Summer's Report


Dear Guru Maharaja.

This last summer was intense, good things and pretty tough situations also, especially when krishna destroys your false ego, showing you that you are not the centre of the universe. Hurts, but, now I am much much better. And is more difficult when you dont have a mentor to tell all this things. But I am looking for one. I would like to share with you more personal things through other media.

 HpS - ASA - Call us - 209 505-3219. You are the center of Radha-Krsna's universe!

SADHANA: Apart of the inner things, the sadhana is quite strong, I have been increasing my services in the pujari room, like doing turbans for Sri Sri Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra, studying some arati's procedures etc. Sometimes is nice to change services.

PREACHING: The college preaching is going more than well. Last week for instance, I organized a kirtan program where around 100 students had the opportunity to experience the maha mantra and take prasadam. We are expecting to do this monthly.

HpS - ASA -- Will we see you Satuday. Oct 3rd. Saci-kumar and devotees coming. Of course, we will be in Chicago for a week in November. Dates in the Calendar. University 1. Prasadam, 2. Philosophy (BG), 3. Meditation = Japa-Kirtan

The temple president asked me to give Mrdanga Clases to the congregation members, so now my mrdanga workshop is little bit more official and also I am giving guidance to the bhaktas that have musical nature, spending time with them, trying to engage them in musical services etc.

I was so happy when Nityananda Prana told me about your possible visit to Chicago!
They have 2 university programs for You, for sure.But also, if you are agree, I would like to organize something else in another college and may be The art institute of Chicago. But I need info about  LOB and your presentation of Carl Jung to work on that. 

HpS - Call us. We have to discuss details.

I have permission to go to Nashivile on Oct 4th. That's all for now Gurudeva.

HpS - ASA --- Ahhh! So we will see you before you get this letter. Ha! Ja! Haw!

ys etasa krsna das

Esperando ver la lluvia

Hare Krsna


Querido Guru maharajá, ojala se encuentre bien con una dieta rica y saludable,

HpS - ASA - TlgaSP!.  Paho.  Bhoga por Sr. Nrsmhadeva hoy dia: Mucho yogurt, leche, avacado, celery, frutas secas. 

y con su plática con Jung. Me encuentro muy entusiasta en con los estudios y con la venida de un  devoto aspirante a sannyasa de Bolivia, P. Deva Deva, se está quedando en Wilson, en el tercer  piso sufriendo las inclemencias del frío, pero disfrutando de la vida simple y el pensamiento elevado.  Mostró power point de Darwin y su teoría de la evolución de las especies, a veces pienso que muchas personas actúan como monos o perros como señala el SB, es muy chistoso.

Tuvimos la misericordia de visitar a Radha Madam Bihari este domingo, y su nuevo piso blanco de loza, frío, pero le da más amplitud al templo y hay más luz. Gaura  y madres  mayores de Chosica se encargan de las deidades. Que termine mi  confinamiento hasta diciembre y retomare mi servicio fijo en Chosica. Tiempo atrás, no pensaba ver el templo tan renovado, y es que los comerciantes del yatra juntaron dinero y donaron el piso.

   ASA - Reverncias a ellos!........!...

Estamos haciendo más ajustes con los tiempos, por los estudios y continuaremos perseverantes hasta lograrlo, mis compañeros piensan que soy hippy, yp me visto lindo, no como hippy, hay gente muy favorable, tengo una compañera que aunque su padre es hindu, ella no sabe nada de Krsna, así hay proyección de predica para todas esas personas con paciencia, veo la protección de Krsna a cada paso, la suya vigilante y eso me llena de regocijo interno.

Esperamos su próxima venida como el campesino que espera ver llegar la lluvia, refrescante y bondadosa.

Su hija que lo adora y hecha siempre de menos:

Yugala Kisora Dasi

HpS - ASA - Super noticias, gracias. Como se llaman su amigos en escuela? Cuales cursos? Sankirtan en Lima? Deva deva Das es aspirante a Sannyas con quien para Sannyasa guru?


10 years, 3 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

SB 3.21.1 - Vidura said Svāyambhuva Manu dynasty has been greatly appreciated. Oh, adorable wise !, ask you to inform me about that lineage, whose descendants multiplied through sexual intercourse. 


R and F: The way addresses the wise Vidura Maitreya is remarkable. He goes with pleasant words, such as proper etiquette and also you can see the transparent heart of Vidura. We note that the manu Svāyambhuva lineage was much appreciated. 

SB 3.21.2 - The two sons of Svāyambhuva Manu, Priyavrata and Uttānapāda, ruled the world, consisting of seven islands, strictly in accordance with religious principles. 

Pamho Gurudev , TLGASP, TLGASSRMV, Aqui le envio los tres primeros verosso en ingles, perodn por haberselo enviado solo en castellano. Muchas Gracias, para servirlo: radha jp dd.


  R and F: As Srila Prabhupada explains in the Bhagavad Gita, when the government adheres to religious principles everyone is happy. Both the mind and actions of a governing influence throughout the atmosphere. That's why at the slightest difference in a fight kali yuga, because the whole atmosphere is polluted. The four basic principles are: austerity, cleanliness, knowledge and truth symbolizing the four legs of the bull is the symbol of religion. In Kali Yuga have lost three principles: austerity, cleanliness and knowledge and the only principle that remains is the truth. For this reason we must be honest in our spiritual life and naturally we can develop the other pillars of the religion. 

ASA - Applies to the government in ISKCON, no? If we follow this in ISKCON we will become a great society in the world.

SB 3.21.3 - Oh, oh !, brahmana holy, sinless person ! Ive referred to the daughter of Manu name calling Devahūti Kardama wife of the sage, the lord of created beings. 


  R and F: Vidura still going with nice words to Maitreya Rsi, praising its qualities. His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada explains the meaning of the text Six Upadesamrta that: "Unless one is truly devoted, can not see another devotee perfectly," Here we see the purity of Vidura. Also mentioned as wife Devahuti Kardama Muni, who appointed him as the lord of created beings. Mr. Kapila who is Krsna Himself appeared as his son. 

ASA - So who is Gopalito?

Please forgive any offense. Todaslas glories to SS. Hanumat Presaka Swami! 

Your aspiring servant: Radha dd jalpa prati japa.

Satya-bhama dd. Mexico City.

10 years, 3 months ago by zareth bhaktin in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva,
Please accept my obeisance, I wait that you are very well totally Gurumaharaja, although your heart always are with Sri Krishna so always you are protect.
Continuous chanting 16 rounds daily and 4 principles, sadhana has improved and that allowed me more  temple service.

I still live with the devotees and that helps me to recognize that I am a jiva full of ego and bad qualities that I have learn heal and I see it as a good workout for a good future Grihastha where you learn to be more humble.

During this season, P Marco and I were able to go to Cueramaro Vyasa puja of HH Swami Bhakti Bucana was very beautiful and we had a lot of association of devotees. 
HH also visited Monterrey Mahatma Prabhu seminars Grihasta Asharam and Japa, but were at the same time as the online education seminar in Houston, then Prabhu Marco and I divided the tasks that we might receive the benefit of both, he was a translate the online course at home mother Gopi Radha and I trip to Monterrey to record all classes. We are doing a good team and has helped  their instruction and receive advice of many counselors, we hope learn more to serve each other and therefore to you. 
After the seminars, Sri Krishna made the arrangement for Marco Prabhu traveled to Monterrey to Jala Yatra festival to help in the kitchen, very merciful devotees asked me to restore the deities of Jagannatha Baladeva and Subhadra for the festival,

I pray a lot you, Srila Prabhupada and Sri Jaganntha to give me the intelligence to be able to do well. And that was how it was possible to attend their Lordships, the festival was wonderful, amazing, the whole atmosphere felt purified and Lord Jagannatha could not stop smiling. Your aspiring disciple matayi Lalita Madhava from Monterrey organized and made ​​countless service for this festival, she is a great inspiration.

I understood that you have a vision beyond this time, you can see what Krishna wants for his devotees and you transmitted us, it was his wish that achievement possible this momentous festival, though slow to execute instructions, his disciples are anxious for  getting your instructions , please  allow us to  keep us. 
Thanks for all that inspires me Gurudeva and reminds me that my nature is to be a servant, is a shame to forget all the time. I feel his protection and shelter where I go, as you are dear to Krishna makes me feel that love .

Her servant Satyabhama dd.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. And now!???  Wonderful letter, but what is happening now?

Reporte Saranagati Dasi

10 years, 3 months ago by sarahii in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Sri Guru y Gouranga!!!

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Todas las Glorias a Usted!!!

Por favor acepte mis reverencias a sus pies querido Gurudeva!!!

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho

Estamos cantando 16 rondas, Gayatri puntual, 4 principios  y esforsandonos para asistir a Mangalartic diariamente, cada vez aprndiendo mas cosas respecto a la adoracion a la Deidad, nunca imajine que pudiera experimentar tanta felicidad al realizar un servicio, Radha Madhan Gopal me llenan de bendiciones al permitirme asistirle en este servicio querido Gurudeva.

ASA - We were Pujaris and Head-pujari for many years for Radha Gokulananda in Berkeley. We dressed Lord Jagannatha over 1000 times!

Now we try to love our littel Nrsmhadeva and our altar.


Este año junto con un gran equipo de devotos pudimos ayudar en el vestido de flores para Balarama Jayanti y por su micericordia pude hacer este pequeño servicio.

Por otro lado siento enormemente la separacion de Usted y Radha Nilamadhava quisiera poder estar siempre cerca aveces siento que no puedo ofrecerle nada y eso me hace sentir muy mal <img alt="sad" height="23" src="" title="sad" width="23" /> ¿Como puedo pagar todo lo que usted hace por mi??

HpS - ASA - We don't do very much. Mostly we just try to not block Srila Prabhupada's mercy. You are doing very well now. Just keep up this service until Gaura-purnima, no?

¿Como puedo sentirme util en su micion hacia con Prabhupada? estas preguntas han venido a mi desde hace un tiempo, soy muy tonta pero quiero servirle lo mas que pueda :) ...... Por Favor Gurudeva permitame tener siempre en mi mente sus pies de loto y poder aferrarme a ellos y asi cualificarme para ofrecerle un digno servicio....

Su Aspirante a sirviente Saranagati Dasi

Estas son fotos de algunas ocaciones donde pude vestir a las Deidades y el vestido de flores de este año

HpS - ASA - - Ooof! Increible! INCREIBLE! La unica problema es que no podemos sentir mas cerca de Ellas y cantar. Puede hacer un libro con fotos acerca de la glorias de Ellos, Su historia. Krsna will give you intelligence!

If you have any suggestions for the Blog please write!

How is the Asta-sakhi DD, Aristasena Das, todos??? Jambavati???


Reply to original email

10 years, 3 months ago by nataraj in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Guru maharaj,

Please accept my dandavat pranams, All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

At this time, it seems like it is run by Durga devi, I think I should work on my conduct so that people can come and ask me what I follow.

            ASA - Aaaacha!!!

Typically my behaviour is not in all nobility, forgiving, etc. I kind of go along with the flow of office politics. I wish I could be more stable in my determination to be noble in my dealings. When my conduct is noble, I would be able to preach to others. I need to work on it.

       ASA - Reading stories of the Acharya's like Bhisma Deva is wonderful impetus. Others.

It is Kronos manufacturing company maharaj( .

Today I read Srimad Bagavatham Canto 1, Chapter 2 , verse 34.

ASA - Aaaaaaaaaaaaacha! Last verse. Most of the questions answered. Now he will discuss the incaranations! Nama-avatara!  Japa beads are an incaranation!

Rama(my wife) will be going to India from November 7th to 18th. I would like to serve you on the weekends of  Nov 8th,9th or/and Nov 15th, 16th.

Thank you,

your servant


ASA - We will be in Chicago ISKCON on the 15th - 16th!