PAMHO: Questions about offerings & Lord´s worship.

11 years, 4 months ago by David Ananda in Personal Sadhana Reports

AGTSrila Prabhupada,

Dandavats Pranam Maharaja,

First at all, I do hope your health and providence are as better as it can. You´re always in the Hands of Sri Gouranga Maharaja, so please give light to some of my questions:
It is appropiate for a fallen soul like me offering bhoga to Krsna? I have been told that the key is to offer bhoga to Srila Prabhupada, as I am not qualified to make it directly. Please let me know your direct instruction and I will follow it as you´re Srila Prabhupada and Krsna representative I am sure you can take away all duplicity in me.

It is always a pleasure to be in contact with you Maharaja, we´re all enthusiastic to know more about you and to please you and serve you here in Argentina. Whenever Krsna make you come to here we will serve you in all you need.

Reverences to you Mahatma,

Yours, Bhakta David.

              HpS - AGTSP.   Thank you your nice letter!!!!       YES. You can cook with no meat, fish, egges, onion or garlic and offer it to Srila Prabhupada to offer to Krsna, and if there are remnants then you should distribute them and take some yourself!!!   You can also offer Mahaprasadam from the Temple to your picture, foto of Srila Prabhupada, in your residence, on your altar. and take the remnants.  Yes, as we improve our character Krsna appreciates the offerings more, and for installed deities must be brahmanas who offers.

Send foto of your altar.

Recordado Gurudev

11 years, 4 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurudev por favor acepte mis mas respetuosas reverencias a Sus pies de loto,

               HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP.  Pies de lodo.

....todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!         todas las glorias a Sri Sri Radha Madhana Vihari!

Muchas gracias por sus respuestas. Las dos cartas anteriores en realidad eran una externa y  otra interna pero parece que aunque desactivo el boton de sumary in full view, igual se publica con todas las cartas.      Voya intentarlo de otra manera, no hay problema.
No sabia que podia despertar a Gopalito para mangalartik!!!...siempre escuche( y cometi el error de no consultar primero con Usted) que Gopalito por ser bebe, se levanta solo para Govinda y no para mangalartik. Por favor disculpeme...Me gustaria tener Sus bendiciones para empezar a levantarlo desde ahora si Usted asi lo considera. Yo feliz de tener la compañia de El en mangalartik, ya que ahora aun no tengo a mis Krsna Balarama que eran los que siempre levantaba.

              HpS - Si, para Mangala arati.
Le envio unas fotos de nuestro anterior altar y tambien de un pequeño abhisek para Janmastami.
Fuimos a algunos programas.     Madre Sushila canta bhajans lindos en los programas y en el centro de predica. Vamos a asociarnos otra vez  en estas semanas, tratamos de cuidar a krsnaram del frio intenso.

Entiendo del tema de la comunicacion con prabhu Ajit, ojala en algun momento se pueda concretar algo. Reuerdo que hable con el cuando fue a peru con el grupo y le comente que hacia danza, el me dio su tarjeta con su mail y direccion, le escribi a su correo pero me rebota. voya ver si hay otra manera de comunicarme.Por ahora voya seguir trabajando con las oportunidades que krsnita me da ahora.Voya seguir enseñando lo poco que aprendi por su misericordia.Gracias por la idea del Gaura arati!..empezamos!
 Gracias por sus palabras, estamos trabajando por estar cada dia mas felices en conciencia de krsna. Si.. seguro que muchas personas incluidos las familias cuando conocen la conciencia de krsna se sienten en casa y sienten que realmente encontraron su familia,  su verdadera familia, como me paso a mi.
Muchas gracias por sus palabras Gurudev, ojala podamos ayudar a que muchas personas puedan contar con nosotros y ayudarlos en su conexion mas intima , su conexion con krsna.

Que pase un hermoso Festival de Janmastami!! que su conexion con nuestro señor Krsnita sea cada vez mas y massss intensa, ...que puedo decir yo? solo deseo que Usted este cada vez mas y mas feliz..
Tratando de servirlo con todo el corazon: Radha japa prati jalpa dd.

                  HpS - Jayaaaaaaa!!!!!!!   Muy bien.   Muy bien.... La misma tod para Vd.   Mas detalles de los programas en Cordoba!   !!!!!


Kriya Sakti dd from Chile is worried about you. ¡HARE KRSNA!

11 years, 4 months ago by kriyasakti_dd_hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Radha Krsna!

All Glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please accept my respectful obeisances! 

¡Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja!         Sorry for missing so long to write again.       <img alt="" src="" title="" /> I'm worried about Your health, which as I understand is very weak.

           HpS - ASA...  Yes, AGTSP.....     We had fever for a week, but many other people here also had it.  Was just superficial reaction.  Very weak, but, Hare Krsna, Hare Rama, passed.

........I hope You can recover soon, because selfishly we need you so much. 

I'm fine, fighting with maya <img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" />,

                 ASA - Ha!    Ha!    Ha!              we all are!!

... trying to think and spend my time always for Krsna, Prabhupada and to You. I am chanting my rounds at 4:30 <img alt="" src="" title="" />, monday through friday, until 6:30, time that i should prepare for work as a journalist on a communications agency <img alt="" src="" title="" />. The truth is that the weekend I relax and chant my rounds later <img alt="" src="" title="" />, although I am aware that should maintain the same standard every day <img alt="" src="" title="" />.

                    ASA - We make progress with some patience!

... I'm attending my Sri Sri Goura Nitay deities, but not with the dedication I wanted. I will improve. I promise.

                           ASA - Make some simple, but nice standard that you can keep.  They are people!

....My service now is as comunnity manager of Iskcon Facebook <img alt="" src="" title="" />, where informed of all important activities for the vaisnava community.

Continuous doing Bhakti Sastri with Patrak. We are in Chapter 15 of Bhagavad Gita. It is of the best activities of my week. It makes me happy to know more about Krishna in the company of devotees <img alt="" src="" title="" />.       Also, complement the study of the Bhagavad Gita with reading books: now I'm with the Nityananda Caritamrta <img alt="" src="" title="" />.

I have a boyfriend <img alt="" src="" title="" />.     He´s devotee. His name is Oscar. He’s in movement for 11 years.         He’s a good and dedicated guy.        He´s aspiring disciple of Radhanath Swami.     Together with other devotees interested in Maharaja, we are moving forward on a project to bring Him to Chile. We hope that Krishna will help us <img alt="" src="" title="" />.

I hope Your health improves, for You can come to Chile. If not, I hope simply to recover, and I can visit You whenever possible.

¡We miss You so much! Although i didn´t write, I'm always read You. Thanks for keeping this blog, is a great blessing.

My sincere, humble and respectful obeisances.

Your aspiring servant, 

Kriya Sakti d.d.<img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" />

                   HpS - ASA  --  Where does Bhakta Oscar live, that he has to come to Chile???  Thank you very much for your letter.  Is very professional!!!  Guess you are a professional journalist for Krsna also...

Answer letter Guru Maharaja

11 years, 4 months ago by Dhanisthadevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports


Todas Las Glorias a Sri Sri Gour Nitay!!!

Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Todas Las Glorias sean a Usted!!!   

   Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias, espero que Usted esté muy bien, desde que Ustede me dio el Mantra Gayatri, estuve haciendo el servicio de Pujari en el Templo, (ofrenda de las 16:00) los domingos, pero por ahora voy a dejar este servicio y quiero comenzar con el servicio de clases o prédica en general. Estoy predicando a alumnos de Yoga, que estan haciéndose vegetarianos y conociendo a cerca de la Conciencia de Krishna, cantando mis rondas, atendiendo a las Deidades de la casa y cumpliendo deberes de esposa. Muchas Gracias por Su tiempo, Revencias.                            

   Su sirvienta,

   Dhanistha devi dasi.

                           HpS - ASA ---  Jaya!!!!!!!!!!  Super  bien,   pero  no dejar "Brahma muhurta",   eso es yoga!  Si Vd no salvara a Chile nadia va a salvara!!!!!!

Jara Mara Hari Das from Madrid

Dear Hanumat Presaka Maharaja


Write you from Madrid, by the mercy of Bhadra Vardana and Sananda, full inmerse in the Sankirtan mood.

In July 76 big (Science of self realiciation and journey to self discovery) and 34 vegetarian Fantasy

In Augost 271 Big and 52 Fantasy

Finding very kind and receptive people in the streets.

My plan is to distribute at least 1008 big books during augost.

In the other hand We have to leave the apartment at the end of the month.

So we are looking now for something closer to the temple.

We atended Kripa Moya's Congregational development course, it was very nice and encourage.

So plans are Bhaktin Marta will be in charge of the Traveldog managing.

My self will be on Sankirtan and will make some trips but mayn focus is now book distribution.

Bhakta Marcos will help Marta and also Sankirtan

Vrindavan my son is having nice hollydays with Us and is atached to our srimad bhagavatam lectures.

We are realy enthusiatic about reading and right now we are very focus on first Canto.

Shadana is developing well and Japa Joe is helping a lot.


             ASA - Jaya!       It wasn't so "secret".  B. S. Damodara Swami told us that we just have to discuss things in a general sense.  Don't start naming everybody and then we can talk about them.  People can know what feelings other people have. Most cases, and talking, "confidentially", with all the devotees involved from GBC to abc, everybody loves everybody else. nobody is too disturbed by the diferent ways that people have of seeing, things.  The Old Authorities see that most of what is happening is the result of the ways things have been in the past, and the New Authorities are accepting this and trying to get to know people and take practical steps to go forward.  We have made soooo many steps forward over the years.   O.K.   Some more.    Your ideas about working with devotees and were to live etc. seem pretty good.  1) Check with the GBC line of authority,   2) Check with a few good friends.............    etc.

Whoof!     Whoof!            Special advice????     Keep on sending news just like you are.  It is wonderful.  There are probably 25-devotees reading this letter at least.      So much to do!!!!!