reporte sadhana mty

todas las glorias a srila prabhupada

todas las glorias a sri guru y sri gauranga !

porfavor asepte mis humildes reverencias maharaj,

estoi reportandome desde monterrey bhaktin silvia alejandrra J., todo a pasado muy bien con el yatra en monterrey, mexico se ha establezido programa de food for life, lectura y se involucra a los devotos externos del centro de predica a prestar servicio fijo por lo menos una vez a la semana .

estamos en el nuevo servicio de educar a el nuevo integrante de la familia Jay Govinda mas parece que el me enseña a mi :) jejeje...

prabhu gadadhara, mi esposo, continua predicando y cocinando en el restaurante, bien de salud, aveces se presentan diferencias entre el y yo pero tratamos de mejorar.

yo me encuentro bien rondas y principios bien pero no asisto a programa de mangalarati pues ahora con bebe es dificil por su demanda en las noches.

 su disipulo prabhu gadadhara y  esta insignificante aspirante a sirviente esperamos pronto su visita a mexico

pedimos sus bendiciones para el yatra de monterrey , gracias por la atencion y tiempo maharaj<img alt="angel" height="23" src="" title="angel" width="23" /> hare krishna hare rama !

HpS - Gracias, Mataji. Cuanto pesa Jaya Govinda? Muchas gracias las noticias... Como pasa el Festival de Gaura-purnima?

Pienso trabajamos bastante con Asta-sakhi, todos en estas programas educativas, y invitamos todos a Houston fin del Julio para entrenamiento en educaccion pre-escolar, primario, todo y regresamos a Mejico primero de Augosto.


9 years, 10 months ago by Germán Vegas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva

Please, accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I hope you and your sankirtan are doing very well. Last days have been a bit difficult. Maya is banging at my door and the only thing I can do is to preserve my core by chanting my rounds and follow principles. I write mainly to tell you that I had to give up NIMSAR, this was a decision that has saddened me greatly. I deeply disagree with certain politics of the institution, I know that some practices are common in my country, but I do not understand why such approaches are always the first choice for any problems. Apart of the details, I can not feel calm in a place where I do not agree with the principles that are handled.

Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to serve you during this time, I have also expressed my gratitude to the devotees. For now, I will focus on less political services, I have a strong tendency to be passionate and is not healthy for me. Not now, at least. I will focus in studying Bhakti-sastri with Param Prabhu Padam. I have a strong need for study and improve my sadhana. Lord Jagannatha will tell. Meanwhile, I'll be sending you my questions and doubts, I'm very sorry for dissapointing you, Gurumaharaja.

Your servant

Gandharva dasa

HpS - ASA - AGTSP. Sorry little delay answering. Intransit to Houston. Of course, Japa, Principles, Full morning Program are the priority and on that basis some Sankirtan.

Are you going to have some Sankirtan partners in Peru?

necesito su ayuda gurumaharaja!

9 years, 10 months ago by bhaktina teresa in Personal Sadhana Reports

todas las glorias a sri sria gaura nitai


mis respetuosas reverencias a usted GM!

¿como esta? le mande una carta anteriormente era para contarle como estaba, claro hablar de mi! jaja<img alt="frown" height="23" src="" title="frown" width="23" />

quiero contarle gurumaharaja que mi sadhana es bastante bueno todos los dias a mangala-arati 16 rondas. Pero hoy me quede dormida zzzzzzz<img alt="no" height="23" src="" title="no" width="23" /> me levante totalmente enojada<img alt="angry" height="23" src="" title="angry" width="23" /> de mal humor y me di cuenta que por mi cansancio fisico me quede dormida y estoy quejandome de todo, no estoy siendo comprensiva con nadie, quiza hablo mal con los devotos/as... y estoy cansada de todo todo se como solucionarlo, constantemente pienso en usted en su misericordia que es lo que me hace seguir en srila prabhupada, la adoracion a las deidades me ayudó mucho siento un gran cambio.. no se si son pruebas para mi vida espiritual pero me siento incomoda con todo! 

siempre estoy pensando y ayudando para mejorar el ashrama, para que se siga la etiqueta en el ashrama le pido ayuda a los devotos mayores pero no obtengo mucha ayuda parece no importar...y para mi vida creo que la base es seguir las instrucciones y las etiquetas, no hay horarios para nada! y estos temas sn los que me ponen mal<img alt="crying" height="23" src="" title="crying" width="23" /> no puedo desapegarme gm....humildemente le ruego su ayuda..

estoy estudiando los versos del bhagavad gita...leyendo c.caritamrta. 

                                                                                                 GRACIAS POR TANTO GM!

 su sirvienta ter kadamba devi dasi.

HpS - ASA ---  AGTSP paoho.  We don't know the details of your situation so we can't give any detailed advice. General advice is that you have to get some friends, counselors, locally that you can talk to. They may not be perfect, but a blind uncle is better than no uncle.

O.K?  You do that?
Sometimes we were alone in keeping the standard in the San Francisco Temple with maybe one other devotee at managala arati when we would open the curtains. Maybe five by the end. The ashrama roof leaked, the bath-rooms were filthy. So we adopted the attitude that we were living in the forest. We bought a little tent to sleep dry and comfortable, cleaned our little section of the Ashrama ands bathroom and kept up our Deity worship, association with about four sane devotees out of the 15 in the temple and stayed in touch with the GBC. After some time Krsna sent some help and we knew that He was always with us and that He was glad to see how we did our service.

Hare Krisna from Madrid

Hare Krisna dear Gurudeva. Please, accept my humble obeisances, dandavats. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope you're fine.

One month and a half ago, more or less, I wrote you in the blog, but i didn't get any response.

HpS - AGTSP Paoho. I think that was when we were traveling. We put notice in the Kapi Dhvaja that we couldn't answer any mail while traveling!!!   And gave addresses of few devotees that you could contact if it was emergency.

Here we're fine, in Madrid's Kuruksetra. Many many Krisna's Mercy falling down over our heads. I'm so tiny and I have to learn so things ...

My four principles well, my beads improving. Now I'm reading Manual reformatory of Japa by Satvarupa Maharaja, and it's helping me a lot to improve the quality of my rounds. I'm trying to chant 18.

I'm reading Krisna's Book too. It's delicious. I'm trying to follow the 2nd module of Bhakti Sastri, but I haven't got many time.We're coordinating a bhakti vriksa group in the temple, I'm helping to Yadunandana Swami in the Bhaktivedanta Institute and I'm still serving as Madrid's Temple's president (vaisnava dasa anudasa) Uffffffffff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

We had a preaching program in Ciudad Real to 200 kilometres from Madrid last weekend. There were around 25 people. The program's tittle was "Material Problems, Spiritual Solutions: The suffering" and then we had other program about Kirtan Yoga with a session of open questions and answers. Came on from Madrid Carcika Devi Dasi (my wife), Mantri Rama Das and Jambula Das. It was fine. The people want to go to New Vrajamandala and following more periodic programs there.

Now we are making a new program in Tarragona, near of Barcelona:

  • Material Problems, Spiritual Solutions: The suffering
  • Material Problems, Spiritual Solutions: The forgivenees
  • Workshop about Kirtan Yoga
  • Workshop of Japa
  • Ayurveda
  • Hatha Yoga

It'll be twoo days. We'll rent a big house to give acommodation 20-30 people.

Please, give me your mercy to be better person and bit by bit to be a better aspiring to devotee.

When do you come back to Spain? You said me you'll come back in 2015. We are waiting for you. When Gurudeva?

Thank you for all.

Your humble and fallen servant.

Dandava Das.

HpS - ASA -  AGTSP Paoho. I hope your get translations of DTC!!!   Looks like we are going to go to Spain end of May. Is O.K?   The programs sound very nice, but doesn't the Barcelona Yatra participate, organize, the programs there?
Please write to us with your inspiring news!!!!

well wishes, morning and evening ,

9 years, 10 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna maharaj
AGTSP< pamho
jaya rama to monkey warriors........
we are realizing we are animal not human.... but even animal can be devotees....jaya rama and jump...

 we thank you for your letter on (22 feb)....
our family is far away from peace...but may be moving towards it
our studies....becoming betters
visnu-mantra....there was some dwindlling in between we went to 4 rounds, got heavily stuck... but we got inspired from your blogs and came back to 16 with in 20 days.

can you please elaborate activies and their time limit (minimum) which comprises evening and morning program? we are asking this as we manier times just read guru astak, it take 1 minute only and then we start chanting

HpS - ASA -  AGTSP paoho. Thank yoiu for writing to us. Honestly we always feel honored and happy with your letters. We hope to have your association eternally.
Full-morning Program:
"In this Kṛsna consciousness movement we require everyone to rise early in the morning, by four A.M.,and attend mańgala-ārati, or morning worship, then read Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, perform kīrtana, and so forth." NOI 3.
So, we take minimum requirement for everyone in the Krsna consciousness movement to at least offer a little puja to their Dieties. Can just be incense and a flower, but should be clean and on time (1-1/2 hours before sunrise). Then offer the Gurvastakam Bhaja and Kirtan (dancing and singing with your hands over your head etc.), then Nrsmhadeva Prayers,,, Japa,,, SB (should again be 1-hour) when the sun comes up. Of course, SB may be some SB, some Lilamrta, some CC... It should be a satisfying, practical program. After you do it you should feel strength within and ready for your Karma yoga - Sankirtan during the day.

Evening, the same thing, Bhajan-arati--Kirtan, SP Books, little Puja.  It is so nice.
At 5.30PM the sun will go down. We will do our Gayatri (Japa), then at 6PM we will do little puja for Lord Nrsmha deva, gaura-arati and kirtan. If we are driving to NGD's ashrama we will sing the Arati song in the car, and then take darsana of Radha-Natabara in his Ashrama and do some Kirtan for them. Must jump UP!!!  and down VVV until you are breathing and perspiring.

How do find Srila Prabhupada in his books? How do we associate with him through his books.
HpS - By reading individually and in association of devotees. By repeating what we hear to others. . . 

jaya rama, its better to die as vrtasura then live like indra
ASA - Yes!!


HpS - Is O.K. Answer?   We need one more class time. These BhVai times are not enough. Too Advanced.

Looking the moon

Hare Krishna Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisances

I know I'm in the dark box of the irresponsible disciples for don't write you often since you go South america. This lasts weeks were really crazy in the school; we had open house and we were preparing everything for that.
This week we have a new student for Gokul kidz class, Little Keshav, the family moved from Cincinnati.
 We are trying to give our 108% to the school. We just finish ours first 100 days of the school, please look the video :). Is in youtube

The simposium in Southamerica seems pretty amazing, lots of participation and really inspiring.  I was talking with god brothers/sisters in Mexico, we gonna send you a report soon. I like to be useful in vaisnava's service 

Waiting like a wolf for the full moon, we are anxious for Goura Purnima and hopefully for your association.

Thank you always because you inspire us in service.

Govinda Pramodini DD 

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP! Paoho. We looked at the video. We give it a score of 97.79% perfectly made. The content is just amazing. Devotees from Texas who saw the presentation in the Temple were amazed. Thank you so much. We are working to include all Mexican devotees in the next North American Symposium, July 30th.

We arrive the day after Gaura-purnima and stay at least 10-days, maybe 21 days if Rama-giri-dhari Das is coming.

O.K. We call Saranga now.