Hare Krishna.

9 years, 9 months ago by Bhakta Victor Junior in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna s.s. Hanumatpresaka swami 

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas revencias.

Le saluda bhakta victor de Lima, con respecto a su pregunta. Bueno yo nací en Lima y estube viviendo con mis padres aca, ellos nacieron en Cajamarca y Ayacucho, que pertence a la sierra de Perú, pero tambien se han criado en lima , su ocupacion es de cocineros-reposteros y actualmente trabajan en su propia empresa de eventos catering, yo les ayudaba bastante. Tambien tengo un hermano menor por 3 años que está estudiando en universidad. Bueno maharaja reciba nuevamente mis reverencias.  

HpS - ASA -   TlgaSP. Gracias. Nos lo olvidamos sus carta anterior. Ha! Ha! Ha!    Cabeza burro gris!    Escriba unas notas de sus estudios de SB etc. De sus ensenanzas a otros y envian a nosotros aveces!!!  SB esta conquistando Kali yuga!

Maya 1-Jahnava devi dasi 0....pero seguimos cantando hare krsna!

9 years, 9 months ago by Julieta Corzo Fillmore in Personal Sadhana Reports

Toda Gloria a Sri Sri Adi Gaura Nitay!!!

Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Toda Gloria a los devotos reunidos!!

Toda Gloria a UD. Gurudeva!!!!

4 principios y 16 rondas estrictos...

Que significa la palabra "enzima"???

HpS - ASAS --  TlgaSP.  English - Enzyme. It is an element that makes the process work but is not in the finished product.

 Segun la Real Academia Española..."Proteina que cataliza especificamente cada una de las reacciones bioquimicas del metabolismo."

HpS - Yes, maybe better word in catalyst.

 No quiero especular con respecto a su pregunta, asi que humildemente le pregunto por que me hace esta pregunta. 

HpS - Krsna's Name is the catalyst that makes any situation change from material to spiritual!

 Vivir con miedo es no confiar en Krsna? karma? A veces tengo mucho miedo...miedo a cambiar...seguir avanzando. Apego!

La Madre Yasoda tiene miedo, no?

 Sigo adorando a Sri Sri Nitay Gaurasundar...Ellos me dan vida...y tambien sigo con la lectura de Krsna book segunda parte...no quiero que se termine...y a veces me imagino siendo una de Sus esposas, esta mal?

Si, es horrible! Va a tener una vida de sufrimiento muy, muy larga!  Ooof. [Pero eso es una sufrimiento que solo los mas afortunados obtienen]

Una poema por Piggy:

The land, the cows, the buffalos and the trees.
Are all unlimited nectarean seas.
Of the most intense mellows of spiritual pain.
Something which only the most fortunate every obtain.

 Experimentando tambien la cocina vaisnava, cookin a lot!! 

 Todavia no tomamos una deciscion con Agustin.

 Que Sri Nara Hari lo proteja y lo cuide.

Jahnava devi dasi (Argentina). ys.

Hare Krsna!!

HpS - ASA - St. Agustin --  Victory comes from good advice and good advice comes from many counselors.[Canakhya Pandit]

bhaktina isabelle_sadhanna report

<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />HARE KRISHNA GURUDEVA<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

I present my respect and sincere reverences.

Thank and glorify Srila Prabhupada, who always are giving us shelter in his lotus feets and books. May Lord Nrisimhadeva always take care of you.

How are you Gurudeva? How is the sankirtana?

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP!  Paoho... We are suffering from our hypocrisy and also making progress toward Goloka by Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON mercy.

We read in the blog that you were chilling and with some liver discomfort, I hope you recover soon. *

Sorry for writing at this time of year, Maya ran over us a little, but the Maha Mantra, your mercy and Sri Govinda, rehabilitated us. We're begging for daily intelligence to understand things, asking Sri Nrsimhadeva to protect us from our false ego, from committing offenses and to act in the best way possible as servants. As you say, Maya is our coach.

Trying to be concise I present my Sadhanna report:

-We are following (fighting bravely) 4 principles and 16 rounds.

-I've started reading the Srimad Bhagavatam!!!

-I'm studying the Disciples Course with Param Padam prabhu.

-We have sown Srimati Tulasi devi seeds! I'm excited, I am chanting my rounds near the pot looking forward to the first outbreak!


  • My service in the Wilson temple visual communications, have been elected as my official service to the temple. ( a requirement for the initiation)
  •  Bhakti Vriksha, I'm worried because the group do not increase, but they're encouraged members who are increasing their rounds, doing enthusiastic service to the temple and having realizations. We are organizing ourselves a Bhakti vriksha festival to attract people. I remember that once Gurudeva spoke about organizing festivals on Prabhupada's books: NOI, NOD, etc. would contribute to the Sankirtan of Gurudeva, I'll talk to Jagat Pavitram prabhu and Omkara prabhu to implement this great idea. I'll also ask Nimsar if they can colaborate in giving the conference of the respective book. We also need to have a conversation with the Sankirtan authorities to have a good amount of copies of the book for that day. In the medium term I hope to tell you more about this project.

Thank you very much for your mercy, because of it, problems become very important lessons.

Hare Krishna Gurudeva!<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

*PS 1: When His Holiness returns to Lima, maybe you try a natural remedy, which is a drink made from a bitter local herb called Hercampuri, it purifies the blood, facilitates blood circulation and energizes the body, I think it might relieve some discomforts.

PD2: In your last visit to Lima, in the first class you gave in Wilson you wore he garland I promised you in a previous letter =)  In August a beautiful garland and a big  jar of organic peanut butter will be waiting for you!

HpS - ASA --- Very nice. You are on the correct path. Just go ahead as fast as you can but don't fall off the path.  Enthusiasm and patience. Pray to Krsna to get stable material situation.

Viaje a España.


   Querido Guru Maharaha, Seguimos haciendo servicio en Malaga. Sin practicar sexo ilicito, ni licito. Sin carne ni huevos ni pescado, . Nada de juegos de azar; nada de intoxicantes. Todo esto, gracias a Su Misericordia ilimitada. 17 rondas minimo. La gran medicina del alma. Aun asi espero que con el tiempo todo esto mejore. Tendré que incrementar la paciencia.

Seguimos los programas regularmente, sobre todo los matinales.

He dado tres dias de clase sobre el SB 1,1,2 y una clase de CC. Los devotos quedaron contentos. Hay que mejorar Jñana y Vijñana.

Luchando arduamente, continuamente, constantemente, lamentablemente, etc con la mente, ego falso, y los 5 sentidos. Asi que no se puede decir que estamos sólos.

  Seguimos haciendo servicio en Malaga.

Un dia de Sankirtan: 2 Problemas materiales  soluciones espirituales, en 3 horas y un descanso para la espalda, sentado unos 15 m. Aunque lo importante es salir. Malaga es un sitio dificil, algun dia más saldré.

  17 rondas minimo. La gran medicina del alma.

  Para mi estos son tiempos dificiles al mismo tiempo que pienso que es maravilloso el camino que estoy recorriendo, a más dificultades más purificación, es un hecho que hay grandes cambios. Estoy planteandome nuevas posibilidades y caminos dentro del mismo camino. No es el momento de hacer cambios de templo o lugar. Aunque si pueden ser cambios de perspectiva, tiempo, de  adaptación al clima, circustancias etc.

Todos los Vaisnavas son almas espirituales que de alguna manera estan entregando su vida a Krishna, y por lo tanto también son hermanos....

   ¿Va a ir a Nueva Vrajamandala? Si es asi ¿que dias? Estaría bien que nos viesemos, si no es asi, espero verle pronto en otra ocasión. La vida espiritual no es facil......espero poder seguir 4-16 vida tras vida. Aunque haciendo balance se puede decir que todo va bastante bien. Momento de continuar.

Perdone otra vez todas mis ofensas....

Jharikhanda-gaura Das

HpS p ASA - TLGASP pfanhr... Estamos afilando el itenarario ahora. Puede ver aqui en el Blog. Adelanta. La unica cosa que necesita es DETERMINACION INFNITA!!!

ter kadamba dd-AGAIN BOTHERING :)

9 years, 9 months ago by bhaktina teresa in Personal Sadhana Reports






HAVE STOMACH PAIN AGAIN..HAHA<img alt="no" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_down.png" title="no" width="23" />


                                                             your servant ter kadamba devi dasi.


HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna! Maybe you have stomach cancer and you will die within three months! Maybe not.   More news of your studies.

desde Santiago de Chile

9 years, 9 months ago by yasoda_ in Personal Sadhana Reports

All gloires to Sri Sri Gaura Nitay ,to All Srila Prabhupada, All glories to his feet Dear Gurudava,

I hope your health accompanying ... A long time ago since I wrote you, and I have no excuse; speak a word with you on your visit to Chile and asks him about the dreams I've had with you !!

, well give me your answer and left very happy, also very inspired to keep striving in Krishna consciousness;

Also I made the comment that since initiation gave me a year ago about my anarthas attacked me mass also helped me with that.

Thank you very much.

Currently I have a job where they pay me well, I occupy time in my son and also in Gaura Nitai, but I must confess that time my sadhana low for having bad association and fail on some principle, leave my service in the kitchen of the deity and somehow give me a maya, never stop singing my rounds, neither ate meat nor jugue gambling, I had just a bad association under my consent, now I can do a service without touching fire ... all this brought me much suffering and I'm paying the consequences of my actions which I realized once again that associated with maya and surrender to lust blurs the intelligence and only makes nonsense,

I am very sorry for my actions and I cry and suffer for them, what I liked best is the service in the pujari and now Iand now I must wait six months following strictly the principles to serve the Lord (assistant pujari) which is fair.

Well since a month ago again and strictly follow the 4 principles, singing my 16 rounds, I'm reading the teachings of Lord Caitanya, the BG afternoon and also must tell you that Krishna in his infinite mercy, I have in my house Gaura Nitai !! and this for several days (1 month) makes my sadhana is a stronger, get up early, singing aṣṭaka Guru, Govinda and today also japa joe with you and the devotees also taketh the course of Bhakti Priya Sakhi sastri that will impart dd and Paramesvara D from April. since giving me initiation had a very difficult year where Maya was merciless and I attacked subtly and since I have to Goura Nitai in my house, my sadhana is to strengthened but still maya insists and I feel weak, I feel hypocritical, I strive but I think it is not enough ...

I just want to give to the Feet of Krishna and do a good service, but I feel with acute depression, I feel lonely, I have faith that everything is fleeting !! I just want to do the right thing, but my ignorance is such that I fear this material world, I just want happiness I'm tired of suffering and find myself trapped in this poor sense of intelligence.

Hopefully I can understand by Gurudeva and help me.

Your eternal servant Krisangi Devi Dasi

PS: I am using a translator, sorry I am not good at English. I sent photos of MI Goura Nitai and mia to be reminded of my face donkey. I hope to meet daily in Japa joe. Jaya Radha and Krishna.

HpS - ASA - No foto de su Caro Burra!      Gracias su carta. Su situacion es bastante comun. Yo siento solo muchas veces. Realmente sin la amistad de Krsna sentimos solo. Cada Gopi siento sola a veces, pero Krsna viene y habla con ellas. Son chicas, no muy madura. Y Krsna esta asegurando que El es su amigo y Ella es una amiga individual para ella. Nunca va a dejar Su amistad individual.

O.K. Necesitamos escapar de la illusion de la Bruja y obtener amigas/gos en Vraja eternos. Claro, es una lucha para todos nosotros. Ya estamos obvservando, involucrado en una lucha entre la GBC de cosas fundamentales! Principios super basicos. Tentaciones de poder, fama etc. que puede ruinar ISKCON.
Levantate temprano y cumplir con sus rondas con el mejor entusiasmo que tiene!
Escribra nos.

Actua como su hija puede decir con orgullo, "Eso es mi Mama!".