gadadhara gosai das(ecuador)

11 years, 6 months ago by gadadharagosaidas in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna gurumaharaja!!

todas las glorias a srila prabhupada!!!

acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

hace 2 dias acabamos de llegar a ecuador,  hoy empezamos nuestro servicio en el pujari, hay mucho por hacer,  el sadhana: siempre estoy cantando las 16 rondas cada dia y siguiendo los 4 principios regulativos. aqui en ecuador mejorara el levantarme temprano para mangala arati.

Gurumangala muy entusiasta arreglando todas las habitaciones del templo, para la semana que viene llegaran muchos devotos, viene Jayapataka Swami y 40 años de Iskcon Ecuador.

siempre pidiendo de sus bendiciones, su sirviente gadadhara gosai das.

hare krishna!!!

                 HpS - Jaya!    TlgaSP.....     Ecuador es un sitio muy, muy especial.  Pueden ser la Con. de Krsna, muy natural.   Solamente mantener su pureza, servicio y va a ver que expanda como en vibraccion de electricidad en un a red de cables que pasa por cientos de Km.         Hare e ee    e         e                   e                                                      e !

here we go..

11 years, 6 months ago by Raulmontreal in Personal Sadhana Reports


Please accept my humble obeisances

Dear Maharaja

Thank you very very much for you answer and help.  We will try to develop transcendental association with no physical presence with devotees, continue with CC Adi-lila and send reports of our study to you. Also presently we are deepening our understanding of Krisna-lilas as in sastra (Krsna Book) and as in Krishna katha, (devotees relating to the pastimes).  Our method is to observe, read, listen carefully and with submission, note the rasas, moods, as in Between Krishna - Kamsa and in between the lilas and the devotees then correlate them with their descriptions and transcendental meanings in the NOD.  

            ASA - AGTSP......   !      HAve you read "Waves of Devotion" by Danurdhara Swami???

We sense that every sentence or lila in the Krisna Book has multiple levels of meaning at least two as Srila Prabhupada explained (those open and those hidden)  we are not sure if this perspective is good, please give us some direction. 

your most fallen servant
bhakta Raul

            ASA -  Wow, we were thinking today as we read Krsna book that the pastimes it described with the cow-herd boys et al, could be translated into the things that happen to us every day very easily.  The boys heard cows.  We herd e-mail...   Etc.  Demons!     Many are in our heart!!!           Hare Krsna!!!                  Go ahead!!!

Taking my degree in Education

11 years, 6 months ago by Patrak das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna Dear Gurudeva...

all glories to Srila Prabhupada and U!!!   _______'o__    PAMHO

here we are again... how are U???  

we are ok.. my doctor told me i might be a special case cause all tests are ok despite all the pills i am taking for so many years...

we read DTC everyday and translate it into spanish for others and share it on a facebook group....

16R, 4P, MA, reading SB and BG are going well. we are more strict on that now. our service to deities in temple and at home are helping a lot... association with devotees very essential for us...

Work is ok... just 4 hours a day... cooking while listening classes or kirtan... prasadam for a pious family...

we found a very good university where we can get a degree in education in just 3 years...  we just have to go 2 days a week... it is a extension program....  the degree they give is recognized in all pontificia universities in the month we have an interview with them... hope they accept us....

i still want to do something with nimsar... so if we can get this degree is ok.....

thanks a lot for all your support... it helps a lot

your servant

Patrakito Das Monkey Warrior!!!!   <img alt="" src="" title="" />

              HpS ---------->>>>>.  Jaya!!!!!!!!                       Srila Prabhupada is so happy with such efforts, no?   Thousands of devotees staying pure and then Krsna can use them as he wants to use them.  Think the realy thing is to see who will actually be your teachers.  It is the person that gives the education not the system, no?      Let us know how it goes?   Are LOB's available from the BBT Peru????

From Valparaiso, Chile

11 years, 6 months ago by Ignacio González in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Gouranga Nityananda
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to H.H. Hanumatpresaka Swami

Please accept my most humble obeisance

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja! I hope that this letter find you with a good health and as comfortable as it could be. My name is Ignacio González, I ´m from Valparaiso and it has been a long time that I haven´t write to you.

         HpS - ASA -  AGTSP!!!    !!     Is so nice to hear from you Ignacio.  We remember so many things about you!!

I apologize for that but I have been working as a biology teacher, doing my thesis on nature of science, working on the professional practice, doing the programs at the new nama hatta in Valparaiso, arranging things for the conferences for October and also arranging things for my marriage, all of that without counting that I´m a father of a one year boy.

          ASA - Ignacio el Super- Hero!

A lot! That’s the kuruksetra for this semester!! The Bhagavad-Gita has been a good book, sometimes I really want to quit but I know that we have to solve this discontinuities of time.  We have been lucky because a lot of good devotees are interested and try to help us, and we really need their help.

I have been following the four principles, chanting 16 rounds per day and worshiping the deities every Sunday. The thing is that it´s all on an intellectual level, I know that this is the path and that I my efforts have to be done to achieve this… but how can I be more attach to Krsna? I really don´t know. I have been trying to do acts of trust and have been working a little bit.

Other thing, I have been willing to be your formal disciple for some time now. I have been following the 4 principles for six months, chanting 16 rounds for maybe 3 years and doing continues service for a year. Would you accept me as your formal disciple?

           HpS - Jaya!       I am just an instrument of Srila Prabhupada who is just a ....     If you are following everything for 6-months they you can be a  ----  FORMAL ASPIRANT --- !    Jaya!        SIx months more and if you are ready to following the life of Yoga forever then  ---- HARINAMA DIKSA  ---                               In the beginning we don't get much taste.  Just relief from suffering, slavery to drugs etc, and our life starts to become auspicious in every way.   Yes, by the mercy of Lord Caitanya we do get some causeless mercy, but mostly is intellectual like you say and the real, practical aspect is that we really can follow the four principles etc.                  You need a letter of recomendation from Amara-gauranga Das.

How is your morning worship, program.  It is a Requirement set by Srila Prabhupada. Without morning program our Japa is like 15% effective!!!

It sounds like you will have great success as you get this basis to your efforts.  It sounds like you have a Karma of 50 story tall building but until you get a solid basis under it it can, will, collapse to zero.

16-4- 4AM, Kirtana, Deity, SB.           Can be simple.   Early to bed, early to rise.   Next letter.  Of course, these all have content for everyone!!                Thank you so much for your years of austerity. You must have been doing this for lifetimes.....

It´s not much that I can offer you, but I will do my best to satisfy you.

Your lousy servant…


bhaktin Atenea, Cuerámaro

11 years, 6 months ago by atenea bhaktin in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna querido Hanumatpresaka Swami!
Todas las glorias eternamente sean a Srila Prabhupada!!
Todas las glorias al gran Movimeinto de Sankirtana!
Todas las glorias a Sri Caitanya y Nityananda Prabhu!!
Por favor acepte nuestras humildes y respetuosas reverencias una y otra vez a sus hermosos y cálidos pies de loto.

          ASA - HpS - TlgaSP.    Pfanrh.  No, tenemos pies de loto, aun.  Somos en progresso. Posible somos 87% purificados.  Mas adelante....   87.3%  >    87.47%   >>  .....!

Uuff..por fin pude, había tenido problemas para escribir en el blog (donde va el cuerpo de la carta me aparecía gris y no podía escribir) pero gracias a Krsna, ya pude...

            ASA - Uncle Gismo - Si, Senorita, aveces pasa con nosotros tambien y estamos cambiando de Explorer a otro Browser como Mozilla y funciona.   Tambien posible si toca el "button" abajo que dicen "Disable Rich-text" puede escribir tambien!

Le informo los resultados de la distribución de libros en la maratón de Gurus, en el grupo eramos 6 devotas, gracias a su misericordia éstos fueron:
5 492 libros pequeños
502 libros medianos 
344 libros grandes
84 BG
Total = 6422 libros distribuídos

                 ASA -        !! !     $% !    INCREIBLE!!   !

Ahora reporte de sadhana:
Levantandonos 3:00 am diariamente, tomando curso de Padapadma en Cuerámaro, Gurudeva es un néctar leer el Srmad Bhagavatam, me siento muy feliz, vamos en el canto 1 capítulo 14.-La desaparición de Krsna. Los domingos tenemos festival con los devotos grihasthas de aquí, y los lunes son de descanso y recreación (: Practicamente todo el día estamos en la finca desde 4:45 am- 8:30 pm (humm..a veces un poco pesado, pero recordamos Su esfuerzo y ejemplo y eso nos da ánimos para seguir entusiastamente). Cantando 18 rondas diarias procurando que sean por la mañana. Leyendo Prabhupada construyó una casa en donde el mundo entero puede vivir.
Queremos tomar serio refugio de Prabhupada a través de sus libros y también de Usted, querido y santo Gurudeva. Escuchando algunas pocas clases que tengo suyas.
Guru Maharaja estamos realizando que la convivencia es todo un arte y la mayor austeridad... ha ha ! Viendo como poco a poco van saliendo anarthas que no conocíamos en nosotros mismos.. puaj !..pero hay que seguir limpiando el corazón.
En otros temas, tenemos una pregunta:

Son los mismos pasatiempos en Goloka que en Gokula ?!

             ASA - En Gokula, tierra, las Gopis tienen esposos y hay demonios, pero en Goloka, cielo, solamente piensa que tiene esposos y solamente hay rumoures de demonios.

Por último, rogando nos dé el preciado refugio de Sus Pies de loto  [Lodo terapeutico]
Por favor disculpenos todas las ofensas que pudimos haber cometido, orando ya no hacerlo más.
La aspirante a la devoción más neófita de todas, bhaktin Atenea.

               ASA - HpS -  Bien oir de Vd.  Es casi cierto estuve Vd un Vaisnava en su vida anterior.  Posible un miembro de ISKCON  ....   Adelante.  Adelante!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Personal Sadana - Prabhupada's Direccion

11 years, 6 months ago by Jagamohan in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna, mi querido Guru Deva Hanumat Presaka Maharaja por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Todas Las Glorias a Srla Prabhupada.

Por el momento estoy en el Templo y no voy casi nada a Navalakunda.

Su Sirviente Jagamohan Das

             HpS - Jaya!         Necesitamos mantener nuestra asociacion con Srila Prabhupada, no?   Necesitamos participar en reuniones por diferentes asuntos en su cuarto cada dia. Esta bien?  Claro es con todo respecto a devotos mas cerca de Srila Prabhupada como Tamal-krsna Goswami o otros, pero, somos miembros de ISKCON y Srila Prabhupada es muy claro que nadie esta superando su posicion como Fundador ni tampoco como Acharya, el quien dirigir por ejemplo.   Esta bien?   Si, no tiene esta relacion practico vamos a sentir como peros de la calle sin un refugio actual, sin un servicio fuerte, bien integrado con la plan personal, actual, hoy dia, de Srila Prabhupada como advanzar la predica en      -Madrid-  ....       O.K????