Patrak Das

1 month, 3 weeks ago by Patrak das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Dear Guru maharaja!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and All glories to you.

Please accept our (family) humble obeisances. (PAOHO)

Hare Krishna!!!

Hope your sankirtan is going great!!!!

HpS/ASA - That, agtSP, we just received a letter from you all means that it is going well!

When will you become President of the World Waldorf Association?

It's been a long time since my last letter. I want to apologize to you for not writing sooner.

No, it's fine. we have not been able to respond!

These last months have been very difficult.

My sadhana is still sane. I can chant rounds, follow principles and worship deities regularly. My family is helping a lot.

maybe 'very difficult' but they have been done very well. you all are in the top 1% of all human beings on the planet in terms of saving HER.

I had my surgery some months ago but it was not positive. Due to a problem in my veins it is very difficult to perform dialysis treatments. One doctor wanted to perform a high-risk surgery, but I declined and decided to go back to my regular doctor.

She changed everything. She told me that it is true that my kidneys are not working very well but dialysis is not an option yet. She recommended to get a new transplant. It would be the 3rd one. I was shoched because Im getting older and my body is not strong enough.

Getting ready for a new trasplant means many tests and medical appointments. After some weeks i decided to start news tests and appointments. I am in the process of evaluations.

I had 2 teeth removed at my dental appointment. In other evaluations I am doing well.


I am taking advantage of the opportunity to get all the tests done and get on the donor waiting list quickly to avoid dialysis.

shall we go to nabadvipa and join nimai and srila prabhupada et al together?

arrange tickets for all of our students/disciples?


Things at school are ok. I don't know what will happen if I have surgery.

My mom is having some emotional problems. Her recovery is taking a long time and she does not have a lot of patience. She is going to a psychologist.

My sister and my niece are doing ok.

I have more news but i Think it is enough for this letter.

it is! you teach us how to communicate!

now it [location of the sun] is at 3.27 post meridian. cold and little sunlight here, New Braja Mandala, Brihuega, Spain, SPAIN.

Monkey and Piggy are doing pretty well.

Srila Prabhupada seems more ecstatic than i have ever seen him!

there are brilliant devotees here from australia, peru, argentina and some coming from chile!!!

How long have the current kidneys lasted?

did the child/person who donated them get to live some more years through your, agtSP, use of them???

Thank you so much.

Patrak das

Nos es igual. ha sido un honor conocer Vd. durante los ultimos anyos.

🐵 🦧🦧🦧🌴 🐖 🤖🤖🤖

Observing a fear

1 month, 3 weeks ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna! Querido Guru Maharaja, Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias🙇


Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada! Todas las Glorias al Guru Parampara!

Todas las Glorias a Sri Vrndavan Dham!


Querido Gurudeva, por su misericordia sin causa, tal como usted me dijo; Estoy con usted en espíritu, mente, imágenes, etc… le sigo tanto como me es posible, gracias a la misericordia de los devotos que comparten fotos y videos con nosotros. Extraño su bendita asociación con los programas en línea, pero de cierta manera me siento cerca de usted durante Mangala Aratika, cuando canto mis rondas, escucho sus clases, estudio los libros de Srila Prabhupada, cuando leo el blog o con el servicio en ASA Carnaval.


Gurudeva, estas últimas semanas me he sentido temerosa, por el deterioro de la salud de su cuerpo…

HpS/ASA - AgtSP! Thank you for your letter. We certainly hope that some pictures of our visit to Radha-kunda [!!!] were sent.

we were not able to do much.

it was, is, a transcendental experience.

we want [you want?] to trside on the banks of radha-kunda eternally?

our body is not 'deteriorating'. we are naturally shedding this temporary skin and whether we get another temporary skin [in gokula??!] or just stay uncovered and get back to work [in goloka?/!] that is a desireable end!

His Divine Grace is offering us an eternal place on this Traveling Sankirtan Party!

🚌 🚌 🚍

Hoy estaba orando por su bienestar frente a Sri Sri Radha Madhana Gopal, y de pronto varias preguntas surgieron de mi corazón… ¿Qué es lo que estas suplicando? ¿Estas pidiendo que Maharaja continúe en su cuerpo, aún si no funciona? ¿Qué es más favorable para él? Sin duda, todo esto es plan de Sri Krsna ¿Crees saber más que Él?... 


Recordé que usted me dijo “No creo que tú o yo tengamos demasiadas opciones en este asunto, ¿no? Casi mueres por la debilidad de tu cuerpo en los últimos años” y me sentí avergonzada, mi petición parecía bastante absurda… (Precisamente hace unos días, yo tuve una fuerte recaída -este cuerpo se desmorona muy lentamente- muchas veces solo ruego poder irme mientras mi conciencia permanezca un poco clara, me asusta pensar que pueda olvidarme de la conciencia de Krsna en el momento final)


Gurudeva, puedo ver que el deseo de usurpar el lugar de Krsna se sigue escondiendo dentro de mí. ¿Cómo puedo disminuirlo? Y ¿Cómo disminuir este enorme miedo a la separación? 

Por favor disculpe mis preguntas tontas, espero no molestarle.

Siempre a sus órdenes

Su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi 🙇

ASA - Isopanisad

Mantra Diecisiete: Que este cuerpo temporal sea reducido a cenizas, y que el aire vital se funda con la totalidad del aire. Ahora, ¡oh, mi Señor!, recuerda por favor todos mis sacrificios, y debido a que eres el beneficiario último, por favor recuerda todo lo que he hecho para Ti.

Mantra Dieciocho: ¡Oh, mi Señor, poderoso como el fuego! ¡Oh, Omnipotente! Ahora Te ofrezco todas mis reverencias y caigo al piso a Tus pies. ¡Oh, mi Señor!, por favor guíame por el sendero correcto que lleva a Ti, y ya que sabes todo lo que he hecho en el pasado, libérame por favor de las reacciones de mis pecados pasados para que no haya obstáculo en mi avance

Significado {?}

I could not find the exact citation but we remember that Srila Prabhupada comments on these verses, that even though we do not remember KRsna at the time of death.

He does not forget us.

He thanks us for any little sacrifice we have done.

Seems you, me, many of us are still filled with many demonic desires, but Krsna remembers the many times we simply pushed to finish our rounds etc. etc.

He remembers that and even cries when He tells Laksmi how sincere He sees what we have done.

So, let us try more and more to be pure devotees, but be looking for His causeless mercy [!!!] and trying to use it when it comes, even when we leave this skin.

Maybe this is already not our first birth in Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtan party!!

Hari Bolo! Hari Bolo!

Hari Nama Sankirtan

Hari Bolo! Hari Bolo!

Evolution Solution

     Revelations at Florida State’s Grid Iron Hari Nam

 Was on the way to the Krishna House next to the University in Gainesville, Florida, the freeway traffic signs warning: “Congested Traffic at University!” Just lovely, turned off one avenue early to mitigate the milling masses of Football clashes.

  They weren’t kidding, even 5 miles out there was vehicle congestion, snaked around, back-tracked and finally made it to the Krishna House, $50 parking fee (free for Kirtaneers). All of the devotee’s already had left for gate #7 at UF (University of Florida) campus, so I hoof down University Avenue, ducking and weaving through the crowded streets.

 Made it to the lucky number 7 gate, and sure enough we had about 35 devotees on Sankirtan. All were keeping to outside left of the stadium promenade while attendees would enter on the right. Facing the ongoing people entering the Arena area we all could give a resounding, “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna-Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Rama, Rama-Rama, Hare Hare!”

 Many were reacting favorably, some would come and dance in front of the Kirtan, and others would play on the gong a devotee offered. All the while, 2 Mothers were handing out sweets to those who would take them. Subhra and I baked about 80 cookies to bring along, so we stocked those with the “Sweet” Mothers.

  What was interesting is when I handed cookies to some of the devotee children, another Mother was very suspect on my part. Guess she didn’t know I was with the Hari Nam group. She inquired with the other Mothers about the cookies while inspecting each one. Then she finally decided to let the young ones enjoy them and I continued in the Hari Nam.

  Was quite a mixed group of Vaisnava’s, more seniors then youth, yet all were enthusiastic. Did my best to keep chanting and realized my voice was not carrying.


  So, found a tone that I could keep volume with and it wasn’t straining my vocal cords. In the Temple, sounds are more confined, outdoors in the public arena, sound has more dispersion. Regardless, my voice does not have much endurance and my Kirtan’s grow short compared to the Vaisnava’s there. At least now I’ve found a voice that will at almost accommodate the Hari Nams.

                 Kartik Kicks Kali Kraziness

  Now, the Kartik moon Is shining, which is reflecting how delayed I am in sending you this note. Apologies, still working with devotee’s houses and getting minimal quality time at home. Of course at least there is some quality, quantity is debatably superfluous... am happy with any of your association I may get.

  These days of Kartik have already impelled tapasya, even though I still think I’m choosing what to sacrifice... “ RIGHT!” I haven’t a clue in actuality, so Sri Bhagavan has me tumbling already. My Swiss Army knife has disappeared, I’ve opened a can of worms at Pushkara Prabhu’s ceiling & skylight, plus keeping a mess out of his art studio. Then all the editing I’ve done had been neutralized, and I had to redo it, maybe 7 times before I’m done, I look forward to seeing what happens next.


Forever Seeking Sadhana

  Happy to say the “japa-yantra” technique is revived my rounds, the essence that I think helped the most is the “Acintya-Bheda-Bheda” technique. Keeping all three Names as they are with the separate groups of 8 linked together in breath, then all 16 names stay in cadence. Works for me.

  With my baby boomer brain and toxic dried-out levity, it’s fortunate I can even attain reasonable consciousness. The external affairs of karmic placement really complicate renewing stable habits of Bhakti-yoga. The challenge I find is understanding one's own character development, keeping the bonafide qualities and disposing of the nonsensical ones.

                         Sadhu Hug-a

  Personally speaking about personal speaking, I find it is necessary to monitor offensive behavior on our own part to really keep good relations. An example of devotee association with Braja Raja Suta Prabhu and myself, we met briefly at the NRR (New Raman Reti) Eco-Farm with our wives. The Mata’s were exchanging pleasantries, and Braja & I just kind of stood looking at each other. Then, inspired by Bahushira Prabhu’s greeting, I stepped closer and gave the Ol’” Heart to Heart” hug chest bump with a light slap on the back. He wasn’t sure how to take it. Regardless, he did smile and maintained his composure. He is so dedicated to his empirical standards that it’s difficult to get him to loosen up... to each their own.

                         Hardy, R & R

   At least Subhra and I got a break last weekend; we made a trip to St. Augustine Beach. It was gray, windy, and cool, confirming autumn’s arrival. Adding to the lovely ambiance was beached strife with remnants of the Hurricanes' wrath, strewn broken seashells, broken sticks, and such. It was a bit of tracking barefoot, of course, nothing compared to your journeys to the 12 forests of Vrndavana. 

   The Sun broke through the clouds, bringing warmth and brilliance. I was contemplating a dive into the mighty Atlantic Ocean, yet I was hesitant in my false ego. I need purification. The waves were quite massive, compared to Texas’ Gulf of Mexico. Still, I knew, it was like when one goes to a Holy Tirtha and does not bathe, it is offensive, of course drowning is another consideration. So, abandoning my mind and shallowness, I bowed into the roaring blue.

It was quite a mixture of waves. The current was going all directions, with one spot pushing towards the shore and the other going parallel, and of course, a slight rip-tide to complete the situation. I kept my footing and, as they say, “Go with the flow,” did so.

I caught a short wave coming out, stepped in, and was escorted to shore by the saltwater. It was different for me; I’ve never had such an intimate experience with the ocean like that. Plus, all the swirling actually relieved some sciatic nerve problems (yes, age is taking its toll).

                       Submissive Surmising

The timing of events seems to be more and more constrained, yet mystically arranged. My meanderings are more guided in the interest of Bhakti, though am not purified enough to fully embrace. Regardless, chanting, dancing and feasting always keeps me going for more practice. Seems my quasi-sentient capabilities are directing more practice at intimate levels, i/e, a perfect excuse to stay home, write, be domestic and pretend I’m retired. Then I see you with loving tenacity and persistent guidance with all whom you associate with and I am ashamed for being such a miserly Yogi.

                    Conclusive Congregating

Guessing my only good fortune is in getting some association at New Raman Reti. Last night was their Monthly Kirtan gathering, officially been going on for a year now, a nice mix of Senior, Junior and in-between devotees.

With Damodarastika also added to the song list, I was very ecstatic. I guess my hermit-loner desires aren’t entirely rooted as yet. We need good association in Kali-Yuga to keep us human and evolving into Vaisnavas. The sad part is when maligned neophytes or advanced ego-plights come into our circle of friends, it can be a challenge not to be disturbed. My policy still is “Chant, Chant, Chant”... then the ol’ mind trying to say, “Can’t, can’t, can’t,” such are our challenges in this material world.

With your perseverance in mind, I will continue to serve Maharaja! May your carnal existence only be limited to its departure.

All glories to your service!



HpS//ASA - Thank you, agtSP, for the ting-y-tang of your Braja bound boom, BOOM' B O O M-a-rang!!! 🦘🦘🦘 🏈

Dipping into the modern American, whole world, whirlpool and then returning with impressions that fit our Sadhana bhakti gang.

Cookies too for the petting-zoo.

Have you got a Brahma-muhurta research-project in your lab?

How is Mangala arati at the Temple?

Visits in your Ghrastha tempo do you grab?

Otherwise, perform at home, online, according to your Ashrama size?


Now, the sun is at 2.24pm here in Brihuega, near Madrid, Spain, SPAIN,

S P A I N!


... krsna krsna, hare hare...


in the sankirtan we should just find our place, the gaggles pace, then play our instrument with ever in creasing potency by His Divine Grace?





raise the quality to the canons of goloka on high!!

hare krsna ✨️

2.56PM, chan ted 2 rounds and edited this little letter.

quack, quack.

now look for any letters from ASA Carnaval, and at 4.30pm to the Temple room back!!!

Your answers lack.

Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare!!!!!!!!!

Rice Feeding Ceremony for Dhaasharathi in Houston in December

2 months ago by sriram in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am following the 4 regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds.

We are doing the FMP daily with Dhaasharathi in the mornings, depending on when he wakes up. Most of the time, we do it in the room itself while feeding him. We are also doing Damodar arti daily in the evening with him along with some kirtan. We try to read SB to him daily. We are now in the 22nd chapter of 10th Canto.

We had the great fortune of serving Anantarupa Prabhu when he stayed in our home during his layover to Peru. We took blessing from his Shaligram Shilas and had his association.

I saw Your tweet today Guru Maharaj about your travel plans to Houston. Luckily, our astrologer in India has given us 18th December as the date for the Anna Prashana ceremony for Dhaasharathi and Srinath's daughter Chandranana.

I wanted to ask if it would be ok to do it in Your presence in the Houston temple? The timing for the ceremony is 9.30am to 10am. I wanted to confirm with you if it would be feasible before booking tickets to Houston, Guru Maharaj. It would be a great blessing for both children to have their first rice feeding ceremony in Your presence at Nila Madhava Dham.

If we can do the ceremony in Houston on the 18th of December, then we'll start making the arrangements.

Your humble servant

Sri Rama Krishna Das


Seems fine with us.

We should arrive on the 17th, no?

You seem to be keeping your self a pure devotee, so Krsna should be sending innocent people to hear and see your Sankirtan!


Visit to Nueva Vrajamandala

Hare Krishna Gurudeva!

Please accept my respectfull obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you are well and in good health. I have followed your stay in Radha Kunda, Vrindavan Dham, and your return to Spain on social media. It's very exciting and inspiring to see you so active in your preaching and sankirtan!

I'm writing to tell you that I will be able to visit you in Nueva Vrajamandala. I already have the flight tickets. I will arrive in Madrid on November 6th and I have a return flight to Santiago on December 3rd. After buying the tickets, I checked the Vaishnava calendar and realized that the day I will take the flight from Santiago, November 5th, commemorates the day that Srila Prabhupada left his body. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I've been in communication with your disciples in charge of the service related to your visit in Nueva Vrajamanadala, my friend Yugala Kishor DD and especially with Yasoda DD who is supporting me and guiding me with all the procedures for my stay in Nueva Vrajamandala.

It will be very interesting to meet the devotees there and especially H.H. Yadunandana Swami and H.G. Mahajana Das. I've seen online classes and talks and they are great scholars, with a lot of sensitivity.

I'm very happy with this opportunity to see you and try to serve you directly and personally once again and perform service for Nueva Vrajamandala during my stay. I would very much like to have some conversations with you, with those dialogues I want to write and publish a book. I think that if we don't have enough time, maybe we can start in Spain and continue later online, God willing. Everything depending on your mood, health and disponibility of your time.

Thank you very much for everything, Gurudeva, please accept my respectful obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Hare Krishna!

Your aspiring servant,

Carlos from Iskcon Chile

HpS/ASA - AgtSP. TB and BW et all welcome you to the circus!

Hope we can get some good Sankirtan from your visit.

Even a dog can take part and dance in the Sankirtan movement

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva AGTSP PAMHO. 

Hope this meets you in good health and happy

HpS - ASA --- Eyes, agtSP, are burning, constant blinking to see screen for letters, respiration congested, heart happy that we can contriubte to this Sankirtan movment even if we are 70% dead body.


Thank you!

Today Ulyses turns 14 years old. Please your blessings so that he can be a Hare Krsna in his next life or maybe in this life he can go and play with Krsna.

On the other hand I want to thank you for your support about my pets. With my sister we do not have kids but we do have 7 cats and Ulysses. Some devotees are kind of judgmental about this topic. But... I really really do not care haha

I am attaching some pictures

I hope we can meet again soon

Your eternal servant


ASA/TB - Nimai and his 'gang' would travel all over Nadiya making jolly mischief with Panditas and their schools and everyone, and bands of street dogs would join them dancng and barking!!!

Hare Krsna!

Hare Rama!

Hare Krsna! Hare RAMA!

14-dog years = 85/100 human years???