Noticias desde chile, abhimanyu Das

11 years, 5 months ago by abhimanyu das in Personal Sadhana Reports
All glories to Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra
All glories to Sri Vrindavan Dham
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to Swami Hanumatpresaka.
Hare krishna dear Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my most humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
              HpS - ASA -  AGTSP,  Maybe Daisy Feet (Like many Disciples of Prabhupada by His Mercy)
 I hope that this letter meets U in very good health and that U are happy in serving the Lord,
 I write from Santiago de Chile, to tell how is my life. I'm in the second year of my career in psychology, I tell you that last year by your mercy I had the first place in my generation,
            HpS - Jaya!   We remember you nice school.
...and this year I'm trying a lot to achieve that also, on the other hand I have one offering for you with too much love, this year I was helping in a class called History of the psychological thought, where there is explained since the Greeks to current theories of psychology, then talking with the teacher gave me the space to include a unit in the course called "Vedic culture, beginning of the psyche concept " where I gave classes to the freshmen, explaining the concepts that exist on the mind in the Vedic culture, obviously passing through the creation of the universe, making comparison with Plato and Socrates and some more contemporary philosophers like Heidegger and Kant, and putting verses from Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita, Prabhupada was quoted in each part of the course, and as this is within the contents of the course the students were asked in their tests and examinations on the Vedas and Prabhupada, and they should quote the words of Prabhupada, so my offering to you in the sankirtana that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu instructed us is that every year there will be included Vedic culture within this course, I hope you like this news, I will just keep trying to do more things for the sankirtana in college.
                HpS - This is very nice.  You must be a genius. Where did you learn about the History of Western Pschology?  Just from this one class you had?  This is very much the center of all of our work now.
These days I've been very inspired by the spiritual life with a great desire to have more profound achievements in service to Sri Radha and Krishna, I hope to have Your blessings.
                HpS - You must learn to become as light as a feather.
I also wanted to tell you that I am very happy because this Thursday in Santiago we began a program that I told U when we were in India two years ago, It is about reading the Caitanya Caritamrita and do bhajans to bring together devotees and to become more close to each other in the mood the glorification of the holy name, so I wanted to ask you to give me all Your blessings in this new and beautiful process to serve the Vaisnavas.
                    HpS - So, nice.  You have found such a nice place to do your bhajan, under the shade of CC.
On the other hand I have two questions I wanted to ask, the first one is related to one meaning of a verse of the Caitanya caritamrta that Prabhupada gives about envy I wanted to show it so U may help me understand it better:
The word Upeksa means disdain. The envious person should be overlooked. The preacher has a duty to love the Supreme Personality of Godhead, making friends with the Vaisnavas, show mercy to the innocent and reject or neglect those who are envious or are jealous. In the movement for Krishna consciousness there are many people envious vaisnavas wearing habits, and do not consider them at all. There is no point to serve an envious person dressed in Vaishnava. When Narottama dasa Thakura says nistāra peyeche chadiya keba Vaishnava seva refers to true Vaishnava, not envious or jealous people dressed as Vaisnavas. (Caitanya-caritamrta / Madhya-Lila, chapter 1, verse 218)
How shall I understand this? Gurudeva
           HpS - I don't know the exact meaning, but one could be Bengali people who were formally in the Sannyasa order but were using that to control temples and people to get fame and money. Others could be devotees in ISKCON or other modern movements who also dress like Prabhupada followeres but really use that to try to get fame and drive out real devotees.  Is very subtle thing to apply. Be careful.
And the second question is related to the altar that I have in my house. I would put between the picture of Srila Prabhupada and the photo of you, two great personalities, Srila Bhakti Swarup Damodar Goswami Maharaja and Prabhu Jayananda, in order to honor them every day when I do the artik, what do you think about that? Is it suitable or convenient to do so?.
               HpS - Little subtle. Jayananda Das was so great that probably every devotee in ISKCON would not mind having him between him and Prabhupada. BSDM is my Sannyasa Guru, Senior God brother but in some ways I also feel of him as my Godbrother also.  So is subtle relating God Brothers into the Parampara. As a fomality of Diksa a small picture of me after Prabhupada in Paramapara seems correct, but as a personal thing. I don't mind sitting after BSDM, Jayananda Das and many other Godbrothers and "God Sons and Nephews" in line to Prabhupada.
I hope you forgive me for this long letter, but I did not write to U for so long and I had much to tell.
Your eternal servant who loves U all so much
Abhimanyu das
P.D. : My girlfriend, who is called Ingrid, also wanted to write that she feels great admiration for you and for the work that you do as being my spiritual master, due to she is impressed that people who may have little faith You are able to fill motivation and love for Krishna inside them, making purify their hearts, for that I wanted to express that she is thankful for Your service as spiritual master, and she feels very inspired by U, so she wants to thank all the will and motivation that you have in order to serve Krishna, Prabhupada and all mankind.
    HpS -  Thank you for nice letter.     I HOPE four principles, up early, 16-enthusiastic rounds are strong!!   Then will go ahead smooth.   See our news in the Kapi Dhvaja tomorrow.  Thank you.  Very useful letter.  Our respects to Ingrid, you family, everyone!

Desde Rosario, argentina.

11 years, 5 months ago by Esteban Perez in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Querido Hanumat-Presaka Swami!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! acepte mis sinceras reverencias.

Soy Esteban de Rosario, el motivo por el cual le escribo esta carta es para pedirle bendiciones ya que las necesito. No es la primera vez que le escribo, lo he hecho en varias oportunidades . Lo que nunca me quedó claro es si Usted me dió refugio o no, ya que vivo lejos del templo de Buenos aires y no sé como son las formalidades en mi caso.

          HpS - TlgaSP.  pfanrh.   Nececita una Carta de Recomendacion Ser Aspirante Formal del Presidente de ISKCON BsAs.  Si, claro tenemos que comunicar personalmente tambien, pero formalmente esta Carta tambien.  Esta leyendo, nuestra comprehension de Guru?

...Estuve hablando con sus discipulos Devakinandana das ,Jahnava dd y Rati Manjari dd los cuales me alentaron a volver a escribirle y a seguir despertando mi admiracion hacia Usted. Sinceramente quiero tomar iniciacion. Estoy seguro de que Usted es un fiel representante de Srila Prabhupada a quien me gustaria seguir como maestro espiritual.

En cuanto a mi persona, estoy firme en el canto de 16 rondas diarias y los principios regulativos, lectura y distribucion de Prasadam desde hace ya varios años.Tambien en nuestro hogar junto con mi señora esposa mantenemos programas de Kirtan 3 horas los fines de semana con gran exito.        

En conclusion, espero su breve respuesta...anhelando su llegada  para poder servirlo y nutrirme de su sincera devocion.

Mis reverencias


Esteban Perez (Rosario, Argentina)

     HpS - Aparece que Vd esta muy listo... pero necesitamos la Carta para adelantar. Es un Formalidad, pero no sin significado.                                             


11 years, 5 months ago by Gadai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, acepte mis reverencias y un coordial saludo, acá le escribo desde el departamento del Cusco - Perú.

Estoy haciendo Sankitan, es bueno, pero estoy teniendo dificultades para levantarme temprano, me estoy levantando entre las 5 am y  5 : 30 am, estoy leyendo muy poco los libros de Srila Prabhupada y en momentos ofendo a mi esposa con palabras duras. En realidad momentos desagradables. 

Por momentos pierdo el gusto por el Sankirtan y eso me llena de tristeza, tengo temores y miedos de dejar el Sankirtan, espero que eso nunca suceda!!!

Guru Maharaj parece que Maya me esta dando duro, lo único que me ayuda a no desanimarme son las 16 rondas y los 4 principios, pero en lo demas no estoy bien.

Espero poder remediar esta situación y mejorar como persona, perdone mi trizte sinceridad.

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj me despido de usted y nuevamente mis reverencias.

Gadai Gauranga Das

HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP.  pfanrh.  Claro, tiene que pedir desculpas de Mataji, tiene que levantar como Krsna y Prabhupada para Brahma-muhurta, y leer Srimad Bhagavatam. Pero decir que no tiene la luz y no tiene mucho profundidad de muestra de sinceridad es estupido. Encontramos problemas aun en el caracter de Maharaja Bharata momento antes de Prema!    Adelante.  Toma mucho refugio de ejemplo de Srila Prabhupada. El encontro muchos desafios tan fuertes sin poder, apoyo, juventad, NADA, y canta Hare Krsna y continua.

Si, es un gran desafio ya para Vd.   Buena suerte.....   Toma refugio de Srila Prabhupada y todo sus hermanos espiritual sinceros en ISKCON.  No convierte una victima de Maya y permita Ella matar milles de personas no obtener los libros de Prabhupada. 

Bringing the Holy Name to East Side East Dallas

11 years, 5 months ago by aron illo in Personal Sadhana Reports

He could have been on any dust road in Mexico, in his old small pick up parked under a shady tree.  But we are in urban East Dallas on East Side Avenue on a hot Sunday afternoon.  His name is Polo and he's a mariachi, a Mexican musican.  He is very taken with us for he keeps smiling, his eyes shining bright on his worn tired face.  He graciously accepts Karma la Justica Infallible.  The Maha Mantra brings him great joy and he can not contain his smile.  

We come upon a young Indian couple.  A work crew is renovating their newly purchased home.  They have heard of Radha- Kalachandji Dham but have yet to visit.  A beautiful hard bound Bhagavad Gita now resides in their home.

Twin girls about ten years old are having a great time playing under a sprinkler in their front yard.  They have on matching suits and goggles.  We approach their father in the driveway at his vehicle.  He is interested in Sri Isopanishad and all are fascinated with the changing body picture.  Mom is inside but sends out a nice donation for a book in Spanish.  Everyone receives a mantra card and we have the best time chanting together.  

We decide to move over to the corner market, Mercado Mexico.  Mari is heading to her truck with her husband.  While the men speak I present to her Karma la Justica Infallible, explaining the profound wisdom and relief from material existence it contains.  I complement her on her lovely pink flower earrings telling her how pretty they are, very eastern.  She is flattered and thanks me.  Then she asks " does this have anything to do with Ganesh?"

"Are ya'll across from the laundry mat?", "The church on your right, just before East Grande?" are common questions we get while on sankirtana.  Years of distributing Srila Prabhupada's books and Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji Mandir have had such an influence on this city.

                 HpS -  Wow!    AGTSP    You and Misra Bhagavan Illo have been getting the highest nectar because of your courage.  Courageous gentleman, courageous lady...  How is life in the Temple?   Do you live near??

Morning Program

11 years, 5 months ago by Bhakta David II in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

This is Bhakta David from Denver, we spoke just before you left for your flight to Idaho.

Currently, I have to work at 7 AM so I must leave the morning program at 6:35 AM during japa, and finish my rounds later in the day. Is this acceptable for someone aspiring to become an aspirant? >: )

Your servant,
Bhakta David

                HpS - Yes.    Prabhupada is reported as doing 4 rounds as soon as he got up.  4 before breakfast (about 9am in India). 4 more during the day. and last 4 before he took rest when he was living his married life!!    Good to hear from you.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

11 years, 5 months ago by Mitravinda d.d in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada !!!

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja ! por favor acepte mis reverencias a sus pies de loto !

               ASA - TlgaSP...  Pies de manzana!

Por fín le escribo por éste medio...luego de varios meses...

Básicamente... le quería decir que.. en todo éste tiempo sólo estoy tratando de ENTENDER COMPLETAMENTE que tengo que hacer un muy buen Sadhana para poder llegar a hacer algo útil en mi vida....karmicamente hablando mi vida está bastante estancada... sin un proyecto claro..sin un plan claro sobre qué hacer....

Estuve hace unos meses bastante mal de salud, con problemas para caminar, por la gracia del Señor Krsna tuve acceso a un buen tratamiento y estoy mucho mejor...como un 65 % mejor...pero, aún me faltan varios meses más de terapias....

Por ahora sigo viviendo en la casa de mi familia, en Lima....quería mudarme para Chosica, pero debido a las terapias me estoy quedando en Lima....

Bueno, Gurudeva, sólo quiero estar muy fija en levantarme temprano, luego de varios años de experiencia, es un hecho, la mejor hora es empezar a cantar 1 : 30  a.m  o  2 : 00  a.m....cómo usted siempre lo ha lo mejor....!!!

Jaya Gurudeva !  Muchas Gracias por toda su misericordia para conmigo !!!

Espero que se encuentre bien...

Hare Krsna !!!!

              ASA -  Jaya.  Al maximo 4AM, Prabhupada dijo.  Es bueno tambien.  Descanza temprano, levanta temprano, terminar su trabajo temprano!!  Vida feliz!!          Choseeka, devotos...