Could not come to NilaMadhava Dhama

10 years, 7 months ago by nataraj in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obesciences, All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I booked my tickets to come to Nila Madhava Dhama on Wednesday, but due to office work today I could not come to Houston maharaj.

             HpS - ASA - Yes, we know! AgtSP! It was on CNN: "Nataraja, unable to visit Nila-madhava Dhama because of special global conference".

I have recently been listening to Nectar of Instructions lectures, which are very nice. Thank you maharaj.

I have also been thinking of changing jobs, The current job is giving me a lot of stress. I want to move to something else more easier on my life style and less work irrespective of pay.

Thank you 

your servant


HpS - Many years ago in ISKCON we had a female lawyer for the Temple activities. She was recommended by someone and was actually very good. We worked with her for about two years and then she gave us a $700 donation. We were very impressed. Then she explained that she was divorced and caring for two kids. She was doing Trial Law, arguing cases in the court, and after working with us, hearing our philosophy, she realized it was not a job for women. Men lawyers will scream at each other in the court and afterwards have a drink together in the bar and laugh about it, but she explained as a women she took it all to personally and started taking cocaine to heal her emotional wounds.

She got a lower paying job in San Francisco doing technical research for a big firm and getting paid less, but much, much happier and in the end with more money because she didn't have the cocaine use. So she split the profit with us.

Good luck finding a more Sattvick job!!!

First Anniversary

10 years, 7 months ago by jaynityananda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurumaharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Today is my first birthday, after you so kindly accepted me as your disciple today, one solar year ago. The fact of the matter is that i am doing (practicing) vani-seva. There are days that i wish to have personal association, but at the same time i like the background, for i know that i am foolish, quarrelsome and falsely proud, and it would show and hurt my foolish pride. Then again, revealing would purify me faster that it happens now.

Sometime i have some small questions, but then i don't wish to bother you with them here. Or i think about them for a day or more, and then get a satisfying answer somehow or other. Todays question for instance, if milk creates fine braintissue that you need for spiritual understanding, whereas in gita it is said that knowledge comes from Krishna, and knowledge is functioning in the subtle body which milk cannot influence. How to reconcile?

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. As we would understand it the mind, subtle body, can use the finer brain tissues, just like you may have a color picture on your computer screen but it is different when you can print it when you have a color printer. In our conditioned life we are absobed in our gross body so even though we may have subtle assests we can recognize them unless they are manifest on the gross platform.

These are small questions, but perhaps important enough, these little doubts on the path. Generally, i make progress, a little, day by day. I feel it. It makes me happy and strong and more determined. A few times my daily program got messed up, but nothing serious, and the irregularities lasted at the most about five days. It is certainly remarkable after my hedonistic years, and the messy life it left me with. Many little encouragements and adages i picked up from your classes remain in the back of my mind, and i feel the intimacy of vani-seva that way. This is my wealth.

I'll stop here, though i could say more. I just wish to say that i am very happy to being your servant, even though saying that doesn't really have the implied corresponding feeling. Perhaps next year. Still, i remain,

Ever your aspiring servant,
Raghava Pandita dasa

PS. With unpleasant emotion i take note of your uncomforts and bodily ailments, but i take solace in knowing that the suffering of a devotee is not of this world, and i take it as such. I wish you are fully transcendental to it all. I am happy to read your reports of sankirtan, and i know many details and things can hardly be communicated, such as your contributions to ISKCON's education. I feel happy for all who will benefit from that. Please forgive me for my silly or improper remarks, my Dutch brazen rajas. I beg you for your blessings to become fearless, loving and tactful in spreading Krishna consciousness. How could i not beg from you, even though it feels superficial and sentimental?

With kind regards.

HpS - ASA - Happy Birthday. How are your wife and child? Are you driving Taxi? We are trying to develop some Sankirtan that will be exemplary so that it can be of some inspiration in your efforts also. Beyond that if you have any specific suggestions or contributions to what we are involved in, then please let us know.

For the body, allergy, chest cramps, arhythmias, we take it as just regular functioning of the machine. It has to be adjusted and of course growth and death are natural. Death is disassembling the machine to be used in producing another machine. Thank you so much for your association. It is very enlivening to all of us! How is you Yatra? Are you involved in communication?


Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva

Please acept my humble obisances

All glories to Srla Prabhupada.

War report :
Now we are in mexico Cueramaro , dedicated to the study of Srmad bhagavatam and new projects , including the culture of recycling and construction , preparation of organic beauty products , gardening and planting plants and I personally find in the department of communications bbt Central America and Mexico , playing a new role as manager of graphic and audiovisual design on different pages that have :

sankirtan is necessary to live so we went out on Saturday to nearby villages .

nectar is studying the books , we are doing a campaign to promote the study of books , I would like to know what you think about Dear GM bhakti Shastri .

             HpS - Jaya. AGTSP. Is very nice. We have our Study Guides. Really is nice just to read the books in association with other devotees. Then automatically your system of study will develop.

GM I want to serve you well but these senses are very attached to material enjoyment constantly biting me and keeps me in a fluctuating state with my rounds and my service, in this unfortunate situasion not to be a pure devotee but also be by maya full . please explain to me how  should i do to get spiritually advance  ?

HpS - Just what you are doing. There is not special trick. Ask devotees who live with you, see you often what you should do. Of course, Krsna's in your heart (BG 10.10-11) so He will also give you advice.

Your eternal servant
Vrajendra kumara Das

              Are you planting trees?

Report bananas

10 years, 7 months ago by ragasindhudas108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and his fervent Sankirtana all over the world

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja PAMMHR

I hope that this bill is well your health, on this side of the world begins and autumn, in the cold mornings and hot afternoons, the earth is constantly moving for their tremors.

I am currently working at the airport, through shifts, it easier to get up at three or four o'clock.

chanting my rounds before brama muhurta, except that I have night shifts. following four principles. worshiping the deity home.

I request the authority some time ago and the service in the temple treasury, can be perceived as krsna controls everything and surrender to his divine plan. How I can be so good treasurer?

     HpS - ASA - - 1) Be sure the money and other Temple valuables are safe.

2) Keep record of where ever penny comes from and where every penny goes to.

3) Make reports based on 2).

4) Make Budgets based on 3).

Cooking for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada for festivals. Very cute party Caturdasi Nrsimha. Abhiseka, kirtan, class and prasadam. good association with devotees and family. How to interact better with the people through preaching?

             HpS - The best way to preach is to listen from your heart to people. Then as you are Krsna-conscious you will respond naturally with the right comments. You must stay pure and filled with SB.

...if Krsna wants, to have the desire to visit Mexico in June for the Vyasa puja of SS. Busana Bhakti Swami, the spiritual master of my wife. Please blessings.

          HpS - Very nice. We hope you can go and see other things also.

With you in the mission of Srila Prabhupada

Raga sindhu das. Santiago de Chile...

             HpS - AGTSP.  Thank you so much for the news. I think Krsna will give you very good intelligence how to do your service!! Please send more news every few weeks.

Recordado y Amado Gurudeva!

10 years, 7 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a Sus pies de loto!

    ASA - Pies de Loco, TlgaSP!  Thank you for your letter.

 Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Radha Madhana Vihari!

I just wanted to thank you infinitely for answering the letter from my husband. He came back to me very precupada ingles.Estaba ship in the situation, but I'm better now, knowing that our Lord Krsna is always monitoring the situation and always leaving us something to learn from each event, for further progress towards only ask Him to Mr. Nrisimhadeva protect my husband very much and help you make the best decision.Le back to beg for His blessings. 
Thank you very much for His merciful association in Japa joe, this blog, etc.. that helps us enlighten each day. I only have internet two or three times a week, I take the beautiful days ahora.Esos association of Japa Joe! 
In short I am sending my report and continuing comments and Devahuti Kadama Muni! 
Thank you very much for your inspiration and strength! 

Waiting to please, and aspiring to serve the dust of his lotus feet of Radha dd japa prati jalpa

            Jaya- Devahuti x Kardama muni

I am still here

10 years, 7 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



I hope this meets U in really good health and please forgive all the problems and anxiety that we give to U ¡¡¡

I am very hurt by gossips and talking behind my back but instead of became discouraged I feel more energized in order to become more and more a better tool in order to help our Beloved Srila Prabhupada 

So here is my quick report that enthusiastic DEVOTEES are very anxious to hear

I wake up by 1:20 am then I go to work while being there I read SB, or BG or listen to clases on my MP4. I do not go to discos my mother does not allow me. I am at home by 10 am so then I can wake up early. My service I have to be honest is not so good right now I am very fragile and all affect me very much but as I told U now I feel more energized so I will effort more and more to try to please Gaura Nitai with your help and blessings ¡¡

I have 2 Bhakti sastri students they are very nice ¡¡ 

I am learning how to play harmonium I like to sing and I will participate y 6 hours kirtan etc Chanting the holly names is really blissful

I also taking yoga classes my astrologer told me that my nerves are really bad and I need to do that I took my first yoga class yesterday really nice ¡¡¡

             HpS - Yes, to much stress and you will go crazy. I know. I am amazed at how liberal Srila Prabhupada is with us. He always says that Krsna is very generous and I can see it more and more. How much work can we do. We have physical work, psychological work and social work, which involves politics which can be exhausting.
So, work hard, eat a robust diet, get lots of fresh air, sunlight and exercise. Chanting, Dancing and Feasting with like minded people. I like you mind. I am glad to hear these clarifications of your position. I get advice from my Godbrothers all the time that I have the natural faults of a Sannyasi. I am to simple and straightforward in what I communicate. I have to realize what things to put first and make them a little bit clearer, not so simple. I have to take to explain the context in which I am reading Sherlock Holmes. Another Sannyasi would understand but for ordinary people the context has to be explained. If not there will be gossiping and it is really my fault for showing my life to the public and not giving it a public perspective.

About other topics I do not know if it is absolutely necessary to tell U, I sometimes go to the movies with devotees last time I went with Rohini kumar das and all his family then very very rare concerts and then I just go to work then go to give spanish classes then return home and sometimes have lunch with friends devotees that's 't ... This is what I am doing right now.. That is my report this is a typical candramonkey's day. 

Please give us your blessings in order to continue with Utsahan 

Thank U very much for your daily association and guidance and please kindly forgive my stupidity and pride

ALways trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi dd

HpS - We are reading so much in the SB about Maharaja Priyavrata, Agnidhra et al. Do you think you could marry them and enthuses them to become President of Peru and make Hare Krsna a State Religion? Did Maharaja Priya vrata go to popular movies. I think he did, the Lion King, etc.
So, I think with a little adjustment you life is ideal and people who are criticizing you should apologize as they understand the real facts AND you should accept their sincere apologys. >>>