Radharani la más misericordiosaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 years, 3 months ago by btna andrea in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay!!!!!!!!!!!!

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!!!!!!!!

Todas las Glorias a Usted Gurudeva quién derrama su misericordia sobre los más caídos !!!!!!!!!!!!( hay estoy primera en la lista)


HpS - Una vez un devot dijo a Prabhupada, "Yo soy el mas caido", y Srila Prabhupada respondi, "Tu no eres al MAS nada".


Muchas gracias por respoder mis cartas Gurudeva, necesito de su guía en este camino, ya que debido a la mente es tan fácil desviarnos.....Mi reporte 16 buenas rondas diarias!!!!!!!!!!! todo gracias a Japa Joe es un programa altamente adictivo!!!!!!!!! también gracias a Japa Joe estoy levantandome temprano a las 3:30 y unos dos días a la semana descansando hasta las 5, eso me ha llenado de entusiasmo y energía!!!!! estoy tratando de grabar en mi corazón 16 BUENAS RONDAS SON LA BASE DE TODO!!!!

ASA - El Servico MAS essential!

4 principios estrictos,

ASA - El transfondo puro.

servicio fijo en el templo, estudio de los libros de SP, buena asociación con devotos, haciendo el curso de bhaktas....Radharani ha sido muy misericordiosa y esa misericordia la siento a través de usted Gurudeva, es gracias a usted que yo estoy tratando de hacer algo, ya era hora!!!!

En Octubre veremos los últimos detalles de su venida, para la charla que se dará en la casa-taller ( todavía la casita no tiene nombre, pero mi mamá quiere algo así como "atmosfera azul" )queremos combinar música de la india, prasadam y la conferencia que usted dará, estaba pensando que podría tratarse de " Vida Sencilla, pensamiento elevado" de como muchas personas están tomando conciencia de que el materialismo no produce ningún tipo de felicidad......ya que muchas de las personas que asistirán tienen más o menos el mismo pensamiento, que le parece a usted?

ASA - Bien, bien, bien, Vds conocen su clientes mejor qu nostros!

...mientras las personas escuchan música, toman prasadam y después la conferencia?

ASA - Kirtan, clase, Kirtan, Prasadam...  formula # uno!

está semana mando mi reporte a P. Arjuna acerca de esto... es extraño, pero hasta mi mamá me está ayudando a organizar todo esto, ah!!! y lo olvidaba ella atenderá el parto de Cakori!!!!!

Nota : escuchar su voz en JapaJoe me tranquiliza, es bueno saber que está mejor de salud...siempre orando por usted!!!!!!

Mis humildes reverencias Gurudev!!!!

Se despide esperando obtener su misericordia

Bhaktina Andrea

ASA- Jaya!   Japa Joe es super para nosotros tambien. Hace varios veces pienso, "Voy a cantar poco mas tarde", pero no Hay Japa Joe.  Tengo que asistir!


Hare Krishna Hare Rama // Chile !

12 years, 3 months ago by Bhaktin Camila R. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitai ! 
Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Por favor acepte mis sinceras reverencias a sus piecesitos de loto :) ! 

Camila Rubio, 19 años, Estudiante Trabajo Social, Chile. 

Hare Krishna Maharaj, espero que se encuentre usted muy bien de salud...he sabido que está mejorando :)

    HpS - ASA ---  JAya SRila PRabhupada!   Mejorando pero peorando poco otra vez.  Tomamos Steriods otra vez.

Qué me cuenta ? 

Yo le cuento que estamos mejorando con los 4 principios, cantando ( no tan bien y qué decirle sobre la concentración y seriedad...disculpeme, es lo más importante)  las 16 rondas, pero, estamos intentandolo cada vez con más ganas.

HpS - Esforzando basado en cual quiere comprehension pero despues de buen experiencia la esfuerza es mas natural!

Estoy también, en el curso de Bhaktas( o en este caso: Bhaktinas, ya que somos sólo devotas) , esto me ha entregado gran entusiasmo en mi vida espiritual, estoy casi siempre estudiando y aprendiendo ...pero, vamos despacio, no podemos pretender ser mahatmas de un minuto a otro si estamos absolutamente contaminados.   Todo esto es gracias a la misericorida de Krsna y Srila Prabhupada... me ayudan a limpiar mi corazón.

Que podemos hacer para servirlo? 
Cómo llegar a ser Su aspirante formal?...(creo que estoy en la plataforma de aspirante de Aspirante, jejje :P )

Sin nada más que decir, muy agradecida y orando por usted se despide  Bhaktin Camila Rubio. 

    HpS ---  Llegar a 16 rondas entusiastas cada dia, 4 principios estrictas, Sadhana de Srila Prabhupada se ISKCON, bien integrado con la Sankirtan de ISKCON!!!  jaya.  Escriba al Monkey Warrior.  Lea la Kapi Dhvaja.....  >>>>>


12 years, 3 months ago by radhikas in Personal Sadhana Reports


S.S. Hanumat Presaka Swami
I hope that you be found well and happy in  Krsna Consciousness.  
Beloved Maharaja I send you some photos of Radhastami here in Harlingen with my daughters Gopakany and Thakurani and a family friend of my daughter Gopakanya.  
My husband is living in Houston doing arrangements for the family, next to my son Kapiduach and daughter Hariprana.  
Excuse me was difficult to visite Houston
Maharaja please I have a question, would you clarify it to me please; When arjuna already was disappointed of hes Masters even having  affection for them  He need take to Sri Krsna as his Guru Original, in this manner Arjuna show his rage to face his master darlings by justice.  
Draupadi was not protected by her great  teachers alone by Sri Krsna,
In this Way the Absolute Truth is showed
They are our examples, if they were pure to the point to see Sri Krsna, and even make mistake  in their opinions,  decisions, influenced by the desires and social commitments, then that can be expected for us?  
In my experience of Awareness of Krsna, the teachers help us to advance to certain level but then Sri Krsna takes in control because He  is the expert of all the fields of activities, He know all  souls and their RASAS.  Is it like this?  
   HpS - ASA - AGTSP There are many Gurus. Dhaumya was the "Kula guru" of the Pandavas, "family Guru", guiding them in all the necessary rituals of religious family life. Srila Prabhupada says "There is practically no difference between the family priest and the spiritual master." (SB 1.9.6-7). Husband is natural Guru for the wife, Mother is natural Guru for the children. Some one is Diksa guru and properly initiates into Parampara Mantra... Drona was the Astra guru, Martial arts Guru for the Pandavas. Bhisma was Guru as Grandfather. So, so many, but some of them are eternal relations. They are transparent via media to Krsna to the Supreme Guru, Lord Balarama. We don't want to surpass them. They are our telescopes to Krsna. We want more and more telescopes to see our only Lord. They only want to be used that way. O.K?
Balarama dances with Gopis trying to show them what it is like to dance, exchange Rasa, with Krsna.
If the RASA  are components  of the soul, they are corrupted in this world by wanted to enjoy separated of Sri Krsna and their rules and regulations. .....  Yes?
ASA - Yes. 
My question is like a Master has some RASA can guide to another who has other rasas more high?
ASA - Certainly. Hanuman was taking Sita to Rama.
They are the sins a sample of the perversion of the RASA  or is the material nature, lust, anger,and greed?
ASA - Don't understand the exact comparison?? ?   The NOD describes this.  First perversion of our Rasa with Krsna is Avidya, we think we are a part of this world. Then then leads to lust, greed and anger which are sins and these become more complicated and have different reactions over time.  We just need to "ceto darpana marjanam.." attack the root of avidya!
Thank You very much for your asociation
Your eternal  servant  
Mahabhava Cintamani dd
HpS - Jaya!  Thank you. Was worried not to hear from you for some time.  We we were all worried.


12 years, 3 months ago by radhikas in Personal Sadhana Reports

HpS - ASA --- Jaya!   Very nice foto!  Harlington, Texas.     Are you O.K. Maha-bhava Cintamani Devi Dasi, and your family!!?   We haven't got any news from you for some time.  Devotees are asking!    AGTSP!

AGTSP! Por favor Guru Maharaja, Acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies de loto!

12 years, 3 months ago by Yasodanand108 in Personal Sadhana Reports


                   AGTSP! Por favor Guru Maharaja, Acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies de loto!

         Ayer celebramos Radhastami en Madrid Temple y tuvimos unas 70 personas para la abishek a Srimati Radharani y muchos amigos de Krsna haciendo  tantos servicios para la Gran festividad, los niños gurukulis decorando el templo con mucha inspiracion.......desde 3 de septiembre he comenzado un programa de sankirtan en madrid dando una media de 15-20 libros pequeños diarios y alguna B.G esporadicamente pero se va incrementando y mejorando la practica del sankirtan, ahora estoy designado para atender la congregacion de madrid pero es una tarea dificil pues me veo completamente sin cualificacion alguna  para tener algun exito, solo pienso y medito en obtener su misericordia y unas gotas de su gracia divina para ser humilde y actuar como una marioneta a sus pies de loto y poder ayudar su inmensa labor de predica para la satisfaccio de Srila Prabhupada!

                 Clases de B,g miercoles- viernes-domingo

                 Srimad-bhagavatam lunes a viernes.

                 Guru-puja every day...........16 rondas de 5:am-7 a:m mejorando concentracion en sonido y tecnicas de canto-japa!

                  Planes de comenzar Bhakti-sastri con Yadunandana Swami  1 fin de semana al mes.

                                  Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

 a sus pies de loto!     Su inutil Sirviente Yasodanandana Das! Hare Krsna!

                            HpS   -  Jaya!!!!!!       HAce mooo cho tiempo no oir de Vd.       Pienso esta canando buen rondas, sin duda, tener una vida tan sano....             Como esta la Eva y la Nitai?          

Srimati Radharani ki jay!

12 years, 3 months ago by sriradhedd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna dear Maharaja!

Please accept my respectful obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thanks for your answer.
Nowadays i neglected reading Caitanya Caritamrta, and my knowledge is imperfect. Usually i read Krishna book, Gita and Bhagavatam.  From your mercy i understand more and more about siksa relation day by day.
I right now read Bhakti Vikash Swami's answer about Bhaktivinod Thakura and Jagannath das Babaji contact. Thanks for asked Him and thanks Namacarya Prabu's enquiry!
I very respect Bhakti Vikash Maharaja. The most fantastic harinam in my life was with Him in 1995, when He visited Hungary. Even the old women and men danced in the street!!! It was very inspiring. I feel sorry He banned from few Iskcon temples. This is sad.

    HpS --  AGTSP!   As far as I know the real information is that in the Alachua Farm and the Gainseville Preacher Center he is not allowed to give classes.  That is all and they are under the same administration.    He has strong opinions, there can be differences of opinions. We all get on strange mental trips, but because we are sincere we correct the mistakes and don't do it again.  So we don't worry too much about whether Maharaja is wrong or the Temple as long as both are trying to clarify the situation, understand what has to be changed and have good relations.  When we are trying to avoid cooperation to correct the situation that is the grand illusion that we are Krsna conscious, no?

.....It was nice to meet Vaisesika Prabhu, i'm sure He was born to be a sankirtana devotee, He is very powerful. I like His positive attitude. We didn't speak to Him in person just participated on His seminar and classes. His program was very crowded from morning to late evening. I felt myself like a brahmacarini, spent all day in the temple :)
Unfortunately Jaya Bhadra Mataji couldn't come but i hope once i will meet Her in person. From Radhadesh Yadurani Mataji came and i talked to Her about lot of things. She is a very sweet devotee, we are like-minded. So many bad things happened with Her and She has deep understanding about spiritual life. She joined in 1980, Her first Spiritual master was Bhagavan Prabhu, second Satsvarupa Goswami, and now She follows Vaisesika Prabhu, who is Her siksa guru. We had a talk about this topic also and it was helpful to me.

Maharaja, i understand siksa is more important than diksa and i respectful accept Your opinion but since i don't have diksa guru You are my only shelter.

     HpS - ASA -  Jaya...  Who was your Diksa guru??? He left his post???   In that case there can be anothe ceremony to fix the relation.   It is very individual and real thing is to get this clear understanding of things.  Then we can be an unstoppeable team, spreading Lord Caitanya's message.

After Srila Prabhupada You are the most important person to me in Iskcon.  
I feel You care about me but i would like to know i'm your diciple (siksa). You said i can meditate on You when i chant gayatri mantra so i do it, but You didn't say i can chant your pranam mantra, therefore i stopped doing it. It's strange when i offer bhoga i don't offer through You, and i don't call You Guru Maharaja. I miss these things but i don't want to speculate. Or just have to do it? I don't know...
I'm sure Krisna tests my persistence but please tell what shall i do in this situation!
You said few letter before sometimes better to stay in our yatra and if there are problems we try to solve those and make better the community.
So we are still here in Hungary and try to do something. I'm not qualified but nowadays more and more mataji come and ask for help and guidance from me and i feel it a privilige and maybe Krsna has a plan with us here...it will turn out.
I try to take shelter on the Holy Name and serve the devotees. I hope once i can realise i'm everybodies servant.
Thanks for your association and today inspiring DTC about Jayananda Prabhu.

Happy Radhastami!

Your servant,

Sri Radhe devi dasi

                HpS - ASA ---  Jaya...  What is your situation.   From whom you received Mantra?  Who was your Diksa guru....    You may have told us be we are dull headed and it is full of windy spaces!!