4 weeks, 1 day ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

HpS/ASA - Very nice letter, edited a little by Monkey//Piggy.

Hare Krishna, Maharaj 

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you and Srila Prabhupada.


thank you

for allowing me to serve you.

I am glad you liked it.

ASA - Fully reconditioned, 1st Class, HP Elite Book, Back-up Computer.


Now about Sangkirtan,

  • I read and listen to Srila Gurudeva and Prabhupada's classes.
  • I also listen to classes on
  • Bhisma stuti,
  • Caitanya Bhagavat
  • and many of H. H. Radha Govind Maharaj's disciples.

Specially during Bhisma study, Gajendra lila and Caitanys Bhagavat, I become very emotional.

Not sure why but it is very forceful experience.

I like to chant alone and all the time in mornings.

I get up around 4:15 everyday and till my rounds are done I do not turn on computer.


Like Srila Gurudeva stated, I do not like to be controlled by dumb machine, PC or phone. 

Since original Temple management dissolved Temple Management Committee, I do not have any temple meetings. New Administrators have not formed any management structure.

Temple cameras, vidios and audios I hand it over to Abhaya for past year and a half.

Right now my daughter creates weekly temple darshan along with programs videos, that I play on temple monitors.

I set up two notebooks that play most of araties, kirtans and classes in temple room.

One computer for the pleasure of Sri Sri Jaggannath, Balava and lady Subhadra in Their separate Chapel. 

But that is all about it.

Let me know any corrections or changes for my sadhana.

HpS/ASA - Thank you very much for this practical picture. I think there are a lot of devotees in ISKCON like you... and me... We are basically involved in Vaidhi Bhakti, but have glimpses of Raganuga Bhakti.

We don't need to really change anything.

We will get inspiration for change just from the natural experiences, personal encounters, that happen by Krsna's attention.

It is not so much what we do but how we do it at this stage.

Also, how we find ways to preach in our regular work environment.

Our smile, our comportment, our words and three powerful tools we have for preaching, says Srila Prabhupada.

All of these can be used in our regular social dealings.

We can smile when everyone else is angry or sad.

We can stand and move with alacrity when everyone else is drooping.

We can talk about life from Gita and Bhagavata.

Chapter 10 - Among animals I am the lion!

Chapter 11 - Paramatma. Carl Jung. Meditation.

Krsna book and TLC for real Christians and real Muslims.


KmDD Report 03/06/2024

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

 Pamho, TlgaSP!!!

 I begin this report by thanking you for inspiring all my mornings to wake up and participate enthusiastically in the FMP.

HpS/ASA - ... and we thank, agtSP, H. H. Nava-yogendra Swami for recounting how Prabhupada told him in terms of his service as Temple President that if he chanted 16-nice rounds, followed the four regulative principles strictly, and kept a complete morning and evening program, and saw that everyone under his authority did the same thing, he would have, no problems.

We tried it and it worked.

For us if we cannot preach, teach, Sankirtan, any day it is a problem, so we saw that keeping the above formula, we also, always had chance to participate in the Gaura-sankirtan.

 I tell you since my last letter that I continue working in Nassau, Bahamas. I hope to collect a little and settle somewhere. I'm still not sure where, the compass is still moving.

 I am complying with my principles, rounds, gayatris, but I stopped listening to the SB a little, due to the work routine. It is a little stressful not having so much time to make a spiritual life more peaceful, but I am aware that it will only be for a while. 

HpS/ASA - Read a little bit before breakfast, while waiting for this activity at work to start. If you read on page of Caitanya-Caritamrta/Day, that will be how many pages after one year?

 On Saturdays I worship Nrsimhadeva and Ananta Sesa, (Our first family deities). 

 I realize that now I am more aware of my dependence on Krsna and I talk to him at night, in my prayer, it is a very pleasant moment for me. And it is strange because I did not experience this before when I was doing more service and more time for the spiritual life.

 My plans were to travel to India this year, but I think I still need to give up more. Due to lack of visa to the US, I will not be able to go this year, since flights from the Bahamas have a stopover in the USA. 

 I am very sorry to lose your association. I can only recover by remembering all the times we have served him, and I feel so happy and lucky for those great moments that are impregnated in my heart... I hope I have the fortune again in this or my next lives to be able to serve him and help him in his Sankirtan.

 How can I not go to India, or to Spain. On June 14, I will travel to Peru for a couple of months and then I will return to the Bahamas to continue my work. 

 We are always very grateful to you for keeping us active and enthusiastic in our morning program.

 May Lord Krsna bless you, as always. 

 Jay Srila Prabhupada!!!

 His disciple...

   Karuna Mayi Devi Dasi

HpS/ASA - Thank you so much. We are rather tired. Our Brains, Eyes, Teeth, Ears, respiration, knees are going. Not just each year, but now it seems each month.

It is very nice. It allows us to focus on purifying, enlivening, our heart.

I hope we can finish a Kapi Dhvaja in the next few days.

When you get a chance, let us know about Arjuna, Sita everyone. Type of work. Associates.

Thank you.



Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

Pamho, TlgaSP!!!

Empiezo este reporte agradeciéndole por inspirar todas mis mañanas a despertarme y participar entusiasta del FMP.

Le cuento desde mi última carta qué continuo trabajando en Nassau, Bahamas. Espero colectar un poco y establecerme en algún lugar. Aún no estoy segura dónde, la brújula sigue andando.

Estoy cumpliendo con mis principios, rondas, gayatris, Pero dejé un poco de escuchar el SB, por la rutina de trabajo. Es un poco estresante no tener tanto tiempo para hacer una vida espiritual más tranquila, Pero soy conciente que será solo por un tiempo. 

Los sábados adoro a Nrsimhadeva y Ananta Sesa, (Nuestras primeras deidades familiares). 

Me doy cuenta que ahora tengo más conciencia de mí dependencia en Krsna y hablo con él por las noches, en mi oración, es un momento muy placentero para mí. Y es extraño porque esto no lo experimentaba antes cuando realizaba más servicio y más tiempo para la vida espiritual.

En mis planes estaba viajar a India este año, pero creo que aún me falta rendirme más. Por falta de visa a EEUU no podré ir este año, ya que los vuelos de Bahamas hacen escala en USA. 

Lamento mucho perder su asociación. Solo puedo reponerme recordando todas las veces que lo hemos servido, y me siento tan dichosa y afortunada por esos momentos tan grandiosos que están impregnados en mi corazón... ojalá tenga nuevamente la fortuna en esta o mis siguientes vidas de poder servirle y ayudar en su Sankirtan.

Cómo no podré ir a India, ni a España. El 14 de junio viajaré a Perú, por un par de meses y luego regresaré a Bahamas para continuar con mi trabajo. 

Estamos siempre muy agradecidos a Usted, por mantenernos activos y entusiastas en nuestro programa matutino.

Que él Señor Krsna lo bendiga, cómo siempre. 

Jay Srila Prabhupada!!!

Su discípula...

        karuna Mayi Devi Dasi


Jay Maharaj!

1 month, 1 week ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga! PAMHO AGSTP!

Jay Maharaj HK! How are you??

HpS-ASA-- Immortal, cognizant, blissful , but our body is reacting to Tama Guna.

I’ve been somehow disconnected from your classes, but still trying to follow your advice, been trying to chant HK boldly as you instructed me, and there’s been a great improvement in my life, I’ve been organizing myself a bit more, I’m writing my sadhana habits in order and inserting gradually new ones in that list.

So far I’ve started to apply the tilaks every single morning, performing Kirtan most of the days, began to chant Nrishimha Pranams some days, started doing some Hatha yoga excercises which led to less aches and pains, and I feel this routine has given me a greater sense of freedom, happiness and achievement.

I really thank Krishna, sometimes I feel so blessed. My Japa has improved a lot, and I’m trying to figure out why when I’m visiting my parents in Buenos Aires I wake up from bed much more easily and earlier. Also I was feeling there more enthusiastic. Do you have any clue what could it be? I was thinking that maybe there’s something at home, in Cordoba, that’s affecting me, something like 5G antennas, maybe it’s the water…

You know the other day I was talking to a workmate, he started a treatment with a nutritionist, and he told me be he was feeling better, however he was feeling a bit down whenever he goes to the supermarket because he cannot eat most of the products sold there. So I was reflecting about that and I thought, well when we embark ourselves in the Krishna conciousness movement, at least here in the western countries, it feels like that with most of the outside world.

I mean, as per Ayurveda it’s recommended a lifestyle that even differs with a lot of the fashion market’s plastic products, so in this plastic age, as you said Kali Yuga is, what is our portion? For instance, If we should only take grains cooked by devotees, I feel I should live inside my home, in a temple, or in Mayapur, and I have a toddler, we like going out, going to the mall, and sometimes it’s dinner time or we are hungry and we’re not at home, so what should I do, also I feel sometimes I could carry some home made snacks, so how can I gain some energy in order to dedicate myself more to the kitchen labors and less to spending money on restaurants??

I would like to thank you specially for something, for some years I’ve been feeling that my English improved somehow or another because of your presence in my life.

Well hope you are always fine :)

Hare Krishna!

Federico Molnar

HpS-ASA - Most of your questions can only be answered by senior devotees who live, and know you personally.

O. K.?

Just call them up and talk on the phone about KRSNAA and Yoga.

Techniques of hearing and chanting.

Yes... minimize grains cooked by Karmis. If your situation requires it, then make sure that public grains do not at least have meat fish or egg products.


The life style you are describing is fantastic.

Share your self with others with confidence.

Je Anilo Prema Dhana

1 month, 1 week ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Beloved Gurudeva,

Please accept our humble obeisances,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Dear Gurudeva,

I hope this message finds you in perfect health and spirits. It greatly pleases us to always see you so full of enthusiasm and so dedicated to the service of your spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, and to the mission of ISKCON. Your example of unwavering devotion and purity is a source of inspiration for all of us, and we feel happiness for the devotees who will have your association, both in Spain and in Manipur. How unfortunate we are in South America, as few great devotees come to visit us anymore. How to survive in Patala?

We deeply thank you for always being there, offering us your association and mercy every morning. Today, however, our heart is afflicted, as a devotee very dear to our community, and of our same age, has left his body after a long battle with cancer. Recently I had the opportunity to visit him, and I was deeply shocked to hear his words about beef. It caused me great concern to hear him say that beef was perfect and delicious, as he were consuming it as a means of survival. This revelation generated a profound worry for his state of spiritual consciousness. At that moment, all we could do was urge him to communicate with his own spiritual master and explain what he were going through, and to not abandon the practice of chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.

This event leads us to reflect on the inevitability of our own final journey, as you describe it, and on the importance of preparing for that transcendental moment.

At the same time, we reflect on the precious opportunity to associate with pure devotees, a blessing that will not always be available. Although you no longer visit South America frequently, we are certain that we will remain connected through your teachings (vani). We wonder if we have fully taken advantage of the mercy that you and Krishna have bestowed, or if we have wasted our life in mere material existence.

Often, we feel frustrated seeing so many deceivers and so many people willing to be deceived, and we wonder why, if we have something valuable to offer, people do not accept it. Is this simply our karma, or is there something we can do to improve our situation?

We are doubtful about how to know when it is necessary to improve our material situation to enhance our service and when it is better to simply focus on chanting the holy name of the Lord and let everything else flow from there. We understand the theoretical answer that one can make plans to serve Krishna, but that it is best to chant Hare Krishna. However, the challenge lies in how to apply this principle in practice and discern when we are neglecting our chanting by getting too involved in material affairs, or when we are not giving our full potential in this plane by focusing solely on chanting.

Despite these difficulties, we feel a deep connection with you and with Srila Prabhupada through your instructions and our vows. We are happy to see that the yatra in Mar del Plata is flourishing, with a very active preaching center that attracts new people interested in our philosophy. We are also making progress in legal and administrative aspects that will strengthen the sustainability of our rural project Sri Govardhan, whose goal is to create a Krishna-conscious environment for the cultivation and deepening of the spiritual practice of the devotees.

As for my family life, everything is calm. My eldest son, Manu, continues his journey through Europe, and I am pleased to see him interacting with the children of other devotees, the next generation. Benja, the middle one, continues his studies and is a good boy. My daughter Margarita grows up happy and attached to the devotees and to Krishna, which fills me with joy. My wife is also happy with her life and her daughter, and together we make a good team.

These are the news from Mar del Plata. We thank you for your purity and your sincere desire to serve Srila Prabhupada. We hope never to lose the infinite mercy of having known you.

With humility and gratitude,

Your insignificant servant,

Nikunja Bihari Das


HpS/ASA AgtSP. Paoho.

Problem with the Blog, but Sriman Prahlada Nrsmha Das fixed it.

Just as much flavor and protein in beans and ghee as beef, no?

Lot more healthy.

Lot less violent.

Hmmm. Sounds like some madness!!!

Hope he escapes!

In one respect we are trying to do something sincerely. We are not Rupa Goswami.

So, we should not panic, no?

Yes, push to be more sincere to know how to help people.

Another aspect = This is the material world and what to speak of anything spiritual it is hard to even find anything good!

We keep trying.

There will always be some result that will be eternal and Krsna can build on it more and more.

--- Yes, just chank HKas much as possible, but when we can't do that make decisions about getting resources in the association do devotees, with reference to all the advice in SB, BG, Bh. Vedanta Purports, and intuition from sincere chanting.

Same thing is happening to you as happened to us when Srila Prabhupada left, as happened to Srila Prabhupada when Bh. Siddhanta Prabhupad left!

Krsna is pushing us to learn to fly our airplane solo, like we do in the Spiritual World.

Be good asscoation for our Patalitos.

Learn to get the best out of whatever, whoever you have.

O.K. Going to return some misfitting blades to the store.

Thank you. Very inspiring letter for all of us.

All over he world there are people like you all, by His Divine Grace.


Hare Krishna, amado Gurudeva,

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias,

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada,

Estimado Gurudeva,

Espero que este mensaje lo encuentre en perfecta salud y ánimo. Me complace enormemente verlo siempre tan lleno de entusiasmo y tan dedicado al servicio de su maestro espiritual, Srila Prabhupada, y a la misión de ISKCON. Su ejemplo de devoción inquebrantable y pureza es una fuente de inspiración para todos nosotros, y sentimos felicidad por los devotos que van a tener su asociación, tanto en España como en Manipur. Que desafortunados somos en Sudamérica, pocos grandes devotos vienen ya a visitarnos. Cómo sobrevivir en Patala?

Le agradezco profundamente por estar siempre presente, brindándonos su asociación y misericordia cada mañana. Hoy, sin embargo, me encuentro con el corazón afligido, ya que un devoto muy querido por nuestra comunidad, y de mi misma edad, ha dejado su cuerpo tras una larga lucha contra el cáncer. Recientemente tuve la oportunidad de visitarlo y me impactó profundamente escuchar sus palabras acerca de la carne vaca. Me causó gran inquietud oírlo decir que la carne de vaca era perfecta y deliciosa, ya que la estaba consumiendo como medio de supervivencia. Esta revelación me generó una profunda preocupación por su estado de conciencia espiritual. En ese momento, lo único que pude hacer fue instarlo a que se comunicara con su propio maestro espiritual y le explique lo que estaba atravesando y que no abandonara la práctica de cantar el maha-mantra Hare Krishna. Este evento me lleva a reflexionar sobre la inevitabilidad de nuestro propio viaje final, tal como usted lo describe, y sobre la importancia de prepararnos para ese momento trascendental.

Al mismo tiempo, reflexiono sobre la preciosa oportunidad de asociarnos con devotos puros, una bendición que no siempre estará disponible. Aunque usted ya no visita Sudamérica con frecuencia, tengo la certeza de que seguiremos conectados a través de sus enseñanzas (vani). Me pregunto si he aprovechado al máximo la misericordia que usted y Gurukrishna han otorgado, o si he malgastado mi vida en la mera existencia material.

A menudo, me siento frustrado al ver a tantos engañadores y a tantas personas dispuestas a ser engañadas, y me pregunto por qué, si tenemos algo valioso que ofrecer, la gente no lo acepta. ¿Es esto simplemente mi karma, o hay algo que pueda hacer para mejorar mi situación?

Me surge la duda de cómo saber cuándo es necesario mejorar nuestra situación material para potenciar nuestro servicio y cuándo es mejor enfocarse simplemente en cantar el santo nombre del Señor y dejar que todo lo demás fluya a partir de ahí. Entiendo la respuesta teórica de que uno puede hacer planes para servir a Krishna, pero que lo mejor es cantar Hare Krishna. Sin embargo, el desafío radica en cómo aplicar este principio en la práctica y discernir cuándo estoy descuidando mi canto por involucrarme demasiado en asuntos materiales, o cuándo no estoy dando todo mi potencial en este plano por enfocarme únicamente en el canto.

A pesar de estas dificultades, sentimos una profunda conexión con usted y con Srila Prabhupada a través de sus instrucciones y nuestros votos. Nos alegra ver que el yatra en Mar del Plata está floreciendo, con un centro de prédica muy activo que atrae a nuevas personas interesadas en nuestra filosofía. También estamos progresando en aspectos legales y administrativos que fortalecerán la sustentabilidad de nuestro proyecto rural Sri Govardhan, cuyo objetivo es crear un ambiente consciente de Krishna para el cultivo y profundización de la práctica espiritual de los devotos.

En cuanto a mi vida familiar, todo está tranquilo. Mi hijo mayor, Manu continúa su viaje por Europa, y me complace verlo relacionarse con los hijos de otros devotos, la próxima generación. Benja el del medio sigue sus estudios y es un buen muchacho. Mi hija Margarita crece feliz y apegada a los devotos y a Krishna, lo cual me llena de alegría. Mi esposa también está contenta con su vida y su hija, y juntos formamos un buen equipo.

Estas son las noticias desde Mar del Plata. Le agradezco por su pureza y su sincero deseo de servir a Srila Prabhupada. Esperamos nunca perder la infinita misericordia de haberlo conocido.

Con humildad y gratitud,

Su insignificante sirviente,

Nikunja Bihari Das

viaje a España e ¿India?

1 month, 1 week ago by bhaktadamian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances

All glories be to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you Gurudev

How are you? 😃

I want to tell you that I already have my ticket to Spain, for your mercy and that of Krishna. I will be, Krsna willing, in NVM during your stay there.

Gurudev, I want to go to India with you. Do you think it's wise? Is it a good idea to go to India with you and some other devotees? what do you think?

Thank you very much for your mercy.

At NVM they assign us a service, which is very good, but nevertheless, I want to ask you

what can I do for you? Is it possible to collaborate on something for you while I'm there at NVM? 

Your would-be servant

Deva Vrata daaaaas

HpS - Can't give you much practical advice about traveling.

Lot of variables.

Would like to walk around Radha Kund with you.

Maybe someone reading this will help.


Hare Krishna Gurudev

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances

All glories be to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you Gurudev

¿Cómo estás?

Quiero contarte que ya tengo mi boleto para España, por tu misericordia y la de Krishna. Estaré, Krsna mediante, en NVM durante u estadia allí.

Gurudev, quiero ir a India contigo. Crees que es prudente? es una buena idea ir a India contigo y algunos otros devotos? qué piensas?

muchas gracias por tu misericordia.

En NVM nos asignan un servicio, lo cual es muy bueno, pero sin embargo, quiero preguntarte

¿qué puedo hacer para ti? ¿Es posible colaborar en algo para ti mientras esté alla en NVM? 

Tu aspirante a sirviente

Deva Vrata daaaaas

Lindas fiestas para las deidades de casa

1 month, 2 weeks ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Haré krishna Querido Gurudev aquí mi reporte. Cada día medito en como mejorar mi servicio, actitud con mi entorno y así ser un buen ejemplo de predica. Hacemos el programa de la mañana, canto mis rondas diarias y lectura con Lad, además de la lectura con las devotas a diario. preocupada por contestar sus dudas, preguntas y estar atenta a sus necesidades en los días de fiesta hay una lectura dedicada a lo que se celebra además de fotos, también aviso de ekadasi con dos días de anticipación además de este hermoso servicio preocupada de la atención de mi altar decorarlo adecuadamente, comprar el material para sus joyas y vestidos es algo que me gusta mucho estas fiestas que pasaron nos esforzamos por complacer a nuestras deidades hicimos varias preparaciones y decore de acuerdo a cada ocasión me siento muy feliz con este hermoso servicio, también distribuimos dulces una vez al semana y entre más pasa el tiempo las muestras de amor a krishna son maravillosas le regalan fruta, flores, vegetales, sonrisas y buena atención por último le comento que ya tengo el carnet para ser legal en el país y con esto puedo salir sin problema a Chile hasta seis meses, y me inscribi para estar en el sistema de salud, mis padre y hermanos muy bien los llamo a diario , estoy trabajando enseñando a nadar a pequeños los días sábados en la mañana y asesorar en la semana con respecto a lo que estudie. mi relación con Lad muy bien lo principal es que tenemos una vida espiritual muy buena muchas gracias por estar a mi lado junto a Srila Prabhupada con sus bendiciones podre mejorar para seguir avanzando se despide su humilde sirviente Raman Reti Devi Dasi


All glories to Goura Nitay

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna

Dear Gurudev here my report.

Every day I meditate on how to improve my service attitude towards my environment and thus be a good example of preaching.

We do the morning program, I sing my daily rounds and reading with Lad, in addition to reading with the devotees daily.

concerned about answering your doubts, questions and being attentive to your needs on the holidays.

there is a reading dedicated to what is celebrated in addition to photos,

also notice of ekadasi two days in advance in addition to this beautiful service concerned about the attention of decorate my altar properly,

buy the material for your jewelry and


is something that I really like these holidays

that passed we strive to please our deities

we made several preparations and decorated according to each occasion

I feel very happy with this beautiful service too

We distribute sweets once a week and the more time passes the displays of love for Krishna are wonderful,

they give him fruit, 🍑

flowers, 🏵🌻🏵

vegetables, 🌽


and good attention. 🔬

Lastly, I tell you that I already have the card to be legal in the country and with this I can go to Chile without a problem for up to six months, and I signed up to be in the health system.

My parents and siblings call them very well every day.

I am working teaching children to swim on Saturday mornings and advising during the week.

regarding what you study.

My relationship with Lad is very good, the main thing is that we have a very good spiritual life.

Thank you very much for being by my side with Srila Prabhupada with your blessings.

I will be able to improve to continue moving forward. Your humble servant Raman Reti Devi Dasi says goodbye.

HpS / ASA - Super, super, super report. Goswami in last life? Goswami in this life. Gopal in next life.