Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Guru Dev, we like your joke on death of material existence. You always express very serious message in
    a very lighter way.

    Actually, you always very intelligently laugh on problem of this material world to teach us the actual

    We read your letters many time to understand your message. Your letters teach us many things.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

            HpS -  AGTSP!   Paoho....    So nice to hear from you....   Do you have your schedule for our visit in India fixed?    Are we going to engage in pure devotional service together while we are in India?     We hope we can express ourselves more clearly!!!

back to bs as

hare krsna 


all glories to you guru deva.

all glories to all the vaisnavas and devotees of gaura hari.

we were arrive two weeks before from Vrindavana. now in Buenos Aires.  the last days in Vrindvana we were with Vrisabhanu Nandini in Varsana in the Japa Retreat of H.H Sacinandana Swami and H.G Bhurijana Prabhu. was very nice and help to improve my chanting and realation with Namaprabhu and be more careful and conciouss of sambhanda, relationship with the holy name.

               HpS - ASA - Jaya!!!!    AGTSP....   (((paoho))) ....   If we improve our 16-rounds minimum then our Sankirtan, preaching, administration, family relations, money ...   will all improve maravelously. These are our essential service to Krsna by the media of Srila Prabhupada!!!     We try to follow in your footsteps.

...now we are in Bs As finishing the 60 programs of Mayapur Dham for the Tamil Nadu TV, that would be spend like 3 mounth to finish, and generates some anxiety to finishing on time.  Then we will travel to Cordoba and help to open a preaching center in Huerta Grande, and other in las Termas in Santiago del Estero, in the north of the country.  Also we have to find some land problably  more in the north like Salta, Tucuman. that s the plan to star the comunity proyect with turism development, spa, organic agriculture, and studies program, seminars. One proposes and God Disposes!

              HpS -  Ooof!  Open three centers!     With whom?      1) Who am I, what is my nature and assignment?  2)   Who are we, what is my relationship with other people who have answered question "1)" like me?     3) What is the plan, based on 1) and 2),       3) What things do we need to do the plan?         What you have descrivbed is "2 and 3", no?                  "1 and 2"  are clear?      Preaching center depends on the response of the people.  They have free-will.  We can be pure and look for the innocent people that Krsna sends, no?

....if we are following your desire to engege us in service i m sure that we can have succes, Krsna do the magic only we have to be available to participate.

    HpS - Hmmm!    Seems nice to us, but that is your plan and your things, land, but who will do it?    Has Krsna asked you to do this through the Vaisnavas and especially Prabhupada's books?   Jaya!

thank you guru deve we depend of your mercy

             AGTSP!!!   paoho

....there are a few serious devotees who want to participate in these. also i m trayin to engage persons to help to develop these proyect. step by step.

             Ah!   Our questions already answered, but it seems you are the only leader????   Any partners who share your vision? ?

... like a year ago we started doing some interviews to diferent devotees in spain, india, etc who were in the begining of the hare krsna movement in argentina. so we have the proyect to do a documentary of the histoty of the hare krsna movement in Argentina in paralel of the history in argentina from the 60 to now a days. the idea it s to present for the peaople in general a madure view of a espiritual movement and in a human way with his problem and virtues. becouse seen the visioon and realizationof each devotees like a person could be very atractive. what do you think?

            HpS -  Again, 1, 2, 3 & 4   but it sounds very nice!!!    Seems to our stupid self that you should make a picture of your audience. Give him a name and write a little biography of him.

...my sadhana same day very good some day wake up after mangala arati and lose my first gayatri. other days my japa its better and a fell conection by atention and praying please Radha, Hare take me out of here i forgot my identity please put me in a place  with your servant.

but i m not fix and my create interference with the heart. 

thank you guru deva, to be patience with me .

traying to became your servant Ambarisa M Das

              HpS -  Let's work,   work,   work on getting up early  and getting the Japa done early and Mangala-arati!!  Maybe less results but we won't fall down.

Reporte sobre mi familia

Hare Krishna!!!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias Maharaja

Le agradesco su gran misericordia para esta alma caida que intenta llegar a ser algún día una  sirviente  de Sri Krishna bajo su instrucción, si usted me lo permite Gurudeva.

Ahora yo vivo con mi mamá y mi hijo, él tiene 6 años, se llama Santiago. Tengo 2 hermanos menores, uno esta casado y tiene un hijo de 1 año, mi hermado el más chico vive en la ciudad de México porque esta estudiando, mis papás están divorciados y aproximadamente veo a mi papá cada 15 días. Yo tambien estuve casada por 5 años pero hace 4 años me divorcie. En mi familia los unicos devotos somos mi hijo y yo.

Aun que yo cocino el prasadam para mi hijo y para mi es molesto que mi mamá cocine carne para ella, ahorita vivo con ella porque estoy estudiando y no tengo un trabajo estable, pero ya estoy en el ultimo año, estudio psicología y hago mis practicas en un banco de alimentos, doy talleres sobre temas psicológicos, me han dicho que quiza me puedan dar empleo para seguir ahí, si es así podre independizarme.

Por el momento me despido esperando sus instrucciones.

Su aspirante a sirviente Linda Janeth

               HpS - ASA -  Muy bien!!!   Poco a poco tratando comunicar la importancia de no matar innecesariament los animales.   Ya come carne es ciento por ciento cientificamente relazionado con cancer de las pechas (breast cancer).   Su mama quiere que su nieta tiene cancer de los pechos?

Hare Krishna!!!! AGTSP PAOHO

All glories toSrila Prabhupada
All glories to the sankirtana movement of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Dear Gurudeva!

I hope you are in good health.
Here I am writing. Long ago he did not write for the blog. I'm a little shy. Little by little I'm beating, ajja.
Recently we met with you in Santiago de Chile, in the Ratha Yatra. Much nectar.
I returned to Buenos Aires and another Ratha Yatra, more nectar.
I'm working at night in the temple restaurant. I'm the manager. We finished work late and I'm sleeping like at 2 am. But anyway 8:00 a.m.'m awake. I'm doing everything possible. I'm having a lot of sleep. It's a nice service but it is demanding too much energy.
I have a musical for children called "the fantabulosikos" (rock conscious for childrens)
In recent times I'm not reading as much as I should, I am not the most intellectual of his disciples, but I am always ready to follow your instructions and Srila Prabhupada.
I ask your blessings that I can strengthen myself spiritually and transcend my anarthas.
Dear Guru Maharaja thanks for reading my letter, and always be my inspiration, along with Prabhupada and the devotees.

sorry for myEnglish, jajaja

I wish you very happy new year

Hare Krishna!!!! ♫♫♫♫ Hare Rama!!!!

his servant
Devarsi Narada das

                 HpS - ASA ---  AGTSP!      Don't miss the opportunit for Brahma-muhurta!     We may have all material success, but if we don't advance spiritually then it will all change....   Krsna was engaged with the Gopis in Rasa-lila (liitle bit more intense than the restaurant) but still he stopped it for Brahma-muhurta, Mangal-arati!    Even just take a nap and then get up for Brahma-muhurta and then later another nap.  I've done it.  Hard, but you feel like Superman all day.

Read a little bit each day while you are working.  Get a nice book and read about one page at different times while you are at work...

keeping the step

12 years ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glory to Srila Prabhupad and All Glory to Sankirtan Movement by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and All Glory to all devotees followers of Srila prabhupad

Please accept my humbles obeisances unto your Lotus feet

Dear Guredev

this time is hard for take properly association, however there are many sincere devotees, I'm so unfortunate because I can give so much, among many kinds of characters, that I can undestand how is the way for take the good side of everyone.

everyday I attend to Mangala Aratik, and trying to follow the program, reading Bagavatam, BG, Upadesamrta, and others (vaisnava Ke, Prabhupad Siksamrta, NOD)

 every fortnight I visit Aguascalientes where there are a Bhakti Vriksa program, we read and chant with the members, and get back to New Nilacala mandira for try to help devotees of there.

I chant every day 16 rounds, so i can hear every word I keep chanting offensively, without attachment by the Holy name, and with desires to get some material things and friends . sometime is so long to me, and just i can see the deities, and pray fortunate on this path

Thanks for be the better example of how follow

your crew member Aniruddha Krishna Das.

            ASA -  Jaya!   TlgaSP   pfanrh.   Muy, muy bien oir de Vd.            Si,  tiene que cantar mas fuerte!   Orando a Krsna para servicio intimo!!! !!!         ! ! !  ! ! ! !

    Esperamos buen noticias!!

AKSA Report

12 years ago by AmD in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva, panhr, TLGASP!

Estamos casi de vacaciones. Este año ha sido intenso en el trabajo, y nuestra lucha constante para terminar nuestras rondas diariamente,.. Sigo teniendo deudas y tengo que andar la mayoria del tiempo con la japa en mano..En ese sentido voy a apreciar estas vacaciones, cantando mis rondas ante Lord Nrshimhadev..

         HpS - ASA -  Jaya!  TlgaSP!!!     pfanrh.    Quien arregla nuestra dinero?      Que servicio es mas essential para esta Jefe?    -{:-|

Karuna Mayi y Sita Lalita, tambien cantando sus rondas diariamente. Arjuna tambien canta 16 rondas diarias, ya casi un año, pero me pidió permiso para comunicarse con Bhakti Bringa Govinda Swami, que como le conte, le dio bastante cariño y asociación cuando vino a Chosica Mandir...

             HpS - ASA   -  Ha!   Ha!      Mooo  y   deficil comincar con sin la misericoridia de Krsna!!

Seguimos muy involucrados en la mayoria de programas devocionales, especialmente Harinam y Kirtan Yajña... Tambien KM y SL hacen guirnaldas, y no tenemos otro servicio. Usted tiene alguna sugerencia para nosotros?

            HpS - ASA -  Escribir regularmente a esta Blog!!!   Que pasa con su esfuerza educar su escuela, trabajo?

En casa estamos pensando en Radha Krsna, para acompañar a Nrshimhadev en el altar. Usted que piensa?

            HpS -  Puede ser bien, si Arjuna y Sita son de acuerdo tomar carga de Elloas cuando Vds. salen para Vaikuntha!

Por ahora seguimos en Chosica Mandir para todo este 2013, a menos que Radha Madana Vihari o Usted tengan otro plan para nosotros... Estamos muy felices de formar parte de la familia de Srila Prabhupada, y muy felices de que Usted sea nuestra conexión... Muchas gracias Gurudev! por todo...Lo queremos y extrañamos mucho.  Reciba nuestros saludos en esta Noche Buena...Siempre pidiendo a Nrshimhadev por su salud....

                                     Los sirvientes de sus sirvientes, AKSA...

                    ASA -  Whoop!       Whoop!     Oink!            Oinnk!              Pinta  Karunamayi Devi Dasi???