
10 years, 3 months ago by bhaktakenny in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Swamiji,

PAMHO, AGTSP! So after 6 months of regularly attending mangal arati and working at BDS, continuing to chant 16 a day, and strictly following the 4 regs, Dina Dayal Prabhu (the school principal) can reccomend me as a candidate. Then after 6 more months I can be initiated? When I chant my rounds I try not only focus on pronounciation, but also think wy I pray to Krishna and the meaning of the Maha mantra.

HpS - AGTSP. If you have been getting up early and keeping a morning program by internet, that is also fine. If you have been 16 nice rounds and 4 principles strictly and morning program as soon as you can get a recommendation you can become a "Refugee", then six months more = first initiation. Jaya!

What I understand

10 years, 3 months ago by bhaktakenny in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Swamiji,

PAMHO, AGTSP! I'm not a saint. I'm just trying to maintain a regular program and hopefully come to the spiritual platform. I read the link. As far as I understand it I must attend temple program daily, attentively chant 16 rounds a day, follow the 4 regs, pperform devotional service, and seek guidance of a guru.

I am seeking your guidance, I have an unpaid position at the Bhaktivedanta Dharma school as librarian and story tellar, and I am seeking your guidance. Next month I move close to school and temple. I want to go to mangal everyday and chant japa in temple. I'm trying to surrender more and hopefully make advancement in devotional life. 

your servant,

Bhakta Ken

HpS - ASA - AGTSP Let's look at your other letter.

Viaje a la India

10 years, 3 months ago by Jagamohan in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna Por favor mi Querido Guru Deva Hanumatpresaka Maharaja acepte mis humildes reverencias todas las Glorias a Srla Prabhupada. Como sabéis he estado en la India durante 93 días exactamente y lo he pasado bien en general por misericordia de Sri,Sri Guru Gouranga, Nitiananda. Todo lo que te pasa en el Santo Daham es Bueno. Lo primero que hice nada mas llegar a los dos o tres dias de estar en el Santo Dham de Mayapur fue apuntarme a Mangal Goura Parikrama dirigidido por S.S. Jaya Patraka Maharaja y si no hubiera sido por el esguince que me empezo a dar problemas hubiera ido al Safari. Intentando ser Su humilde Sirviente Jagamohan Das

HpS - ASA - Jaya. Desculpa responder. Viaje de 6-semanas por USA con mal conneccion de internnet.  Y ya que pasa!   Mas detalles!

bhakta from india aspiring for your shelter 3

10 years, 3 months ago by RiturajMajumder in Personal Sadhana Reports
Hare Krisna maharaj . All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you. Please accept my humble pranam at you lotus feet. >>>>>>>> HpS - AGTSP The most we could hope for is potato feet. Maharaj , how are you ? Hope this letter finds you in very good health and spirit . Maharaj thank you for replying to my last letter. You had asked me about my ISKCON life and expiriences...maharaj these days i try to go to temple 2 to 3 times a week . If that is not possible then at least every sunday. About expiriences....i helped in decoration and making fruit juices for abhishek for sri radha shyamsundar during janmastami time . I even got oppurtunity to do abhishek of gopal ji . Pujari prabhu had given me the service of fanning the deities while abhishek was being done. It was a very wonderfull expirience . In radhastami i had the service of distributing prasadam to devotees ..currently these days there is as such no service ...when i go i just interact with the devotees , have prasadam with them and do kirtana . >>>>>>>> HpS -- So you are near Vrndavana, Temple??? Maharaj in your last kapi dwaja you had mentioned that you will no longer accept diksha disciples after this year . Maharaj what will happen to me then? My only hope was shelter at your lotus feet . Please don't reject me . I will try better to follow the regulative principles and chant my rounds . Please make a exception and please accept me . I have already accepted you as my guru from heart . Please please be mercifull towards me . >>>>>>>>>>>>>> We said, "except in special cases". You seem to be rather special. Did you read www.jayarama.us/kd/guru-tattva.txt ? Is it O.K. Clear? I just read the japa joe article in jayarama . It was really inspiring . I will follow it to improve my japa.Currently i am reading the dharma book of srila prabhupada and trying to learn one sloka in one week .please suggest how to inprove my sadhana . > > > Talk by telephone about some service projects with devotees you see each week. I beg for forgiveness for all offences that i had commited at you lotus feet out of ignorance. I again beg you to please accept me as your disciple. Please accept my dandavat pranam maharaj. Srila prabhupada ki jai. H.H.Hanumatpresaka swami maharaj ki jai. Your aspiring ignorant and foolish servant . Rituraj majumder Shillong , india Please accept my dandavat pranam >>>> AGTSP Do you have any contact with The Haridas Das?


10 years, 3 months ago by bhaktakenny in Personal Sadhana Reports

I feel like my service here is to teach English to devotees so lectures won't need to be translated. After my trip to Philiooines I hanker for more preaching . I realize that teaching is also preaching. I pray to Krishna that I will become a suitable candidate for initiation.
your servant


HpS - AGTSP! Did you read the file link we sent?  What did you think of it? It is clear??

your guidance

10 years, 3 months ago by bhaktakenny in Personal Sadhana Reports


PAMHO, AGTSP!  I have been following the 4 regs since I got Custody of my daughter in 1999, and doing 16 a day since May, 2013 when I arrived in Indonesia an got a new set of Japa beads. I don’t live near the temple so my morning prog is to get up at 4, shower, watch mangal and tulasi puja on my laptop. Start chanting japa by 5. After Japa I have guru puja then watch Bhaga vatam class That I downloaded from Youtube. In the evening I watch Gita In this way I try to increase my Krishna consciousness.

Your servant,


ASA - HpS - You are a saint!  Let's look at the other letter.