Jayanta das

9 years, 9 months ago by jayanta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurudev: Pamho. TgSP

Espero se encuentre bien cuando reciba este mensaje. Me alegra oir que va a venir a España y quiero saber si puedo servirlo de alguna manera concreta. Por aquí estamos bien. Purnamasi con su servicio de "Gurukula" que sigue creciendo. Los viernes por la tarde nuestra casa se convierte en un oasis de devotos (niños) y sus mamas o papás.

Hoy hemos estado en la Fiesta del Domingo del Templo (Madrid). Dandava prabhu y yo hemos estado hablando de forma sincera y aclarando cualquier mal entendido que hubiera podido haber. La conclusión a la que he llegado es que los dos somos aspirantes a vaisnavas y que nos apreciamos mutuamente y estamos dispuestos a ayudarnos si es necesario.

Por favor le pido de nuevo me diga si necesita algo de mi en su viaje a España.

Sin mas se despide

su sirviente

Jayanta das

HpS - ASA -- Estamos casi llorando al escuchar esta noticia. Pienso es hecho que Krsna sufra mucho cuando Sus hijos son molestado uno a otro.
Puede ver que estamos afilando la visita. De una manera es arregla de Krsna. No tenemos mucho control. Pienso pronto podemos afilar mas. Unas temas para discussion en clases? Un opportunidad predicar afuera?

Your trip to Spain

9 years, 9 months ago by Dandava das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna Gurudeva. Please, accept my humble obeisances. AGTSP.

Don't worry. I can look your travel. I'll work with others devotees in that.

Please, if I understand correctly your dates are:

  • May 7th you're arriving in Brussels at 7:50. ASA- No, maybe we sent wrong information! We arrive in Delihi the 7th at 7.50AM. We come back to Brussels May 13th at 7.55AM.
  • May 7th you'll travel from Brussels to Spain. ASA - May 13th.
  • May 15th you're travelling to Florence or Pisa from Spain. - Yes
  • May 18th you're come back to Spain from Italy.  Yes
  • May 22th you're travalling to Brussels early in the morning from Spain. Yes

Is that right?

I have some questions to buy flying tickets and organize your stay in Spain.

  1. In Florence, are you staying in Villa Vrndavana?  ASA - Yes, as I understand.
  2. Do you know if the Temple in Florence will buy the flying ticket? ASA - No, we have to buy it. We can pay for that ticket from other funds.
  3. Do you want to go to others temples in Spain: New Vrajamandala, Barcelona, Valencia and other projects or do you want to be quieter because you need rest a bit? ASA - We want to go where we can do the best and most to contribute to the Sankirtan! We arrive on 13th about mid-day, so seems best to stay in Madrid and then until we fly to Italy on the weekend.  18th we return so we could go the Vraja mandala for the 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st or if it is good go some place else, but it seems that just one other place would be enough, no? 

I think that's all.

Maybe we can speak about the details by email.

On other hand, we're continuing to work in Madrid's Temple and with other projects in Spain.

By Krisna's Mercy we're restablishing our relationship with some devotees whom we had some differences in the past, some of them are spiritual brothers. This makes me very happy, but we have still work more and more because some devotees don't come to the temple for diferent reasons. What can we do?. We need to all devotees, I think. We're trying to improve spreading Krisna's consciousness in Madrid but we are desqualified.

Thank you Gurudeva for your Mercy and I'm sorry for my English languaje, I'm learning it.

We are in contact.

Your humble servant, Dandava Das.

PD. I send you some pictures of Goura Punima

HpS - ASA -- Yes, we should administer the Temple as ISKCON property and then we should all go there with the attitude that it is ISKCON propertly. Jarasandha and Bhima had dinner together each night and would try to kill each other each day. So certainly we can all go to Prabhupada's Temple and give our association. In other letter Sri Radhe made nice research.

Thank you for pictures. Gaura-Nitai are very beautiful.

bhakta from india begging for mercy 7

Hare krsna maharaj.

All glories to srila Prabhupada

All glories to you H.H.Hanumatpresaka swami maharaj.

please accept my humble dandavat pranam at your lotus feet.

HpS - ASA - Potato feet.

Respected maharaj

Hope you are in good health.   I am very sorry that i had not written to you for so many days. I always remembered you in my mind .Thank you for the letter that you wrote to me in email. I am eternally gratefull that you have decided to take me as a future disciple knowing my problems.

I didnt want to write because i couldn't keep up to the standards . Few days i didnt chant my rounds .

HpS - Then keep track of your debt and begin to pay it back. Chant an extra round each day. We only neglect chanting because we are stupid, no? It will give us all kinds of benefits!

But now i am back on track. Did my rounds and trying to wake up for mangal aarti . Recently i saw your kapi dwaja and ABC Curriculam . I made a time table for myself keeping mangal aaarti , tulsi aarti etc and the books you mentioned in the ABC curriculum in my daily schedule. I am so gratefull to you  maharaj for making it so easy for me and others.

Since i last wrote to you i went to mayapur dham twice. It was blissfull expirience. So many wonderfull things happened there with me. Second time i went during kirtan mela . I  got to see H.H.Radhanath maharaj , H.H.Sacinandana maharaj , H.H.prahaladananda maharaj, H.H. Candramauli maharaj etc .didnt talk with them as i didn't know what i could say . Just paid my pranam and heard there classes. During sivaratri night H.H.Candramauli maharaj gave me his maha Garland iN Jagannath mandir. I also attended the kirtan mela but couldn't see the the panch tatva deities crying ( i went outside ISKCON to take darshan of radha gopinath and get maha garland in gopinath gauriya math....i was greedy for the garland so i missed the mercy of mahaprabhu... should have stayed in ISKCON only, sorry maharaj).

regarding my service . I did book distribution in train while going and coming back from mayapur dham. during nityananda trayodasi and gaura purniima cooked for the deities and also prepared fruit juices for abhishek. by the mercy of pujari pabhu he allowed me to do abhishek of gaura nitai during gaura purnima. About regular service in temple i mostly do cooking when i go as there . Once i got chance to cook for giriraj ji also. 

Recently i heard a lecture that you gave on JAPA from youtube. It was so inspiring . I could really connect with the concept of homunculus and also how we can worship our japa beads and consider them as like massaging krsna's toes. Thats like we are getting to touch krsna even though we are not brahmin . It was such a awesome lecture maharaj. Thank you.

I saw in your calander that you will be comming to india on 6th of may and visiting sri vrindavan dham. Maharaj please allow me to come with you and be with you during that time . Please maharaj allow me to stay in your association. Out of excitement i already booked my train tickets to mathura on 1st may. Maharaj how can i contact you when you arrive at delhi.

HpS - ASA - I guess we can burden Harsh with job of communication secretary. 919910579879, 919930034241. Se you there!!

I have never been to delhi before alone . Will you be having any phone number that i can call and meet you in delhi and vrindavan or your personal helper's number that i can call . 

I am so excited to meet and visit sri  vrindavan dham with you. It was a dream that i aspired for in my heart to visit vrindavan with you maharaj . With your and srimati radharani's grace i might be allowed to enter Vrindavan and that too with you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Maharaj i have a request . Can i call you Gurudev from now ?

HpS - ASA - No..... ISKCON rule is only when one is a Formal Refugee. That means following for 6-months and get letter of Recomendation from Temple President. O.K?  Maharaja is fine!!!

Sorry for the long letter . I just couldnt stop writing .

Dandavat pranam maharaj. ALL glories to you .

your aspiring servant.

rituraj majumder


p.s. photos of bhoga offering from nityananda trayodasi.

HpS - ASA - You news is so inspiring. You are on the correct path. You only have to proceed further!!!!

ter kadamba dd-buenos aires.

9 years, 10 months ago by bhaktina teresa in Personal Sadhana Reports




HpS - ASA - TlgaSP!!!!     Pfanrh..... Sufriendo de los sufriemintos del cuerpo y mente pero occupado en servicio devocional entonces podemos tolerarlos y tener esperanza volver a un concepto puro de quien somos!

BUENOS AIRES 30 GRADOS DE CALOR <img alt="blush" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/embarrassed_smile.png" title="blush" width="23" />. HOY DESPERTE A LAS DEIDADES MANGALA ARATI,LUEGO RONDAS, CLASE, PUJA DE 12.30HS Y LUEGO LECTURA DE BG!

HpS - Mire foto uno!




                                                  SU PEQUEÑA HIJA Y SIRVIENTA   ter kadamba devi dasi.


HpS - ASAS - Si, hemos visto, no?
Solamente es una cambio de perspectivo. Foto number two. Do you see vases or faces?

Do we live in Goloka with Nanda Maharaja or in Buenos Aires with Christina?

Mas noticias despues de unos dias!!!

Mis ocupaciones

9 years, 10 months ago by mercedes in Personal Sadhana Reports


      Hare Krishna Maharaja, por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias.Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

      Gracias por responder a mí carta, en la cual me pregunta cual son mis ocupaciones diarias. Le diré que tengo 56 años casi 57 pues los cumplo en el mes de abril, actualmente me dedico a cuidar un matrimonio de personas mayores él tiene 92 años y ella 82 y es ella la que más cuidados necesita, los atiendo todos los días de 10 a 16 h y

      luego por las tardes hago distintas actividades ,visito a mis familiares o amigos etc me suelo mantener bastante

      activa. Procuro hacer todas esas actividades teniendo conciencia de Krishna pero algunas veces me resulta muy


      Me pregunta por mis padres, ellos ya hacen años que han abandonado el cuerpo pero tengo una familia extensa

      tengo 3 hijas y 6 nietas, somos una familia de mujeres. Las niñas van creciendo pero nos hemos juntado con  

      todas casi iguales pues en 6 años han nacido las 6 una cada año y un año no nació ninguna pero otro año 

      nacieron mellizas,

      Mi vida desde que conocí la CDK es totalmente distinta, hay momentos que siento que avanzo y otros que voy

     retrocediendo pero llevo todo con alegria pues me siento mucho más feliz

     Me postro a sus pies 
HpS - ASA - Grrrrrrrracias.  Super carta. Claro, si estamos cantando buenas ronda temprano, entonces cualquiere cosa que realizamos va a ser en la conciencia de Krsna, y todos nuestros asociados va a experiementar esta concienca y puede rechazar o accepar. Mejorar su Japa. Lea el SB. CC. Ofrcer puja a sus Deidades. Mejorar sus rondas, ayuda el mundo y despues de dejar su cuerpo ....  la misma!!!

Confidential Cries

9 years, 10 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

On another note I feel a need to confess a lot of things to you. I held back on all this information because I felt for many years that I could fix this problem myself without doing anymore damage telling others, especially devotees. I've done enough damage already, but who really is my trivial soul in this vast ocean, which itself is like an atom floating in another infinite ocean. I think this letter might be too much, or I'm being proud, but I can't think of a good way to trim it down.

I think 2011-2014 were some of the worst years of my lifetime so far. To be truly honest HpS Maharaj, I contemplated a lot of things, to come to grips on understanding what I wanted to do. I actually don't regret that abominable incident I told you of years back. I do not blame anyone else, if it was a trick of the witch Maya then I am grateful. It's simply a reminder of the fallenness of my position, even if I hadn't committed it.  I contemplated leaving ISKCON, attempted castration to become eunuch or to killing myself and forgetting Krsna again. After years of writing, depression and thinking about my qualifications, I told HDG Srila Prabhupada the last time I met him in my dreams: he encouraged me to become a good servant of Krsna, but I replied that I think it would be better to become a good servant of the devotees. He had a very grave pause, then replied "Yes, that is correct."

I can only say that I'm not the servant of Krsna, nor Radha or any of their associates. Not lord Gaurahari or Nitai or their associates. I find my only hopes and shelter in a place among aspiring to be a good servant of HDG's servants, servants, servants, servants, servants eternally. I rest on the shelter in serving vaishnavas. Overcome all material desires and find that eternal desire to love and serve devotees in my stone cold heart. No more than that. I'm sorry I do not even truly desire that aspiration enough. Material life weaves a comfortable illusion of immortality, forgetfulness and complacency in myself. If I died today, tommorow or however, whenever, I pray that I will not forget this desire, ever.

I'm sorry to confide in you this idiotic and brutal honesty/sentiment from my material mind. I just wanted you to understand where I'm coming from, in hopes I can truly desire to aspire to be your disciple and serve your servants, somehow, someday. I thought confessing this would help for me to increase my desire to serve, get to my steady 16-4, and to be fair that you should understand what I think if I want to aspire to your lotus feet. I respect you greatly. Anyhow I'm just an idiot, I wish I could've and could do more. That I didn't have a stone heart and could really be the servant I want to be. Thats what I hope I'm going to school for, trying to be a better student, finding skills to serve.

I apoligize again if I offend you Maharaja. I'm not looking for sympathy or praise, just straight talk.

I want to humbly ask that this not be published publicly.

Please accept my obeisances at your lotus feet,

all glories to Srila Prabhupada

your aspiring fallen servant,

HpS - Well, we can't do that. Pretty much whatever letters we get have to publish unless people ask us not to publish them BEFORE they reveal their secrets. But we will publish in a different section with no name, but you have a little hearty ness, a little sincerity, so work with that. Go on with your Karma, don't let it bother you to much. Be as much a servant of Krsna or the servants of Krsna in consciosness of their purity of relation with Krsna and where than finishes try to be a good person. Then you WILL MAKE PROGRESS and taste the happiness of satisfying Krsna.