
10 years, 3 months ago by yemila in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna querido Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias, AGT Srila Prabhupada, y Sri Guru Parampara.

Como se siente Gurudev?

        HpS - ASA - Like a Pig! Who "Hare, Hare, Hare Krsna..." chants.

Yo aqui, bien, ya falta un mes para terminar el año en la facultad, muy dificil, pero somos buenos en eso. En este momento estoy espiritualmente raspando, estoy negligenciando sadhu y Guru, no porque quiera sino porque la facultad me lleva mucho tiempo, y tambien vivir en un lugar ajeno, donde hay cierta correspondencia de tiempo en el "hogar" .. estoy descepcionada conmigo, y siempre recordando antes de venir aca, sabia lo dificil que iva a ser , recibo mucha asociacion del mundo y eso es como una droga..mi mentente no esta bien, me cansa, pero seguimos, siempre me cuestiono si no estoy siendo sovervia.. quizas deba irme al templo, pero tambien me cuestiono si eso no seria esquivar a mis deberes...mientras tanto sigo...y voy a seguir. Mis rondas estan bien (16), es un gusto poder recordar a krishna, Mis 4 principios estan muy bien; sigo con el canto II del Srimad Bhagavatam en la escuela Vaisnava, y eso me sostiene y me hace bien.Volviendo al tema, siento que negligencío su asociacion misericordiosa por japa joe.. no puedo despertar, todos los dias pongo el despertador y no puedo..  como puede ser que me pase esto.. usted todavia sigue aqui, y no lo aprovecha , realmente soy un loco ignorante. Me siento  agotada, mi dia comienza a las 5.30 y termina a las 20.00 contando el tiempo de comer.. aveces mal. Japa en el bus (3 hs de viaje por dia), pero no es una buena meditacion / medicacion..Los sabados quedo triste por no asistir a su clase, pero es el unico dia que puedo descansar, el domingo tengo clase del bhagavatam temprano y por lo general los fines de semana me la paso estudiando.   Asi es mi vida de asno .   Lo bueno que rescato de esta situacion  es que se me fueron muchos fanatismos,y siento mas misericordia en mi ... un poquititito. jej 

Lo esperamos para el  Ratha yatra .. muchas gracias por venir, espero Nityananda y los devotos me dejen servirle. 

Yamuna tiravana dd

     HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna. Your life is too complicated, no? Put your rounds first. If you have to work less and get lower scores, that is O.K. Put your rounds first and very quickly you will have clear idea how to improve the other things!

Get up early and get your rounds done.

You seem to be doing really well for your level of development. Now next step and then next step and then. . . .  (Kuruksetra!)

hare krsna!!!!

hare krsna gurudeva!!!

mis mas humildes reverencias,todas las glorias a srila prabhupada

Espero y deseo que cuando lea esto se encuentre bien de salud!oramos ara que asi sea.

le escribo para darle mi reporte.Hace un tiempo no le escribo ,tube muchos papeleos con la universidad pero estoy feliz de poder escucharlo y tener su asociacion en japa joe.

HPS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. This letter is one month old! We were traveling in USA and too busy for mail!

las rondas han estado bien,algun dia con mas dificultad pero cantando todas,los 4 principios perfectos ,estudio el bhagavad gita y nectar de la instruccion.Intentando esforzarnos cada dia un poquito mas.

HpS - Muy pronto va a jugar con Krsna y otros.

En todo el mes de verano no tuvimos programa en el templo porque como son poquitos y en familia se fueron de vacaciones a ver a la familia por eso a veces cuesta un poco tener la mente quieta, necesitaria mas asociacion con devotos y poder hacer servicio en un templo, realmente pienso que lo necesito. Tuvimos la visita de yadunandana swami y pudimos hablar sobre que hacer para volver a empezar con un templo nuevo ( los hindues se apoderaron por completo de el que los devotos construyeron)e intentar hacer harinams,festivales y escuelas de domingos para niños de colegios .Hacer cursos de cocina y repartir prasadam por la calle.pactaron puntos segun prioridades pero no se ha vuelto a hablar de el tema,en la proxima carta, le dire como quedamos con todos esos proyectos en el aire.

Esperamos poder servirle pronto en españa

que pase lindo dia de janmastami y perdoneme por todos los errores que cometo,esperamos poder servirle pronto por españa.

mis mas humildes reverencias,su burra sirvienta Mani-sati sita dd

HpS - Muy bien noticias. Y ya que pasa? Si, tiene que orar a Krsna para mas devotos y mas grande comunidad. Como esta La Hermana y La Madre? Reverencias al Presidente del Templo. Como se llama?

reply to question

10 years, 4 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna maharaj, pamho, agtsp,

most of our associates are below 35, which makes mind think lets enjoy...

.but by associating with you we do realize that old age comes for every one, it gets worse year by year, and finally we are born again (if we are not serious)....
thank u

in node 4303 ur grace himself wrote

"We love to drown in self-pity.Give ourselves rewards for our suffering, but it is all little pig like pleasures that don't even satisfy us but we try to make ourselves so stupid that they do."

Any news from the Christian association?
the whole family had some Visa Problem, so they had to move back....they are back in New Jersey, and husband will do to fro journey b/w New york (office)and new jersey(home).. just for happiness of family.. so that the kids and wife can stay with old grandma in new jersey....we have definiteky learned from him, sacrifice a married man has to make to keep his wife some sort of happy.. ..

he also did to and fro journey from office(N carolina) to church (S Carolina) for years.....i dont know why we got to see only them as examples of  family life...

it is going in right direction, but slow.

family ?
the biological expansion is 2 yrs 8 months.. he can catch   krsna easily.. Lord Ganesh is Elefant Krsna.....krsna does not wear clothes except pants so will he ..... krsna's mummy make him run when he is completely nude (damodar lila) .... krsna steals butter.....and in jungle u find krsna (dhruv).
 his new smiling verse is "om namo bhagavte vasudevya"

wife is more becoming Brahman realized, able to see hand of god in gifts she gets ........

sense control...
vacho vegam control is better, krodha vegam control  is better, rest all are dwindling

O!!! Holy Sage.. please bless us that we can realize that happiness in this world is by sense purification not sense indlugence..
hari bol


HpS - ASA -  Thank you for the news!!! Nectar!  The best cure for addiction is to Chant Hare Krsna all the time you are being forced by your senses to indulge in it. Rapidly you see why you need it!!!!

Finally good news!

10 years, 4 months ago by Christian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna dear gurudeva

Pamho AgtSP

Forgive me for not having writen you for so long, i just not wanted to bother you without having something good to offer to you, i even had a insident with a Godsister because she insisted me to write you, i know she was best intented, still i cannot think of the idea of writing you just about my anarthas and lack of push for the movement, or itinerant ideas of my mind.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP. A short note: We are stupid but trying, is nice to receive!

Now i have something concrete to speak, i returned to Mexico temple since 31 may to prepare myself to take more care of the devotees that are appearing in Queretaro due to the Bhakti Yoga reunions i told you we started in december, thanks to SP mercy they are 7 young boys and girls which are eager to develop Krsna Consciousness in their lifes.

We have already had a difficulty with a "old devotee" who is very very nescient and does not want to cooperate with temple authorities, he confused many of the youngs there, still we allready worked on that. That took us to the decition to prolong my time in the temple at least until january, because its a VERY HEAVY responsability to try to take care of others when we are not yet very fixed devotees.

HpS - Putana represents the "false guru". Everyone has to face her and get past her poisoned milk by there sincerity. Your young people have to do that also. Of course, I don't know the old devotee. Maybe he is very sincere and confused etc.

Mother Gopi Radha knew i have some english skills so she asked me to do some service by trying to translate the student and professor manuals for the sanskrit course from Goloka education, so i accepted and mother Lalita Gopi gave me copies from the ones you gave her. Each day i try to translate a bit and a bit, please bless me so i can serve your beloved disciples.

HpS - ASA ----  STOP!!!!!!   They are doing BIG translation program in Peru. Through Asta-sakhi get in touch with Patraka or Laksmana or Candra mukhi and co-ordinate with them. You have other service to do.

Sadhana has been very difficult for me, i just cannot manage to reach at good time to mangalaratik and keep awake the whole rounds and SB class... i just can do one or other, or both very poor... like reaching 5 mins late to mangalaratik and half sleeping at some rounds or class... Thanks to the mercy of the holy names, im improving more and more, this week i havent fail to any program, i hope to reach the nicest standard soon

Formally i want to ask for your permission to go to wherever you are for your Vyasapuja, this week i will go for my passport, then if its needed i will go and get my visa, i just need your permission and blessings for this, and then i can make whatever i need to do to get this accomplished.

Thank you for taking your precious time to read this letter, thank you for all the mercy you have kindly bestow upon me, thank you for all the effort you do each moment to keep on the preaching to please Srila Prabhupada, even at the cost of your own health, May Krsna allways have a special place for you.

Your dumb apprentice:

Krsna Kirtana Dasa

HpS - AgtSP. So nice to hear from you!    We don't know where our Vyasa puja will be. It is like 24th or 25th of December. More news soon.

Go ahead with your war on sleep. We have the same problem.

Is it time to rest yet?

10 years, 4 months ago by chas d lind in Personal Sadhana Reports

September 9, 2014

Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

Please accept my humble obeisance’s, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Here I am flinging-fingers down on the keyboard in hope of conveying significant and meaningful correspondence, revelations and enlightenment only to find me’ staggering n’ swaggerin’ insignificantly.

   ASA - Oink!  Whoop!    WHoop!  AGTSP! <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

Toss it to the wind and let’s begin… For some reason the good Lord is keeping me engaged with the needful, even though I know better (HA!). Multi-tasking as ever, the ego is puffing away and sensing accomplishments when in actuality I am doing nothing. Guess such are the hazards of studying Krsna consciousness; one actually begins to become insanely “sane”.

The 16-4 (rounds n’ reg’s) is maintained although sometimes there is a japa break that usually gets retrieved the following day and primarily it is because of seva this happens. Was informed that His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta even commented on this and had adjustment guidelines for seva versus rounds, regardless still keep on as much as humanly possible.

Added for your enjoyment a few writes for ISKCON of Houston. Was inadvertently requested to comment on some recent events here, would have been nice to have some warning… had 24 hours to produce this and then was reminded after the fact that this was a combined article for yet another re-write. Guess I must work under pressure or I’ll take too many “snaps". Once again, Sri Bhagavan is keeping me engaged and astute, anyway enclosed all writes; the final actually did go to publication. Got a feeling there will be more requests in the near future… now what have I started?

Was great to see you in action at the SF Ratha Yatra, even if I couldn’t get a lot time with you, many others did and they were appreciative. Managed to finish the “Chakra” (Pic on file) for Their Lordships and delivered upon my arrival to the convalescent room at the NJP Hospital. Don’t know if the Chakra will ever actually ever be on the Altar, or if it even made past the hall doors, but again… the needful was done.

Glad to hear you’re getting more physical R & R time in Tennessee for God knows you’ll still be engaged everywhere else. Discovering at this later age, one must be most observant of limitations and when the good Lord will extend them for us, otherwise we end-up useless. Never been as busy at any Ratha-Yatra as this year, we were understaffed-overworked, though I did know the job was dangerous when I took it!

Well on to the next meager service, Shyamasundar wants to trim the 22,000 pound Altar with gold-leaf and have a feeling that soon I may get more mental jobs than physical (Saints be praised), probably a good thing…getting a little rusty in this Ol’ living-machine here.

All Glories to your Service,

Your unqualified servant,


PS: Hope the document copy is readable, was not easy getting to fit

HpS - ASA - Are you going to gold leafe everything!! Or just highlight it with gold??? Thanks for the letter. How is Laddu-rani? Cakra picture is O.K. but won't know about the other until we "post" this one.


10 years, 4 months ago by bhaktajosemadrid in Personal Sadhana Reports

   Pamho, TlgaSP.

  Querido Gurudeva, oro a Krishna para que cuide de su salud.

 17 rondas minimo, 4 principios estrictos, cada vez hay más desapego.

 Hay un cambio de planes por falta de acuerdo con las autoridades del templo de Madrid. Les he pedido 3 meses (incluso si es menos tiempo creo que va a ser mejor)  para arreglar el carnet de conducir y el carnet de identidad e  ir a otro templo despues de ese tiempo. ¿Que le parece si voy al templo Malaga?

HpS - ASA -  AGTSP pamho. We know nothing about the Temple except that it is South of Madrid on the Ocean. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />   Very nice to have your association!

   He estado pensando en el futuro y creo que debo de buscarme un sitio para poder estar, hable con Jiva Tattva Prabhu sobre hacer halgo en Madre tierra donde esta Navalakunda, pero no lo veo claro del todo. De momento espero poder estar en los templos y ahorrar. 

    Su caido intento de sirviente.

HpS - ASA - - Be friendly with the devotees. Use your own intelligence but be respectful and take advice from them, no?

Pamho, TlgaSP.

   Dear Gurudeva, I pray to Krishna to take care of your health.

  Minimum 17 rounds, 4 strict principles, there is increasing detachment.

  There is a change of plans due to lack of agreement with the authorities of the temple of Madrid. I have asked 3 months (even less time if I think it will be better) to fix the driver's license and photo ID and go to another temple after that time. What do you think if I go to Malaga temple?

    I've been thinking about the future and I think that I must look for a place to be, talk to Jiva Tattva Prabhu about doing halgo in Mother Earth where this Navalakunda, but do not see it at all. For now I hope to be in the temples and save.

     His attempt fallen servant.