When the Dog is Beaten too Much

12 years, 3 months ago by Alexader the Almost Great in Personal Sadhana Reports


All Glories to Sri Sri Radha and Krishna
 All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
 Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja PAMHO ¡¡
 This is an anonymous letter to protect my identity

         ASA - AGTSP   We (Monkey and Piggy) know what you mean. Yet ultimately our identity is very clear, we are all servants of Gokula ranjan!


I hope you can understand that, sorry for the inconvenience. I am writing to tell you that my spiritual life is not going well, because I lost the enthusiasm in spiritual life but not faith in the process, the point is this… after going through a good time in the constant company of service with devotees I had to get away from them due to I was punished by the authorities,and not allow to serve Prabhupada, and this has had me in a stupor in which I can not be totally happy and every single moment I can hardly keep myself in chanting japa, I feel that I've been fixed only for SP’s mercy and yours but by my own strength I can not go on like this. The problem lies that no devotee has worried about me since the moment I made a mistake and being punished, on the contrary I was prosecuted and discriminated by my condition of being a fallen person, so I condition was so so I wrote to the President of the temple to see what can we do about this and how they could help me, after several emails they never answered me and every time I saw them in person we did not discuss this topic and talk to me quickly without asking me how I was been,vjust one godbrother was really worried about me and charged me with enthusiasm He is now in India, but I never saw a response from the temple authorities who are supposed to be safeguard for the spiritual life of the devotees and not exclude them when they make a mistake, especially after so many years on which we made service together for Prabhupada. The problem is I am desperate with the issue and not know what else I can do to keep my spiritual life without being able to have the association of devotees, because whenever I go to the temple I feel discriminated and sorry because I could not sing or do some service. It has been more than a year since this incident occur. Please I humbly request that U give me encouraging words because I do not know what to do, I'm totally desperate I do not want to lose my spiritual life. if you want I can give you more details privately. What hurts me the most is to bother U with these issues, I feel ashamed of my own person due to I'm not a good servant to you, please excuse me and please save me from this black hole in which I am immersed.

your ashamed and fallen disciple
Hare Krishna

           ASA - Jaya!    AgtSP!        Thank you very much for your letter.   It could be the same letter that 15,000 other ISKCON devotees send.   Thank you.

        Why didn't you write sooner?   Honestly we can't handle letters in Yahoo from 500 people a month!       We would get like 25 letters a month like your good letter.   Now we can give our ideas here one time and 24 more people, at least, can see what we have to say.

       1) I personally heard one reporter ask Srila Prabhupada, "Swami Ji, are there problems in your Temples?".

Srila Prabhupada was on the Vyasasana and laughed and said, "This is the material world, there are problems everywhere".

       Even when >>  KRSNA <<    was personally present in      >>Vrndavana<<    there were  demons coming, and their threats were so strong that it caused the girls to abort their embryos!!!!!!!

      I don't think it is that bad in most of our current ISKCON Temples.

       2) I as expelled from the Temple one time {:o).    I thought it was totally unjust, but at the same time I was thinking, O.K.  It's a fact, I have done so many little dishonest things in Devotional Service.   A lot of little things is a big thing.  This angry, stupid Temple President (my opinion) is just acting as an agent of Lord Jagannatha.   Really I deserve so much more chastisement.   I deserve to be banned from the Temple, not just asked to not stay in the Ashrama.
O.K.   We deserve what we are getting. We have to learn our lesson. Surrender and not think it is too big a chastisement and advance.
Yet, the "Stupid" Temple President was chastised by Krsna for harrassing an "Innocent" Devotee (me (my opion)) who didn't support his "arrogant" administration and apologized.

3) Yes, we can discuss in detail by confidential Yahoo, but maybe better to talk with authorities when we get to your city????

Are some ideas to start with.  Your ideas?   ?????
     ASA - Monkey/Piggy et al!

Bhaktin Zareth México Mandir.

12 years, 3 months ago by zareth bhaktin in Personal Sadhana Reports


Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada  y al señor Caitanya y su movimiento de sankirtana.

Pamho querido Gurudeva.

Sigo insistiendo en poder cantar 16 rondas diarias continúas cada día, pidiendo por su pronta recuperación de salud. 4 principios y  fin de semana en el Templo se sus señorías Sri Sri Radha Madhan Gopal.

                ASA --- TlgaSP    Esta en el sendero rapido volve a su Jefe!

Tuvimos la visita de su santidad Bhakti-bhusana Swami durante una semana, me quede toda esa semana en el templo para  escuchar sus clases en la mañana, para después ir a la escuela y adelantar durante la noche servicios que Krishna y las Manjaris realizaban para Radharani, ayudando a la decoración del pastel con Pabhu Udharana,( que le agradece  sus saludos y le recomienda queso para que se sienta mejor.)

Y la escenografía de una obra de teatro para los niños.

          ASA - Michelangel a..

Muy intenso Radhastami, fue tanto servicio que hasta me enferme, pero todo salió bien gracias a Usted  y Srila Prabhupada. Esta vez Radharani se hizo pequeña  para que ya no se la comieran, pero cuando se repartió el pastel, desaparecio Radharani <img alt="surprise" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/omg_smile.gif" title="surprise" />. Alguien se llevo a la amada de Krishna <img alt="sad" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/sad_smile.gif" title="sad" />ahora estoy en la búsqueda de Madre Sita.

                    ASA = {:O)

Muchas gracias por su consejo, en estos momentos estoy leyendo el libro de Mana-siksa de Srila Raghunatha das Goswami, 5 min antes de entrar a la clase, al principio fue difícil, en ocasiones lo olvidaba pero me fui determinando poco a poco, y ahora experimento la diferencia, la conciencia se vuelve  muy diferente y  termino conectando  todo lo aprendido con la conciencia de Krishna mas fácilmente. Se lo agradezco infinitamente.

Contacte a la madre Dulce,  quien ya le escribió al blog, a la madre Dharani aun la estoy contactando, estoy ordenándome para ir a verla a su casa.  Me invitaron a trabajar en la Butique del templo fines de semana, junto con mi servicio. Muchas experiencias y realizaciones gracias a la asociación con los devotos y con su personalidad, lo quiero mucho Maharaja, gracias por permitirme servirle torpe y lentamente.

Su aspirante a sirvienta Bhaktin Zareth.

P.D. le mando fotos del pastel, escenografía de la obra de teatro y adelanto de las esculturas de Jaya y Vijaya es una pequeña maqueta, antes de hacerlos grandes aun faltan muchos detalles.

           ASA - Muchas Gracias.  Somos mendigos, pero oramos!!!  Que Krsna envia mas servicio y puede ocupar otros de misma manera.

Suprrrrr   fotos!!!

bhakta Jorge reporte

12 years, 3 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna Maharaj por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias. jay Srila Prabhupada!

Maharaj Desde que recibi su ultima carta (12 weeks 4 days ago)

E logrado mantener el canto minimo de japa 16 rondas.

No e podido mantener los 4 principios regulativos; e caido de mi posicion de sirviente de krisna para ser un go-dasa, adanda-go.

Si pienso con cabesa fria no me sorprendo devido a mi intensa asociacion con estas practicas de saticfaccion de los sentidos en esta vida; ni que ablar de tiempo inmemorial.

La manera en que entendemos esto es la siguiente.

Bg 9.31 prontamente el se vuelve virtuoso y consigue una paz perdurable !ho hijo de kunti¡ declara osadamente que Mi devoto nunca perece.

Tenemos fe en que si continuamos adelante con estas precticas del servicio devocional; nuestro corazon quedara limpio.

E salido a distribuir libros.

Estoy asiendo un plan para intensificar las actividades del servicio devocional.

En lo personal me siento bien y con buena dispocicion para seguir adelante; aunque cuando venga un poco de aire todo se derrumbe somos muy optimistas

Sin mas nos dispondremos a seguir con esta locura con mucha determinacion.

Muchas gracias por todo Maharaj es usted una fuente de entuciasmo para Mi.

Hay que honrar al maestro espiritual al mismo nivel que al Señor supremo, porque el es el sirviente mas intimo del Señor. Esto lo reconocen todas las Escrituras reveladas y lo siguen todas las autoridades. Ofresco mis respetuosas reverencias a los pies de loto de ese maestro espiritual.

                  ASA - Jaya!    Jaya!   Srila Prabhupada...     Yes, most of us start at the level of immortal conduct....  srnvatam sva katha krsna...  sb1.2...   but by chanting and understanding SB we become pius and dont like these stupid things.    KRSNA  never suggests anything impractical...   Therefore as we simply become purified we LIKE to follow the four principles!!


12 years, 3 months ago by Bhakta.PabloA.B in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay, Srila Prabhupada and You.

Dear Guru Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances, I feel very grateful to Krishna that your health has improved.
I had been unable to write, have passed a series of things in my service in the restaurant who have had my mind busy and me, struggling to reassure ...
Sometimes it is very difficult to deal with devotees, have many demands on service outside looking in, but do not know which one solves problems diriamente for all that work the best you can, even sometimes when you help on things that are not its only responzabilidad irresponzabilidad to remedy the other, I had some concerns that are becoming constant in my head,
has become very common for some people to assume that by my appearance (long hair and tattoos) my performance in serv ices I make are of low quality or negligent, what do you think about it, sometimes I feel that my efforts to help the yatra in what I can not make sense because it is always despised by senior devotees and discourages me a lot, sometimes also to try to keep the standard of the temple kitchen you have some friction with concideran who is not so important or that is simple exaggeration and one happens to be "the bad guy", but I think sometimes there is no other as long as things go according to plan.
But there are also good things to say, Rsi Paty service has led me to prepare to sell pizzas on Fridays in Prabhupada's party and thereby help finance the cost of the kitchen of the deities, which I'm very happy and grateful. The other thing is that thanks to being back in charge of the restaurant I could preach enough and even distribute some books also continue my service in the kitchen for the party on Fridays.
I hope your health improves every day and make the time go early to see it in November, your servant always, Bhakta Pablo Alcaíno - Santiago, Chile.
This is the address of facebook to help us promote the restaurant, http://www.facebook.com/RestauranteHareKrishna
               asa - jaya.   agtsp....  paoho   we see you in just a few weeks.
               1.  the cows will moo but the caravan will pass.   devotees, "senior" devotees may make their complaints but sometimes that is just the little roughness that exists in the material world in even our ISKCON temples.  Temple President will get the same "Moooos", complaints.
              2. Maybe you should get a shorter hair style?    Mohawk???
              3. Hare Krsna!!!!!    You're on a short line to God, don't deviate!

Querido Guru Maharaj

12 years, 3 months ago by David Leyton in Personal Sadhana Reports

¡Mis humildes reverencias a Sri krsna Caitanya!

¡Mis humildes reverencias a Srila Prabhupada!

¡Mis humildes reverencias a usted maharaj!


Soy David, aspirante a discipulo de usted, trabajo en contabilidad y me recordará porque era el unico Chileno hombre en Goura purnima en Bs As.

       asa -  tlgasp...   puedo recordar 65%!  

Perdoneme por no haberle escrito antes,

   asa -  no, tiene que sufrir por su cruelty a animales... !

...pero estos ultimos mese han sido como una montaña rusa... la mision que me dio es leer el krsna book, aunque no esta aca en Chile en el BBT, le saque fotocopia asi que ahora voy en el capitulo 4, estube arto tiempo tratando de encontrarlo y comprarlo pero no hay en ningun lado.

     asa - pedir de otros?

Supe por mis hermanos espirituales que usted estubo muy enfermo, me preocupé maharaj, y hasta me culpe por eso, asi que le pedi a mis hermanos espirituales una cadena de oraciones para usted, que fue el día 16 de Septiembre desde las 16:00 horas, espero que eso le haya ayudado con su salud.

Maharaj, tambien espero que pueda venir para el Ratra Yatra de Noviembre aca en Santiago de Chile, lo estaremos esperando y sentirlo nuevamente, verlo alegre como siempre y con mucha energía.

          asa - tenemos boleto para chile   www.jayarama.us/kd/cal.txt

Hare krsna maharaj, le suplico que me disculpe por cualquier ofensa que haya comido a usted y sus discipulos.


            asa -  si puedo recordar a vd. en BsAs   pero no si forma divina!   buena suerte con su mision conseguir copia (e distrivuir)  KRSNA!!!!

Hare Krishna!!! Madhavendra Puri Das from Argentina

12 years, 3 months ago by Madhavendra Puri das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Pamho! AgtSP!

Hare Krishna Gurudeva! Some time no reporting with you but allways in touch through this wonderful blog nd the asa. Life goes on in Bs As. Working much selling prasadam with my wife yasodamayi, nd giving yoga classes in the houses of some people. 2 weeks ago it was a big event "meditacion por la paz del mundo" organized by the art of living of sri sri ravi shankar, there we have a stand of prasadam, and it was wonderful,like 2000 people ate prasadam nd like 40 SP books distribuited,many devotees help a lot.(attached photos)

                   ASA -   Jaya!!!!      Jaya.... 

Also studying counseling psychology ,interesting perspective,vision, but also allways  to much empirical speculation.  Some times willing to leave everything,missing much the dham, to be allways enganged in krishna conscious activities/relationships.

sadhana: 4 principles allways stable, sttruggling to finish my 16 round every day, gayatris OK. Some  dificulties to wake up after 6:30 am.

I m planning to go visiting you  in santiago in november to get inspiration nd you mercy. Hope your health continue improving.

your servant,

Madhavendra puri Das

                          HpS - ASA ---  {:O)+                        So nice to see you.      We hope you get good association and good project in Sankirtana.  Of course, Kali yuga is so crazy that things, projects are always changing. but we can also become very expert at the "project" of       yare dekha tare kaha krsna upadesa....!