Jay Gurudeva!!

10 years, 5 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Vivan Guru y Gauranga !

Viva Srila Prabhupada !

Vivan Sri Sri Radha y Krsna !

Mis reverecias Maharaja!, Hare Krsna !

Soy Bhakta Pablo del Parikrama, de España.

Maharaja, por favor, me gustaria que esta carta no saliera publica en el Blog, gracias.

    HpS - ASA - AGTSP!   O.K. We have to learn how to get strength from local devotees. We don't think that the traffic lights in the street are great devotees, but we take so much instruction from them. We risk our lives following their instructions: Go, Stop! So learn to understand the good and bad qualties of devotees and then use that to help you obtain the ultimate aim of life described by Lord Caitanya.

Again with Uruguay

10 years, 5 months ago by haribuddhi in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

Dearmost Srila Hanumatpresaka Maharaja, 

Obeisances. Jay Srila Prabhupada!

My fellow friend, Rasamrita Sesa dasa, opened a preaching center in Uruguay, inspired in the new preach strategies. 

Then, we realiced, again, about how important is Your visit for inspiration and guide. 

Rasamrita`s guru, Krishna Ksetra Prabhu, is happy with this project. 

Then, at least for one or two days, You could inspire the devotees in educational programs. The last guru who do that was Dhanvantari Swami, and the devotees love it. 

Of course, arranges in academical fields can be made, according to your dates. 

Also, you have already an uruguayan disciple (Syamananda Pandit -who can use 3 different passports-). 

About me: as usual. Doing bhakti sastri with Laksmana Agraja (I waited 18 years for this), working in La Cantuta as communication advisor, and never leaving the rules and goal. 

Consider this for your next trip to SA. 

Wishing You`re well, I remain as Your servant, 

Haribuddhi dasa

     HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. We are just starting to think about South American trip. Param-padam Das has program January in Cordoba. Schools are closed then, no? We are doing Carl Jung now. Please watch for news on that topic. The only thing in education preaching is to meet people and make friends. Understand how their understanding of reality fits into the SB and then help them advance.

You life sounds a lot more peaceful than before! More news as you have time.

Marcos from Madrid

10 years, 5 months ago by marcos in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja!!
Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!
Im Marcos from Madrid! How are you? I hope that you are fine in all aspects of your life!!
Here in Madrid all is Ok now the ashram is FULL of devotees and the Mangalartik and Gurupuja  are superextactic, the association is incredible!! Also we have the association of Swamis like Yadunandana Swami and Bhakti Gouravani Swami and senior devotees like Vayasaki Prabhu, Hari Sauri Prabhu, Akrura  Prabhu, Urmila Devi Dasi... and more!!
The principal reason why i write this letter is to give you a report of my sadhana:
5:00-7:30  Spiritual Morning program
7:30-8:00  I usually read some books now im reading: Brahmacarya in Krisna Conciouness from Bhakti Vikasa Swami
8:00-9:00 Gurupuja and S.B Class
9:00-10:15 Breakfast
10:30-12:30 Differents services like: shopping to restaurant, general cleaning, some phone calls, organize all the services of the day, talking with Jaramara about some plans of services for the devotees of the ashram, etc..
12:30-13:50 Studying of Bhakti Sastri, Playing instruments, reading or rest.
14:00-14:30 Checking if all is ready for the prasadam program.
14:30-15:00 Bhajan and conference
15:00- 17:00 Eating, Boutique, Help to serve prasadam, talk with the guests (its deppend of the day)
17:00-19:00 Boutique, reading, studiying, sometimes going to walk to a park... 
19:00-20:30 B.G class
20:30-21:15 Dinner and talking with the devotees about the day
21:30 Readding Teachings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
22:00 Sleeping

My principal problem is that some days the rounds are some hard cause the dream attacks, i dont sleep cause i start to walk but its difficult to maintain the attention, please could you give some advices of  how could i regulate this? In the other hand other days the rounds are good and i dont have this problem.

                HpS - ASA -- You are falling asleep some days and have to walk to stay awake? It is common problem. Of course, just try to adjust schedule so that you can be rested during Japa time, but if you are tired then maybe you have to walk. So, many little tricks you can try. Try controling your breathing. Chant a certain number of Mantras for each breath, but main thing is to just be sincere and then Krsna will give us intelligence.

My plan for the nexths month is this:
The first week of August i will stay in the ratha yatra of the Canary islands, and the rest of the month i will go to Santander (the city where i was born) to visit family and friends its very possible that Jaramara will go to Santander in August maybe we can do some spiritual program together. Its possible that some devotees of Madrid come this month to Santander... Bhakta Holidays!! and in September i will return to Madrid. Is it ok?

HpS - ASA - Seems fine!

Some weeks ago i read that you have some problem with the dates of Pablo and me (something of a database)... Can i do something to solve this? Whats the situation about this topic? If you need i think that we could send again our dates or what you need...

             HpS - No, we have the information. I sent it to Namacharya Das. Now he has to post it on the Webpage. Thank you.

In the last letter you give me one advice: "Sankirtan according to your nature" How can i know what is my nature? For me this is very difficult, how could i discover this?

     HpS - Well, you can many different services and see what is your nature. Some people like to do grafik arts for Krsna, some are good at management. Arjuna was a Ksatriya so Krsna recomended he serve like that, not retire from the battlefield and write books.

Also, you can ge the opinion of others, devotees, even there are tests in university or from government about what is your nature.

Astrology may help, although Prabhupada said that it is very hard to find a good astologer now.

We can chant Hare Krsna and BG 10.9-11 will happen.

Hope to see you soon!! Some plans to come to Madrid? We are waiting you!!
Thanks for all Maharaja!! Hare Krishna!!


PD: Also i read that you need a Caitanya Caritamrita in spanish maybe this link help you, you can download to your pc, or smartphone.  


HpS - ASA - No, we needed a hard-copy. Soft copy is on Vedabase.com

Mis reverencias querido Gurudeva

10 years, 5 months ago by mangalanandadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada                   Todas las glorias sean para Gurudeva Hanumat Presaka Swami

    HpS - ASA  ~~ 15% para HpS

Mis reverencias a sus pies de loto estimado.

                         ASA - Oink!

Gurudeva,tratando de seguir sus instrucciones lo mejor posible,16 rondas (mejores que las anteriores) 4 principios, falta mas asociacion con devotos y e una semana Giriraja, esta volviendo a casa ,para ver si consigo endulzar mi corazon que se cae en pedazos por estar lejos de mi esposa y mi hijo.

              HpS ASA - Muy bien! Ooof!  99.99% de la gente no tiene refugio mas que whiskey o cosa similar. Vd esta tomando super estrategia conquistar Maya y servir a TODO EL MUNDO!

Con la mente estable, por Japa joe =buenas rondas con fe en sus Pies de loto y en el señor de Vraja .Curandonos gradualmente de condicionamientos de nuestros ancestros ,a travez de Costelaciones familiares y Psicologo. Trabajando arduamente.Me siento feliz cuando canto los nombres de Hari y mis dedos saltan en las 108 cuentas de tulasi,cuando leo el Krshna book a la mañana,estudiando verso por verso el Upadesamrita y tratando de realizar sus instrucciones.Leyendo poesia vaisnava de Bhaktivinoda takur ,Narottama das takur,Locana das Takur,Mira bai etc. Me gusta mucho la poesia vaisnava,la profundidad recondita de sus jardines, desde la tierra arenosa en las cuales Gurudeva posa sus pies de loto,de donde surge la semilla hasta el elevado horizonte de los bosques repletos de flores de colores y vaqueritos que no paran de jugar  (mucho mas que Gustavo adolfo  becquer,o Edgar Allan Poe )  :) .Tratando de ser un buen padre,relacionandome amorosamente con mi hijo cada vez que puedo.Cambiando actitudes,que me llevaron a la oscuridad y a la debacle en mi caracter.Intentando ser feliz.Aceptando mi karma y orando al señor de Vraja para que lo modifique segun su criterio. Me canse de hacerlo a mi modo.  Tal vez en julio o Agosto viajando a Chile ,o a Colombia por unos dias.(Cuestiones laborales). Espero su salud siempre se mantenga estable,para que su bendicion reconforte los corazones de todos nuestros hermanos,en especial el mio que lo necesita muchisimo.                   Todas las glorias para Srila Prabhupada,Todas las glorias a sus pies,intentando servirlo Mangalananda das

HpS - Cuales es su trabajo!!!!  Vds esta como un gran elefante. Necesita gran servicio. Pero poco a poco desarrollando!

Reporte desde Stgo. de Chile.

10 years, 5 months ago by Valentina Cortes Pizarro. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Mis más respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto.

              HpS - ASA - Pies de Loco. TlgaSP!

Hare Krishna Maharaja: ¿Cómo se encuentra de su salud?

               ASA - Como Vd. <img alt="devil" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/devil_smile.png" title="devil" width="23" /> <img alt="indecision" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/whatchutalkingabout_smile.png" title="indecision" width="23" />

Espero que en buenas condiciones. Le cuento sobre mi reporte, sigo cantando 16 rondas diarias, siguiendo cuatro principios, con mi servicio fijo de servir el prasadam y la limpieza de la cocina los días Viernes, ahora hace un par de semanas comencé a entrar al pujari como asistente, aprovechando que mi hermana mayor es la que adora esos días, extrañaba mucho ese servicio; y sigo trabajando en el restorán del templo, también estoy leyendo La luz del Bhagavata y aprobé el curso de discípulos. Muchas gracias por su respuesta de la carta anterior, estoy trabajando en ello. Sin querer quitarle mas de su valioso tiempo y siempre con intención de no molestarle se despide su eterna sirvienta Bhaktin Valentina Cortes.

    HpS - ASA - Jaya!!! Quien es su hermana mayor???? Como esta el Templo?

Hare krishna maharaj!

10 years, 6 months ago by Alexa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna  Maharaja ! Please accept  my humble obeisances. All the glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Maharaj, Thank you very much for answering my presentation letter. 

As you asked me, my husbands  name is Fernando Calviño, he is from Argentina , we have been married or almost 2 years ! 

I do not  have any counselling here Maharaj, should I ?   I usually make all my questions to a very kind devotee, Maha sundari Mataji who is my teacher in Bhakti sastri and also a very nice friend with whom and her husband we travelled to Mayapur last year.  

    HpS - ASA -- AGTSP! Sounds fine. Get more advisors little by little. "Victory comes from good advice and good advice comes from many advisors", Canakhya Pandit.

She has been very  compasionate with  me and has been an inspiration and guide and Iam deeply in gratitude with her. 

One of my questions Maharaj is , some years ago before meeting the devotes I was travelling trough India to different ashrams studying yoga, I travelled to Rishikesh to visit some ashrams and there I bought a Gopal deity , not knowing very much about Sri krishna , but i bought it and when i came back I made an altar and ofered him incence and flowers, but without any knowledge , but gradually starting to develope a relationship with the deity , then i started meeting the devotes, reading and Studying the Bagavad gita, learning more about Krishna, learning how to offer the food, and learning that the first deities one has to worship are Gaura and Nitai, so last year when i travelled to Mayapur i wanted to get the Gaura and nitai  deities but at the end i didnt because I felt i was not ready so i came back without them and with the idea of  taking out of the altar Gopal deity, but I could not take him down of the altar , i just could not, so I still worship him with more love and knowledge than before , but I regret so much not having  brought with me Gaura and nitai deities . For me the practice of  worshiping the deities is very important  to conect with  Krishna and develope my love through taking care of them! I really find this practice vey powerfull. I dont fell like stop doing it ! 

So my question is Maharaj, : is   it ok to worship Gopal deity or should i wait to have with me Gaura and Nitai deities and worship them?

    ASA - It is very nice. Look at SB 7.5.23 in the section on Arcanam. You should DEFINITELY have a picture of Srila Prabhupada and Pancha-tattva on the altar so it is clear that we are approaching Gopal in Vraja through them. We are certainly helping them help Mother Yasoda to serve Gopal. If you really tried to serve Gopal directly you would have a heart attack and mental break down on the spot. This baby is DEMANDING!!!

Maharaj I actually also wanted to ask with all respect if it would be posible for  you to be my siksha Guru, if I could get instruction from you for how to evolve trough Krishna counciousnes properly. I know that for having initiation it takes some time , i want to take initiation but i think first i have to do more service ? But meanwhile is it posible maharaj to ask yo to give me instruction in this divine path which I have the fortune to be walking in?  I feel Ready to  follow and commit with instructions to keep growing and Maharaj. 

Thank you very much for the posibility of comunicating with you ! My sincere best wishes 

your servant


ASA - HpS - Have your read our www.jayarama.us/kd/guru-tattva.txt file? It gives explantion of Siksa guru etc. Is is clear????   Thank you!!!!