Report 1

9 years, 7 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva:



I hope this meets U in good health.

ASA - We are Atlanta. I guess the SM, FMP, has been chaos the last two days. We are one hour earlier here. Today we go back to Nashville.

I tried to made my report on the last Pandava Nirjala Ekadasi but I was too tired to do so.. If u allow me I would like to post a report on ekadasi maybe just one report a month.. But for me is necesary to tell U about my activities.

HpS - That's fine, but make then amusing for Monkey and Piggy and all their little friends and relations, no?

Mangal artik, 16/4 fixed

I went out on sankirtan with Madhumati dd 20 books in one hour ¡¡¡ It was extremely nice ¡¡¡ Now i can say that when U are doing sankirtan U can not think in anything else.

ASA - Krazy for Krzna!!!

I have a temporal job I am helping M Hassen from India in one department store called Jaipur and on August if Krsna wants I will return to Alas Peruanas University ¡¡¡

On these days I can realize how merciful is Krsna with us, I am always surrounded with pious people, and some how or other I am in contact with Krsna katha, M Hassen is a respectable lady, serious in her spiritual practice,,, strictly vegetarian ¡¡¡ and a extremely nice person,,,, I feel so blessed.

Thank U Gurudeva for everything

Little by little trying to be iur disciple again


HpS - And following your example we are trying to be better professor.


9 years, 7 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna beloved and esteemed Gurudeva!!

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Here I am alone again in my cave. It seems that I lack something in order to maintain a relationship with a woman.

As you already know I am no longer with CMDD mataji.

I feel sad. Again experience showed me the truth. As you always say, if we dont stick to 16/4 then is hell. That was our mistake, also lack of communication. at least relations with Mataji are ok, no hard feelings. Peace!!

Is amazing, how powerful is sadhu sanga. This experience gave me more strenght to continue in the fight. More determination to follow my vows, and to participate in the gloriuos Sankirtan movement.

I made a plan to recover my rounds before Janmastami. I also diminished drastically my work load. My brain was about to explode.

I resumed psychotherapy, yoga, karate and Bhakti Sastri.

I'm listening to SB first and second canto everyday in youtube (1.5.32-33-34, big secret)  giving BG class every monday at El Loft, 

Again priority is good 16 rounds and 4 P strictly!!

Trying to reunite Krishna with Hladini Shakti, Hanuman policy not Ravana's.

Manu and Benja are ok

I'm tired, sad, but in peace!!! 

I seek utsaha in my intelligence, JAPA!!

Forgive me gurudeva for my stupidity!!

You are always showing us the path!!

Thank you for bringing us so close to SP!!

At your lotus feet!!

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP  paoho..... and we all go forward rowing the boat that Prabhupada built, and rowing our achintya-bheda-abheda individual boat. As you advance ISKCON advances. This Varna-ashama stuff, what ashrama is my service, does not become clear in general until we have been following our first initiation vows properly for at least one year and generally two years. Get Japa partner!!!!!!!

It is very nice to hear from you.

Novedades: niños, libros y encuentro de educación

Hare Krsna

Paoho Jay Gurudeva!!

Muy feliz por participar en mangala con Uds. mis hermanos, re hermoso arreglo de Krsna este año, vivo cerca al templo de chosica,  soy vecina de devotos  y puedo ir siempre a cantar rondas, comer prasadham, después voy a trabajar, un día decidí que no debía desviarme de la educación lo cual considero que es mi vocación y muchas ofertas de trabajo y una cerca al templo de Chosica, entonces estoy trabajando con niños de 4 añitos en un nido del estado, es una experiencia maravillosa, a esa edad la gente en transparente como un papel, pura y muy amorosa, cantar, jugar, contar historias, hacer manualidades, cuidar, orientar y amar a los pequeños, es como ser media mamá, una hermosa experiencia, y me queda tiempo para la distribución de libros, lo cual ya es parte de mi vida, puja y estudios.

ASA - Krsna tiene un buen plan para todos.

Por otro lado estamos con NIMSAR en el Encuentro de educación la cuenta regresiva empieza, mi servicio es de recepción y búsqueda de donantes, por lo que pido sus bendiciones para tener éxito en este esfuerzo, esperamos una respuesta próxima de devotos de Ecuador, y tenemos muchas opciones de alojamiento en Chosica, al final los más beneficiados serán todos los devotos de la región, por ello espero que todos puedan tomar muy en serio la necesidad de contribuir en la educación de todos los devotos como única solución para afrontar el presente y futuro con más oportunidades de crecimiento espiritual y material tanto personal y social.

Esperamos que su predica y salud sea favorable. Y cómo encontró India, podremos ir pronto verdad?

Krsna lo bendiga siempre

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

PD: le envío fotos de los reyes, devotos entusiastas en harinama de Miraflores y los niños del nido

ASA - AGTSP. I think we go to India in February and stay for two months, then visit Europe on the way back.

Super fotos!

Super, super, super sus programas con los ninyos pequenos. Adelante. Siempre mantener un "journal" de sus dias. Y leer lo despues.

México-Education, Houston

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please receive my obeisances dear Gurudeva.

Gurudeva, by your mercy I am improving my sadhana with 16 rounds and 4 principles. Twice a week I attend mangala arati assisting Their Lorships and I continue doing my service in Asa kids. My sons are very enthusiastic in their spiritual life. 8 year old Mukunda chants two rounds and 6 year old Muni starts chanting without finishing a round yet. We have a small program with aratik and after we have a lecture on the bhagavatam. Iam trying to follow mother Aruddha dd’s instructions on homeschooling. We now finish the third canto on the pastimes of Kardama Muni and Devahuti. They brought us to the place where they resided to the floating palace Kardama Muni prepared for Devahuti; the lake Bindhu Sarovara formed with the tears Lord Vishnu shed. This is very entertaining for the kids. Afterwards we have Spanish and mathematic classes. We have ups and downs. There are some days when I feel we are going on the right track and others I think the day was a disaster but I continue with confidence.

Asa Kids Sunday programs are flowing very favorably. We have 18 kids inscribed every seminar sometimes even more. We created a small group formed by mothers which are members of a family and we gather periodically to give classes to the kids such as mridanga and cooking classes with prabhu Uddharana das. A lot of consciousness has been raised regarding children education in ISKCON Mexico and ALL THIS IT’S THANKS TO YOU GURUDEVA. Prabhu Vidagdha and I your servant have the desire to go to the congress in Houston and visit you with our kids. In these coming days we’ll go to the USA embassy to request our visas. We beg for your blessings so we get them and we can be in July with you in Houston. Thank you Gurudeva.

Your Servants Vidaghda das y Gopi Radha dd

HpS-AGTSP paoho. We sent back the invitation letters that M. Lalita-gopi asked for. I think you can communicate well through Govinda pramodini DD en Houston. You education news is very very nice. We remind ourselves, "yad yad acarati sresthas...", our example is the most powerful form of our teaching. If we live lusty lives then we will communicate that to  our friends and students and contaminate them.

reply to flowers and letters

9 years, 7 months ago by Juan Carlo Rosas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna  Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Esta bien, no hay problema maharaja, disculpado <img alt="cheeky" height="23" src="" title="cheeky" width="23" /> , no es Mexico es en Panama el poster del RATHA YATRA 
soy de Panama Bhakta Juanka de Panama se acuerda de mi ? its fine if you dont hahaha .


Juan Carlo 

HpS - Hmmmm? Has ido a Peru. Estuvimos en contact en Peru un ano pasado??

horse update

9 years, 7 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna Maharaj,
Pamho, AGTSP,

Hope you have somewhat recovered from tirededness of Europe trip. I will try to be short.

HpS - Yes, AGTSP!!!!    I think we have, but the material energy is always exhausting, no?   Hope you will be long!

--thank you for much engaging in service, it does give us some good memories to think about in andh-kupam

-- i have got the recordings of conference in delhi, please tell me when we should give you that.

-- my wife is diagnosed with depression and OCD.
HpS - What is OCD (Opulent ??? Disease)?  Living with the head of a psychiatric hospital. Attending psychiatric conferences. We have to comment from the very beginning that everyone involved in the process seems to agree with Carl Jung's analysis that psychology in the West was only born this morning and all these diagnosis, though they may really help, must be taken with a plate of prasadam.

Major reason has been her in-laws and her husband. We have removed altar from our home (as that some become stimulus of discomfort to our wife). In march 2015 she threw all photograph of paramapara including yours and Krsnas, and gave it to trash-man.
In such cases we are very much fearful for any stimulus of stress.

HpS - Well I can see her being disturbed with our picture, but what did Krsna every do to cause her distress?

-- we get very much confused about illicit sex, because we get different opinions from you, and grhastha counsellor.

HpS - If s(he)it tells you that to fornicate for fun is O.K. then they are not Grhastha, they are Grhamedhis. Of course, we may not come to the natural standard immediately, and to force it artificially will cause other problems, but we should understand that as long as we are doing unnatural things we will suffer. Of course, Krsna will try to help us minimize the suffering. Indulging in illicit sex in a regulated fashion may be suggested by a Grhastha counselor but of course not encouraged or offered with any deception that you will not suffer, but your suffereing will be educational.

Our perspective, if one enjoy in youth beyond quota one suffers in old age (as simple)

HpS - It would be simple study to match up occurence of Alzheimer's disease with onset and intensity of unnatural sex.

-- we are chanting somehow, and hearing SP lectures on CC (no book reading )

-- we don't KNOW why you are so merciful on person (who is from sinful background, whose associated hover over mental platform). you must have  divine eyes to see us as part and parcel of Krsna.

HpS - Hey, I would say that you are continuing to try to get real mercy from Prabhupada, not because you are so much sincere, although I think you are a very sincere person, but rather because you executed sincere service in a previous life and so now you KNOW that this is the bona fide path. Look up "super cooled liquid" on the internet?  Are you becoming a super cooled liquid.

BLLLLOOOOOP!   One day your whole life changes in a moment.

It comes down to the same thing. I don't live with you enough to give my opinion whether you are crazy or you wife is crazy or your inlaws are crazy or your psychologist is crazy, but when we are together you don't seem to be anymore crazy than we are. The only way to get good evaluation of this is to have sane friends. Work toward good association of any kind. It is even worth risking economic situation to get good friends, no?

We have been in contact with Prof. Samaresh. He went home with blood pressure super high but is recovering. So many good comments on the book and it's release. We are just getting our feet on the ground (with your help, write often) and trying to get priorities for Sankirtan sorted out.

We can not control our mind. in our passionate state, we even started instructing you ( remember the MS word instance, (No, so we proabably didn't take it as anything unnatural (certified UC Davis Psychology Department instruction: everyone in this world is a little crazy)) I think its best for us to die young on some battle ground, following some Brahamana.

HpS - Well as long as you are following a Brahmana, live or die it is all good.

hari bol
Jaya rama
from monkey in human body

HpS - See attached foto.