Greetings from Hungary

11 years, 5 months ago by sriradhedd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Hanumatpresaka Swami,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Sorry for i'm getting back to You so late.
I think of You and your advices everyday and i wanted to write to You so many times but nowadays my life is complicated and everything changes in every minute so i didn't know what can i post.

                 HpS - Jaya!   Vrndavana Dhama!

My spiritual life is ok. I get up 3 am, chant 20 rounds and read 1 hour in the morning and few months ago i started to chant 4 extra rounds in the afternoon. It helps me a lot and gives me strenght.
My material life is full with miseries.

            HpS - We would never expect you to say, "My material life is full of happiness"!  Physical life may be happy if we connect to the King of Happiness, but never Material Life, no?

It seems we don't go back to England nowadays because the circumstances changed there and here also.
Is it Krsna's plan or i have too big attachment to leave for abroad i don't know...
In our yatra so many things happened. There are good and bad changes also.
Lots of nice devotee left for abroad so the church tries to keep everybody here.
We don't have problems with the devotees but  it's very hard to maintain ourselves here because the average salaries are very low but the taxes are very high due to the Hungarian financial crisis. So we have to work very hard to pay ourselves, more than in England or any other western countries.
But Krsna is God and He will take care of everybody.
Nowadays whatever i want always the opposite of it will happen. But my desire is to become a pure devotee and it's not an easy task.

Maharaja, thanks for your time and help in Barcelona again. I was totally stupid there just as usual and i couldn't hear what you wanted to tell me but nowadays i think about it a lot and realized you always talk about very important things.

Now i understood how stupid i'm. I wanted to find a perfect spiritual master but i'm not so serious candidate and don't have important questions. I think myself too clever and want to do what i want and i see the negative sides of everything. I'm useless but by your mercy i hope once i can make progress and i can become a devotee.

Thank you very much for your nice association.
Trying to be your servant,
Sri Radhe devi dasi

               HpS - ASA -  But you have a very nice husband (for Kali-yuga (Ha, Ha, Ha)).  I think the main thing is to understand that you are not some kind of special person and there are many people with uncomplicated happy lives.    EVERYONE IN THE WORLD TODAY HAS COMPLICATED UNHAPPY LIVES. Drug Kings, President Obama.  Only hope is to be a devotee and realize that Krsna is in control and that ulitmately He wants to kill us.  Got that!!!   Krsna WANTS TO KILL you  (and me and...).   O.K.   but He wants to do it in just the right way.  So try to understand and die a proper death, no?   That's the first thing He wants.   Then....

HARE KRSNA - Diksa??

11 years, 5 months ago by Bhaktin Paula Quezada in Personal Sadhana Reports



First i would like to ask for your forgiveness for my Tarzan english and the offenses i´m certainly going to commt.

I am writing to introduce myself. My name is Paula Quezada, i'm 35 years old. Have a daughter, Antonia, she is 13. I was born in Los Angeles, California, but been living most of my life here, in chile. I know the devotees for about 12 years, after having a long journey through many movements and religions, when i got a pair of SP books through P. Arjuna Das's sankirtan at his mother´s store.

At that time, it confirms to me the existence of God, but due to my demoniac acctivities, i didn´t want to follow rules or regulations. It was in 2007, being on the brink and feeling absolute lost and hopeless that Paramatma express to me and make me remember "those books". Since then, its been a beatiful way, considering that without Ksrna it could be worst.

I took shelter on Srla Prabhupada´s lotus feet, focusing myself in doing anything that have to be done to please him, the only one who could save the life and change the history of someone like me.

But,the intensity of resistance was big, so i still wanted to do things my way. Now i understand it was my desire for control. It was SP throug the book the Raja Vidya, that makes me understand that without sanga there will be no more advacement. So, three years ago i decided to start attending SB and BG classes and make service in the temple.

Because of being a bookworm, reading SP books was and still is, such a perfect thing for me. Since then, i`ve been chanting my 16 rounds in japa beads and following four regulative principles. Did have some mayas, but for almost two years i´ve been very estrict with that, considering that it  is my spiritual master´s  advice for having a succesfull process.

Also, for about two years i´ve been making service working with the pujari for the deities clothing and jewelery and mandals and  curtains for the altar . I also like to knit vests for Sri Sri Goura Nitay, considering we´ve been having particularly cold winters. Also have the service of helping with the decoration for festivals and vyasa pujas.

The past new year (sound very wired no?) my daughter help me to decorate the temple for the celebration.Shes very favorable to make service with me. Thats been my fixed services. But since march, when i did have the chance due to some Krishna arrangement to stay for a few months as a resident  in the temple, that i also took the garland service. Actually i make them four days a week and been doind a deep investigation  to set a good standard for them (we were passing through some kali yuga degradation situation). And no matter what service i have i´m always willing to do anything that needs to be done at SP´s house (cleaning, cooking. etc. ).

I like to attend as many programs as i can, this is, Harinamas, maha sankirtanas, VB. Im actually doing the disciples course with P. Param Padam.

ASA -   AGTSP    paoho.....   Long, to many details for our small brain, so we scan ahead....

Last year i was in charge of the prasadam stand for the Ratha Yatra. Is there  a need to tell  that share with your holy association made ​​this one of the happiest moments of my life?? I think there is. So, this year im also going to participate in Ratha Yatra ki jay!! organization. P. Arjuna told me he wants me to work in the organization of stands department, and i (yes, me and my big me!!) would like to attend again the prasadm stand, because i think i have the experience so that we can improve our service there. But that´s in Krsnas, and P. Arejuna´s hands....

I stay in the temple as a resident untill june. Krsna made another arrengement for me, and now im staying with my grandmother. So, my sadhana is not as good as it was when i stay in the temple. I wake up at five to chant my rounds, and everything have to be very silent, so i have not been able to do mangal aratik as i would like to, but i trust that Krsna is going to make the arrengements so that i can do things as they have to be done soon.

Well, maharaj, the point here is that now i have to keep following SP orders. One of them said that " You must seek a bona fide spiritual master" and "One should approach a guru who can extinguish the blazing fire of this material world... If one is able to obtain the dust of the lotus feet of such a guru, his life becomes successful.He also said that "the true purpose of life is to return to the spiritual world". And in the moment i first saw you maharaj, in 2009, i knew that with your instruction i could go back home, back to Krsna. This is why im begging for your mercy for you to accept me as your foolish and insignificant servant. I´ve been attending the meetings of your deciples and trying to have sangha with them. I´m also reading what P.Patrak publishes in Kapi Dhvaja and assist your on line clases. As soon as i get internet at home, im going to conect to japa joe.

About two months ago i talk with P. Om Kesavaya for his formal recomendation for me to aspire to take Diksa initiation from you Maharaj. As long as i understand things are ok with them. Now, the rest and most important part  is in Krsnas causless mercy hands and your beatiful lotus feets (if they allow me to take shelter on them, though knowing im absolutely not wothy of it).

AGTSP for all the eternity and all the three worlds!!!

In a stupid attempt of trying to aspire to be your servant,

Bhaktin Paula Quezada

                HpS - ASA -  Jaya.  Read and tell us what you think.  Short letters often is good way to communicate with Blog!     Thank you so much.   You must become great hero.  Just takes work.

Bhaktin Linda Janeth

11 years, 5 months ago by Linda Janeth in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a usted GuruMaharaja


Esperando se sencuentre bien

Maharaja desde la primera vez que lo vi supe que usted era mi guru, paramatma me lo revelo,

             HpS - ASA -   TlgaSP.   Ooooof.  Pelligroso.  No es que no es posible, pero si no estamos devotos iniciados tenemos much confirmar cosas con escriptura, santos, todos!!

....yo se que soy una devota muy caida y que no meresco su misericordia pero por favor permitame servirlo, por favor permitame recibir su instrucción, Krishna me ha dado la oportunidad de conocer a más Gurus pero en el corazón siento que usted en mi Diksa-Guru, por favor Maharaja permitame ser su discipula. 

             .... hmmm.   puede leer ?    es essential.

Tengo 1 año y 6 meses siguiendo los 4 principios y 1 año y 2 meses cantando 16 rondas estrictamente,  el GBC le ha permitido dar recomendaciones a Madre Radhika, por lo general ella es la que da las recomendaciones en Nueva Nilacala Mandir  Guadalajara. Ella me dijo que podría darmela a mi tambien si usted lo permite.

Le ruego disculpe mis ofensas. 

Su Aspirante a sirviente Bhaktin Linda Janeth

            ....  muy bien.   puede ser un aspirante formal, pero necesito confirmar la autoridad de M. Radhika por el Guru Prasada Swami.   Puede obtener una carta de M. Radhika de GPSwami en terminos de esta relacion????   Hmmm.   Es un formalidad pero como la boda, es un formalidad, pero no sin significado!!  Primeros desafios.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja

11 years, 5 months ago by Dhanisthadevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

                                        Por Favor acepte mis humildes reverencias. Todas Las Glorias a Sri Sri Gour Nitay!!!

.Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

.Todas Las Glorias sean a Usted!!!   [Only a little glory to us.  we are lazy]

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, espero que Usted esté muy bien,

soy Dhanistha devi dasi, Santiago, Chile.

Muchas Gracias por Su misericordiosa respuesta, estoy haciendo bastante esfuerzo por mejorar mi servicio.

Hari Murari le envía sus sinceras reverencias.

    Su sirvienta,

    Dhanistha devi dasi.

                    asa - what is your service now????    we are winning!

Hari Hari, Bolo! pabloparikrama.

11 years, 5 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other
Hare Krsna Maharaja!
Todas las glorias para Guru-Gauranga, Radha Govinda Candra!
Todas las glorias para todos los devotos!, ¿ los sentidos espirituales de Krsna ?, Hrsikesha?
Hola Maharaja, perdone el tardar tanto en responderle, me encanta responderle.
Espero que este muy bien Maharaja, en todos los sentidos.
Yo estos dias estoy con Varuna en vacaciones de verano, esta muy contento. Nos bañamos en el rio, este año no hay playa, jugamos, y comemos...y bañamos a Gaura-Nitay, Krsna-Balarama. Esta aprendiendo a cantar con divierte y quiere a Krsna, con eso yo estoy contento. Casi tiene 6 añitos.
Yo, con los 4 principios, me parece que me escoltan 4 Samurais,...pero no se cuantas rondas he cantado cada dia porque no he usado el contador, canto siempre que puedo, entre el trabajo y Varuna no tengo mucho tiempo, asi que llevo siempre encima un Japa de Rudrakshas al cuello, no tengo de Tulasi corto, asi que tengo miedo que pueda perder alguno de mis Samurais al no ser constante en el Vrata, el voto de Japa, canto.
La lectura muy flojo, otro miedo. Tengo que mejorarlo aunque solo sea media pagina al dia...intentare arreglar mis errores.
El Ashrama, esta en ; 40º 10´38.10´´ N...6º38´38.99´´ W, segun el google earth.  Toda esa tierra alargada y mas de la derecha es la finca, mas o menos.
Leo sus DTC y Blog, es encantadora su Asociacion, muchisimas gracias Maharaja.
Pienso mucho en mi Sankirtana, y en el hecho que no tengo una relacion practica con ISKCON, pero ISKCON esta en mi corazon, es lo poco que puedo sacar en claro. Ah! y que soy un ISKCONita.
Tengo deseo de utilizar las palabras de Prabhupada para el Cristianismo y otros pensamientos, me gusta transformarlas para darle otra forma, pero no tengo claro que puede significar. He pensado en cosas como ..." El corazon del Rosario ", o " El amor de Cristo " y fusionarlo con mis realizaciones de Japa-meditacion, o sobre el Amor. Tal vez podria interesarle a gente Cristiana, o Musulmana... No tengo nada claro. ¿ Pero, que otra cosa puedo hacer al no tener una relacion practica con ISKCON ?
             asa - agtsp...  we don't understand.....  to many "no"s.
Como siempre Maharaja, pocas cosas que decir, lo siento mucho.
Una cosa, que me he propuesto aprender Asana muy enserio, para asegurar mis fuertes sentidos en mi Sadhana-Bhakti Yoga. Si puedo decirle que he tenido muchas realizaciones gracias a Su Asociacion en el Sankirtan, muchisimas gracias. Haribol.
Haribolo!!, que bonita la historia de Harideva en Vrndavana, no?.
Muchisismas gracias. A Sus pies transparentes.
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna!!
                 asa - we try the google map.     more japa on beads.  take the time. its worth it.

Jaya ASA Japa Forum!

Maharaj I am writing to thank you for japa program which helps me every day.

 also take this opportunity to thank all the devotees who participate in it.

    This program helps me to combat the onslaught of the ravenous senses.

              the chanting of japa is very nice with your association.

        Krsna's mercy. every day the process is a bit more clear.

today I'm listening to bhajans sung by Srila Prabhupada.   Amar Jivan, Hari Hari Biphale janama, Anadi Karama phale are gems. from bg 4.34 cannot argue with the spiritual master. I think that's all.  thank you very much Maharaj.  please forgive all my offenses your fallen servant George.

         hps - asa - agtsp.....   paoho.....   maya tatam idam sarvam....  bg 7.? ....  cited 'noi' 3 to show that enthusiasm means to use everything in krsna's service, by the instruction of the spiritual master.       george is a plenary potentate of the regent of spain, maybe, so we soon expect the king of spain to be joinning 'japa-joe' daily.  the reverse is true.  it is george's participation that has done much to keep us all together from 1.30-2.30am daily.