Pleace acept my humble obesience..vanca kalpa.....
All glories to Srila Prabhupada...
I wish that you are very well, Its been long time since I comunicate by tecnology with you.We folow you via twitter and reading constantly the blog with our smart tel nokia 520 but is not posible to wrigth from it ,its not posiblem sing in my acount, any way...Here we are in Sierra de los Padres, we arrived from Chile on the 10 april after a extatic sankirtan travel with Abhimanyu das, Adi Yajña das and others. We distributed moreoless 5000 SP tracendental books, we done several very nice preaching programs, Nityananda Trayodasy fesival in a hotel in Pichilemu was vry nice, lots of new bhaktas aproaching to SP lotus feet,In the city of Talca we been at the radio preaching and we did some programs to. Personaly I can feel in the Cile citizens that they are much more open for K.con than Argentina,it could be my maya i dont know...
Right now we are finishing the bramacaris ashram at the SdP, MdP. Preaching not very much, just lecturing at the loft,some sankirtana , reading and studing quait good..Is increacing..(.finishing SP lilamrta nectar..SB 3.24...NOI..Narottama vilasa....)morning programs, good japa, nirjalas ekadasi with 8 extras rounds and extra reading.Preparing a preaching program for the university ,distribution prasadam,etc to start when coming bhack from Brazil..
We already change our car for a VW van and we are programing sankirtana in Brazil for next month June, July..With a group of bcrs...
My idea is hardly try to dedicate this life for SP book distribution, emancipate from temple deaty worshiping.so we are more free to travel and form a bcrs groop of sankirtan...I now I dont have cualifications for doing it but am Complete sorrending to SP lotus feet and yours instructions....How is the best way to do it.? How can we get in the way to travel and preach with out limit .?
Programing visiting India for 2015...
Please give me your blessings...All glories to your instrctions that keeps me at SP lotus feet
All glories to your lotus feet, the tracendental shelter of this insignificant servant..
Panca tattva das.
Nitay Goura premanande...HARI HARI BOLLLLL!!!!!!!
HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. Such a great honor to hear from you. All of your news is very, very nice. Traveling Sankirtana also seems nice. It is more of a tendency for B'caris, while Grhastha preaches more from his community. Main thing is just to understand what Krsna thinks is best service for you. Look at Preface to NOI and it says that as soon as we are in the mode of goodness then everything else will be revealed. BG 10,10-11 says same. So, trust your inspiration, intelligence. Confirm them with BBT books, ISKCON devotees and you should be a super efficient soldier.
Of course, you can consider taking Sannyasa by 45-years or so. Krsna has wonderful plans, no? So certainly He will engage you in His fun. Please send us your advice and news.