Panca Tattva das Sadhana Reports

11 years, 7 months ago by Panca tattva das in Personal Sadhana Reports

AgtSP, Pamho; Beloved Gurudev; This week has been a very intence [intense] week; I`m helping p[P]rabhu Mahajan by worshiping his  deities "Sri Radhika Giridaja" Chanting good roun[d]s, stud[y]ing SB (3,2)"Remembering Krsna),reading Pd`s Lilamrta, and working at the farm. 

Doing the best we can....

Your servant PTD..

[HpS - ASA  --  Thank you so much for the news. It is like being there. Your English is very nice. We thought we would just show you the little detailed mistakes you made so you can become more good [Ha! Ha!  Better].  Please give us help with our Spanish also.    What do you do on the "farm", how tall are Radha Giridhari???    They are very nice.]

Pura misericordia krishna

11 years, 7 months ago by Govinda Sundara in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare KRISHNA querido Maharaja

Solo para agradecerle su respuesta, respecto a viajar estoy platicandolo con devotos de la comunidad y mi padres; la japa me ha ayudado a no estar con la mente en ansiedad.

Asistimos al Sadhu sanga retreat en Austin y la asosiacion con los devotos y maharajas fue increible. De verdad que la misericordia de krishna es incondicional. Tambien tuve oportunidad de ver a sus señorias Jagannatha baladeva subhadra en el ratha yatra de Guadalajara. Fue de gran inspiracion esto para mi, siento ....ahora que conozco a krishna ¿Como puedo ignorarle, no verle, no adorarle, no servirle?¿como no estar en asociacion con los devotos? solo anhelo nos de mas servicio.

Maharaja, estamos emprendiendo programa de food for life en Monterrey, concedanos sus misericordiosas bendiciones.

su sirviente Govinda Sundara

             HpS - ASA - Jaya!!!       Es como todos los sabios va a la desaparacion de Bhisma deva, Canto Uno, Capitulo Nueve, para cargar sus pilas!!!   Eso es un aspecto super importante de la conciencia de Krsna, no?    Visitando sitios, eventos, de peregrinaje!

           Food for Life, es para personas sin dinero, comida... ?

Harsh - Horse -- Fortnight update

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP,
Hari Bol to  TB and BW.
hi to UG.
we hope that all four of your are at comfort in USA, after long tour. Maharaj, we like your new apperance with beard.
                HpS - ASA - AG AG To SP....  Thank you.   We just had time to get emergency repairs while we were in Tennessee for one week.  But six times better than last year. We are like 90% recovered after two weeks whereas it took three months last year.

...there are many things to write to you all, but we write only a few.
i. We bought "True Psychology, by Swami Abhedananda, Pub. by Ramakrishna Vedanta Math, 1965." It gives a very nice summary of contemporary pyschology. This time when you will come we will give it to you.

ii. in node 3054, ur grace wrote we are getting ideas all the time. from where does these ideas come from? we r asking them because we can many ideas and dreams, they are mostly anti bhakti.

            HpS - This is a question?   Your grammar is not quite clear. "we can many ideas". Do you mean, "to us come many ideas"?          They are coming from Maya.  "mattah smrter jnanam apo..". We want to forget Krsna so that we can think of ourselves as the Big Doer, so Krsna supplys these anti-bhakti ideas.  Maybe we want to become devotees, but a lot of our desire is that we will be the Greatest Devotee and get all the fame of Radharani.  In Vrndavana they will chant our name, "Jaya, Dasa!".

iii. we met anant rupa prabhu in delhi this May. there is some change in plan for phd.

iv. maharaj, gradually we are realizing it is our mind which creates most of the problem.
as we remember u said "if person in wrong sociological environment-- he will have pyscho problems." we are struggling with anger/violence a lot though frequency has decreased. but still not zero... we have gone to 4 counsellor/pysch in 7 years one of the basic problem which is highlighted "we dont mix along with people easily" and"we dont have friends". i dont understand, in such condition should we ever think of getting initiateted.

            HpS - Certainly. Vibhisan and Prahlad were Raksasas, man-eaters, by birth, Karma...  but they became great devotees. This is your problem. Somebody else mixes with people VERY easily. He is a natural leader, inspires people, but he is so lusty that he is not even satisfiec with hetersex and has homosexual catastrophys about every five years also!       We all have our Karma. It is good that you are identifying it and then you can purify it to serve Krsna.  Go ahead.  All your problems can become big assets. You can become a famous Sannyasis who is feared for his anger by the Mayavadis... Ha!    Ha!    Ha!.........    (After 25-years)...

v. Nandsuta pr from Thoubal will be needing help to contact Juhu, ISK to register Thoubal as a centre.

----it feels disgusting some times, even having such nice philosophy with us, we feel stressed out.  [ what a mind we have]-- thank all for reading letter.. we hope we can serve all 4 of u more.

bhakta harsh

            HpS - Wow, your grammar is like a zebra trying to hide on a green golf course. I think one of your Karma's is that you are influenced by ignorance, sleep, so you have to focus on doing at one thing right. Can you chant four rounds with full attention and concentration?   Whatever it takes.     Of course this is like lifting heavy weights, hard, hard work, but can you do that?        No, two rounds???     What?          Thank you so much for your association.     Honestly, I am very impressed with your determination...

Bh. Erick Reportandose desde México

11 years, 7 months ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a usted querido Maharajá

Soy su aspirante a sirviente bhakta  Erick  del yatra  de México df  le escribí hace como un mes para pedirle refugio bajo sus pies de loto, como le platique en esa ocasión estoy tratando de servir en el templo de sus señorías Sri Sri Radha  Madana Gopala , en  ASA  kids y en el hogar.  Sigo 4 principios estrictos  y esforzándome por cantar 16 buenas rondas, regular mente lo consigo, en aquella ocasión usted me sugirió  que mejor le mandara una foto para que me ubicara mejor por eso pongo la foto    

Le agradezco su atención y por favor disculpe las ofensas que haya cometido su aspirante a sirviente Bhakta Erick

Hari Hari!!!!!!!

               HpS - Jaya!    TlgaSP....   Claro es bueno seguir todo como Brahmacari para un ano, hast primero iniciacion. Entonces un ano o dos anos mas hasta segunda iniciacion y entonces es claro su ashrama, su varna eg. soy un sudra brahmana, brahmana, brahmana, es bueno para mi pasar directamente a vanaprastha, casado con buen devota quien tambien no quiere hijos.

Eso es el ideal, pero si fallamos, por Kali-yuga, entonces realizamos lo que podemos y tomamos refugio de los Santos Nombres y la associacion de seis bueno devotos entender que es Dharma para nosotros y como adelantar en el sendero de purificacion como podemos relacionar con Krsna y los devotos en Goloka otra vez!

Utah Wedding

11 years, 7 months ago by BhaktaAdrian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I just wrote an extensive letter, and in fidgetting with my new computer I got for school, I completely erased it before I had the chance to send it! Maybe there was something in there I was not supposed to send. I will recap..

                 HpS - ASA -  AGTSP.....   Happens to us all the time!    We are learning to keep two backups of stuff and to make them often...

....We are moving forward with the wedding. I am getting increasingly busier with every day. I am always anxious to know if you will be able to come to Utah!

                 HpS - ASA -   I don't think so, but our future really depends on how we can do some writing.  We are making progress in getting that clear, but have a long way to go.  Right now we are in this quick USA tour which will take us to BOISE for 4th of July.

I am moving forward with my rounds. I have calculated about a total of 3 weeks worth of japa that I have missed, including my last batch of laziness, and all the way back to when I know I was regularly chanting 16 daily rounds. It may take some time for me to get back on top of it (sometimes I feel as though I am moving more backwards than forwards). 

             HpS - For one who does good my friend, he will never become overwhelmed by evil.  In any situation try to do some thing nice.

I am starting school right after the wedding at the police academy here at the community college. I have heard mixed reviews about my choice to pursue a career in this field. Some say it is great. Others tell me I am not enough of a ksatria, and should not do it. I don't even know how much of a "ksatriya" I am, or even have the capacity to measure that for myself. However, it is a decision I made, and perhaps I am stubborn, but I am sticking with it. What is your opinion?

             HpS - If a few people think it has possibilities then give it a try.  Shoot to get something out of it of lasting value even if you do leave it after a few months.

Thank you for your association and feedback!

Your aspiring servant,

Bhakta Adrian

                 HpS -  ASA   --- Just get up early and get your rounds done!     FIGHT  with the desire to go back to sleep, and then "vidya vadu...", Krsna will be able to GIVE you good intelligence what to do. Your plans seem O.K.     Have you had any professional counseling about your marriage? There are good Christian surveys on line that you can take that will tell you and Rebecca what areas are weak etc.  I don't have the details.   The Grhastha Vision Team would.  Try finding their web page. Krsna consciousness should be some hard work but also lots of play!!

Ohe Vaishnava Thakura

11 years, 7 months ago by sacinandan das -mexico- in Personal Sadhana Reports

    Acepte por favor mis respetuosas reverencias Gurudeva.

   Sea Misericordioso conmigo porfavor.vvSus santos pies son el tesoro que llevo siempre en mi corazon.  Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

                ASA -  TlgaSP!!!!   Muy bien oir de Vd.  "Que pasa con el gran poeta y sin verguenza transcendental Saccinandana?!"

   Gurudeva seguimos buscando a Krsna en el Maha Mantra y cargando libros, distribuyendo libros y leyendo el Nectar de la Devocion: Las cualidades de Sri Krsna.Extrañamos mucho su asociacion.

Kali Yuga ki jay! Las pruebas de Krsna pienso son 10 veces mas fuerte.

             ASA - Possible pero el remedio es 20-veces mas facil: Canta Hare Krsna / hare Rama y sea FELIZ!!!

Gurudeva muchas gracias por sus bendiciones. Por favor vuelva pronto!

>bebiendo veneno y nectar alavez; su tonto sirviente Sacinandana Dasa.

                  HpS - ASA -  Como esta su Mama???