URGENTE – Confidencial

11 years, 7 months ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las Glorias a SS Hanumatpresaka Swami

Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis reverencias, le ruego me disculpe por no escribir antes, por la misericordia sin causa de Srila Prabhupada hemos tenido mucho servicio, también le ruego me disculpe por distraerle con esta carta, la cual le ruego no haga pública pues contiene varios nombres y no me autorizaron a divulgarlo....

             HpS -   Jaya!  TlgaSP...  Gracias su carta, "Secreto".   Son los leyes de Srila Prabhupada para Sannyasis como Matajis, "Hay muchísimas reglas y regulaciones que se deben seguir en la orden de vida de renuncia. Lo más importante de todo es que un sannyāsī tiene estrictamente prohibido el relacionarse íntimamente con una mujer. Él tiene prohibido incluso el hablar con una mujer en un lugar solitario." BG 16-1-3

Entonces no estamos leyend mas alla de su carta adelante por que va a ser algo confidential.  Pero,  nos gusta mucho conversar de estas cosas con carta particular si escriba a [email protected] con una copia a un devoto bueno. Jaya!  TlgaSP.  Esperamos..

Observations of a fool

11 years, 7 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna !!


Here we are back in mar del plata, Many things going on, projects at the farm, El loft, bhakti vriksa, etc. i visited miami, orlando and atlanta. i attended sunday feast at iskcon atlanta, didnt know wether i was at usa or india, 98% hindus, but Prabhupada's presence was so intense.

Then i visited alachua, for a few hours and iskcon miami, had to lead goura aratik no one was there except pujari and me. what i observed from the usa society is that they are very respectful of the rules, social relations seem to be more formal and distant and people is in his own business. they dont care too much what is going on around them unless you dont interfere with their sense gratification which is so enhanced in usa.

So much opulence, many people acting as if this world was a nice place to be. i noticed also a tremendous waste of energy, lights and electronic devices on all day long. i didnt like you have to drive everywhere, i think that makes people more isolated, me and my car.

In atlanta i saw so many churches, on sunday the were lines of cars waiting to park in the churches parking lot. i got in into an adventist church, all black people, they were speaking about taking shelter in jesus, i saw many religous advertisments on the road also, like Jesus is coming... it was a nice experience, i visited my relatives, they live in atlanta. My cousin's brother in law works for the secret services. he was personal security of Bill Clinton, George Bush and now Barak Obama. but he is like a wall very difficult to talk to.

i guess that is a quality you have to have to work there. i was thinking all the time i have to get an appointment with the president for my gurumaharaj, but i couldnt do it. maybe next time. regarding my personal life, my wife left me again, she decided i'm not the kind of man she wants to be with, so she moved to an apartment. I'm with my children half of the time but sanga is more intense. I see this situation as the mercy of Krisna. my focus is to improve my spiritual life and become more useful for our local projects.

Now we are chanting 16 rounds and 4 principles strictly, we are waking up at 6 am, planing to change it to 5 am during the next 2 weeks until we fix in a nice mangal arati everyday. i remember the instruction you gave me in chile, that is our solace. Hope you arrived safely at franklin, TN aspiring to become your servant, Bhakta Nicasio.

                     HpS -  Jaya.  Thank you your letter.   You may see that after six days back in USA, one tooth surgery, we are back with some energy to work.      Actually we have been working every day, but at about 30%.  Now we are up to 50%.   Haw Ray!    Hurray!                       Your family life sounds like a Tele-novela, but without as much madness as we see on television.  Really stop for a second and consider how much you have been blessed by Srila Prabhupada, me too!           I look at people around me and their lives are horrible. They think they are enjoying when their lifes blood is circulating through and automobiles motor.            You are right!  Autos suck out your life...    But little by little Srila Prabhupada's mercy has gone out and now the sale of autos is decreasing and the sale of bicycles is increasing.       Hari bolo!!!  Hari Bolo!!!!!!!!!         Please keep on talking to us.  It helps a lot to hear from you.   Your right.  USA needs Latin Love to be human.  It is nice we are efficient.  That is nice, for half the day.  But then lets close the office and make it a farm house.   Plant corn, beans and squash in half oof our our office building space and let the sun and rain come into the 14th - 21st floor!              Jaya!   Happy life.  Hare Krsna.    Farming with Krsna.

(Our energy is returning, but tiny ants that you can barely see have also began to invade the house and they bite with strong acid.)  Ha!   Ha!           Life's tough all over.  Going to Vrndavana!

           Send some funny news!

Jaya Gurudeva!!!

11 years, 7 months ago by giannina_dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias!

Hare krsna querido gurudeva!

Espero que este muy bien lleno de extasis como siempre junto a Radha Gopinath. En barcelona nos quedamos con el corazon roto cuando se fue pero estamos recuperando el entusiamos para servirle fielmente en vani. 

               HpS - TlgaSP.....   pfanrh ...  Somos juntos!

Gurudeva muchas gracias por su visita y por su inmensa misericordia con nosotros, cada segundo con Ud. esta guardado con mucho amor en nuestro corazón. Perdone también todas nuestras faltas, somos muy neófitos e ignorantes perdone si lo hemos ofendido sin querer.

Estos dos días hemos fallado en mangala arati porque hemos estado muy cansados pero nos recuperamos rapidisimo mañana, el viernes tenemos un examen super importante, nos estamos esforzando esperamos que Krishna no nos de el olvido!

16/4 ok!

Gurudeva queria hacerle una pregunta hace mucho tiempo pero no me atrevia y me olvidaba también, queria saber con que estandar puedo adorar a Gopalito, le pregunte a la madre Sarad B pero me dijo que debia preguntarle a Ud. si puedo usar los mantrar de adoración a la deidad y que estandar debia utilizar!!!????

Esperamos volver a verle pronto, mis reverencias a sus pies de loto!! Jaya Srila Prabhupada.

Su eterna sirviente 

Gandha-manjari dd

                HpS - No, los Bija mantras que utiliza los pujaris, 1.  Amor,   2. Limpieza,   3. Punctualidad,      4. Detalles de rituales,  los cuales son ofrecer a. incenso, b. lampara, c. flor fragrante,  d. fragrancia  e.  comida.   Claro, si vive en el templo su servicio a Gaura Nitai es servicio al Gopalito.  Incenso y un flor es suficiente.  Puede llevar Gopal al templo como Gaura Nitai puede ver.   Esta bien?   Que mas quiere hacer?

personal Sadana Reports

11 years, 7 months ago by Jagamohan in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna: Mi Querido Guru Deva por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias TODAS LAS GLORIAS A SRLA PRABHUPADA.

Muchas gracias por haber estado con su presencia en Madrid y habernos ayudado a despertar un poquito mas en la senda devocinal de acercamiento a Krisna.

Su sirviente Jagamohana Das

              HpS - ASA -  Jaya.  Ya llegamos a EEUU despues de FUERTE viaje de 29-horas.  Muy debil...  Pero esperamos mejorar.           Por la fin tenemos la oportunidad oir su CD Hari Boggies.   Pienso tiene que apliar a diferentes tipos de music como Salsa o otro.  Cuantas dias en Madrid, cuantas en Naval kunda?

News from Mar del Plata

11 years, 7 months ago by Panca tattva das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Hanumat  Presaka Swami

Please acept my humble obeciences

HAre Krsna beloved Gurudeva!!! I wish you are very well..If we  are luky the wood should by drying for this moment...Srila Prabhupads mercy!!!!.Nicasio just arrived from US, he is fine, he have a big desire to get iniciated..We talk about the interreligious programs in Mar del for november...

The devotee that painted Sri Nrisimha is Bhakta Gonzalo, a gryhasta  from our congregation..you remember him? he has your shelter..his a nice devotee.

Mahaprabhus mission in mardel is based at the programs of the Loft..INdia night festival, Devotional theater, Bramacaris prasadam distribution, kirtan 3 hours. Two bhakti vriksas programs, and the farm proyect..

18 good rounds. when we are not exaust of sudra work!! We are reading Prabhupads Lilamrta uauuu!! our vision of Prabupads books had changed a lot, Prabhupads mood!! an ocean of Nectar..,also reading BG, Caitanya Bhagavata at night,some NoI, and Studing SBg 3-1 Viduras questions...Giving SBg lecture twice a week for devoties...

All thanks to prabhupads ans your mercy...

We always do our best with the tools we have, our inteligence can see Krishna and our guru, GURU kripaaa.

Hare Krsna GUru maharaja!!!!

your eternal servant

Panca tattva das

               HpS - ASA -  Thank you.  AGTSP.   Thanks to Gonzalo!!!                 Yes, reading Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta is so important.    We understand so much of the history, roots of ISKCON then.  What we have to do to be like Prabhupada!!!         Movie Night!!!   Such nice programs.   Then the visitors can suggest their own programs! >>>>>>>>>>   Expanding!


11 years, 7 months ago by trivikrama das in Personal Sadhana Reports
Dear Gurudev,
I´m Trivikrama das from chile, and im writing to you because i want to tell you about the relationship that I have now with Bhaktin Valentina Silva, we have de approbation of her parents, but for us the most important approbation is yours, we know each other for a long time as friends.
My service is cooking for the deities on Saturdays , for more than 6 months. Valentina’s service was washing the kitchen after Prabhupada’s feast at first, but then because of changes in her classes she is now helping me cooking on Saturdays.
Im working as graphic designer in a company of sport´s graphics like motocross, rally and thing like that.
Valentina is finishing the school, and preparing a test to enter to architecture career.
We wait for your response
our sincere obeisances,
Learning to serve,
 Trivikrama Das and Valentina Silva
               HpS -  Jaya!    AgtSP....     paoho....    Sounds very nice.   We hope you can know each other and be friends for many more years also, even in your journey back to Krsna!!!...     How is your Sadhana bhakti???  We are just leaving for EEUU!!!