Realizing how small we are

11 years, 11 months ago by BhaktaAdrian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Bhakta Adrian, Utah, always hanging in there! :)

               ASA - !!!!   !                  !  (!)

With Reb having left again, I find it strange to say that I have been moving forward nicely in spiritual life. (at least compared to how I have been in the past) I am still keeping the same regulated schedule. Work, Gym, Yoga. I am able to chant all my rounds to get my day started.

There have been some major changes in this small temple. Two senior devotees have moved away, leaving only us youth to run the place. I have to say, it has gone beautifully so far. Tracy, the oldest of us, has been named temple president. Two other young men have moved into the temple. We get very little senior association, but somehow we manage to stay inspired. I humbly gave my first "Saturday Feast" speach. I take no credit for whatever good came of it. I didn't prepare very well, but I prayed and prayed that Paramatma would just speak through me. It was successful, but not by my efforts.

I have been put in charge of taking care of the deities!! It is the best part of my day. I wake them, do an offering, then get ready for my day, chanting my japa on my way into town. Then they are the last thing I see as I put them to sleep after I get home. I am feeling so blessed!

I am starting to see this world and myself through different eyes. I truly feel like Radha has bestowed some greatly undeserved mercy upon me. I am also still keeping a weekly update with Sri Hari Prabhu, trying to take my spiritual life more seriously and continue to move forward.

I just want to cry out to the Lord and his devotees for being so kind to me. I feel so fallen, but I am always so blessed by their mercy, and your mercy as well.


Your lowly aspiring Bhakta,


            HpS - Jaya!   AgtSP.       So nice to hear from you and news from Utah for all of us.      SO, SO, nice.     Yes, it is better to have a small, but regular Sadhana than being the Bhakti Yo-Yo.     UP_down-UP_down.        Wait for Rebecca.       She may be suffering from temporary insanity, or better yet resetting her life to relating to you as a devotee friend rather than trying to advance to Ghrastha ashrama two years too soon.   O.K.    You are on the path to first iniation!!!

Querido Guru Maharaja

11 years, 11 months ago by Bhakta Francisco in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias al Señor Caitanya y sus Asociados

Querido Maharaja, por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias postrado a sus extraordinarios Pies de loto que son refugio y esperanza para las almas tan caidas como quien le escribe .

      HpS - ASA -   TlgaSP!     Descr. de nuestras glorias son un poco exaderados.

Disculpe que lo moleste y le quite su valioso tiempo , es para contarle que estoy estudiando para el examen de primera iniciacion  para este sabado proximo y le pido su bendicion para poder rendirla con exito. Si Usted y el Señor KRISHNA lo permiten estare viajando a Santiago aunque sea 3 o 4 dias .

Esperando que se encuentre bien de salud y siempre esperando sus bendiciones su inutil aspirante a sirviente Bhakta Francisco de Buenos Aires  

          HpS - ASA -  Jaya.  TlgaSP!   Somos sus servientes.   Espamos muy bien resulatdo por la examinacion, que puede ser un experiencia bueno en su vida espiritual.            Entonces esperamos ver te en Chile...  ...  Muy bien!!!

Ambarisa from mayapur

11 years, 11 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna


all glories to you guru deva 


i m in Mayapur and in the beginig of november Vrisabhanu Nandini (now when i think in my wife i remember Radharani, hehe ,vandiye sri pada padma Vrisabhanu Nandini, thank you) and we will go to Kuruksetra Naimisaranya, Brahma Puskar, Vrindavana and Delhi to finish the recording of the tv program for VIJAY  tv in tamil nadu south india about the glories of Nawadvip. but before returning to Argentina the 9 of december, we will do a japa retreat in Varsana with Sacinandana Swami and Bhurijana Prabhu. please blees us to come regularly to the holy dham and we madure in the devotional service.

          HpS - ASA ---  We want this benediction!   <img alt="smiley" height="20" src="" title="smiley" width="20" />             AGTSP    paoho.         We are with an intensely aching heart to be in Sri Vrndavana dhama.      It is a miracle that Lord Caitanya could survive without staying there.   There must be some special sustenance available in Mayapura and Jagannatha Puri that allowed him to survive.        We hope you can live eternally in Vrndavana Dhama.   We hope to meet you there in the Daivi Sakti that covers things there.

...these  last days i have problem to finish my round i m traying to get all my rounds done, finishing the round that i debts.

to much service filming and not geting up to mangalarti this days very tired and sick but now i m better, my brother-ass conditions me, i m a fool. i like very much Mangalarati specialy here with Radha Madhava and SP samadhi.

 also the 12 of october at 5 pm Krsna Kisora a SP disciple left his body here in Mayapur we was helping him with his problems coused by the desease. he was cancer in the liver and bones. we are tolking a lote he was very inteligent and lovely. in just a few month we develop a nice conection and friendship. he was a great preacher and help a lot in the development of the preaching and devotees in all latin america ( argentina, chile, peru brasil mexico panama, etc).

we was helping in the funeral ceremony preparing his body for the cremation. he s wife is very advance she have a 1 year old boy and another of ten (very advance child), he told me when we were cleaning the body that was like the deparure of a guru.

     HpS - ASA -- Why, "like"!?    Seems for sure departure of a Guru...

... he left his body peacefully and conscious looking picture of SP, nrsimhadeva, Gaura and Madhava, and drinking Caranambrta when the devottes chant hare Krsna and he was detach to fight . when the people come with an oxigen tube to help him in his breathing and the tube does t work,( indian style NO PROBLEM BEST QUALITY). he was counscious that the tube dident work and detache at that very last moment. he was very fortunate. a few day before he told me that he was curios to expiernce this, this trip. a mounths ago we give to him a recorder because he want before leave write a books, one about myth and symbols in the life and other about forgiveness, so we are helping to do that. please give us your bleesing to fullfill the desire of this vaisnava.

         HpS -  The magic will be done by Krsna when we become pure devotees of Krsna.  So keep your priorities:  16 enthusiastic rounds, 4 priciples strictly, full morning program and then . . .   you can adjust all these services with special shakti from Krsna.  Learn to engage others in helping you...

we want star a printing  in argentina when we return.

how the vaisnavas live and died is unique in this world, thank srila prabhupada for rescuing us for the dark world. jay guru deva!!!

i attach a very special and not so know photo of BVT leaving his body. i rescue this treasure from the room of Lalita Prasadam (one of his sons) in the birth place of BVT. the person with BVT maybe is one of his sons or one disciple, the devotees there doesnt know well.

traying to be your servant Ambarisa M Das

                     HpS - ASA   ----  Now 4.51PM here in Arrequipa.   Also, little problems of six kinds with this body, but if we can walk and chant, chant and dance then we can occupy everything in Krsna's service.        Our thanks to P'nrsmha for this blog, for Caitanya in the Ministry, for M. SuKanya Sita DD for Sanskrita teaching...

         To Sudhama Sakha Das...  ...   ...        Your news is like a window on the spiritual world.  We are all reading....


11 years, 11 months ago by Bhakta.PabloA.B in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay, Srila Prabhupada and You.

Dear Guru Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances, since I read your answer to my last letter, everything has improved in the restaurant things are going much better, Om Kesavaya is the receptionist for diners while I prepare and serve the Prasada. every day we are improving a bit, refining details and adding new preparations to make the restaurant a great thing. My mood also improved in service since now there isn't so much criticism or maybe because I'm not giving much importance.

    HpS - ASA --  Jaya!   Very nice.  When the first restaurant was opened Srila Prabhupada suggested to the western devotees to get lessons from nice Indians on cooking.  He also asked if there was nice promotional display of his books!

The service on Friday party is good, cooking with Candrabhanu and Gopal Bhadra, preparing pizzas for Rsipati, helping to Bhakta Claudio Silva with hamburgers, sold to the kitchen of the Godhead, the spiritual family always trying to serve, and together, is very rewarding!
Follow the regular channels and supported by the authorities of the temple is very important, we are raising the starndar the kitchen again, educating people who want to do service to do it the best way, on Friday October 12 I stayed in the temple and could participate in the program as long didn't, I felt good, the mercy of Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai is immeasurable!
Every day I try to improve my spiritual life a bit, not confused myself by anartas which always appear in the most difficult times, surrender to Krishna and let him move the strings and let me do a better service for you because I know that so will please Him.
Hoping to serve, Bhakta Alcaíno Pablo Santiago, Chile
ps: This is the restaurant's Facebook 
           HpS - ASA  --  We feel inspired to advance by your association.  We should be in Chile in just like 24 days.  See you then...    See the restaurant then.  You have a plate for Sannyasis?    You and pizzas!!!    !


11 years, 11 months ago by giannina_dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Todas las glorias a sus señorias Gaura Nitay!!!

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

hare krishna gurudeva 

Gurudeva creo que la carta anterior no le llego le envio esta nuevamente pero es igual que la otra. Le envio el numero del templo de Barcelona  0034 933025194 y de p Gundica 617203223.

Tambien queria comentarle que con Sarad Bihari queremos organizarle una conferencias aca en Barcelona pensabamos que podria ser del LOB con otro tema o cualquier tema que ud quisiera dar.  Estoy haciendo el bhakti sastri con la madre Yugala y ella esta orientado sobre los tópicos del LOB que son muy bellos y como no es muy conocido aquí pensamos que se podria repetir o hablar acerca de otro tópico. Tambien organizarnos con prabhu Gundica para poder hablar con Joan Prats que es catedratico dela Universidad de Tarragona para saber si hay la posibilidad de hacer una conferencia ahi también. Por favor maharaja aconsejemos que es lo que Ud quisiera hacer, la madre Sarad Bihari hablara con ud para preguntarle de que tema le gustaria exponer. 

En cuanto a mi sadhana vamos mejorando mangala arati 16 rondas ok serivicio en el templo y ahora empezamos con la universidad y con bhakti sastri :D 

Muchas gracias gurudeva!!!! por toda su paciencia!

Su aspirante sirviente


                  ASA - Jaya!  Super!          Luz de la Bhagavata.   Si la universidad es cerca pudimos presentar un symposium alla.  Sarad b dd puede encntar un manual como organizar los simposia en     Adelante!!!!           Adelante!!!