
9 years, 10 months ago by Kamagayatri in Personal Sadhana Reports

<p>Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj,</p><p>Please accept our humble obeisances.</p><p>All glories to Srila Prabhupada!</p><p>Please accept our apologies for how silly long we take to write, respond, give updates. We are slowly trying to make improvements on this.</p><p>We were offered a teaching position at the Sammamish Vedic Cultural Center. It seems like a well organized school. This summer we have been proposed to give one week camps on Vedic Heroes, Art, and story time theater. Aja can be with us, and if we start teaching full time in September Aja will be provided free prasadam and preschool. We talked to Hari Vilas Prabhu, consulted with Balabadhra, Srinivasa and others. Hari Vilas says it is Krsnas arrangement since they need a teacher but give it a trial period. We will be living with a very nice devotee named Puja and her daughter Sanskriti who is 7. Hari Vilas advised no men are allowed in the house so if Nick comes he will have to stay with other male devotees on premises. This seems like a good opportunity compared to other options (living with parents, trying to find a job in Porttland with vegan preschool options, etc). We would like to seek your approval though before making any decisions, our car is packed and we could go anywhere of course at this point.</p><p>

           HpS - AGTSP paoho. You should have put "urgent" in the Subject Field. It seems very nice to us. Of course, the very best plan is to chant 16 enthusiastic rounds and follow four principles strictly. 

We are in contact with Nick and he has expressed wanting to support paying our rent but he cannot stop music obligations that are tied to previous girlfriend. We let him know he&#39;ll have to find a place first for us, make arrangements before we say no to Sammamish opportunity. Maha is of the opinion that legal divorce is okay since our desires are very different from one another. She had said I am better off for it. I am trying to remain detached and just concentrate on a few key devotional goals and motives. I am willing to be friends with Nick and be a support. He has expressed not seeing himself moving away from Portland.</p><p>Hoping &nbsp;this meets you in good health Maharaj.</p><p>Thankyou for tolerating us. Looking forward to your Pacific NW tour...!</p><p>Your aspiring servants,</p><p>Kamagayatri</p>

              HpS - ASA --- Again, simplest thing is to just accept. Nick is my husband. We are separated because of his weakness but let it go for a few years. Krsna can be my Father.

Nos justa el actual estandar para damas

9 years, 10 months ago by YugalaKD in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Hare Krsna


Mis reverencias Gurudeva espero que su dolor de cabeza pase, me preocupa mucho ver que a causa de nuestra inmadurez y engreimiento, lo llenamos de estrés, mil disculpas por eso, estamos a la expectativa de la llegada del GBC, tal vez NIMSAR pueda hablar con Él o su quipo sobre educación, ojala se de la oportunidad.

           HpS - ASA - AGTSP como yo entiendo ha pasado bien.

Me alegra mucho que nos de un  estándar actual para damas, a veces el estándar de la Cultura vedica que se narra en el SB es muy lejano a lo que nos toca vivir en el presente. Tengo más preguntas, ¿Eso de comer después del esposo también debe ser?,

            HpS - Pienso es natural en el Occidente todos tomar Prasadam juntos. De otro manera si unas chicas siente feliz servir otros antes es bueno, n?

¿De esperar que todos los devotos ofrezcan pétalos a Prabhupada y después las madres también?

            HpS - Piense en todas estas cosas es un hecho de humor no ley. Si permitan unos devotos ofrecer primero pero entonces las madres puede ofrecer tambien, pero tambien si unos quiere esperar mas es bueno.

¿Con el paso del tiempo todas las buenas costumbres se perderán?

            HpS - Si, eso es Kali yuga. Pero un buen cosas. El poder del Sankirtan, Holy Names no diminish!

Gracias al servicio en NIMSAR leemos regularmente, lecto-escritura y descuidamos el estudio de titulación, Ups! y queremos retomar el ingles después, muy en el fondo sólo quisiéramos estudiar los libros de Srila Prabhupada, pero tener una formación universitaria y ejercer es necesario en la mayoría de los casos, en mi caso es bueno saber de todo, pujari, distribuir libros, pero no todo el tiempo, así que estamos distribuyendo libros por ahora, y mañana trabajaremos, tal vez como profesora como es nuestro deseo, si Krsna quiere.

A mí también me gusta Bach y mi cantante favorita fuera del movimiento es una monja Sol Cristina, nos gustaría conocerla, me recuerda al entusiasmo que debemos poner en todo lo que hacemos.  

Compre bonitas faldas según el estándar de damas que nos dio.  Felizmente siempre nos gustaron las faldas, el velo, la elegancia y la feminidad al vestir. Por favor sus bendiciones para formar nuestro carácter, mejorar nuestro servicio cada día y para no caer.

Hari bolo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Su hija que lo adora y recuerda siempre:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

              HpS - Jaya! Muy  bien. Las Damas de ISKCON famosa como flores hermosas y rectas. Pronto Krsna va a salvar a Draupadi. Quiere lavar su pelo en el sangre de alguien?<img alt="devil" height="24" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/devil_smile.png" title="devil" width="24" />

Hare Krsna

9 years, 10 months ago by purnamasidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope your health is good when getting this letter.

            ASA - AGTSP!!!!!  And we hope your good also!

I am doing fine. My sadhana is getting a bit better. 16 rounds and 4 principies as before but I am getting up earlier from Monday to Friday and I have time to watch and listen a SB class everyday, thanks to Mayapur Tv. I try to conect to Japa Joe everyday too (except weekends, when I dedicate more time to my son Nimai). I read SB everyday (because we are working with it in the gurukula).

Nowdays I am involved in the Gurukula service. We are some mothers with our children, who meet one or two days a week. We have dolls Deities. It is working pretty good, I think. At least, kids are very excieted about it. 

               ASA - So, so, so, so wonderful! You all are as good and any ISKCON Sannyasis! This was Srila Prabhupada's perspective as far as I know also!!!!

Another service I am dedicated to, is being Navalakunda Secretary. Senior devotees asked me so, and I accepted it. And now, I am trying to do my best. I think it is a very nice proyect.

I am feeling ok now. The thunders went away for me. I tried to follow your instrutions. Thank you so much. You helped me a lot. I am trying to learn how to serve humbly Srila Prabhupada's mission and, about the Temple of Madrid and its devotees, I keeping in touch with some matajis and trying (even if it is not being easy) to do some activities and service with the children in Madrid.

Thank you very much for all your help. I would really like to become your humble servant one day. 

An aspirant to serve you,

Purnamasi devi dasi

                  ASA - Ja!  Ha! Ga! (As in Gira). So, nice to hear from you. We fight. Radha and Candravali fight. But that is like a tennis game fight. Fun and only winning for everyone involved. We have to go ahead rather swiftly. Nimai must be the President of Spain.


9 years, 10 months ago by berniebg in Personal Sadhana Reports


       Por favor acepte mis mas humildes y repetuosas reverencia!! TLGSP!! TLG A USTED!!!

Espero que al recibir esta carta se encuentre bien de salud!!! (Dado que Krishna es la fuente de todo el poder, nadie o nada es más poderoso que Krishna. Él puede dar así una protección perfecta y precisa a alguien de Su elección  y estoy seguro que usted es uno se sus preferidos!!!!!) 

Maharaja estamos trabajando para situarnos de acuerdo a nuestro varna y ashram, por el momento estamos desarrollando el sistema de cuidado con Akrura Prabhu y estamos recibiendo su entrenamiento para en un futuro poder ser buenos lideres-sirvientes del movimiento. Con Jara Mara Hari Das y otros devotos comprometidos  estamos entusiastas por empezar a realizar programas bhakti vriksa con el ànimo de hacer crecer nuestra comunidad y con el deseo personal de poder hacer amistad y conocer más profundamente a cada uno de los miembros de nuestra congregaciòn.

El fin de semana  que paso estuvimos en NVM recibiendo el curso de etiqueta vaisnava impartido por su Gracia YADUNANDANA SWAMI Y RADHIKA NAGARA PRABHU,  el seminario fue muy interactivo e intenso, especificamente en el tema de vaisnava aparadha!! tantas cosas que mejorar y aprender Gurudeva.

Seguimos con BHAKTIVAIBHAVA terminando ya el canto primero, ahora  nos toca ponernos las pilas con el ensayo y la presentaciòn por favor otorguenos sus bendiciones para poder cumplir con este reto!!!

Los devotos amablemente nos dejan dar clases de BG. todos los martes, esto nos obliga a estar estudiando constantemente e ir mejorando y madurando en nuestro entendimiento y en nuestra prédica.

 El mes pasado recibimos en nuestra casa a nuestro hermano Jagad-guru y su novia Carolina desde chile muy lindos devotos pasamos un buen momento juntos,conociendonos y hablando acerca de usted!!!!

 Mejorando cada dia en nuestro sadhana y en cumplir con los principios MUCHAS GRACIAS POR SUS CONSEJOS, por favor no deje de ayudarme. vanaprasthas? parace ser el plan de krishna....

 BUENO SIN MÁS GURUDEVA siempre con el deseo de poder servirle en su misión dada por SRILA PRABHUPADA sus aspirantes a sirvientes

Sananda dd & bhadra v.

PD: la pròxima carta la intentare escribir en inglés, todos los miercoles tengo clases particulares con helmut Prabhu.<img alt="yes" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_up.png" title="yes" width="23" />

    ASA - Jaya, Gracias. Gracias a Helmut! Vanaprastha es como Sannyasa. Pero claro es bueno. Podemos ver que 99% de la gratificacion con sexo opuesto burdo es basado en gratificacion subtil. Ambos quiere dominar el otro. Oooof. 

Not so well

9 years, 10 months ago by Bhakta David II in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Hanumatpresaka Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to you.

I have not written in some time, as I have been lamenting that I may never become advanced enough to be able to get initiated in this lifetime.

              HpS - ASA - AGTSP Well don't worry. Monkey and Piggy aren't initiated either. Who can you be???  Monkey and Piggy and Donkey??? I guess at every level we have to make decisions.

This is a great misfortune.  I am starting to think that perhaps some people need a few lifetimes of purification before they are able to be qualified to be initiated.

I spent 8 months at the Denver temple, including one month as a guest at the brahmacari ashram.  I now have an apartment 5 miles from the temple, and started a new job working 12 hours at night.  This is not the best schedule for sadhana because I should be waking early, but it may help me to advance in career.

I had a plan to live as a brahmacari for a few years and then remarry, but now I am trying to work things out with my wife.  I started to become concerned whether I could be celibate for the rest of my life perfectly, and concerned about not being able to treat pain.  Rather than cause offense to you after initiation, I will wait until I become qualified, though that may not happen.  I wish I had better things to say, but I am not perfect enough to be the minimum standard for a devotee, which to me seems so advanced that it is like having already achieved perfection.  I want to be able to go back home, but that requires being initiated.  I just hope that I eventually become qualified, and do not commit too many offenses.

Wishing that I was a servant,
Bhakta David II

               HpS - You are doing, damn, damn, well. Just stay in ISKCON cloud and don't commit offenses. Be who you are and make decisions to go up this fortnight!!! Lot of work to do.

Bhakta Germán, from Lima

Dear Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeissances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Happy to write you.I really hope things are doing well with your preaching. We miss you.

ASA - AGTSP http://vedabase.com/es/cc/madhya/13/149

Hopefully we have news from you very often. It has been a very intense period in my life, full of activities and a few realizations. My spiritual life is going ok, since you left Lima I have continued waking up at 3:30 and now is a good habit. Rounds are done by 6:30 and since then some ancient fears are gone and It's a strange feeling, a comfortable but weird sensation of confidence. Some anxieties endure, but they are harmless.Japa is good, is fantastic, japa is the best use of breathing, by far. Sometimes I feel that this is a very difficult process because we have to be focused every second. Selfishness is relentless. But Is the most important thing I've done in my life. I don't know what is going to happen with my life, but something is happening, something that can transform smoke into gold, and It's good. I'm working hard for being your disciple, with your blessings and the blessings of Krishna.

As you should already know we are studying the Goloka educational material every saturday, is a small but enthusiastic group, there have been some problems with punctuality because we peruvians have a genetic problem with these point, but things have been improving.We have improved the methodology and we are looking for support material to enhance the didactic aspects, such as audible pronunciation guides. Laksmana Agraja Prabhu will tell you soon some details.

I was doing quite a lot of seva: Isabelle and I are in charge of the communications committee of the temple, we are also participating in Bhakti-vrksa meetings but I prefer to step aside from these responsabilities. I had a conversation with my wife and we concluded that is better for me to become fully engaged in NIMSAR and my readings because I teach for 33 hours per week. Do you think is ok?

    ASA - Yes it seems good.. 

Oh!I have not thanked you for letting me be part of NIMSAR. I'll Do my best to serve the devotees and you.Lord Jagannatha is being very generous to me. 

See you soon Gurudeva.
I wish you very good health.

ASA - SOo nice to hear from you. So, nice. Draupadi went through so many problems, but she was sure that Krsna had a great plan for all these conflicts. GREAT PLAN. Who knows what plan He has for us?

Come with us as we answer some more letters.