Carta de Franco Bone

10 years, 7 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Hanumat Presaka His Holiness Swami, You accept my humble and respectful obeisances along with my best wishes .

I have a question for you:

Now I have a sincere desire and possibilities of introducing me , but since I'm in Cordoba, I have some problems , we asked the authorities of Córdoba to give me a recommendation. A devotee for which carve Deities and assist in the Ratha Yatra initiative , unresponsive and others say no more give advice to anyone. There are a devotee of Bs As he has no problem in recommending me because it was in charge of the temple of Buenos Aires when I lived there. But the authorities suggests that where we are right now give me a recommendation. This saddens me a little, because I see a very bureaucratic position and affecting my service. I wonder if I can help the devotees to ratha yatras more manifest in Argentina , or elsewhere, thought carve for Mar del Plata, but apparently should help alimpiar bathrooms or kitchen 1 and thus could initiate me . I have no problem doing this as I have previously eçhecho (though I'm now a little serivicio conditioned with my father for space - time), but I wonder to myself: If the power and ability that turns me Krsna so , rather than invest in something that he would love to speculate Srila Prabhupada , see a Rathayatra everywhere, then there could initiate me because they support me, I quedra Krsna not in ISKCON ? I will not be a devotee as Vritrasura demon? , I'm a little frustrated with this situation. Do not worry, try to continue carving voya Deities with Your Blessings ! , Jay Srila Prabhupada ! ! Hope your suggestions .

I hope not to inconvenience or annoy .

To serve : Franco Bone

 HpS - ASA - AGTSP. Paoho. The translation is only about 70% understandeable. Please send in Spanish and English both in the future, O.K? We are dull-headed. In general, if you are chanting 16-enthusiastic rounds and following the 4-principles strictly under Srila Prabhupada's authority and trying to work with the ISKCON GBC et al, then you are following his discipline and you are his disciple.

We are certainly very very happy to be of any service to you as Siksa-guru etc.

Ask Maha-hari Das in BsAs for his opinion about the situation. We should be able to resolve any bureaucratic problems quickly.

Hare Krsna!!!

Jaya, Jagannatha!!!!

Hare Krishna Gurudev

10 years, 7 months ago by Gino Krishna Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Haribol! I'm Gino From Iskcon Chile

I have a Time Being Totally devotum , I'm Doing Harinam Every week (In the possible , i just missed 2 harinams)

And I'm Doing Karmayoga in every thing ,

I have a lot of charisma i think So i went to Sankirtan in Transantiago with a Major devotum (Public bus)

As i saw you (i hope that Usted was a english word translated word too) , i want you as my Spiritual master

i'm not even initiated yet , but i'll wait for you Till next visit for Hear your lessons , Initiation and to share our krsna love ,

if you go with us to harinam or sankirtan would be good , you went sankirtan last time i remember!

And i have some  Questions , that i want in Person

HK HPS ! <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />


HpS - ASA - TlgaSP!. Paoho. Utiliza Send some photos of yourself and friends! We can only function as "Spiritual Master" for people who have accepted Srila Prabhupada as an Uttama Adhikari guru. Look at Upadesamrta, Text Five, Last Paragraph.



10 years, 7 months ago by yemila in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna Gurudev, por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverecias.Esperamos se recupere bien de la alergia que le agarro.

              HpS - ASA -- Yes, AGTSP. After taking to a strict diet and moving to different city it has disappeared.

Le cuento que mis 4 principios estan muy bien, mis 16 rondas bastantes desconcentradas como lo ha notado, pero me ha ayudado mucho lo que me dijo usted,y estoy en eso. Sankirtan , este mes nada... :(, fueron dos meses de mucha desorganizacion y organizacion.. muy intenso todo, siento que voy a abandonar el cuerpo.

                         ASA - Dejar el cuerpo!! Muy bien. Salir con nuevo como angela

Estoy asistiendo a los programas de los devotos en Cordoba capital que son dos domingos por mes...poco pero peor seria menos..necesitamos un templo .En estos dias llega Maharaj Krishna Ksetra Das, estamos ansiosos por servirlo.Tambien estoy haciendo el bhakti vaivabha con Param, eso me sostiene.
Otra noticia es que en Carlos Paz (Cordoba.. donde vivo), ya vamos por el segundo programa y van personas todas nuevas, e incluyendo conocidos , y pronto se esta ignagurando un food for life , todos los domingos.

Gurudev usted recibio un mail mio por yahoo?

               HpS - Hmmm! Pienso que no.

Muchas gracias a Usted por Krishna, Feliz aparicion del Señor Nrisimhadev.. el año pasado le ore en Nova Gokula (Brasil) para que siempre me proteja de no alejarme de los pies de Srila prabhupada,aunque aun no los haya alcanzado..que no me desvie. este año ... oro por lo mismo.   Maharaj Dhanvantari nos conto que en realidad nosotros adoramos al Selor Nrisimha solo porque Parbhupada nos Lo dio, porque en  la Gaudiya Mata , se adora a  al señor Ganesha, quien proteje a los devotos.. entonces me dio a entender , que Srila Prabhupada nos dio algo propio de el, su relacion ... muy intimo...nunca lo voy a entender.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada , quien solo por su gracia podemos adorar al Señor Nrisimhadev.

Para servirlo Yamuna Tira vana dd

            ASA - Grrrrrrr!  Muy bien. Vd esta adelantando y confrontando desafios mas advanzandos. Muy bien. Tiene que superar como puede ensenar a sus siguiedores hacer el mismo!

Marcos from Madrid

10 years, 7 months ago by marcos in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krisna Maharaj!!
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

First of all i want to say you thanks to give me the opportunity to have a more near relation with Srila Prabhupada and you, i feel very happy and i hope to have some intelligence to use this opportunity to advance in my spiritual life.

                ASA - AGTSP! Us also.
The other day i read in this blog that i should write with my opinion about this spiritual process.
For me this process means to remember our natural position, and its a fact that this material world isnt  our natural enviroment, i feel like a fish out of the sea.

             ASA - Ha!  Ha!  Ha!  Maybe more like a monkey tossed in the sea!

Im tired to stay under the control of the mind and the material senses, Im tired of wishing things that i know that with all the security brings suffer and bad reactions. Im tired of offending  to the devotees, family friends and all the rest of living entities. Im tired of this body with 8.75 myopia, im tired to have headache when i wake up, and also im tired to cut my nails for the rest of my life.
In this position i think that the most intelligent thing that i can do is to chant Hare Krishna, cause in a few times i have the realization that if you chant with your heart, the pain of the material world dissapear while the mahamantra is sounding.

I believe that the necessity of look for a spiritual master is that he knows better than me how is the plan than we must follow to scape of this jail an back to home.

           ASA - Even if we accept a spiritual master who is less adavanced than we are he can still do the job of spiritual master. He has a different pespective on things, no?

Now im studying bhakti sastri, first part of Bhagavad Gita and in this moment its the principle book that i read all the days, usually i read upadesamrita and sometimes sri isopanisad. I like very much bhakti sastri, cause with this study i have begun to understand in more profundity the topics of this book and the applications for our life. 

Im happy with my services: Helping with the economy, buy for the restaurant, now i have started to give class of Bhagavad Gita (im study the verse, i look for a class of S.P of the same verse and i put in common the ideas of the meaning of the verse and the ideas of the class, one of the things that i love of the classes of Srila Prabhupada its the practical examples the he gave after explaning a philosophical idea), and i will begin to help Jaramara to organize some services of the temple.

I usually go to visit my family and friends (one time for one or two months) We have differences but we have a good relations, no problem with Hare Krisna movement. But its truth that its a little difficult cause i cant talk with them about Krisna, i talked with them about: Politic, music, other topics... but also we have very interestings conversations about the life, for me its a little effort to go but when im returning to temple i feel good about going to pass with them some days. I feel that i should to save and care the relation with them, its a fact that most of them arent interesting (now) in god but i feel that i have to stay with them, Is it ok to save this relations (i put limits, for example i go with my friends to the beach, play airsoft, surfing or to watch a film but i dont go to clubs or disco at nights)?

            ASA - Yes, of course, is O.K. Four principles are nice moral standard and Krsna is the light of the sun, taste in water, so you can stimulate them if they are open to understand Krsna as He is presented in BG.
The only thing that for my parents its a preocupation is that im lossing some oportunities to work buy social educator, cause now im living in the temple, and this preocupation in my parents is a little disturbing for me. What can I do?

         ASA --Stay in the Temple for some time. Get good Ashrama training and then if no practical career as a Brahmana in ISKCON develops (and they will also see its practical) then stay in contact with the Temple but develop your own work with other like minded devotees.

Some general instructions or things that i could try to do?

I hope that you are well!! Hare Krisna!!!

e dhana, yaubana, putra, parijana
ithe ki āche paratīti re
kamala-dala-jala, jīvana ṭalamala
bhajahū hari-pada nīti re
(What assurance of real happiness is there in all of one's wealth, youthfulness, sons, and family members? This life is tottering like a drop of water on a lotus petal; therefore you should always serve and worship the divine feet of Lord Hari.)

I have some attachment to Santander, its a good spot to chant japa and surf (its a photo during a japa walk)

             HpS - ASA - Very nice news. General advice is:

1. Up early and get your rounds done with enthusiasm.

2. Four principles strictly.

3. Full, fun, morning and evening program.

4. Sankirtan according to your nature.


10 years, 7 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja! AgtSP!

Agt Gurú y Gauranga!

Vi.van Radha y Krsna!

I wish you are better about your health, and you are nice in all aspects.

I have return to spain some days ago.

The travel have had her own life. Thanks to Krsna have gave to me a lot of realizations but a lot of stress also. I have be ill some days, now I am better, specially mental stress.

I have been in Bombay, Gaya, Patna, Kolkata and Mayapura. I have meet some mercyfull Sadhus that help me a lot, of course some ISKCON Sadhus also.

Any have been like I was thinking. I debt rounds but I will recovery. Soooo nice be in mayapur again, I see again some Nice Devoties that give me a lot of inspiration....the loving beutifull Deities Pancha Tattva, Asta sakhis Radha Madhava, Ugra Nrsimha, the Beutifull Mather Ganges.
I have had one experience with M.Ganga that never will forgoten. Remember yours classes, instructions, person, have give me a smile in my mouth. Also other Big Devoties, that every day i think more there is no diference between you, only personal diferences. I know very well that without you Maharaja i am lost; thanks you very much.

I dont know what more to say. I am a dull, but I dont want be very far of you and Krsna.
A lot of things have change in my life in that pilgrem to india, but after a lot of tests I want advance more and more in my little service-posición. Now I have to begin a new year, after see Panca Tattva. At your feet Gurú Maharaja!

Can i do something for you Gurudeva??, please say to me. Hare Krsna!!!!!!

            HpS - Jaya!  AGTSP paoho.   Your last letter sounded like a Rambo movie! Swimming in the Ganga for 50km to escape crocodiles!
For me you can take care of the devotees in Spain. O.K? Krsna will give you intelligence little by little. Of course, some of them haven't even come to the temple yet, but you will meet them.

How many rounds debt do you have?

Hare Krishna! Reporte desde Chile.

10 years, 7 months ago by Valentina Cortes Pizarro. in Personal Sadhana Reports

<cite><var>Todas las glorias a Sus Santidades Sri Sri Goura Nitay </var></cite>

<cite><var>Todas las glorias a Su Santidad Srila Prabhupada </var></cite>

<cite><var>Mis más respetuosas reverencias a usted maharaja</var></cite>


<cite><var>Hare Krishna Maharaja, supe que ha estado enfermo de alergias?!, espero se encuentre mucho mejor de su salud.. </var></cite>

HPS - Si, despues de viajar a Franklin todo desparecio. Posible esfuereza de dieta tambien.

<cite><var>Bueno comenzaré pidiendo las disculpas correspondientes por mandar más de una vez la carta anterior, la mande varias veces porque no estaba segura si la había mandado correctamente; me encuentro cantando mis 16 rondas diarias como mínimo, siguiendo los cuatro principios y con mi servicio fijo; con respecto a las rondas yo le había preguntado como podía hacerlo para cantarlas mejor, asi que estoy llegando más temprano al templo, para así aprovechar de escuchar un poco la clase de la mañana, cantar todas las rondas y dedicarme a limpiar antes de entrar a trabajar. Ya leí el Upadesamrta y me quedarón varias dudas aclaradas, muchas gracias por responder a cada una de mis preguntas.</var></cite>

<cite><var>Sin querer quitarle más de su valioso tiempo</var></cite>

<cite><var>Se despide afectuosamente su aspirante a sirviente Bhaktin Valentina Cortés.</var></cite>

HpS - Si, esforzando cantar mejor rondas Krsna da la inteligencia.

Pero, claro, levantar temprano es un "truco" material aun transcendental essential para mejorar las rondas. Meditacion no es lo que piensas! Es mas, cambio de perspectivo. Eso requiere esfuerza!

Moo Chas gracias su associacion y esfuerza para la mission del SENOR CAITANYA! Va a tener gran recompensa! Va a enender quienes Vd!!!

Ya vamos a DTC.