missing you

11 years, 5 months ago by tcsd in Personal Sadhana Reports
Dear GM,
I miss you a lot. Time passes but the momentum of bhakti-yoga continues.
Just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and I appreciate the opportunity to have you with me.
I can see from your latest kapi dhvaja that you are refocusing your preaching efforts. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do. Few have the stalwart devotion and courage to maintain the standards you set.
As for my silly self, death is around the corner at any moment, so I am learning and adjusting. BG and basic sastra is a good place for me to continue studying. Knowing is not that hard. Understanding is challenging and requires good sadhana. Applying is the real gist of yoga and necessitates constant sadhana. This is my goal. If I can somehow keep the teachings of the song of God at the forefront of my consciousness, then death will loose its edge.
Hence, I keep looking to you for guidance in applying the teachings. For me, it's a long road ahead whilst the whole world is primed by Maya, so there are many conditions to overcome and distractions to see beyond.
HpS - ASA ---  AGTSP!!!     dandavats....   Monkey and Piggy were speculating what "GM and tcsd" meant. Monkey suggested Growling Monkey and Terrible Chinese Susi Dog.            We explained that it was Guru Maharaja and Tulasi carana sevita Das.    All glories to the lotus feet of Vrndadevi!                         You must have developed some intelligent frienships is Thailand after all these years.  Who are they????

Funny news

11 years, 5 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

HAribol!! beloved Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Here we are in Mar del Plata, chanting 16 rounds and following 4 principles strictly (and we are very determined). Morning program 50% and deity worship we have to enhance but we are working on that.
Two days ago my former wife told me that she was cheating me during our last year of marriage and that she is in love with this guy who is a meat eater, separated with one children and now he is wating a baby with another women. So i do really realize how much i have been blessed and that this is nothing but the mercy of SP upon me.
I`m doing bhakti sastri with mahajan prabhu and many devotees here in mar del plata, we are doing it with Bhurijana Prabhu`s surrender unto me, yesterday i was studying BG 2.14. Tolerance
So at the present moment i´m 50% of time with my children and very busy in service, cleaning, cooking, ironing, working, no time for stupidity.
In a previous letter http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/node/2848 you told me
Illicit sex conditions us to suffer in the future. So this whole situation increased my faith in guru sadhu and sastra.
In the preaching field i continue with the ayurvedic counselling and with the BHakti Vriksa program which is amazing, seeing how people are advancing, beautiful,the mercy of MAhaprabhu is unlimited.
 I am very aware of your activities and plans for travelling, and I`m willing to cooperate wether you come or deepen your writing. Pesonally i feel like involving in projects that will last in due course in time, i see so many things starting to end within a very short time. To improve this i consider your work at MED is essential. Where can i find more info about this program you are working on A Bhakti sastri for each temple?. I see that many devotees base their spiritual life according in what they hear from others but not in what is it in SP`s books. I have read your essay MED6may and i had had hard time opening the pptx files cause i have an older version of power point so i have to borrow another computer and modify the files. I loose some animation in the process but i guess the most important is there.
Regarding the funny news here are some pictures of the amazing deeds of the glorious Panca Tattva Prabhu. He now is building the bramachari asram at Sri Govardan and living there and he has built the b`chari asram at El Loft,and so he has to increase the height of the water tank and he managed very nice with a couple of pallets.
Thank you so much gurudeva for your example and loving care, your instructions are my salvation;
Willing to become your servant;
Bhakta Nicasio.

             HpS - ASA -  AGTSP   paoho   YOu can see from the DTC that we have been down and out with virus for two - three days. Hope it is going to be better now.   Your letter is very nice.  Ladies can have strong minds and weak intelligence, but natural inclination to chastity, being attached to one man (Daddy, Husband, Son). When they put these together properly they can live a GLORIOUS life, no?   In any case, because you are steady in doing the right thing, for your wife it will certainly be light-house in her life and your kids will see what they want to see also.

Just live your life well.  That is a preaching platform that's hard to beat!

    Yes...      AGT Panch-tattva Constructors!!!!!!!!!!

Report from Czech

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Month ago I left Mayapur to Czech for 3 months. It is pretty good here, except I am getting more crazy and sad to see how many people are systematically avoiding to remember Krishna, including me. I feel my mind is more peaceful, my theory is that it is caused by the fact that I am cooking myself, instead of eating prasadam cooked by others.
             HpS - ASA - AGTSP.  Paoho.  11.34PM.  If we take rest by 11.45 PM that will be two Muhurtas of rest before Japa Joe.  Brother Ass is O.K.  Got chronic arthitis in the right thigh, feet are starting to swell up, eyes get strain from computer, but seems O.K.   It is soooo nice to hear from you.  On behalf of the hundreds of readers of this Blog, we thank you for setting it up and maintaining it.
It is good to hear that your leave from Mayapur is temporary. Yes, same experiennce, when we cook for ourselves has good effect, but is also good to get Prasad of others also, especially nice devotees.
...My morning sadhana is still pretty bad. My body and mind is enemy here as I was born at the evening and my brain was always most effective in nightly hours, but I didn't give up, hoping one day I will be able to switch it till end of this life.
             HpS - Try to make little changes.  We tried to go from 25 rounds/day to 32 but couldn't do it.  So now we have been able to keep 26/day!
Most of the time I work on my business project and hopefully will be ready soon. Thing which is really good is that I am learning every day something new and most of this I will be able to use in new engine for vedabase.com.
               HpS - Another super project. I see so many people, groups using it.  Having professional librarians help us set up an index will be super.
... All family here loves when I cook, so I often cook for everybody here. I was planning to eat more like a raw salts, but seems Krishna has different plan. Normally 8 people come for prasadam. It makes me happy to see how are they unknowingly attracted to Krishna. They are also offering help with cutting vegetables and nephew was also asisting and singing while offering. :)
I have very strong tendency to use mind and intelligence in mode of passion and it is hard for me to push myself to read Bhagavatam during day, so I am reading before sleep, but unfortunately not every day. I know that is very bad and slowly improving it. 
Funny is that Krishna is the biggest trickster, so he inspires people to write through vedabase.com contact form and ask different philosophical questions, which force me to do research and answer them. Today we spoke with somebody about Vedas and BG and SB as  their essence and bhakti-yoga as ultimate way to re-establish relationship with Krishna.
A week ago I went to church together with my two cousins. They moved from roman-catholic to protestant church in last years, so I wanted to visit as see. They sing lot of sweet songs, and mainly they sing about pure devotion, it was very inspiring. Problem was with their class, when priest was talking as it was very poor philosophy, listening to it was very painful. I would like to come more often for singing, but would like to avoid lecture there.
Visit of the church reminded me how fortunate we are to have Srila Prabhupada, for bringing us answers for all our questions which is Christan religion unable to answer.
It is now more than month I was not physically in association of the devotees. But during this week I will visit devotees on the farm.
Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das
                     HpS - Jaya!  Such a nice report.  You are also a journalist.  Read like a paragraph of the Krsna book each day after breakfast, before you start your work.


11 years, 5 months ago by Bhaktin Fernanda L. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada..

 mis reverencias una y otra vez para usted,

Hare Krishna Gurudev, disculpe por no escribirle en tanto tiempo... mi mente se ha vuelto mas complicada este ultimo tiempo, y no me he atrevido a escribirle.....

Espero este mejor de sus dolores de espalda o malestares fisicos en general.

Aqui va mi reporte....

Estoy trabajando en restorant de prasadam con mis hermanos espirituales mayores, prabhu Aravinda Dalayataksam y prabhu Risipati, la asociacion de ambos es buena para mi, 

El resto del dia intento distribuir libros de S.P,

             ASA - TlgaSP!!!!!   Super!

...eso siempre me hace tan bien....me fuerza a tener una actitud mas servicial, y no estar tan metida solo en mis propios asuntos.

Estoy estudiando tambien, estoy preparandome para ser terapeuta de flores de Bach...las conoce?

                   ASA - Si, por nombre. .., Vedas, dicen "aroma therapy" es fida digno!           

... es una terapia alternativa que trabaja con las emociones, tomandolas como causa de los sintomas fisicos de enfermedad. Es muy interesante, por ahora me veo yo misma como al paciente mas que como terapeuta, ya que me esta ayudando a aprender como lidiar con mi mente. 

Tambien estoy tomando el curso para discipulos que esta dando el prabhu param padam aqui en chile, que te enseña aspectos importantes del Guru tatva..

Eso si he tenido que dejar el curso Bhakti Sastri, mas que nada por tiempo...ya que la mama de mi esposo se enfermo de cancer y siento que debo estar mas presente.

                   HpS - Muy bien!!!  Hay tiempo para todo, paso por paso!

... 16 rondas y 4 principios sigo, pero debo mejorar........y mi servicio fijo en el templo, sigue siendo el festival de sankirtan en paseo ahumada, lo recuerda?

            ASA - Si!

...usted participo el año pasado, con stan de libros, bhajans y prasad....bueno eso continua sabado por medio, ahora estamos en periodo de reuniones para mejorar algunos detalles de organización. 

Bueno, la verdad no me siento muy feliz. Es un periodo extraño en mi vida. pero no quiero extenderme mucho ni tomarlo a usted como mi sicologo....dia a dia me convenzo un poco más que lo unico que da sentido a mi vida es la conciencia de krishna. Asi que continuare mi lucha por mejorar mis practicas espirituales....Estoy muy agradecida de usted, por tan solo acordarse de mi, y preguntarme como estoy mi dia cambio totalmente,  no tengo otra palabra GRACIAS, GRACIAS, GRACIAS...  

 aspirando a servirlo se despide Fernanda Leiva.

            ASA - Que esperamos.  Draupadi era feliz??   Esperamos purificacion, no felizidad!   Como esta su Papa??  Espo so so???


11 years, 5 months ago by papanoel in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krisna:

jara mara y Bhakta Miguel Angel (Papanoel) probando el sistema.


               ASA - TlgaSP.  Pfanrh. Aqui somos Tom Brown, Monkey, confirmando la sistema..  <img alt="" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/a38.gif" title="" />

Mas Fotos del altar y más

11 years, 5 months ago by Linda Janeth in Personal Sadhana Reports



MAHARAJA hace días no le envie con el reporte la foto de mi altarque me solicito porque no sabia como hacer las imagenes pesaran menos, hasta ahora que la madre Pita me ayudo.

Tambien le mando una foto de mi hijo y una mia.

Gracias por su misericordia si causa

su caida aspirante a sirviente Bhaktin Linda Janeth  

            HpS - Jaya!  Muy bien hijo, y muy bien Burro. Dos regalos para Krsna!