A better report
Hare KRsna Gurudeva AGTSP ¡¡¡
I was thinking that is better acting than talking ¡¡
Whenever I do service in pujari I feel better ¡¡ But this time I clean ¡¡¡ clean clean ¡¡¡ I clean pujari in wilson, polish the paraphernalia it was like cleaning and polishing my heart ¡¡¡
Also listening to classes ¡¡¡ very nice ¡¡¡
MAybe next Sunday will be the festival for Welcome back to the deities ummm maybe They are delaying it because They want to go to Surco jajajaja .
My BV study is a little delay but I will catch up on tomorrow .
I was in pujari really early in the morning I needed that to clean ¡¡¡ to do something ¡¡ to clarify my ideas ¡¡¡ I feel better now ¡¡ many ideas many plans for making our service more professional ¡¡¡¡
How to inspire others to do service??? most pujaris like to do puja, or dress not clean up jeje any advices??
WIth Gaura Gadadhara we are organizing one course for pujaris in LIma ¡¡¡
JAYA ¡¡¡
Thanks Gurudeva for all your inspiration
see U soon
Trying to be your disciple
HpS - ASA - Jaya! Srila Prabhupada, Paoho..... Best way to teach ordinary people is by example. "yad yad acarati...". Others can be inspired by a stern leader, Ksatriya. Devotional service in the mode of ignorance is conducted out of fear. Passion out of desires. So you have to install transcendental punishments and rewards..... No burfi for three days!!!
[[[Oooohhhhhh! It is HOrrible! (Hari Bol!)]]]
Example, politics, and for good folk. Preaching, explain things intelligently based on sastra, words of Acharyas. "Na socati na kanksati.."