Ayruvedic Endeavor, etc
10/01/14 Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja! All glories to Mighty Srila Prabhupada...Please accept my dandavats @pranamas. Is Ayruvedic endeavor progressing nicely?
HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho.... We talked with Gaura Prema das. It is very nice. now we have to talk with Rupa-anuga Das. I think it will wait until after this festival Saturday and then be apart of our academic preaching program development with them for Peru. I will write to him in about two weeks! PLEASE keep in touch with us on this.
We have returned from so. cal. family seva. You mentioned Goswami training for girls. i am sure i am unqualified however would like to know details of training please. Will try to locate this info on your site. I need to become much more familiar with your site so i can communicate mostly by blog as you have requested. If i cannot access info, then i will beg for your help.
HpS - ASA - We answered this in the subsequent letter. Very nice.
Have been studying lives of the 6 Goswamis. i feel very tiny and dirty after the study. However also blissfully inspired and grateful to take the dust of the soil they walked on via reading their pastimes. Trying to become more expert in execution of more Vaisnava songs so I can be of better service leading kirtan at Sat program in Sac. It is also important to me that i represent you there as well as i can. Any seva i can realistically perform for you? Your worthless servant, Kalindi Devi dasi
ASA - Blog writing and keep reminding us of Ayurveda. I think if yoiu read here you will quickly see what you can do.
How is the David and the Weiner Dog?