF temple. We were trying to understand Buddhist philosophy.
Eg. God is a circle with its center everywhere and no circumference. We were going mad trying to 'comprehend' it. Then we read Prabhupada's above comment, and 🙂 aaaah. It all made sense.
What does it feel like to merge with Krsna's body or become Sunya, zero?
It seem like a completely silly question.
It is like, "What does it feel like to be dead"? 😄 😄😄
I have heard that SP said the closest we can come to understanding Sayujya mukti is to imagine what it would be like to wake up in the morning and there was no one else in the world except for you.
Hare Krsna!
Very interesting, no?
Would all the bakeries still be working?
I can only understand wanting unobstructed fame, power etc.
Even that I'm seeing I have childish ideas of what these are. It is like a three year old child thinking that unlimited power would be to eat as many cookies as you wanted whenever you wanted etc.
Now that we are inspired in this meditation, and we have been informed how really great God really is we can start to imagine really big power.
Eg. Benediction of Vrkasura.
Ooof. Scary. Empty. We just want to be servants of Krsna, in so many indirect ways, always at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada (with you?).
Of course, our personal power, ability, beauty, can continually develop in service in ways that not even Krsna can predict.
That is our realization.
We've seen at moments how deeply rooted these desires for fame are. I suspect that you, me, HG Partha Pratim Das, are doing everything, EVERYTHING, 99.999% for selfish desire.
Only hope is that Radha is more powerful than Durga.
Mercy is the essence of justice, not truth.
Respects to Prabhu.