
10 years, 4 months ago by kitri das in Personal Sadhana Reports

 Hare Krishna Maharaja,
Accept my obeisences at your lotus feet . 
Well it looks like I transformed into the shop guy, yes they want me to run the shop fully, not full time but like knowing and managing everything related to shipments, payments, etc. I don't  dislike that much but it does't cause me much emotion though, The only thing is that I have to be careful with going to the bed on time because of the Sadhana. 

ASA - HpS - There was a gift store in the big Temple in Brooklyn, New York. It was on the second or third floor and nobody ever went there. Jayananda was there and he was just starting his problems with his blood cancer and could go out, so the Temple President asked him if he wanted to mange the Gift Store. He said, "Yes!".

Then he put notices by the restaurant, front door, changed then each week, offered free gifts and Prasadam for people who came to the Gift-Store. Of course, once they came there they also got his association, so he sold tons of books, made many new devotees, helped many people advance through all the levels of Bhakti yoga! 

I'm In holidays now, next monday I'll start again in the uni with the english. Reading NOD, its very absorbent and I think It's helping me a lot,
ASA - Danurdhara Swami's Waves of Devotion is a super, super guide to understand the NOD. It is a very complicated, analysis, so Maharaja's book helps so much.


. . .and also reading BG, not as much as NOD, I know both are important, It's hard to me to find the internal focus all the time( I can easily get it from external things, like playing in the kirtan, eating, like that)  I remember I heard Aravinda Prabhu saying that after all the external things, the inner stuff begins, and so, I also know that one can go to a certain level of anharta nivriti without being initiated, so i guess I'll have to wait patiently ofcourse. But now, I just see lots of mixed emotions, feelings and samksaras that are coming and going, and I think that it's because i don't want to go deeper that I don't solve them at once,
ASA - It may be because you don't want to go deeper, but it may also be just because it takes time. We have to have patience as well as well as enthusiasm, no? NOI-3


. . . it could take time but desire travels faster than time I understand, so you can see it is like a mental circuit in which i feel trapped sometimes, and some times, I can untie some knots with association, Krishna's and guru's mercy. So I just beg you and Krishna for help, and to be sincere whit what I really want, Still I have to discover it because this desires often confuse me .
...and yes madhumanjali mataji is the head pujari here and also Mataji Adi  from peru. we're just 3 ! 


 Hare Krishna Maharaja ,Agtsp. Thanks for your time And patience.

Trying to be your servant. Camilo

HpS - AGTSP! Paoho. Please, offer our respects to the Pujari and Adi Devi Dasi! Ask them to write to the Blog. Happy birthday to Madhumanjari Devi Dasi. Who hope that maybe she leaves her body and goes back to Godhead before her next birthday.

Again, it seems that you must have been a devotee in the previous life. Try to make rapid progress but keep some patience as PART of your enthusiasm. SB 10.9.5!


10 years, 4 months ago by Bhaktin Paula Quezada in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj
Please accept my most humble obeisances at your beautiful lotus feet.

ASA - AGTSP.Our feet are pretty clean but not yet lotus.

Hope that when you get this report you are in good health.
I´m Paula, from chile, 36, one daughter, Antonia (14)
I´ve been ungrateful . Haven´t write for a while waiting for the perfect moment to only share good things with you,but time pass and its been too much suffering trying to report when everything is fine in a world of miseries.

 ASA - We may have been ungrateful also and not responded to your letter sooner. We got behind during this six week tour of USA, and now we are catching-up. Certainly we can do more but how much?

But when it comes to CK, seva, etc it turns perfect. And ill keep that.So even though you must hardly remember me, I make a comittment of no matter what keeping constant communication with you. 

ASA - Write to us even if we don't answer immediately!

Chanting 16 rounds, sometimes enthusiastic, others in pain, but always trying to improve. 4 principles ok. 5 am for home mangala aratik,chant rounds in japa beads,6.30 prepare my daughter for school, more japa, rounds done by 8.

Daily  lectures of SB, BhG, NOD, NOI and always complementary readings, just ended the teachings of Lord Caitanya and started Caitanya caritamrita. Also been reading of Srila Prabhupada in Venezuela and its really nice how one, so fallen as to have to get to kali yuga to remember Krsna and understand my real position, can be  inspired by those drops of nectar.

ASA - How is it possible that you were not a devotee in your last life. Maybe you were a Nun, a Monk, a Yogi/yogini.
My fixed services in the temple are going for flowers,  making garlands for the deities and  helping the pujari in the decoration of the altar for feasts .
In my last letter you told me I need a letter from the local authorities for formal recommendation, and they informed me that is ok with that.  P. Bhadra Gopal Das,  in charge of the iniciations here, told me he was going to send e mail to you.
Now i´m begging  you to please accept me as your insignificant servant and help me with guiadance for going back to Godhead, Krsna!!!!!!!

HpS - Hmmmmmm! Never got any letter!!  Please talk with him and ask if he sent it!

¡¡Jai Nimai, jai Nitai, jaya Srila Prabhupada!!
B.Paula Quezada

HpS - Thank you for your effort. By staying fixed in hearing and chanting you will certainly advance. You will get a practical position in the ISKCON movement, you will start to wake up so you can hear Krsna's personal communication how to engage in His Sankirtan!
Waiting for more news! (Who is the monkey in the picture? Some one you know in Santiago?)

Maharaja, reportes de sadhana

10 years, 4 months ago by Bhakta Italo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Srila Prabhupada Ki jay

Maharaja reverencias

Maharaja, le reporta bhakta Italo,

ASA - HpS - TlgaSP! Muy bien. Desculpa demura responder! Viaje destruyendo comunicacion. Espero mas rapido en el futuro. . . 

. . .con buenas noticias y varias realizaciones, ya manteniendo mucho mejor los 4 principios, soportando el doloroso celibato, y realizando que la ansiedad es ya comun,

ASA - Y hoy dia, ya, como es?

. . . en la lectura de libros solo manteniendo los principales SB, Krishna Book; y cada cierto tiempo un poco de otros libros; cantando siempre las 3 rondas por la mañana, y las 16 durante el dia,  bañando al Señor Hanuman todos los dias (5:30 pm);   Cantando Artik dos veces al dia.

ASA - Super! Mantendiendo ahora?

Todos estos dias estuve de viaje buscando un campo de cultivos para comprar por diferentes ciudades pero es caro, tambien  tuve oportunidad de estar ahi y la vida es austera pero me acostumbro y me ayuda mucho el celibato que me da mucha fuerza y sabiduria,

Yo quisiera vivir en el campo y sembrar muchos vegetales  para despues cocinar y ofrecerlos como ofrenda;     y cuidar de una vaca  y que este muy feliz y sembrar mucha alfalfa y contruirle un establo con techo para que le de sombra.

Asi como tambien casarme con una campesina y tener muchos hijos, y que ella este feliz; gracias al celibato que es doloroso y comun llegaron a mi mente muchas realizaciones acerca de la vida familiar, como el sacrificarce por la esposa hasta que este satisfecha, y no tenerle miedo a tener muchos hijos porque Krishna la Suprema personalidad de Dios da para todos y abastece para todos y tambien que la esposa debe ser mas pequeña que yo, casi a la altura del hombro ojala encuentre.

HpS - Jaya! Posible esta vida va a ser preparacion para esta drama y la proxima vida realizarlo. Es un sueno GRANDE!

Maharaja reconozco que he fracasado como vida bramacari toda la vida, no me queda mas opcion que casarme y seguir; ya no importa mucho la ansiedad porque lo acepto como algo comun y que no debo huir, entonces de esa manera mi fe ha crecido. 
ASA - Jaya!

Maharaja tambien realize que soy mu...y insignificante y me siento bien, y todo lo que hago tambien lo es..

Mi abuelita tambien sigue sus 4 principios, y canta hasta mucho mas de 16 rondas de vez en cuando, varias veces ha llegado a 64rondas, y cada dia mantiene su lectura de las Enseñaszas de  Caytania Mahaprabhu, tambien canto en los artik aunque todavia no aprende a pronunciar muchos versos.

ASA - Que piensa ella de Srila Prabhupada???

Maharaja por favor pido que me de sus bendiciones para lograr estos deseos y asi poder vivir pacificamente como devoto al menos toda esta vida.

Estuve sufriendo mucho buscando esposa y lugar sin exito, de repente sera porque no consulte con usted Maharaja; Maharaja estoy listo para aceptar responsabilidad de cabeza de familia, no me parece muy dificil, no me decepcionare.

HpS - ASA - Hmmm. Y despues de esta carta, que ha pasado con sus esfuerzas? Si, Krsna puede organizar milagros, por que no?

My family problems

10 years, 4 months ago by Guna Manjari in Personal Sadhana Reports


All Glories to Sri Sri Guru Gauranga 

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, I'm Guna Manjari, Chile, probably should not even remember me, since I was in Santiago de Chile in January I did not write you. 
ASA - HpS - Yes, we remember you, but like you say it has been a long time that we have not heard your glorious pastimes!


Maybe because I do not like to bother you because my problems, and always helps me out of maya remembering your instructions, classes, association, by chanting Japa Start Meeting;

But here I am, I remembered the first time I wrote it, when I showed up as your candidate and told you about the difficulty I had with my parents for trying to bring Krishna consciousness, and you helped me, guided me step by step and now I'm drowning in family matters, on problems that do not include me but are affecting me, I get depressed, demotivated me to do things for me. 

I know I should not be telling you this, but you are my refuge, refuge in Srila Prabhupada attempt and instructions. 

ASA - No, it is very import to discuss this. So many other devotees reading this little dialog probably have the same challenges.

We are currently offering cooking morning on Saturdays to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai with Candrabhanu and the day before we were in the temple to attend Mangala Aratik, is very intimate morning show. Thank you very much for your instructions. 

Well, once again I apologize for my letter so sudden and full of problems. I hope you will find very well. 

Please accept my humble obeisances. 

ys. Guna Manjari DD.

ps: Sorry for my english, I used google translator

HpS - ASA - AGTSP Paoho. "Full of Problems" - You don't mention any problems. Of course, it is very difficult for us to give detailed advice about how to solve specific problems without knowledge of the specific situation, and of course that is practically impossible to develop by Blog letters, 5-thousand miles apart.

However, sometimes we can.

Sometimes we may be inspired by the Lord in the Heart!

In general, we can just suggest that you adopt Canakhya Pandita's rule: Victory comes from good advice, and good advice comes from many counselors. So always keep good counselors: Friends, intelligent enemies, family members, Temple Authorities, local and visiting Brahmanas.

BG 10.10-11 - Krsna is in our heart. If we live like Brahmanas then we can practically take inspiration from Him as we do Japa etc.


Please send us news as you push your Sankirtan forward! If you focus on your Sankirtan for Srila Prabhupada then you will see the other problems in a clear perspective.

How to be a good bramhacari??

10 years, 4 months ago by Panca tattva das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Hanumat Presakam Swami

HpS - ASA - Jaya Sri Rama!

Pleace acept my humble obeisances

Hare Krishna Gurudev; how are you?

ASA - Trying to be more sincere. Trying to understand Vaidhi-bhakti better so I can control my senses and mind better!

Thanks very much for taking the time to send your fone number, it had been imposible to call you from Nova Gokula and even at the nerest city I couldnt get a tel card..Im having very good asociation last week with HH Bhakti Dhira Damodara Swami , Rupa ragunath das bramhacari and serving his holines Yadunandana Swami (he is doing a tour thrue Brazil) ..hearing and learning a lot from them.

I had been shearing the asram with Rupa for this last week and had lots of profund conversations. Traying to understand and absorve in the mood of a bcri....prepearing for a future sannyasa asram, always trying to satisfy you and SP!!

I had very good email conversations with Prabhu Mahajan das and close for know my service in the yatra of MdP, also I had small conversation with HH GGDG about future service...   

The idea is: collect in november and december in maraton sankirtana to travel to India for Goura Pournima and stay in India for five months visiting Goura mandala Parikrama, Jaganath Puri, safari Bangladesh and vrindavan with HHBDDS and then visit HH Bhakty Vikas Swami proyect in Banglore, maybe stay there for one month, and some weeks with HH Lokanaths Swami Padayatra with the asosiation of Rupa ragunath das Prabhu, and if there is time Chowpatti Temple one month...

Any way this is my idea but I wanted to ask for your blessings before purchasing the ticket or if you want me to do another thing, pleace let me know. My desire is to satisfy you...

My sadhana has been very good this last month am chanting my round 2 oclock am, Full program, some reading SB 4, NoI, BG, SI..and book distribution..

thank you very much

 Always praying for Nitay and Gouranga's mercy

ys ww Panca tattva das 

HpS - ASA - Jaya! AGTSP. Paoho. Seems you have fine Siksa-gurus. We certainly can accept them as our guides under Srila Prabhupada's elevated guidance also.
Your plan for South American and India seems fine. I guess we will see when we are there for January and February. We will be in India and Europe like September, October, November... 2015.
All I would suggest is to please get a tapa-dura journal and write about your experiences. Even if it is stupid things, five years from now they will be very valuable to you, and us!

O.K. Go ahead! Please keep us informed. Always try to get the internal aspect of things, not just the external.

Querido Gurumaharaj acepte mis humildes reverencias

10 years, 4 months ago by syamakunda in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

todas las glorias a Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga!

Estamos aquí aun en pie!

En el Instituto Jaladuta dedicando nuestros días a tratar de servir correctamente a los vaisnavas así algún día atraeremos la misericordia de Radharani... Querido Gurudeva estoy un poco perturbado Interiormente ya que soy muy débil y mi conciencia no esta tranquila y no tengo la fuerza de un bramacari para encontrar solo la paz en el interior para mejorar mi servicio estoy siguiendo el programa todos los días de mangalartik 16 vueltas en la japa y luchando por mis 4 principios pero es muy difícil de todas manera... piensa en la posibilidad de tener una esposa para que me ayude????..

 HpS - Si, puede ayudar. Tiene tomar ayuda de devotoos, buen Grhasthas buscar con una companera y puede adelantar juntos, hace super servicio para ISKCON. 

...pero no se como enfrentar ese problema ...usted me recomendo después de la iniciacion estar dos años de bramacari y después tomar segunda iniciación... es muy complicada mi mente de artista... instruyame por favor... que puedo hacer ? Su eterno sirviente Syamananda pandit das

HpS - Hablar con buen devotos local para detalles, pero si es loco la mente, posible cambiar a Grhastha ashrama con una buena companera ayuda mucho. Es bueno esperar para dos anos, segunda iniciacion pero puede ser compremetido antes.