Maharaja por favor acepte mis reverencias
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada¡
Todas las glorias Sri Sri Guru y Sri Gauranga¡
....bueno despues de mucho tiempo de no reportarme edstamos aqui rindiendo cuentas
seguimos con el canto de nuestra japa y sigueido los principios regulativos
y bueno ahora tengo 2 servicios en el templo de Radha Madana Gopala uno es en pujari y otro es en la cocina tambien seguimos todos los dias en la adoracion de nuestra shila en casa ahora seguimos haciendo videos para el templo y bueno nose se guste darnos alguna instruccion a Kamalakshi y ami y tambien le anexo el link para que vea los videos
saludos desde mexico d.f
ASA - Jaya!!!! TlgaSP. pfanrh. Instruccion: Escriba mas frequente! Vamos a ver el link!
Hare Krsna Maharaja!
Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I mentioned to Annette from Fort Collins how nice your class was that she was so kind as to host, and she sends her obeisances to you.
In response to your inquiry about Sri Sri Radha Damodara's associates, Advaita Acharya was the temple president there when I started going to Gita Nagari almost 10 years ago. He is a very great devotee, and was the first brahmacari to give me training. Currently he is president in San Antonio, Texas, at a preaching center. Just last week he had marriage yanja with a nice gurukuli devotee from Houston named Kalindi Mataji!
Mother Jagganath is a very close associate of Radha Damodara. She wakes early, I believe around 2:30 or perhaps earlier to make burfi to wake Their Lordships with, then prepares breakfast and sometimes also raj bhoga. I used to enjoy cleaning Sri Radha's kitchen, cutting vegetables, cleaning the Lord's plates, washing pots, etc in her association.
Mother Kaulini is another very close associate of Radha Damodara. If I recall correctly, she was temple president after Advaita Acharya left and spent some time in Mexico. I enjoyed her association and received some instruction from her... she is very sweet. For some time her health was not doing so well, unfortunately, and she had to spend some time in New York in the care of devotees while she recovered. It looked unfavorable for a while, but, I am happy to hear that she has recently returned to Gita Nagari!!
Pariksit is a nice assocate also. He is very learned and gives good bhagavatam class. He had spent some time at the Rupanuga Vedic College, but I believe he may be back at Gita Nagari now.
Acharya and Sudevi are very kind associates of Their Lordships. Acharya is a kind brahmin, and Sudevi was very kind to have given me her blessings and mercy in personal events and relations at Gita Nagari, including helping to arrange yajna. I am grateful for her assistance, as well as Acharya's.
I just heard yesterday from Mother Nidra that Tulsi Balava and Caroline are visiting Gita Nagari as I write this to see Tulsi's guru maharaja, Radhanath Swami Maharaja! I will call them shortly and humbly request to send my obeisances to Radha Damodara and my close associates at Gita Nagari, who I have not seen for a while!
It is exciting to hear we have a connection still to Gita Nagari and Their Lordships. Actually, Chota Gaura Nitai here at the Denver temple are the Chota Gaura Nitai that traveled with Radha Damodara on the bus tour! So even here, there is a connection to Them. This is so nice!
Maharaja, I have been trying to read your recommended books, and have been thoroughly enjoying them. I read Light of the Bhagavata (very nice! I see why you put much focus on it), Nectar of Instruction (and re-read the sloka/translation 2 more times, and will go back to translations/purports that I felt inspired by), and the biography of Lord Chaitanya in Srimad Bhagavatam. Next is Prabhupada Lilamrta, but I am first going through Science of Self Realization again, because it is such a nice book. Because Lilamrta is so long, I may read some shorter books alongside it. Then after Lilamrta will be Your Ever Well Wisher. I have a desire to start at the Bhagavatam soon! It will greatly help my ability to preach and assist my sankirtan.
HpS - We were recommending "Your Ever Well Wisher" to start with, not "Lilamrta", because, like you say it is so long, but main thing is read whatever inspires you to do good constantly.
Madhukari arrived at Radha Govinda Mandir earlier this week. He is very inspiring, and I am working on building a nice relationship with him. We will see where it goes. Mother Nidra also has been giving great instruction on sankirtan, I am so lucky to have her association to learn from her impressive ~40 year service of distributing books every day! I am very thankful for her kindness towards me.
I am trying to give up on making my own plan, as Krsna likes to put obstacles in those plans, and trying to see what His plan is for His benefit. It will be revealed with time, we will see.
Your servant,
Bhakta David II
HpS- Jaya. Thank you for the news. We feel like we are in the Temple. We want very much to always be a part of New Badarikasrama. Please send more news as things develop. Is Gopal's Prasadam open again.
all glories to Srila Prabhupada, our savior!!!!!
all glories to U!!! and <img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" /> and Uncle Gismo!!
Please Accept Our Humble Obeisances at your feet _____'0__
we really hope U are getting better... We are Ok. have man/have machine... hehehe everytime we go to see the doctor she is surprised to see us OK... She asked us to give a speech for other patients on "how to get a better quality of life".... any suggestions will be very helpful for us.
HpS - AGTSP... Could base it on Upadesamrta. Talk about what makes you happy.
Our sadhana is Ok. 16r,4P, 4AM, reading, worship,BhSastri...( we are trying to do it in a better way)
2 weeks ago we had our interview in the University... It was really really awesome!!! we prepared and studied for that interview, we were very nervous.. Our surprise was that the interviewer was a friend of devotees from Chosica!!!! hahahahahah all the interview was about the temple, devotees, his memories and Srila Prabhupada!!! at the end he told us... well Prabhu Welcome to the University!!! So we passed the interview!!!! We start our classes on Aug 19th <img alt="" src="" title="" />
... HpS - Even a dog can take part in this movement and dance in ecstacy. Congratualtions!!!! <img alt="" src="" style="font-size: 20.799999237060547px; background-color: rgb(253, 226, 205);" title="" /> <img alt="" src="" style="font-size: 20.799999237060547px; background-color: rgb(253, 226, 205);" title="" /> <img alt="" src="" style="font-size: 20.799999237060547px; background-color: rgb(253, 226, 205);" title="" />
well dear Gurudeva maybe U have a lot of more important letters to answer so we don't want to waste your time.... we are trying to write more often...
thanks a lot for all you support
We miss U a lot!!!!!
trying to be a useful tool for U and Prabhupada!!!
Patraka Das
HpS - Keep chanting. Your Mission in Life, maybe many lives will become clear! Wonderful fotos!!! "I've heard about Their romance, but now I've actually seen Them dance".
AGTSP !!! Gurudeva la pregunta sobre Nitay Caitanya Candra es que si puedo adorarlos ahun yo viviendo en el templo?????? he escuchado varias cosas pero me gustaria saber que opina usted al respecto, entiendo que la principal atencion debe ser para Radha Madhan Gopal
En estos momentos el Presidente del templo es Vanamali Gopal Dasa dicipulo de HH Indradyumna Swami Maharaja, es un devoto muy entuciasta y el tempo esta mejorando cada vez mas, el es ahora mi auotoridad inmediata, cada mes hay un Maha Harinam mensual y trato de asistir lo mas que se puede es una oportinidad de poder distribuir algunos libros ya que no suelo motivarme mucho por salir a distrubuirlos yo sola, en este sentido sigo siendo muy torpe soy como una rata que se encuentra en las segundas filas del Sankirtan temerosa de salir a luchar , creo que puedo dar mucho mas apoyando a los devotos que salen a distribuir Libros quedandome a atender a la deidad soy muy torpe para hablar con las personas pero cuando el Señor Caitanya da su miscericordia la acepto y hago mi mayor esfuerzo.
HpS - Jaya. TlgaSP. Pfanrh. Senor Caitanya siempre esta expandiendose en muchas formas. Aun en Rathaytra esta en muchos formas. Entonces, tiene forma en el altar en el templo y tambien en su habitacion personal en el Templo. Claro, tiene que pensar en adoracion apropriado para cada forma. Canta 'Hare Krsna", y poco a poco establece un estandard simple para sus deidades y los del templo.
Todas las Glorias a Goura Nitai
Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada
Estimado Guru Maharaja:
Espero que su salud este estable....
HpS - ASA - TlgaSP. pfanrh. Impossible para mi o ti. Esta mundo material es "dukhalayam asasvatam... sitio de sufrimiento y inestable. no lo se olvidarse!
Debo contarle que mi sadhana permanece en levantarme temprano 5.30 en casa leo el SB, canto mis 16 rondas, sigo estrictamente los principios regulativos, por las tardes leo el SG y las enseñanzas de la reina Kunti, tambien termine el seminario de adoracion hace un tiempo (dictado por P.Ananta Gouranga) fue muy inspirador y bonito ; y ya con el seminario preparandome para hacer servicio en el abhishek de janmashtami.
HpS - Jaya. Referencias a el.
...tambien estoy haciendo el "Curso para discipulos en Iskcon" y preparandome para dar la prueba de iniciacion muy pronto!!!!.
Mi servicio actualmente es de asistente de pujari el domingo en la madrugada, estoy feliz por que el Señor es misericordioso y compasivo aunque no lo merezco y se que aun me falta madurar espiritualmente pero Krishna no me deja de sorprender.
Debo decirle que en este tiempo he tenido pruebas muy duras, pero tratando de mejorar en la vida espiritual junto a los devotos mayores, que sin duda tienen mayor sabiduria y la asociacion con ellos es lo mejor, sin duda Krishna me envia todas esas pruebas para que yo aprenda, por que soy muy necia, llena de ego falso, con prejuicios, tambien carezco de inteligencia pero me estoy esforzando para servir en la mision de Srila Prabhupada y complacerlo a usted.
Aun me cuesta diferenciar entre maya y Krishna pero creo que con buena asociacion, leer los libros de Srila Prabhupada,cantado buenas rondas y su instruccion me ayudara.
Mi relacion con Lanka Vijaya Das va bien, ha sido un poco duro y con gran prueba a la tolerancia ya que estamos en la distancia El en Peru y Yo aca en Chile, pero tambien ha servido para tener un autocontrol de los sentidos.
P. Lanka le envia muchas reverencias y lo recuerda con nostagia. Espera que pueda tener su asociacion aca en Chile, por que el tambien viene en noviembre.
Bueno sin mas demora ,espero que todo este funcionando por la voluntad de Krishna y que su salud lo acompañe. pidiendo mil disculpas por mis ofensas...
Le ofrezco mis humildes reverencias
Bhaktin Carolina Castro S. (Maipu) ;)
HpS - Jaya. Usualmente los problemas son , 1) Controlarlos sentidos, 2) Conflictos con devotos, familia. Claro todas estas cosas son bien clarificado en Nectar de la Instruccion. Eso es el libro. Simple pero nivel basica muy fuerte y entonces puede servir como guia a niveles mas profundo! Cuidado en relaciones con sexo opuesto. Todo su actividad con Senor Lanka tiene que ser en publico, no cartas solas, no caminado sola... yo he visto las parejas MAS sinceros no seguir estas cosas .... victimas de la Bruja Negra. Puede relacionar, pero con Papa, Tio, Hemano, Sobrino (material o espiritual) con Vds. >>>---> Happy Life. Advanza pronto. Casa, hijos, amigos, Templo, Sannyasa, Goloka!!!