Jhanava devi dasi dice: Mar del Plata Yatra...

Sea Toda Gloria al Movimiento de Sankirtana del Señor Caitanya!!!!!!!

Sea Toda Gloria a Sri Sri Gaura Nitay!!!!!!!

Sea Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada!!!!!!

Sea Toda Goria a Usted Gurudeva!!!!!!

 Inspirada por leer el blog he decidido informarle sobre mi vida espiritual, no estaba en mis planes hacerlo hoy, pero también tomo esta oprtunidad porque estoy saliendo a distribuir libros toda la semana y realmente llego muy, muy agotada, hoy hace muuuuuuuucho calor en Buenos Aires y decidí tomarme la tarde para ponerme al día con la limpieza en mi hogar y otras tareas personales.

HpS - ASA - TlgaSP!!!   pfanrh.   Muy bien!

... Sigo fija en 16 rondas, sinceramente tengo muchos planes en la cabeza y mi canto no es  tan fuerte como me gustaría pero sigo cantando!!!

ASA - Nos es igual!  Adelante, podemos mejorar mucho.

...hace unas semanas atrás viví una situación de mucho enojo (angry) y decidí no cantar mas rondas....si, es la verdad....el vacío que senti al estar solo unos minutos intentando pensar como sería mi vida sin cantar rondas me asustó tanto que inmediatamente me dije a mi misma que no volvería a pensar nunca mas en dejar de cantar rondas y que le pediría a Krsna mas inteligencia y serenidad para solucionar los problemas que se presentan en mi camino...

ASA -  Grrrrr!   La Brujita interior.

4 principios estrictos...

ASA - No desea ser distinguido y glorificado por sexo opuesto?  Tenemos estos deseos en nuestra corazon y mente tampoco pero son abajo de control y disminuindo....  Cuidado.

Servicio fijo a Sus Señorías Sri Sri Nitay Gaurasundar...y Tulsi devi maharani....néctar!

Lectura, lenta pero firme del Srimad Bhagavatam, todavía en el canto dos, capitulo cinco...mas néctar!

ASA - Sri Brahma uvaca.

...tambien Bhagavad Gita, Krsna Book...me llamó poderosamente la atención en el capitulo introductorio de La Danza Rasa, cuando Prabhupada menciona que las gopis que llevan a cabo este pasatiempo aquí en la tierra son almas condicionadas!!!!   realmente me asombré por este dato y tuve la misericordiosa oportunidad de poder hablar de este tema con Prabhu Mahajan mientras nos visitaba en Buenos Aires. Dudas aclaradas y mucha información trascendental, jaya!!!!

ASA - Sankirtana puede ser danza Rasa-lila...

 Bien, quería contarle que he hablado con las autoridades del yatra de Mar del Plata, Prabhu Mahajan, madre Krsna Priya (recién iniciada por HHGDW)...y quien es la lider del ashrama de madres en este momento Bhaktin Liliana para que de alguna manera pueda terminar mi entrenamiento allí. Después de varias conversaciones y después de habernos quitados distintas dudas de ambas partes, estoy autorizada para pasar un período de dos meses de prueba en el ashrama de madres y si todo sale bien y como le dije antes, terminar mi entrenamiento allí. Viajaría la primer semana de enero y sinceramente estoy muy entusiasmada por participar de la predica y las actividades del yatra marplatense. Por favor envíeme sus bendiciones!!!!!!!!!!!!

ASA - Oink!    Oink!     WHoop!     WHoop!!

Este tema me lleva a preguntarle querido Gurudeva, cuales son los requisitos que se necesitan para tomar segunda iniciación, si mi mente no me engaña y no recuerdo mal, Usted me sugirió tomar segunda iniciación en el año 2014...si estoy en un error le pido discupas. Que puede decirme al respecto??

ASA - Bhakti-sastri de buen devotos. Fijado practicamente en bondad. Limpieza. Punctualidad. Todo de Hari-nama Diksa, pero con mas intensidad.   Fijado en programa matutina....

De a poco voy realizando que la vida es demasiado trascendenatl para seguir especulando...por suerte estoy en un período donde logré trascender un poco mas mis caprichos y delirios de grandeza...todo esto gracias a la misericordiosa asociación de los devotos...los ibros de Srila Prabhupada son el refugio ideal para alguien que realmente quiere matar su ego falso...y el sankirtan (distrubución de libros) también...estas actividades me permiten sonreir un poco mas cada día y me permitieron dejar de ser una tonta nerviosa...ahora solo soy una tonta....jajajaja...

 Querido Gurudeva estoy endeudada eternamente con Usted, no tengo palabras para agradecer tanta misericordia de su parte...Usted es muy atento con nosotros, su aspirantes a sirvientes!!! y eso es impagable en esta vida. No quiero extenderme mas con esta carta, pero quiero que sepa que aqui en Argentina, Usted Siempre es muy muy recordado entre todos, espero que Krsna me permita verlo pronto Guru Maharaja....intentando servirlo de alguna manera, me despido.

Jahnava devi dasi, su sirvienta eterna.

Hare Krsna!!!

ASA - Jaya!    TlgaSP!   Pfanrh.     Somos tratando pasar cual quiere comprehension tenemos de los pies de loto de Srila Prabhupada. Claro hay muchos otros en ISKCON que tambien tiene mas comprehension, pero cada uno tiene algo particular para pasar!      Y despues, bastante pronto dejar esta cuerpo para ir a nuestra proxima destino...   Entonces, quien va a ensenar?   Lista?   Brahmana significa profesora.

    Super fotos!

Jaya Gurudeva!!

Hare Krishna Dear Guru-maharaja.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please accept my humbles obeisences.

I'm in Buenos Aires. My rounds are going sometimes good and sometimes bad, but I chant every day my 16 rounds. I'm reading the SB at least 1 hour every day, now i'm finishing the 8th canto. At this time I'm not doing mangala arati. Recently I´ve changed my work and I'm trying to adapt to this change. But I know that it's like an excuse. 

I´m going every Saturday to do service for Sri Sri Gaura-Nitay. I find it really sweet. This service really inspire me.

The grhasta life is giving me too many different realizations. Sometimes I'm really frustrated with the material world, and sometime I discover the way to engage my karma and my desires in Krsna's service. It's very hard for me and for other devotees to get good Senior Grhasta association, many of them are burned or without enthusiasm. But I´m lucky to have friends like Madhavendra, Ambarise, my brother Gadadhara gosai and others.

We are thinking on the idea of going to live to the country, but we are not sure yet. We spoke many times about this with Madhavendra and his wife, but still we have fear and insecurity. The great problem is how to get a work and the different things to fulfill our daily necesities. We don't want to act in the mood of passion, we are planning diffrent ways to do this great change and  also to encourage others devotees to do that also. 

Thank you dear gurudev for giving me so much inspiration.

I hope to see you soon.

Su aspirante a sirivente,

Devaki-nandana das.


HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!!!   Paoho.  Soooooooooo oooo oooo ooo ooooooo  nice to hear from you. Monkey and Piggy were sure that you had left your bodies.    Main thing is to do service, no?  Does Krsna want us to live in the city and do Sankirtana or move to the country and do Sankirtana, or live in the country and travel 30 minutes twice a week to the city to preach, do business?

We can get a good idea of what He wants from us, then the maintenance will follow automatically.

Turning Point

Hare Krishna Maharaja, please kindly accept my most humble obeisances; All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  We are all anticipating your arrival here in Boise next month. 

It so happens that on the day that you are scheduled to arrive, Jan. 21, that day happens to be inauspicious: It's my birthday, and I will be turning 62. 

I have already filed for Social Security retirement, but my wife would have to wait another 11 years before she can retire.  Things have been going south for us for the last 6 months or so, in terms of economics.  I have been mostly out of work; now my wife is mostly out of work; The tenants that we had have moved out and it has become near imppossible to replace them with new tenants who are willing to live with older people who also happen to be vegetarains and Hare Krishna's to boot.  If we don't make a decision soon and things don't change for the better in terms of employment, we be in serious dire straights. 

Now that you have a graphic update, I can tell you that we have decided that it is time to once again become devotees.  We are sick and tired of begging for jobs, being rejected because of gender, age and religious discrimination.  We are seriously talking about sellling the house, and even moving out of the country, but we are scared because all of this is new to us, and we don't know where to go, what to do and what we will find after we move; Also we know that by selling and moving we lose whatever so called security we have and are at the mercy of whatever community we find ourselves in. 

I am hoping to take shelter of your guidance.  We are both thinking of perhaps living in South America somewhere.  There is an ad in Chakra about devotees living in Guyana, and we have responded.  So far, we are awaiting to talk to the devotees on Skype so that a relationship can begin.  It's is not that we have decided to live there; Simply we are investigating is all.  But I would like to know if we have your blessings, and if you ever make any visits to Guyana.  If you don't, but you give us your blessings, then perhaps we could engage in some form of preaching that would attract your association-should we decide to live there.   

There is more to say, but I was hoping to have some private moments to say these things to you when you arrive.  If this is acceptable to you that would be wonderfully helpful and appreciated.  I know that I am not a surrendered soul by nature, but I have no hope but to try, and you have been most merciful to us that it is only natural that we both turn to you for guidance on this matter.

Your lowly servant,

Balabhadra dasa

HpS - AGTSP  pamho.   We may all die of starvation! Did we ever think otherwise?   Old age is a kind of starvation, so it's going to happen one way or another, no?
What I have understood is, "don't leave, don't deviate". Whatever service you KNOW you should do, then do it. If it is only 16/4/mangala arati and SB, then do it. If you know more. Then do it. Don't try to adjust things too much by mental speculation. Some is O.K. but mostly is listeneing to what Krsna is planning.
Draupadi didn't understand Krsna's plan, but she was convinced that there was a plan. If she knew the plan she may have flipped out and run away.

She was the cause of the death of 640,000,000 people. Maybe better not to know what is the plan!    Yesssss, we can meet in Boise.... Five weeks from today!!

Hare Krishna !

<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/40.gif" title="" />All Glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay! <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/40.gif" title="" />
<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/40.gif" title="" />All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/40.gif" title="" />
<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/40.gif" title="" />All Glories to Yoou ! <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/40.gif" title="" />

Camila <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/36.gif" title="" />, 19 years old, student of Social Work, Santiago, Chile.  

PAMHO !  ! PAMHO ! ! PAMHO !! <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/04.gif" title="" />

4 Principles and 16 rounds. 

Hare Krishna dear Maharaj, since u'been gone I feel so much enthusiasm w/my spiritual life, You reminded me of who I really am, an eternal servant of Krishna. I'm very grateful to you, thanks you very much. You are a great inspiration to me, I hope someday to serve you, and continue to do in life after life. 

Here(Chile), in Govardhan's day, I asked if I could take refuge in you, we where with Prabhu Patrak Das, and Bhaktin Andrea, and you told me that it was okay, and "yes", and I had to write continuously on the blog, so we can have a formal relation. One day before you will travel to Peru, Prabhu Om Kesavaya Das told me that I was no longer a refugee in you, he doesn't tell me about the reasons of that, for many days i was very bad, very sad, trying to understand what happens... I realized that Krishna does this, he knows why he does things, and actually, I'm not one to question the decisions of You Maharaj, or the temple authorities, Krishna acts and I can only surrender to his will.
But i have to say you, that I can not understand how the Prabhu Om Kesavaya Das, told me things, because something that is so important to me,  has told me in the temple hall, unprepared, so arrogant, and telling that I was not refugee and could not call you "Guru Maharaj", without concise arguments to understand what had happened. It is for this reason that I was so affected, and I've taken so long to assimilate it, makes me very sad the way I was told this.  It is the messenger that has produced me this upset, but not the message. 
I talked with the president of the Temple, Prabhu Amara Gouranga Das, and he told me that the temple recomended me for refuge....so clearly i don't understand what happened...so i'm asking you that if you can explain me what happened, I'm prepared to receive any answer, i'm just confused, and I just want to know what happened...

Please excuse me if I have committed any offense, not my intention<img alt="frown" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/confused_smile.gif" title="frown" /> . I think it is right to tell you what happens. 
And please excuse me for my terrible English, and do you read this letter...I do not want to bother you, I know you must be very busy with projects of NIOS & ASA.

Please accept my most humble obeisances at your lotus feet. <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/40.gif" title="" />

Hoping to serve you, your dumb servant Bhaktin Camila R. <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/38.gif" title="" /><img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/36.gif" title="" />

HpS - ASA - Jaya!   AgtSP!   Paoho.      We got notification that Nimai Das sent a copy of this letter to us at the Yahoo Group.  We were only using that until the Blog was fixed. Now it is fixed so we are stopping using the Yahoo Group for letters.  Back to the Blog.

This seems to be a common test that Krsna gives people. Almost the same thing happened to me when I went to the Temple in San Francisco the first time. So I went back out to my car and took shelter of Srila Prabhupada's KRSNA book and practically the first thing I read was, "One should not be discouraged if there are obstacles in the path of devotional service in the beginning. One should go ahead with enthusiasm and everything will be successful."

So I went back to the Temple and tried again and was great experience.

When the list of Candidates for being Aspirants and Initiation was made up there was not proper evaluation by the ISKCON standard. I can't remember the details but I think it was communicated to us that although you were doing very well, you had not been chanting sixteen rounds a day and following full program for six months.

Is that a fact?

If so, that is the formality that we have to accomplish.

For how many months have you been chanting 16-enthusiastic rounds and following the 4-principles strictly and keeping regular morning program and participating in the Sankirtana of Lord Caitanya in ISKCON?

   Booop!     It is a simple clear standard, but it is actually very personal. It is a contract that Srila Prabhupada made for us with the Son of Maharaja Nanda

O.K.   We wait with great expectations for your answer!

Time of the Truth

12 years, 1 month ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


Thank U so much for your visit ¡¡¡¡  Thank U so much for your association in chile ¡¡¡ wonderful ratha yatra 

I have learned so much How to be a Brahmana a real Brahmana not a bluffer as U called me last class when I couldn't recall the BG 10.11 

So I am reviewing my verses. How can we know them by heart?? quoting them in  class?? reciting everyday  uff because there are a lot BV verses umm what is your technique?? please tell us

Also as I told U in skype I will start giving classes in the temple again , we have to be prepare to preach ¡¡

i have also realized that we have to be very careful with our character because we are representing U. We feel so sorry when people critize U because of us your disciples or may I say so called disciples ¡¡ I do not want to be a so called disciple  I wanted to be always under your eternal shelter please kindly forgive all my faults I am going to be better day by day by your mercy and by Srila Prabhupada's mercy 

Gaura Nitay aren't ready yet sama dhamas tapa saucam .... a brahmana is patient umm and tolerant umm I have to practice this on the other hand I am thinking why They do not want to return??? umm I guess is only my mind (candra jeje)

Again and again and again please forgive us and help us in order to be better tools for Srila Prabhupada I am so dumb forgive us because we do  not please U.

 I feel sometimes too lonely I need protection I remember my father I need his protection so much ... Krsna is my only shelter 3 lonely women in a big house ¡¡ Hanuman is here to protect us but I have the possibility to have Prahlada Nrishma .. Is it proper if I have Prahlada Nrishma deity??? I need protection I think that the deities protect us 

Krsna is  muy husband can U arrange the marriage???

Sorry for the long letter, we miss U so much, thanks for all your mercy sometimes we do not know how to take advantage of that

Always aspiring to be your disciple I feel that I am not in that position yet

Tomorrow is ekadasi is a good day to start

Your eternal servant, little daughter

Monkey warrior = Candramonkey dd

HPS - AgtSP Pamho. Thank you for your nice letter. We are fighting with this android tablet. One nice way to refresh our memory of verses is to pause when we see Srila Prabhupada citing or paraphrasing verses and then try to recollect the verse by our own memory and even the verse location. Doesn't have to be the exact Text number. Even which part of which chapter of which canto is enough to find it quickly. Gaura nitai are enough to protect us. Remember Lord's dealing with Jagai and Mad a when they attacked Lord Caitanya. Of course, if you wa nt then you an certainly worship Lord in the form of Lord, Nrsmha! 5 minutes to type this on the tablet... 6.30am - 25-rounds chanted. We look for Prasadam now.

Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!!

12 years, 1 month ago by giannina_dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Radha Madhan Vihari!!!

Por favor Maha Maharaja yacepte mis humildes reverencias!!!

Hare Krishna Gurudeva!!!!!!!!!!

Estamos muy contentos de que ya se encuentre mejor de su infeccion, Srila Prabhupada quiere que lo siga ayudando en su servicio!!!! gracias a Krishna!!!!!!!!!!!

Nosotros seguimos intentando complacer a Srila Prabhupada desde Barcelona, 16 rondas KO cuatro principios OK nuestro sankirtan principal sigue siendo el servicio fijo a los devotos en el templo, estamos en las clases de Bhakti sastri con la madre Yugala Kishora DD!!! estamos muy contentas pero aveces es dificil tantas cosas uni servicio casa bhakti sastri pero estamos tratando de mejorar nuestra disciplina y nuestros horarios para sacar todo adelante bien. En BS ya terminaos el LOB; realmente hermoso con significados muy sustenciosos Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!!! ahora estamos por terminar el NOI hemos entendido nuestra posicion y como mejorar nuestros habitos y comportamiento con los devotos tenemos que seguir esforzandonos para ponerlos en practica!!!!!!!! 

Cada dia es muy duro si no estas complamente absorto en el santo nombre, nos damos cuentas que nuestros defectos son muy grandes y como estos nos dificultan a la hora del servicio, la mente empieza muuyyy fuerte desde la mañana cuando nos damos cuenta que no vamos a poder llegar a mangala arati en el templo o cuando vemos que nuestro servicio no es suficiente, estamos muy apegadas aun a lo material y hacemos facil el servicio de Maya Devi.

No lo molestamos mas gurudeva esperamos poder seguir teniendo su asociacion en Japa Joe

Muchas gracias por su inmensa misericordia!!!! muchas gracias HANUMAT SWAMI .... AgtSP Paoho. Nuestra internet es super mal hoy dia. Intentamos mejorar. DTC tiene nuestras noticias. Hemos llegado a USA. Graxcias sus noticias. Es la misma para nosortros. Muchas fracasos en Sankirtan cada dia, rodeado por Kali yuga, pero podemos cantar muchas rondas cada dia y Kirtan en voz alto cuando quiermos y eso es muy bien. Entonces Krsna nos da intelligencia como adelantar. Jaya. Estamos juntos en Sri Krsna Sankirtan y vamos a encontrar fisicalmente cuando necesitamos. Vamos a Goloka! ?......... por tu HpS - ASA asociación!!!!

Su aspirante a sirviente 

Giannina </ ?............p>