Satyabhama dd / Mexico

9 years, 10 months ago by zareth bhaktin in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja, Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and the unstoppable movement Sankirtan of Sri Gauranga.

I hope your sankirtan always stay equally unstoppable Gurudeva. I was follow his tour of Latin America and the education congress in Chile. Thank you for being such example for me.

For the short time I had and knowing that you was very busy, I arriegue to send a letter with Prabhu Patraka to order your important blessings. By the mercy of Krsna excelsa I am now in Vienna, Austria, by ascholarship from the University. Immediately I can appreciate the protection of his refuge, because from the first moment that I arrive to Europe a matayi waiting for me, a home and prasadam.

      HpS - ASA -  !!!!!!! AGTSP  !!!!

Now I live with 3 matays of Russian origin, wth the shelter of Sacinandan Swami Maharaja. They are very protective and have a similar project to the Mexico. A Ashram for matayis to study or work. In Vienna the brake preaches a few years ago, there was temple and Gurukula, but for management problems, now just are only few devotees. There are now only a Bhakti Viriksha every weekend into a new center preaches that are driving. And a monthly harinam. On Saturday we celebrate Gaura Purnima here Everything was very fast Gurumaharaja, is a huge project that excites me, but while I need his blessings and his instruction.

Sorry if this sheep walk without asking for direction ... I have a cuestion Gurumaharaja, sometimes I can see that the disciple always ask to the Guru what to do or where to go. And in my relationship with you, I not ask to you what I have done, I wonder if that's right or I need to try more to care this relation with good cuestions for my life or maybe about to the philosophy. Thanks for all Gurudeva

     HpS - AGTSP.   You, we, all need advice!      Best to ask lots of people.   Especially we are counselors in terms of Diksa - rounds, principles, but then you can ask many other people, gurus, devotees, ladies, mother, father... When do you come back to USA. Maybe we will see you in May in Europe.

Your aspiring servant Satya Bhama-dd

Solace in Challenging Times

9 years, 10 months ago by jaynityananda in Personal Sadhana Reports
Dear Gurumaharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. It was with great elation that i read of your visit to Radhadesh for the conference in May, as i most likely wasn't going to make it to Spain this year. I'm glad to have learnt of your tour to South-America and return to the States, but it's also less pleasant to hear about the harshness of the climate there. HpS - You have the dates, no? We put it into the kapi-dhvaja calendar. We have to get the interior tickets now. My year so far was lively. Late last year we learnt my wife was a little bit pregnant, and by August she's getting fully pregnant. We also are kicked out of our house, by legal pressure, but with 7 months respite. It is coming to pass together with delivery, so that is challenging. But we are fully aware this is the arrangement of Gaura Nitai, and although we don't see yet why They arranged it like this, we do see recurring themes and are very blissful because of that. Mid January i had to deal with some troubles in my chanting, probably because i offended a devotee out of arrogance a few weeks earlier. Me and the person solved that situation. I consider this a good experience, even though i chanted notably less than 16 for a few weeks. I am very impressed how you caught up leftovers from 2013, and in all honesty i don't see my lazy self doing that (this time at least). HpS - Yes, that was left-overs from our 25/day standard. We were always able to do 16/day. At least figure out how many you owe and then later you can catch them up. Is a promise you made. Fortunately i'm back at my minimum of 16. I do recognize my bad attitude in saying i don't see myself catching up. While writing this, on deliberating how to ask you what you think about it, i came to the conclusion that the best thing to do is to try to catch up anyway, even though i'm not sure how many rounds it were, and until when it'll take me. Reformation should be the goal. One line i heard Amala Bhakta prabhu say, was, 'I live to be corrected.' I sort of understand that now, as a husband, but as a devotee not yet, unfortunately. Let this be my little attempt to get there. 31 x 8 = 248 rounds. Ooff :) HpS - ASA - Inch by Inch, It's always a Cinch (Easy). Little by little starting to do some devotional program in the evening with the family. This is nice, but there is much room for expansion. Mornings i'm pretty much by myself. No singing, but some reading and praying, and working to get the bulk of the rounds done in a good way. The Journey Home translation i just finished. HpS - Wow!!!!! Now i want to start a new project, a book about the early days of ISKCON in the Netherlands, with interviews with participants. Stories about how Sri Sri Radha Gopinath came to Amsterdam by Malati. How they were in the Red-light district. Like that. In both Dutch and English. I seek your blessings to make this project pleasing to Srila Prabhupada. HpS - Hog (Lord Varaha) bless you!!!!! What is your idea on the following? The Lord in our hearts knows how we feel and what we experience, so then why would He feel the need to experience what Sri Radha feels, the three reasons mentioned in Adi 1.6? I wonder where the difference comes from. Radha Krishna are one in their identity, but it seems their feelings are unknown to each other, not like Supersoul experiences us. HpS - Well, just like Radharani we are stones yet unknown. We are discovering new things about our service potencies that Krsna nor us know. Same for Krsna, but yes, She is the ananda shakti and there is always a competition between the Jnana sakti and the Ananda shakti. Krsna understands Her then She expands Her self. happy lover's quarrel with lots of friends. That's pretty much it for now. nAma-zreSThaM manum api zacI-putram atra svarUpaM rUpaM tasyAgrajam uru-purim mAthurIM goSTha-vATIm rAdhA-kuNDaM giri-varam aho rAdhikA-mAdhavAzAM prApto yasya prathita-kRpayA zrI-guruM taM nato smi I bow my head again and again to the holy preceptor, through whose most celebrated mercy I have received the best of all names, the initiation mantra, Sri Sachinandan Mahaprabhu, Svarupa, Rupa and his older brother Sanatan, the extensive dominions of Mathurapuri, a dwelling place in the pasturing grounds [of Krishna], Radha Kund, the chief of all mountains, Sri Govardhan, and most pointedly of all, the hope of attaining the lotus feet of Sri Radha Madhava. (sri mukta carita, invocation) In all my humility, Dandavat pranams, Raghava Pandita dasa HpS - Very nice to hear from you, We wish you all the best. We hope that Mataji is doing well with her heroic service and that your son will be a great Vaisnava!!!

Do not forget us Gurudeva

9 years, 10 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports



I hope this meets you in really good health ¡¡¡¡

Gurudeva ¡¡¡ Today in Gaura Purnima NBD and I performed mangala artik, while I was worshiping the deities he was singing then we chant our rounds ¡¡¡ and joined startmeeting ¡¡¡ We want to put Krsna in the center of our lives ¡¡ We really want to go back to Godhead ¡¡¡ CHant HK is the best plan ever ¡¡

   HpS - ASA - If you go back to Godhead you can see Krsna, and play with Krsna!

Gurudeva things did not worked out with my roomate buuu ¡¡¡ So now I will live in an apartment ¡¡ I continue getting used to this big change in my life, but I am pretty happy ¡¡ I am working as secretary in SAMA ¡¡¡ I really like to learn new things and being able to help Nikunja makes me extremely happy.. I see I can feel all the effort that HE does in order to please SP and U.. Very nice inspiration I can say that He really likes to be Hare Krsna ¡¡¡ even more than me I admire that a lot ¡¡ I feel secure also with him.

Manu and Benji are too cute, two angels,  ¡¡ We get along pretty well ¡¡¡ I feel so happy to have their company ¡¡¡ 

Gurudeva I am a little delay with my rounds, but days before Gaura Purnima we made the vow to start doing FMP ¡¡¡¡ So please I humbly request your blessings so I can complete my rounds every day ¡¡ We have that desire ¡¡¡¡ Gurudeva thank U all so much for all your suppport.

Gurudeva if U allow me, I want that today you be my witness that I give up  all my bad thoughts and negativity, and just be in Krsna's hands ¡¡¡¡

HpS - Oooof!   That's a lot to give up!!!!    Some of our bad thoughts are comming from millions of life times, but is so helpful to just to smile when you are thinking bad thoughts. It is so silly but just smiling makes your mind think you are happy. Then it looks to the intelligence to find a reason and finds Krsna.

Time is too short to waste time, better chant Hare Krsna ¡¡¡

Happy Gaura Purnima beloved Gurudeva ¡¡

Always trying to continue iur path 

Candramukhi dd 

HpS - Thank you for your intelligent effort. I hope you get chance to call your moma's house. Is so nice having your association on the FMP wiht Start Meeting.

News from Calgary

9 years, 10 months ago by Rashmin dd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

It has been a long time since I have written and I apologize. My life has been a little busier recently. Many things are happening. One of them of course is the new baby we are waiting for.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!  Yessss. . . . no news is no breath for us!!  Six new babies is even better!

I briefly mentioned it in my annual report but I wanted to officially send it in a blog letter. I meant to let you know as soon as we found out but I was having a hard time emotionally trying to adjust to the pregnancy. Now we are very happy and excited. The baby will be a boy and is due in May.

ASA - Maybe he will be something fine like a gorrilla!

We ask for your blessings for the child to be a great devotee of Gaura Nitai.

ASA - O.K. A Rama-gorilla!

Also we got a chance to visit you in Seattle last August ( this is how long I have been waiting to write :) ). I wasn't sure if you recognized us but you gave our little girl your maha garland. It was on the night you showed the video on the Ratha Yatra. It was very nice. I got a chance to meet my godsister Kamagayatri dasi and her son Aja. I have only met two godbrothers so far: her and Jiva Goswami in Huston when I visited you. I wish I could meet more.

ASA - My God!  And you never introduced your selves!!!!!!

My husband Yogendra is busy studying to get his BEd. He wants to teach in elementary schools. Currently he is in his second semester at the university and this is another reason why life is a little busy for me as he is busy himself doing his school work assignments and such.

    ASA - Don't give up! Can be a very useful diploma!!!!

As far as sadhana I am following 4 principles and chanting 16 rounds- although that might change again when baby comes, regarding japa of course. Just wanted to write. I was hankering for your association. I hope you are well. Your aspiring servant, Rasa-mandali dasi

HpS - ASA -  Thank you very much . . .   and  . . . how is the Yatra, President, your parents???  Nice picture!!! The Divine Family... <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

Carta para su excelencia Hanumatpresaka Swami

9 years, 10 months ago by mercedes in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja,     Por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

     Soy Mercedes, la aspirante a devota del templo de Madrid. Gracias por acogerme en su blog de 


     No he estado con su Señoría antes en ningún viaje a Valencia, sería otra devota (le adjunto una foto mía).

     Le conocí de vista en una clase que impartió en el templo a las 8 am y después en las iniciaciones,

     no tuve la suerte de poder hablar con usted personalmente.

      He leído el Guru-tattva como usted me pidió, para comprender el papel de guru y discipula.  

      También me pidió mi opinión y me parece todo correcto. Casualmente estaba leyendo el


      Me estoy levantando a las 6 de la mañana, espero poder levantarme un poco antes, canto Guru-

      Astakam y   Maha- Mantra (desde que leí el Guru-tattva) ; ofrezco un incienso, una vela y una

      flor; y canto rondas (desde hace más de un año).

      Gracias por contestar mi carta, estoy muy agradecida, me postro a sus pies.

       Su aspirante a dicípula.

HpS = Gracias el foto, todo. Muy bien....  Como esta occupado durante la dia? Professor de medicina? Carpenteria? Plomberia? Lucha libre???   Tiene un mascoto, amigos? Como estan su padres?

Regarding transcription

9 years, 10 months ago by nataraj in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category B

Hare Krishna dear guru maharaj,

Please accept my dandavat pranams, All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

The NOI audio files are good maharaj, it is helping me to  understand the value of  upadesamritha. I am deeply thankfull for giving me the oppertunity to transcribe. 

I have been able to get up at 4AM, but after taking hot water shower, doing guru puja and  6 rounds, I am feeling sleepy  and going back to sleep at around 6AM and getting up again at 7AM. I normally am doing 6-7 rounds in the morning and rest of them I am doing while driving to work  or sometimes in the evening. 

I was able to chant 16 rounds in the morning, if I was not taking hot water shower maharaj. 

I am reading 1 verse of Bagavatham daily and doing service at the temple on weekend.  I am making progress on transcription and job is going fine maharaj. I am looking for a nice paying governement job near home, so that I can be little more relaxed in my life and chant better rounds.

Please take care of your health maharaj.

your servant

Nilachala Chandra Das

HpS - ASA - AGTSP. You are transcibing the second class? How far have you gotten. What about taking a cool-water bath. Bh.Vinode Thakura would have supper at 6PM. Take rest for 2-hours and then say good night to the rest of the family. Stay up all night writing, and then take nap just before breakfast.