AmD - May Report - 2015

9 years, 7 months ago by anandamayadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva!


We are still here fighting with our sadhana vaidhi (16R, 3G, 4P, SB, BG, KB, Sankirtan, Sadhu Sangha, etc) Sorry we move very slowly, and very little in these 15 years, but we are a little better than before. We get depressed much to see how much lust, anger and greed still remains in us, but do not lose hope, and try to subject us to his instruction, the most basic (the vote) ... We are confident that one day we can be helpful to you Gurudeva wanted ...

HpS - AGTSP paoho.   We think that wherever you go you are infecting everyone with your conscioussness. You have nice wife and nice family. You are doing wonderful service in a difficult situation. Srila Prabhupada said that he wanted to go faster in Grhastha ashrama but then in the end he saw that Krsna had a wonderful plan for him and all of his life was a preparation for that. Keep on praying and associating here!!!!

I want to inform you that the asrahm of Chosica was rented. We moved her things (danda, books and other) Puspa home Gopal Prabhu (My former neighbor) ... We could not take him to Chaclacayo. Now in my old house, where you went sometimes for reception, lives Gandharva Prabhu. When you come to Chosica, you can stay home Kanu Pandit Prabhu, or Prabhu Arunaksha Puspa Gopal, all places comfortable enough to receive it.

HpS - Thank you. You moved the locker? You have the key?  Most of the things are books. Few clothes, soap etc. They could be distributed. Thank you very much for help with the hospitality.

Nimsar, through its secretary Gandharva Prabhu, invited us to give a small presentation on home schooling for the education congress here in Chosica, and we have accepted ... We request your blessings to develop something appropriate ...


Karuna Mayi, Sita, and Arjuna are regularly following their courses with Lakshman Prabhu, and continue to service in the Temple, I think that letters of recommendation must be there, and we have asked Lakshman to be a kind of facilitator of these documents .. . The last time we spoke with you, there was talk of initiation (1st and 2nd Arjuna Karuna and Sita) the next time you come. That's fine Gurudeva? We can see some special date, Janmastami?

HpS - Sounds very, very nice to us! Forcing the donkey to a faster road!

Mr. Nrishimhadeva praying, Krsna Balarama for protection, watch Gurudeva.

                                                                                                                                                                   His silly disciple Anandamaya days.

(Traducion google traductor)

HpS - When we write in simple Spanish or English and use general words then Google Translator works very well! We have to get more and more in pure goodness! Understand what are the priorities and do them well. That is Vaidhi bhakti, understanding which services are most priority.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja!!!

9 years, 7 months ago by Panca tattva das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Pleace accept my humble obediences..

Hare Krishna Gurudev!!!       We are Always following your steps by this blog    ...We send one letter report one month ago but something happend you didnt recibe it..sorry im stupid with tecnology...

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. It is always very, very refreshing to hear from you. Your other letter arrived just after we left for India and we couldn't answer any mail during that month. We sent a notice about the stop of mail during that month! I was hoping to still find those letters.

I'm wrighting from bhakta Nokia....Im in Chapadmalal, MdP...I came here for resting of maratons book distribution for some weeks . Radha Krishna deities from MdP yatra wanted me to serve them so They been for more than one month at my House in Chapa. NECTAR!!!!Tomorrow they are going back with their head pujari.Hmmmm!!

HpS - Who is Head Pujari?

​We did a lot of nice service for Krishna at the Loft...some sunday calsses,chanting kirtan,asosiate with devoties P.Mahajan,etc...

​We had lots of realization this month..Chanting very nice rounds and find a lot of material desires in our heart.    Jajajaaj...any way Im developing or trying to develop praying, talk with Krishna..And I think it work a lot..  Very Happy!!

And Im going to Bs As temple next Monday...Im going to meet with GGdG and talk about future service but I already talked something with Danwamtari Swami and Autorities of Nova Gokula for future service there (book distribution, leadering future bcris).  I have very good comunication with DwS and that makes me fell very good doing service under his guidence..

Any way Im having meeting with GGdG and then. I would like to ask you what is better to do if you think is necesary..

​We buying a very nice small van for book distribution, and if its possible and you like to transport you when come to Argentina..much better than the ones we had later ...

​I think Im like crazzy Bcry always runing of autorities..Sorry Im trying to surrender ,I feel some fear of autorities...I dont know maybe fear to loose my Liberty.jajjajaja.if we have!! And I always want to travel one place to another... Offfff!!!!!  This is bad????

​Thanks very much Im sure that all my realizations and my nice japas and every good things happend in my debotional life is cause of all your spiritual effort,strenght,desire to pleace Krishna and SP,,,,Thks for all your mercy...Sorry if Im not a Good devoty yet...Vanca kalpa.....your eternal servant PTD


​HpS - HAre KRsna!!!   Typing all this on a Nokia 502 is incredible!   You must have tiny fingers like an ant!!!    All of your plans seem pretty good. Do you have any Sankirtan partners?  I think it is natural to be cautious about "authorities". NOI 5 explains that there are different levels of devotees and we should surrender to them in terms of their advancement. Gopis are good citizens of Vraja, they have their confidential group within Vraja and they have a unique relationship with the Prince of Vraja. We should act the same way within ISKCON.
Send us more news and thought here as you like. We give our thoughts on these questions in answer to similar letters also.
We are struggling to get very clear intelligence also, full morning program is wonderful and now we are struggling to get full evening program. We will do that by having it at 4.30PM. Later in the day the situation is just not stable enough.
Ask both Maharaja's about taking Sannyasa.
Your program seems fine: Distribute books, cultivate people who get books and come to ISKCON, train them as Sankirtaneros. Play with Krsna! Build Goloka Dhama.

hare krsna querido gurudeva

9 years, 7 months ago by mirabai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Mis humildes reverencias gurudeva

Todas las glorias a srila prabhupada y a usted

¿Como esta gurudeva?

HpS - ASA - Luchando adelantar mi servicio, como Vd!

. . . . disculpeme tanto tiempo sin escribirle peo con el cambio de pais estube un poco estresada. ya estoy instalada en mexico, exactamente en queretaro, una ciudad muy bonita aunque  el doble de gente que en valencia. 

Aqui creo que no hay ningun devoto y creame extraño la asociacion.

HpS - Como yo entiendo unos Sankirtaneros o otros estan estableciendo una programa por alla, no?   Haz un festival y pienso va a encontrar unos devotos. Ya hay devotos, amigos de Krsna, en todo partes.

. . . estoy muy feliz de que pronto podremos tener su asociacion por aca y le queria preguntar si me podria facilitar el templo en el que se va a quedar, tengo entendido que hay varios.

ASA - Vamos a publicar la programa bastante pronto. Casi 8-semanas hasta nuestra humilde visita.

. . . ahora mismo estoy arreglando papeles para poder entrar a la universidad de derecho aunque enero del proximo año no puedo acceder porque nos retrasamos con el tramite.

ASA - Ahhh! Abogado para Krsna!

Respecto a los principios los sigo todos aunque las rondas siempre en algun dia me cuestan mas que otro pero intento llevarlas al dia, atiendo a mi amado krsna y por las noches leo el caitanya caritamrta y el upadesamrta. no me pude traer por tema de peso muchos de mis libros de srila prabhupada asi que tendre que comprarlos aqui y todo esto se lo digo porque me gustaria poder hacer bakti sastri, se que eso lo lleva mi hermanita candra mukhi dd pero si me facilitara la informacion le estaria muy muy agradecida.

ASA - Si tiene que comunicar con CMDD!

Me conto gandha manjari dd de su paso por madrid y de que se le ve mucho mejor de salud algo que me alegra enormemente. hasta ahora no tenia internet en la casa por eso no he podido conctarme a japa joe pero ya espero en estos dias poder volver a la normalidad en cuanto a horarios.

Gracias por ser tan paciente con nosotros y brindarnos su asociacion tan maravillosa, lo esperamos en mexico

su burra sirvienta mani-sati sita dd

HpS - Muy bien. Cambia de hogar es muy fuerte. Haz paciencia con su mente y todo. Hoy dia es ekadasi. Buen dia establecer un estandard para la proxima quincena!

primeras noticias

9 years, 7 months ago by nanda nandana das in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna querido gurudev!
por favor acepte nuestras reverencias familiares

todas las glorias a srila prabhupad!

Ya estamos viviendo en llay llay hace 4 meses antes de llegar a vivir fuimos con danvantari swami a hacer un pograma en la nueva casa ...todo este cambio a generado muy buenos resultados ahora somos sankirtaneros tiempo completo....denuevo asi omo cuando era brahmacari me dedico a la distribucion de libros

ha sido todo muy hermoso nuestra familia esta pensando en levantarse mas temrpano , cantar y leer para poder distribuir mas , levantarse temprano para cantar , leer y distribuir y asi.......todos los dias ....harini radha esta recordando a krishna y nosotros con karuna jaganath estamos trabajando para ser un matrimonio hasta el fin de esta vida.

la maraton pasada distribui un poco mas de 2000 libros de prabhupada y quedamos 5o lugar en la maraton con nuestros amigos espirituales viajamos por la zona central solo distribuyendo libros...

ahora voy a santiago dos veces al mes a dar clase de bagavatam y de bagavad gita y sobre sankirtana.... todo ha sido muy bueno----------

estamos muy cerca y espero verlo pronto gurudeva

suyo para el sankirtana de Prabhupada nanda nandana dasa

HpS - ASA ----   ! ! ! !!!!! ! !   Jaya!             Sankirtan.  Sankirtan.   Sankirtan.

news from Montreal

9 years, 7 months ago by Raulmontreal in Personal Sadhana Reports


Please accept my humble obeisances

Dear Maharaja

My apologies for not writing earlier.   Our stay in Peru (Feb-March)  was very nice and extremely useful to our spiritual life.

Started in Lima and finished in Cusco.

Up there in the mountains, in between ancient residues from a great esoteric and wise culture, cows, cowherds,  I found my center of gravity, the missing piece in my individuation process,  awareness and strength.

Arrived here in Montreal a bit like a fish out of water but slowly through the association with devotees, bramacharies and harinama,  I re-entered the world of Srila Prabhupada,  back to harinama, japa, humble and clumsy care of Krishna - Balarama  murtis, reading sastra etc...  the street harinamas are super ecstatic..

Ekanidhi Prabhu (Sannyasi candidate) is visiting the Temple,  we read some CC Antia 6.20 onwards to him a few days ago ...very nice Nityananda and Raghunatta das  lila !!   Today we visited the first '68 temple and Prabhupada's  quarters  close by...  very ectatic !!      I gave a class a couple of weeks ago on BG and it went very nice,  in all we feel stronger, determined, to continue our bhakti.  Trying to do a humble morning program with Krishna-Balarama at home...  samsara davana, Govinda, Guru vandana, Siksastaka...etc    also doing playing bansuri for a thetarical presentation from Gurukula kids..    will I be initiated some day ?   in our hearths it happens every day !  but I apologize for not producing the letter of recomendation...things are tough around here.  Your mercy, example and siksa continues to inspire us  every day !   your picture is on the altar the left, and Prabhupada's   to the right..of pancha tattva and Krishna-Balarama.  

All glories to Gaura Nitai !!   AGT Srila Prabhupada !!

your servant


HpS - ASA - AGTSP.   Paoho.       !!!!!  !