Bhishma pancaka

Dear Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances To your lotus feet! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories To You!!🙏💥🌻🌼🌷🏵🌸💐🌹🌺

I hope you are doing very well and that you had a beautiful month of Kartika! and so many festivals! I am immensely grateful for your wonderful answers. I feel somewhat relieved to know that my relationship with you is eternal and that I will be able to see you again! Even though I cannot travel to see you now. I will always continue forward with even more strength thanks to your Immaculate mercy.

HpS-ASA - Please send a one minute audio clip of your Japa!

Thank, agtSP, you.

Thank you for your instructions in my dear Dance service💕

I always heard about this Bhisma Pancaka fast that begins today on this Uthama Ekadasi. Could you tell me what is good to do these days? Is it a grain fast? And to break Ekadasi?... Thank you for your answer and time.

HpS/ASA - We understand that Bhismadeva only lived on air or water and Hari kirtan for five days, but devotees like us maybe just more strict with regular ISKCON Damodara service, and maybe after breakfast with some piece of chapati do ekakasi prasad for five days etc.

May I continue dancing happily in the wonderful dust of Your Lotus feet, dear Gurudev, eternal thanks.

Your servant eternal: J.P.Radha Devi Dasi

P.D : Here I am sending you photos of the drawings and arts that my Gopal💕🎶

I made you in clay! My first deity of You Gurudeva🙏🌷🌼🌻🙏

I think they are wonderful! I hope to be able to cultivate his arts and be a good mother to him.

HpS - Inspiring sculptures and drawings.

Hope his art develops from his heart.

Any work from Swami Franco?

Jay Gurudeva

1 month, 1 week ago by muraridas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna GuruMaharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Thank you so much for everything you are giving to us

Is not only words, but it comes from the gratitude that I feel every day for the help you are giving us from the beginning to this family that is trying with your inspiration to continue this process of Krishna consciousness.


We've already moved to the mountains, it's been a pretty busy few months organizing the new place with four kids. Now we have a little more time, the first thing is to thank you eternally for this mercy towards me

My sadana continues the same, fighting to finish the rounds and the worship of my deities the rest of the day is to bring these children forward.

I would like to have a phone call one day if possible.

We are praying to Krishna not to let me forget him and

that one day my Gurudeva will feel proud of me

Your servant

Murari das

HpSwami/ASA - Desculpa, tlgaSP, la demora responder.

Our body and brain 70% deaf, dumb, dead.

Our parents, Srila Prabhupada, have made us better men than they were.

We are doing the same!

Muchas gracias su noticias.

Espero you are making friendship with your neighbors in the mountain.

If you follow us on Twitter [X] you will know we are in New Vraja Mandala until December 3.

Maybe we can call with Jayanta das.

You seem to be a really, very sincere servant of Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you!

Your association is healthy for us and everyone.

Post some art 🎨 from the kids.


Retomando para tomar más fuerza

1 month, 1 week ago by manjari.devi.dasi. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna

Mis más humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a Usted

Agradecemos infinitamente su misericordia y el tiempo que se toma al leer cartas insignificantes como esta. Estamos al pendiente de sus viajes y ofrecemos lo que esperemos sean buenas rondas, siempre pensando en su salud.

Retomamos servicios junto con el festival del Señor Balarama, volvimos a tener servicios de guirnaldas y hemos vuelto a la Boutique del templo de Radha Madan Gopal.

Con la partida de mi madre a USA, hemos tenido un mayor esfuerzo en ofrecer un buen estándar para las deidades de casa. Nos esforzamos por ofrecer alimentos, cambiar a sus señorías de vestimenta y al mismo tiempo hacer un pequeño kirtan en casa.

También hacemos una lectura cada 2 o 3 días en familia.

Se nos dificulta conectarnos directamente a las clases, pero hacemos un esfuerzo por seguir sus pasos en España y en Radha Kunda.

Mantenemos también una relación muy bonita con el devoto Caitanya, junto con madre Jana Priya (madre de Caitanya) me apoyan mucho a no mantener un buen sadhana.

Hacemos el intento de participar también en Food for live, que lleva acabó Sakhi Vrinda y su familia todos los domingos.

Tuve también la oportunidad de poder tener un poco de asociación con Su Santidad Maharash Mahavishnu Swami, en su visita a el templo de Radha Madhan Gopal. Reforzando mucho mi fuerza en el servicio.

Deseándole siempre una buena salud, le ofrezco mis más humildes reverencias.

Seguiremos con el deseo de algún día poder tener su misericordia.

Oramos mucho por su salud.

Muchas gracias por la inspiración.


Hare Krishna

My most humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you

HpSwami ASA -- 🐒👍👍👍

We are infinitely grateful for your mercy and the time you take to read insignificant letters like this. We are aware of your travels and we offer what we hope will be good rounds, always thinking of your health.

We resumed services together with the festival of Lord Balarama, we had garland services again and we have returned to the Boutique of the Radha Madan Gopal temple.

With my mother's departure to the USA, we have had a greater effort to offer a good standard for the deities at home. We strive to offer food, change their clothes and at the same time do a small kirtan at home.

We also do a reading every 2 or 3 days as a family.

It is difficult for us to connect directly to the classes, but we make an effort to follow in their footsteps in Spain and in Radha Kunda.

We also have a very nice relationship with the devotee Caitanya, along with mother Jana Priya (Caitanya's mother) who support me a lot in not maintaining a good sadhana.

We also try to participate in Food for Live, which Sakhi Vrinda and her family do every Sunday.

I also had the opportunity to have a little association with His Holiness Maharash Mahavishnu Swami, during his visit to the Radha Madhan Gopal temple. It greatly strengthened my strength in service.

Wishing you always good health, I offer you my most humble obeisances.

We will continue with the desire to one day have your mercy.

We pray a lot for your health.

Thank you very much for the inspiration.

HpS/ASA -- Thank you. Keep trying. Once you get a taste for Srila Prabhupada's regular Temple sadhana, see the powerful result it has on every aspect of your life, you will keep it.

Krsna is calling you back to His service!

Respondiendo a su carta

1 month, 1 week ago by Nadiya Nivasi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna querido Gurudeva,

Porfavor Acepte mis respetuosas reverencias,

Respondiendo a su carta anterior y no quiero dar muchos detalles sobre mi vida material por mi protección, y yo he decidido darle solo reportes espirituales, actualmente soy un devoto externo, que realiza su vida espiritual en casa pero con Mucha asociacion de devotos de Iskcon y visito regularmente templos de Iskcon. No pertenesco a ningun yatra en particular.

Atte. Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

Cambio de Ashram

1 month, 1 week ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna! Querido Gurudeva, Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Han pasado ya 19 años del ashram de Brahmacari, cada año fue uno mejor que otro, y por Su gracia fueron muy buenos, a la vez he visto que desde la pandemia aca mi participacion en la mision fue disminuyendo y me centre en Estudiar algunos oficios(Electricidad, Soldadura,mecanica,etc) y asi poder continuar mi practica de Bhakti, ya que las necesidades me cambiaron. Y en Este momento(ya meditandolo desde hace mucho,, y conversado con Usted, algo de esto en Peru,2022) mi necesidad es estar con Mis Padres, los cuales tienen edades similares a Usted, y Sintiendo tanto agradecimiento con ellos, deseo estar ahi, para que sientan mi respaldo y tambien Yo el de Ellos.

Toda Mi familia es Favorable a los Devotos,y aprecian a Srila Prabhupada, han participado en mas de un festival, y han hecho Sankirtan(todos),me han ayudado tambien economicamente para ir a India, o incluso a Estudiar el Seminario de Bhakti Sastri en Brasil,y mis padres tambien se han quedado a descanzar algunas vece en los templo.

A Mi madre la lleve a Recorrer la India dos veces, recorrimos mas de 7 ciudades en cada viaje, viajando en trenes de clase media India.

Y Mi hermano Bharata, el que me presento a Mi Maestro Espiritual y me dio los Libros de Srila Prabhupada y Siempre me ha dado buenos consejos, ahora Abogado y Profesor , muchas veces ayuda a los devotos con orientacion legal

Mi padre es un genio en lo Suyo, ha diseñado maquinas especificas de carpinteria para produccion en serie, el es muy silencioso, y aunque ya jubilado sigue trabajando en lo suyo

Tengo tambien 2 hermanas , Docentes en matermatica y Literatura

Toda la familia se dedico y dedican a la docencia en la escuela secundaria

Gracias Gurudeva por darme Su refugio,

aqui abajo alguna foto familiar

cuento un poco para mis Hermanos Espirituales

HpSwami ASA-- TlgaSP. Adelante!

See Krsna smile.

your final instructions

1 month, 1 week ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna adored and remenbered Gurudeva!🙏🎶🌹

Please accept my obeisances tou your lotus feet🙏

All glories to srila prabhupada!

All glories to You!!

I am shortening my previous letter: I recently dreamed that the devotees were talking near the door of Your room that You would soon depart from this world. I see from my present situation that it may be impossible for us to go and see You.

Therefore I would very much like to have a last writing from You with Your final instructions for me. I would also like to have a small piece of cloth from Your clothes to worship when You are no longer present. I just wanted to say this.

Thank you for Your time.

I will continue to do my sankirtan in various ways, especially with the dance videos.

Please forgive any offense in this letter. I am very sorry to know that I may not be able to see You again.

My eternal obeisances to Your wonderful and merciful feet.

always trying to serve him:

Radha japa Prati Jalpa devi dasi

HpSwami ASA.... super.

We may stay longer, this may be our final breath.

We don't have any final instructions.

There is no end to our association if you want it.

We are going to Nabadvipa?

You too?

If we 16/4 sincerely we have Srila Prabhupada's eternal instruction and there will be no end, just improved Sankirtan, perfecting our service.


All respects to Gopal and all.