Reporte, Hare Rama

11 years, 7 months ago by Linda Janeth in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna!!!

Todas las glorias al eterno Sankirtan de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Gurudeva

Aquí reportandome, 4 principios 16 rondas, aun no logro el disfrute al cantar los santos nombres, me siento muy baja y caida tan dentro de la contaminación material que siento que me asfixia, quiero salir pero entre más lucho más me jala no quiero estar más en este pozo de obscuridad, Maharaja con sus bendiciones podremos seguir adelante. 

En Uruapan se ha terminado la asociación con los devotos, ya no nos reunimos, por el momento la única forma de estar en contacto con los devotos es el facebook pero hace mucha falta convivir con vaisnavas.

A fines de Junio voy a Guadalajara para buscar trabajo e irme a vivir para allá, no le miento en ocaciones me da temor solo me voy con mi hijo, lo que me tranquiliza es que tengo el apoyo de madre Radhika,  mi deseo es estar cerca del templo hacer servicio tener la asociación de los devotos.

GuruMaharaja su isntrucción es lo más importante para seguir en el sendero del Bhakti-yoga.

Por favor disculpe mis ofensas

su aspirante a sirviente

Bhaktin Linda Janeth

                   HpS - Hmmm...  AgtSP!....   Muy bien....   Claro.   Estamos en estos situaciones menos comodo por nuestra propio estupidez.  Pero...   acercarse con Krsna y  podemos ver una cambio rapido.  Si, no puede ir a un templo, busca un iglesia donde hay buena gente, no?    Esperamos noticias de su viaje a Guadalajar.   Es un hecho, su Japa y 4-principios va a tener un resultado super.   Iniciacion pronto, no?    Mangala arati para sus Deidades?   Envia unos fotos de su altar!

hare krishna su santidad...

11 years, 7 months ago by parama karuna das in Personal Sadhana Reports

pamho tlgSp

Su santidad es un agrado volver a escribirle contandole q estoy bien de salud a gusto de cantar hare krihsna frente a la deidad en el templo y en nama hattas q participamos con un grupo de devotos y invitado, el canto se ha vuelto la alegria de mi vida dia y noche me acompaña las diferentes melodias y soy feliz.

seguirmos con nuestro trabajo artistico esta vez en Lima Peru deseando poder desarrollarme mas en mi labor que es parte de mi vida y la cosa que mas me gusta en este mundo, espero el proximo año viajar a India con sus bendiciones y formar una familia.

confio en el Señor Nityananda siempre es mi deidad del corazon asi q me siento siempre seguro. gracias por su apoyo su amigo y sirviente.

parama karuna das

                HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP...  Estamos recibiendo unas noticias de sus actividades pero es bueno oir directamente de Vd.    "ir a India y formar una familia" - tiene un relacion con una familia de una devota en India???     Y la canta de Hare Krsna esta bien balanceado entre Japa y Kirtan y Bhajan?   Es como arroz, dahl y chapatis.   Los tres tipos de granos son essential en balancea producer una vida sana!   Buena suerte!!!!          Mas noticias!!

Candra-mukhi DD - Pandava-ekadasi, Shelter for Ladies.

11 years, 7 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics
Hare Krsna, Beloved Gurudeva ¡¡¡
A G T S P ¡ ¡ ¡
I hope this meets U in really good health ¡¡¡
Thanks for your association and inspiration. Our Sadhana has improved a lot. Japa joe at 1:30 am has helped us a lot.. Mangal artik is nice.. service is better now. Our sole Bhakti Sastri student Radha govinda dd is young and she is very nice. Her association is helping us a lot.
I am focusing as U advised me on my BELOVED GAURA NITAY They are so merciful and kind ¡¡ They are helping us a lot ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ We are under Nityananda's lotus feet shelter.
Bhakti vaibhava study is extremely nice for us ¡¡¡¡¡ I have realized that Srimad Bhagavatam is our very means of conquest in this age ¡¡¡¡¡
Association with  good devotees like Madhumanjari dd, Palika dd, Sundari Radhika dd ¡¡¡ extraordinary ladies ¡¡¡ helped us A LOT¡¡¡¡¡¡
I am pretty busy so Maya can not get in ¡¡¡ I have to finish my Doctor Thesis in education THIS YEAR, also a lot of work in my university and in the temple ¡¡¡ It is nice, helps to keep our heart clean and our conscious up ¡¡¡
NEWS: The whole set of Srimad Bhagavatam IN ENGLISH has arrived at our home ¡¡¡ mercy from Palika dd I am paying it in parts I am so happy Krsna Himself as His literary encarnation is at home JAYA 
Nevertheless on the other hand I have one concern.    U said one thing to me in your last email ¡¡ 3 ladies alone unprotected ¡¡ Just one nice dog ¡¡¡ 
My mother, sister and me .. U are a sanyasi You can protect me with your instruction and mercy BUT here in Peru where can we take shelter??    Who can be take care of us here ?? 
Also next on June 19th it will be Pandava nirjala Ekadasi any specific instruction for me for this Bhima ekadasi?? that can help me ?
Thank U all so much
Trying always to be your disciple
Candramonkey dd
               HpS - ASA - Jaya!   AGTSP....   paoho.  Sorry has taken eight days to answer this.  Too much work.  We have to surrender more to get power to do more service!  Jaya.   From our experience there was no emphasis on Bhima-ekadasi while Srila Prabhupada was here, at least not in San Francisco Temple. It started after he left.   Recently Guru-prasada Swami, Guna-grahi Swami and Bhanu Swami among others investigated this and the conclusion was something like, there is no specific scriptural injunction nor instruction from Srila Prabhupada to do Nirjala ekadasi on this ekadasi.  Of course, every Ekadasi can be nirjala ekadasi as we can do it and must at minimum be a fast from beans and grains, all with the purpose of increasing devotional service, especially hearing and chanting about Govinda. Read the Krsna book with someone else on Ekadasi!
I don't know who specifically you can take as social-psychological-practical shelter now that your father is not present, but the basic principle is super important and if you pray to Krsna I think he will give you help. For example you have  a relation with Pallika Devi Dasi. O.K.   She and her good husband may be natural people.    Another practical thing would be to sell or rent your house and buy a house near to the Temple in Chosika or something like that.  There are so many ways to start heading in the right direction, and ultimately because it is Kali-yuga and Varna-ashrama-dharma is so weak, Krsna, Himself, is inclined to become father, brother...   but  better to look for the physical representative he is sending.   Please let us all know your progress in this regard. It is very important.  Temple President should help.

long long time (madhavendra puri das from argentina)

11 years, 7 months ago by Madhavendra Puri das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to Gaura Bhakta vrinda!

Hare krishna dear gurudev, please accept my humble obeisenses.

Long, long time no writing to you, i m sorry. This year have started in a frenetic activities rythm, to much ocupated allways. Doing much service, working much. 

 With my wife and other devotees we are organizing the sunday feast once a month , and  we call it dasanudasa party. the idea is to recover that spirtit, and its beeing very very nice, many devotees geting inspired, also working much in recovering the senior devotees , giving them their space, improving the prasadam and many areas, many ideas to serve the devotees comunity. 

I continue working with my wife cooking and selling prasadam, much demand of the clients, much work, little bit tired but happy. Thinking about taking staff, to get work more light.

            HpS - ASA -  AGTSP!!!  Paoho.  Very nice to hear from you all...   YES!   Once you know how to do it right, teach someone else!  Don't work harder, work smarter!  Utsahan.

We have also a shop in a organic fair, thats very good, people buy a lot of prasadam and also many prabhupadas books. Also with the need of doing some diferent things,more intelectual, artistic. Also continue giving yoga classes, thats nice, but many people are looking for a psycologhist. Making some programs with yogic people, last week we project the light of bhagavata movie  and do a film discussion , kirtan and prasadam, people very very happy. 

Also with ambarisa, vrisabanu, and many of your disciples we are organizing some programs for your visit, many ideas, maybe doing some preview programs, before your coming.

In february in the nitiananda s appearece day we installed gour nitai deitys in my home, since that time i was wanting to write you but not doing it i send you a photo of them, and if you want ,you con put them some nice name, we get them in vrindavana, and radha carana paint them for us.

 Sadhana: following the 4 principles, strugling to finish my 16 rounds every day, with much much problems to wake up early, also to go to sleep early. Also very very tired many times and that makes me difficult to wake up.can you give me some advice in this point?

              HpS -     Search in the text file for "GET UP EARLY TANTRA" You have to DO IT!! Then later you can take a nap. After some time you become used to getting up early and getting your rounds done. You get more done, and then you can go to bed earlier also!

Many times very tired of material life, also becoming aware of the varana asharama,  of how grihasta ashrama is like getting very  very tired of this word to finally renounce and attach only to krishna.

             ASA - Jaya!

ohh, gurudeva, sorry for this very long recharged mail. one last thing, maybe some familiar is going to give me a donation of land near the los andes mountains, very nice to develop comunity projects, please give your blessings. 

hope you health is super ok,

your  very bad disciple,

Madhavendra Puri DAS

          HpS - Fourth thing is land. 1) Who am I,   2) Who are we,   3)What is our plan,   4)What land, money, men, tools.  Jaya!!    Get to work!   Send report on how many rounds you have done by 10AM daily average after a few weeks!          Look for Names for your nice Gaura Nitai from Caitanya caritamrta!  Send us options..

BsAs - Dasanudasa Reprt.

Hare krsna, hare rama
          jay sri vrindavana dham!!!

AGTSP All glories to you Guru Dev. pamho ______'o__ Sorry for my delay to write in the blog.
Now i m in Córdoba visiting the family of Vrsabhanu nandini. She expend more than 3 years without seeing his family.

           HpS-ASA -  AGTSP!   paoho.   Long time!

We still editing the vídeos for south India. we want to finishing soon. we star after Your last vyasuja a festival call Dasanudasa. the organization start with Madhavendra Puri, his wife Yasoda mayi, devakinandana and his wife, vrsabhanu nandini and i but now there moré devotees like Marcos, Gabriela and Meru devi. One Sunday in the month we organize the Sunday fest. But with the idea to Share the spirit of service, love and trust. Having a personal care for each person in the festival more than 50 deevotees doing service to prepare the festival, new and seniors. Also little by little we want to have a unite family senior and new devotees cooperate and do service toghether. This is a important topic in argentina, so many years with generations of devotees disconected between each others.

In sumerize shareing the spirit of Lord Caitanya of Dasanudasa. We allready organize 4 festivales and were súper succes. a lote of devotees inspired and happy, many séniors devotees came back again to do service. And i feel that the devotees that organize give the best of his heart and Krsna do the magic.

Very beautifull atmosphere of bhakti. We upload the lectures in youtube by the ñame of Dasanudasa.

             HpS - ASA - Yes, we see three classes from BsAs linked to that search, "Dasanudasa".

Please bless us to became a deeper servant and dasanudasa. Thank you for Your patient, tolerance, love, guidence, inspiration, thank you thank you thank you, guru dev every time in this world help me to apreciate more the fortune and grace to have Your association and the oportunity to participate in the sankirtana of srila prabhupada. Trayin to serve Your servent
Ambarisa m Das

              HpS - ASA - Jaya!   Very nice.     What about your rural community project?  What about an orchard for the BsAs Temple?       How is your father, mother, family??

Ur Lotus Feet / Reading Alone

11 years, 7 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

             HpS - ASA   -   Apple Blossom Feet (maybe)

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

               HpS - ASA - Jaya!
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    This letter is answer to your earlier letter.

    Guru Dev, Your feet is always lotus. There is no doubt. You present Sri Sri Radha-
    Kunjabihari to all of us so we don't have any doubt.

           HpS - We sleep like 8-hours in a day often. Srila Prabhupada slept 4-5 usually. Often when we are tired we watch bio-graphys and documentaries rather than read the Krsna book.  This is symptom of Madhyama-adhikari. No spontaneous attraction, 100%.  Apple blossom feet, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada.  No "Maya" that breaks four principles. Relating bio-graphys to KC. Material desires under control and diminishing, but if we try to imitate Srila Prabhupada's position we won't advance. 

    No, there is no study partner. We Read alone. During reading, We collect/write lots of   questions and doubts and go to temple and then discuss with Temple Bramachari,
   (whom i report at the local temple).

         HpS - Aaaah!   So that is not reading alone.  You are with him in Vani. Perfect!  Who is this B'cari?

    Your words always give me strength, Like, When you speak with the convection that
    we have Beadd-bag and Prabhupada's book so no need to worry, even if we go to hell. We
   should not worry.

    I live with your words and will live with your Words.

    You speak about Sri Radha-Krsna with such a convection, which i never find anywhere.

    As you advised, We will surely search your lectures in the ISKCON Juhu, website.

    Actually, we were looking for your lecture & question/answer session on BG 9.22.

    Thank you, Guru Dev.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

                HpS - Jaya!  AgtSP.  All glories to your ISKCON Temple!      Sorry little late to answer... one week.  We are doing better.  Recovering from so much service AND pushing not to do too much now!         O.K.  Join us for the rest of today's letters!