Recordado Gurudev

10 years, 3 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

HpS - ASA - TlgaSP! Pfanrh. Muchas cartas de Vd. Esperamos revisar, leer, poco a poco!

Por favor acepte mis reverencias asus  pies de loto. todas las glorias a srila prabhupada! todas las glorias a sri sri radha madhana vihari!

Gracias por responder mi carta. lei que Usted contaba que su salud esta mejor y me alegro. Los comentarios que hice ultimos son mios unicamente. Estamos bien  ,poco a poco entendemos las diferencias de cultura y formas de crianza y eso nos ayuda a entendernos mejor. Gopalito  cumplio dos años el 15 de mayo. hace gaura artik con nosotros y se postra y hace reverencias como nostros frente a nuestro altar de krsna balarama y los gopales : ladu gopal y chori gopal.

Encontramos una musica linda de los tres primeros  versos del siksastaka y estoy intentando hacerla en danza.

HpS - ASA - Jaya!!

Que musica le gustaria para la danza de el brahmara Gita?

HpS - ASA - No se!

La pregunta que le hice fue que metodo se usaba en tetra [treta] yuga y dvapara yuga para alcanzar el amor pòr krsna?

Treta yuga sacrificio de fuego, dvapara yuga adoracion de deidades.

 muchas gracais por su pacienciay comprension.

tratando de servirlo: Radha japa prati jalpa d.d.

       HpS - ASA - O.K. Mas de sus cartas manana! Feliz cumpleanos al Gopal!  Puede ver su vida pasado por sus intereses actual? Como esto el esposo? La Yatra?

BB it's back

10 years, 3 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja, Pamho, AGTSP and you!

I'm starting again, after a little break, my public exposure.

I'm doing fine regarding my sadhana. I cachted up my rounds, principles o.k. mangalartik at home o.k.

My personal life is boring, so next time, I'll start my sankirtan reportes.

Thanks for your asociation, dear GM and devotees in general.

Hare Krishna!

HpS - ASA - Jaya! AGTSP.

So nice to hear from you. Just chant a little more intensely and ... 
Bhagavad-gītā As It Is 18.76
O King, as I repeatedly recall this wondrous and holy dialogue between Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna, I take pleasure, being thrilled at every moment.

The understanding of Bhagavad-gītā is so transcendental that anyone who becomes conversant with the topics of Arjuna and Kṛṣṇa becomes righteous and he cannot forget such talks....The result of Kṛṣṇa consciousness is that one becomes increasingly enlightened, and he enjoys life with a thrill, not only for some time, but at every moment.

Ter Kadamba devi dasi (buenos? aires)

10 years, 3 months ago by bhaktina teresa in Personal Sadhana Reports

<cite>todas las glorias a sri sri gauranitai</cite>


<cite>mis respetuosas reverencias a usted gm! </cite>

<cite>gracias por responder la carta y perdon por mis problemas y molestias!</cite>

<cite>hoy clase de srimad bhagavatam-canto3! el final.</cite>

Poetry? I very much like writing poetry, but don't understand Gurudeva..outside?

material problems hahaha!!!            Thank you for your replies Gurudeva, make me very happy..thank you for both.

I am miserable creature, who is to get rescued from this body doomed to death?(romanos 7.18-24)

hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna   hare hare-hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare!!!

                                                            su pequeña sirvienta ter kadamba devi dasi

HpS - ASA - AGTSP.  Outside, we were just suggesting that you find ways to get out to the ocean of Samsara and deliver your life saving words about BG and SB to whomever Krsna sends!

sexual orientation and your views

10 years, 3 months ago by shyamsundar in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A
Hare Krisna maharaj. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you. PAMHO at your lotus feet. Maharaj thank you for replying to my questions. You had mentioned srila prabhupada's third canto explaination. But its given there that the demons were later attracted towards the damsel and were infatuated with a appetite for sex . It therfore means that they were actually heterosexual but due to lust were attracted to lord brahma. But gay people are not attracted to females. But the demons were attracted to females.Gay guys dont have uncontrolled lust or insatiable appetite. I think Srila prabhupada meant lust not gay people to be demoniac. Further srila prabhupada never treated his gay disciples any different than his straight disciples. 2) research by american society of human genetics in 2012 did a multi centric research on male sexual orientation. Data replicated hamer's Xq28 finding as determined by two point and multipoint LOD Score mapping . Authors concluded that "our findings taken in context with previous work suggest that genetic variations in each regions contributes to development of the important psycological trait of male sexual orientation. Q) Maharaj dont you think that it will be better to support gay devotees so that even they get the oppurtunity to go back to krisna by bhakti yoga ? Q) If a gay devotee is already in a monogamous relationship with a devotee partner, will you accept him/ her in Prabhupadas movement and give him or her the oppurtunity to serve Radha and Krisna. Thank you very much for helping me out by answering my questions. I know its difficult for you to answer my questions here because people might interpret it in a wrong manner . I am very very gratefull towards you maharaj. Your servant Shyamsundar HpS - ASA --- Yes, I would have to look up the exact citation in the (?) third canto. In general I think it is a complicated topic and the basis of four principles and 16-rounds a day makes a lot of it moot. Rama and Sugriva had a "vow of friendship" which was as binding as a vow of marriage. I don't know of any GBC rules about this, but as far as I know, anyone who is following the four principles and chanting sixteen enthusiastic rounds a day and has proper administrative approval can be initiated. That means that Krsna accepts them as His students. The whole process focuses on the soul, no? Homo, hetero ... these are all starting places, but if we advance in spiritual life this quickly falls away. My basic approach is that I initiate people who I know and who know me. Homo-sexuality is a secondary issue. '0'

Ter Kadamba devi dasi..(no se envian mis cartas?) :(

10 years, 3 months ago by bhaktina teresa in Personal Sadhana Reports

todas las glorias a sri sri gaura nitai!


mis respetuosas reverencias a usted querido gurumaharaja!!!

¿como esta?¿su salud?, yo creo que es la tercera carta que le envio creo que no se envian o soy muy ansiosa hahaha...

solo queria contarle que estoy pasando muchas cosas en el templo, no se si es por hacer todos los dias el sadhana y somos tan pecadores que krsna nos da una gota de misericordia y no sabemos como reaccionar(especulacion mia) sufro mucho, aveces lloro mucho apenas me levanto para mangala-arati, hay dias que no quiero hablar con nadie y estoy sola, siento que hay temas que entiendo y nadie los quiere entender o los quieren evitar y me agarra cierta ira(?...gracias a krsna existen las rondas para poder centrarme en el servicio...estoy meditando en el desapego me cuesta mucho desapegarme de ciertas personas :/ o algunos temas...pero esto me ayuda mucho gm me siento feliz todos los dias..estudiando sri isopanisad con madhavendra puri Das!!---san agustin♥...sankirtana todos los miercoles! me falta mas nada gurumaharaja!!! quiero pedirle sus bendiciones para que siga en este camino....perdon por tantas fallas, perdon por la critica, perdon por complicarnos tanto por la instrucciones que nos dejo srila prabhupada, perdon por el egoismo, perdon pòr no servir y complacer bien a los devotos....una vez mas mis respetuosas reverencias su sirvienta 

                                                                              ter  kadamba devi dasi(buenos aires) ...HARIBOOOOOL!♥

HpS - Hare Krsna! Madre Yasoda tuvo muchas problemas, no? Una dia Krsna esta luchando con Kaliya, otro hay un inciendio en el bosque. Una hermosa dias quiere compartir su leche celestial con Krsna.... Muy buena suerte con sus problemas. Ha! Ha! Ja!!!

You shoud write some poetry. Tan mucho como posible sale afuera para compartir su gran riqueza con otros. Posible eso va a ser una vez in su vida, como Jada Bharata con Maharaja Rahugana.
Nuestra relacion con Krsna es unico, "unique".

Hindu Mothers for Krsna

10 years, 3 months ago by Dhanisthadevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas Las Glorias a Sri Sri Gour Nitay!!!

Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Todas Las Glorias sean a Usted!!!

   Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias. Soy Dhanistha devi dasi de Santiago de Chile. Acá seguimos con 6 meses de embarazo, será un niño; junto a Hari Murari Das y devotos, hicimos la ceremonia de Pumsavana y Simantonayana, . Nuestro programa consiste en cantar rondas, leer Srimad  Bhagavatam, Sri  Caitanya Bhagavata y pasatiempos de Krishna por la noche. No Le escribí antes, porque no estaba pudiendo hacer un servicio más significativo fuera de mi casa, hasta que ahora Krishna me dio la oportunidad de participar en un programa especial para embarazada de madres hindúes, algunas participantes son devotas, otras se están haciendo devotas, el programa consiste en Kirtana, clase de Bhagavad Gita, Maha ronda y Prasadam. Creo que mañana se hará otro programa de este tipo. Fue muy bueno, las personas se van muy felices. Un poco de sankirtana también junto a Hari Murari. Extrañando Japa Joe. Haciendo esfuerzo para levantar temprano ya que me siento más cansada, pero Usted es mi inspiración. Muchas Gracias por Su tiempo.

   su aspirante a sirvienta,

   Dhanistha Devi Dasi.

HpS - ASA ---   AGTSP. Paoho. Sorry it has taken us one month to answer this letter. We got behind with our one month of traveling. It was 14-cities in five weeks.

Very nice news.

What has happened now. Of course, Prabhupada said that these children are not ordinary children. Krsna does not send ordinary children to be children of devotees. He said that the parents have big responsibility to protect their babies very well so that they can grow up and do wonderful things for society.

Getting up early, getting to bed early, is wonderful service to your baby. He will have that nature when he grows up also. All the banks and bars are closed at that time. There is no passion or ignorance. Goodness rules. Be peaceful and chant Hare Krsna with your child.