On the road in the Philippines

Dear Swamiji,

PAMHO, AGTSP! I'm spending 2 weeks traveling in the Philippines to see temples and meet devotees. Cebu is nice, only a preaching center now that is run by a family. They hold a Sunday feast and about 15 college students attend. I went this past Sunday and was asked to give the class. I chose Bhagavad Gita (2.26). Gaura Nitai really inspired me. I will leave friday for Manila temple. Everyday I see clearly how Krishna is arranging my life in every way.

HpS - Very nice. I bet you meet some people in route too! Have some books to give them!!!!  

bhakta from india in need of your mercy and shelter 2

10 years, 3 months ago by RiturajMajumder in Personal Sadhana Reports
Hare Krisna Maharaj All glories to Srila Prabhupada All glories to sri krisna sankirtan All glories to you . Please accept my dandavat pranam at your lotus feet. Maharaj thank you very much for replying my last letter. It was beautiful. You mentioned that your health is not good . I sincerely pray that you get well soon although i fully know that your body is spiritual and diseases cannot actually touch you. [[[HpS - ASA - Nice to hear from you. Our health is normal. Old age just means more and more dis - ease. Nothing special to get well from. AgtSP!!!]]] I myself was not feeling well last week . Had horrible episode of flu . Resulted in decreased sadhana . I was feeling extremely weak so didnt chant my rounds but i will make up for it . I promise. [[[HpS - ASA --- For Krsna, me, Prabhupada, Lord Caitanya and yourself....]]] Regarding initiation i talked with haridas prabhu he said that he will talk with temple president and let you know when you come to india. You asked me in your last letter why i didnt take initiation from local ISKCON gurus. Maharaj there is no fixed answer to that question. Its just that i consider you and your disciples to be very humble and approachable and practical so i want to be your disciple . I just feel some unexplainable connection with you. Maybe i am stupid i dont know but i really cant explain the feeling . I hope you are now in good health . Eagerly waiting for your reply. Forgive me if i had in any manner offended you. Your aspiring servant Rituraj majumder Shillong , India -[[[ Please send us some news every couple weeks of the ISKCON life you are getting]]]-

Guru and ASA from Argentina

Hare Krsna dear gurudeva,

AgtSP, Agty, Pamho

Please forgive me for not to be more clear in my words and for all letters that I sent you about this topic. I don't want to be a bother for you. I'm very attached to you so maybe it's became a little hard for me. 

In considering everything, I'd like to request your permission to accept Mahatma Prabhu as my diksha guru. I will honor you as my siksa guru and continue to learn from you. Today I talked with Maha Hari das about this and he gave me his blessings. I will continue serving you if you will allow me.

     HpS - ASA - Yes, it is fine with us! Of course, he also has to accept you as his disciple. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" /> We are so mixed with material desires that we always hope that devotees and you "serve us" only on our service to Srila Prabhupada.

We had started to make an audiovisual department -ASA Audiovisual- proposed by Vrsabhanu N. dd. and Ambarisa M. das and we are designing logo, and then we will make a youtube channel to upload edited classes from you. Maybe this is my more specific service for you now. So, we are just starting but I would like to keep it if you allow me.

Thank you always, 

My most respectful obeisances,

Ys, Belen.

HpS - ASA - Jaya. Please offer our respects to Mahatma Das when you contact him. Last time I saw him was in Mexico.  We hope that the Youtube channel can have some nice things from NIOS and other sources also! So many people want to hear about KRSNA.

Spain Gurukula & Purnamasi DD

Dear Gurudeva:

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope your health is good.

     HpS - ASA - Jaya!  So nice to hear from you all. Hope your health is good also. But bad health with Krsna consciousness is preferable to good health without Krsna consciousness, no? '0'

Summer holidays are finished and Nimai is back to school. I am working on the "gurukula", which is starting back again after the summer break. We are going to use the Hare Krsna Sunday School material that mexican devotees are passing to me and More staf. I am also translating more children spiritual texts such as Introduction to Bhagavad Gita, for Mexico. It is a humble service that Gopi Radha devi dasi, from Mexico, offered to me. I am very thankfuk to her. Back here, in Madrid, we have a preaching program: bhajan, children and prasadam. It will be happening on September 27th. 

About my saddhana, working on chanting better rounds and Gayatri mantra. I can not control my mind. Same thing with the Gayatri mantra. I get distracted so easily! (What I have to do after chanting, my kids, Gurukula...). Amazing! What can I do?

I miss Japa Joe. Hearing you and chanting was beatiful. Thank you for everything.

Wishing to be your humble servant,

Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS - AGTSP. Paoho. We are trying to get a practical Sadhana for us. Japa Joe was too much. But now we are doing Mangala arati and NOD and some Japa daily from 4.30-5.30AM at Start Meeting. That is nice.

How is Jayanta Das???  From a simple, friendly perspective how are the relations between Madrid and Madre Tierra Yatras going? The Rathayatra Cart?

Can you get in touch with devotees in Peru, NIMSAR? They are doing a lot of translating work also. We can co-ordinate it.
Also, end of January or start of February there will be a South America, Spanish language Yatra, symposium on education in Chile and on line. I hope devoteess from Spain can really flood it with their efforts also!

Thank you. Your efforts will build up forever!

Questions | Answers and GURUKRPA

10 years, 3 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna GM.

All Glories to HDG AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to You
All Glories to devotees.

Please accept my humble obeisances to your lotus feet.

Dear Gurudeva.  Hope your health is good. My it's ok thanks for ask in previous letter :)
4 pples ok [ASA - 4-apples??]. 20 rounds a day, holy name week, hope convince my mind about all my weeks have to be a holy name week... ha ha ha

Question: Gurudeva, I don't usually ask to you, what I have to do, is it something bad? I don't remember the last time you ask me for some service, I not give you a choice to engage me in that or this thing, I just do it. I feel maybe I not give you the place to correct me. I try to follow you on the preach and go forth to get your objetives, but how can I know what a Guru want??? Whats wrong with me? Gurudeva please if you think my concept of serve you is wrong, please let me know.  Sorry for my offences.

HpS - No, it seems fine. Just keep association with some 1/2 sane devotees like yourself, ISKCON administration and then you should have happy inspiration from the Paramatma, no? 

In previous letters you was make me some question thats i never answer, sorry for my impersonalism...

Hps: How do you see Vrndavana Dhama reflected in Buenos Aires? Is there any value in Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges?
I don't know Vrndavan Dham. Because of that, it´s impossible to know if it reflect or no in Bs.As.  If I make an opinion will be only my speculation. I think a lot about that, we read the books, we make the homework, but the experience you have to live. One can read about love, but if not experiment it, it will only be a concept.  I don't know too much about Borges I remember in the School I have studied a story called "the circular ruins" and it was so detonator for me, because talk about Karma, about God. It what i remember sorry, i'm a donkey girl. 

HpS :What have you learned are the priority things to save when your Karma, Destiny put you in Chaos?
I learned to never leaving aside my religion pples [Apples?]. Do more for Srila Prabhupada. And depend more of Krsna. All He do is Good.
You know about Theodore Fluornoy? Is a Psychologist, Carl Jung quote him, some times. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Th%C3%A9odore_Flournoy
He write a book   http://sacred-texts.com/ufo/ipm/index.htm  and as far as i know, he don't know how, don't know why but He knows sanscrit,  without . knowing the language.

I´m organizing a Indian Festival with some devotees here in Arg. the idea is make it, the next month. Please give us your bless. It's cultural thing directing to non devotees. I want to ask if you agree to use NIOS or ASA like one of the organizers, on this way we will have a festival in the trajectory here in Arg. And maybe when u come can organize de second edition... have to check.... is a possiibility. I will do you tell me.

Thanks to Srila Prabhupada and to you, for never let me down.
Thanks for your time. Sorry for my long letter. I hope to develop consciousness to improve my service.

Your disciple who want to serve you. 
Rati-Manjari Devi Dasi.

ps. attach a SP print screen thats he talk about take disciples. Thanks for accepting me as one.

HpS - ASA - I think ASA / NIOS names can be O.K. as "Participation", no? Honor.

We read the citations about. Théodore Flournoy. Does he have followers in your circle? Would they like, "The Teachings of Lord Caitanya"?

Nice fotos!!!   Thank you so much. Go ahead!  Trust your dreams!!!!! (Of Krsna)....

desde Chile Alankrti Devi Dasi

10 years, 3 months ago by btna andrea in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay!!!!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!!

Todas las glorias y mis más respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto querido Gurudeva!!!!

                ASA - Pies de burro.

Espero se encuentre muy bien de salud, el Señor Nrsimha lo proteja en todo momento.

Disculpe no haber escrito antes,  la mayoría de mis días son como correr en una maratón, pero estoy muy agradecida por todo lo que estoy aprendiendo cada día, pase mi primer semestre en la universidad, fue díficil sobre todo porque tenía muchos ramos dificiles para mi ( biología, química, anatomía), este segundo semestre ya me familiarice con estas materias asi que se me ha hecho más fácil y me ha ido muy bien ( Krishna siempre me ayuda en la pruebas ;)  .

En cuanto a mi reporte 16 rondas/4 principios aunque debo decir que cuando estoy en examenes algunas veces he tenido que recuperar las rondas al día siguiente, esto no me gusta así que estoy tratando de que solo sea en ocasiones muy excepcionales, sigo con mi servicio fijo en el templo los viernes cocinando a las deidades ya llevamos 7 meses, la próxima semana nos cambiamos  de casa, es en el mismo terreno de mis padres, asi que estamos en un período de cambios internos y externos, esparamos aprender de todas estas nuevas experiencias.  Nuestra vida es aveces extraña Gurudeva...Krishna nos esta dando experiencias y oportunidades muy buenas para crecer espiritualmente. 

Tengo una pregunta Gurudeva como puede uno ayudar a aquellos devotos que están alejados, o que sienten que Krishna los ha abandonado?? pregunto esto porque con otras devotas nos gustaría apoyar a las madres que necesiten ayuda...

ASA - It is very personal. Everybody is different. So we have to help them in different ways. Main thing is to call on the telephone. Do service together. Make some thing together for a festival. Send Prasadam.............................................................................................................. ! .

Se despide quién aspira servirlo con el corazón

Alankriti Devi Dasi

* Se están organizando reuniones para organizar el seminario de educación, espero poder servirlo de alguna manera en el servicio que ud realiza con tanta dedicación y amor.

 *Mis hijos Manjari Y Giridhari están muy bien, creciendo y aprendiendo muchas cosas, la Manjari quiere estudiar Astronomía y Teología cuando crezca, espero poder cuidarlos bien Gurudeva ellos son mi mayor responsabilidad y trato de ser una madre amorosa y comprensiva, y a la vez poner limites y explicarles el porque de las cosas, ya que a mi cuando era niña no me decian el porque de esto o lo otro, ese es sin duda mi mayor servicio.

HpS - ASA - Muy bien. Muy bien!!!!  Busca ayuda de otros!!!