Hare Krsna!! Mi hijo es Gabriel

9 years, 7 months ago by Kristina Donoso in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare kirshna gurumaharaja!!

por favor acepte mis reverencias!

todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Gurumajaraja perdone que no le hable mas de mi hijo.

Mi hijo es Gabriel, tiene 8 anos estudia en segundo de primaria,

en una escuela aqui en Madrid. Es mounstro y angel a la vez.

Es un buen devoto, desde que tiene 3 anos me ha acompanado 

siempre al templo y a todos los eventos Vaisnavas. 

Ama a Krsna, yo le dije que es el unico padre que ha tenido.

Su servidora, Krsnita. Que bueno, le veremos en Madrid.

Que Krisna le bendiga siempre!

HpS - AGTSP. Canta algo de Japa, Gabriel.

Haribol desde bs as

9 years, 7 months ago by bhaktina lali in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaja , how are you? I hope this letter finds you in a good way.

Im writing you to asked you about something.

A brahmana at the temple used to worship laddhu gopal, and he gave it to me .

I asked Maha Hari what should i do , and he told me that it was better that i write you.

He gave me several explications but he told me to better consult you. Is it ok to worship laddhu gopal at my home?. My rounds are improving , and so does my schedule im waking up at 7 every day. waiting for your answer . Bktn lali

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP paoho.    Thank you for your letter. Obeisances to Maha-hari Das.  We don't worship Laddu Gopal on our temple altars. He is the main deity for the Balabha Sampradaya, but in the home he is fine as far as I know. You should take care of Him with love, cleanliness and punctuality and then some practical standard of arati and kirtan and reading. He likes to hear stories.
Offer Bhoga, flowers, incence, lamp and fragrant oils.

About sila´adoration

9 years, 7 months ago by pratibhanu in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

AgtSP, plase accept my most humble obeisances.

Hare Krishna dear Guru-maharaja! Here Pratibhanu from Chile (currently living in Campina Grande-Brazil, with Maharaja Danvantari Swami)

I hope you are fin about health in these days. 

I wrote a very long report, I don´t know if you received it, if you don´t, I´ll write it again in my next letter.

HpS - AGTSP!!!! Paoho.   No, I don't have any old letters from you!

We are living in a comunity of devotees here, and here is a very good devotee -like all the devotees- : Atmanivedana prabhu, a Dhanvantari Swami´s disciple: he told me that he wants to give me one of his silas, a saligrama, because me and my wife want to workship silas. So, this prabhu wants to know if you agree with this. What do you think about this? Then I can give to him your answer.

At your lotus feet, 

Pratibhanu das

HpS - ASA --- It is very serious thing, like having children. Have you been regular in chanting your rounds, mangala arati, gayatri's?

2nd reply to flowers and letters

9 years, 7 months ago by Juan Carlo Rosas in Personal Sadhana Reports

iHare Krishna  Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Esta bien, no hay problema maharaja, disculpado <img alt="cheeky" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/tongue_smile.png" title="cheeky" width="23" /> , no es Mexico es en Panama el poster del RATHA YATRA 
soy de Panama Bhakta Juanka de Panama se acuerda de mi ? its fine if you dont hahaha .


Juan Carlo 

HpS - Hmmmm? Has ido a Peru. Estuvimos en contact en Peru un ano pasado??

Hare Krishna  Maharaja

No nunca e estado en Peru Su Santidad , soy un bhakta de panama maharaja creo que me confunde con alguien en peru.

me imagino que no se acuerda de mi maharaja, es que tambien deje de escribir como 6 meses perdi el contacto con ud ,mis mas sinceras disculpas . Si ud quiere le cuento sobre mi solo pregunteme lo que ud quiera y yo respondo. 

El Sabado fue Ratha Yatra fue muy lindo y extatico  hubieron muchos devotos de Panama y de otros lados como de Costa rica , Mexico , Honduras y Trinidad . Ayer tambien estuve en las clases de su Santidad Guru Prasad Swami y me hable con el acerca de otra forma de hacer sankirtan y obtuve una respuesta muy buena . :)



Bhakta Juanka 

HpS - ASA  -  O.K. TlgaSP.   Si estamos oyendo de su Rathayatra aqui tambien. Quien es su familia? Que hacen? Son devocionales?

Petición importante Gurú Maharajá

9 years, 7 months ago by miguel valenzuela in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Todas las glorias a srila Prebhupada
Todas las glorias a S.S Hanumatpresaka swami
Reciba mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias guru maharaj postrado a sus pies de loto

asa - agtsp, pies de loko.

... me atrevo a pedirle que derrame un poco de su misericordia para su humilde sirviente.

asa-$6/minuto. -[;o)/\__

Desde hace aproccimadamente 4 años que llevo practicando mis 4 principios  y desde este diciembre subí mi canto del santo nombre a 16 rondas denuevo, dos años y medio practicando mi sadhana 
En los últimos tres años y medio estado en el servicio de obras de teatro que se realizan en cada festividad de Nueva Nilacala Mandhir, como le había informado anteriormente.
He participado por gracia de Krisna de dos  Ratra Yatra en la realización de la obra de teatro que se presentan en el festival, actualmente le pedí al encargado del templo Govinda Carana Das que me diera otro servicio mas , el cual es limpiar el templo los viernes , preparar la parafernalia de Srila Prabhupa para su vyasa puja , la madre Deivi Rhada Devi Das me a estado enseñando como ofrecer los diversos elementos a Srila Prabhupada en sus nombres en sánscrito , asi como el orden que deben de llevar a colocarlos en la charola. 
He entendido que cantar mis rondas, seguir los 4 principios y hacer servicio, son la base de una relación sana y progresiva con Krisna y la bendición del Guru, pero también entiendo que es necesario refugiare en un maestro espiritual genuino , en el cual uno tenga un sentimiento de inspiración en conciencia de krsna, por lo anterior y con mucho respeto me atrevo a pedirle y me gustaría mucho que usted me de iniciación he intrusión para seguir caminando en conciencia de Krisna  ,hablé de esto con la madre Radhika Devi Das, que es mi autoridad  y con el encargado del templo Prabhu Govinda Carana Das y también con la madre Asta Sakhi de México les pedí orientación y están enterados de mi deseo de tomar refugio en usted  , me pidieron  que le informará de este deseo y que esperará su respuesta ¿cuándo viene a Guadalajara?
Se despide de usted su eterno sirviente el mas pequeño baktha miguel ignacion Valenzuela

asa - vamos a guadalajara???  we did not know.   posible no mas en esta vida. nuestra cambio de cuerpo es pronto.  por favor, favor, favor lea http://www.jayarama.us/peru/archivos/guru-tattva-es.txt

para entender nuestra comprehension de Guru-tattva y escribir su comentario aqui!   Aparece todo muy bien!

Alea jacta est

9 years, 7 months ago by Bhaktin Paula Quezada in Personal Sadhana Reports




Hare Krsna beloved Guru Maharaj

Hope that when you get this report you are feeling recovered from your trip and your health is fine. Always praying to Lord Nrisimhadev, for Him to have us under his loving protection.

In my last report, I told you I was having a lack of enthusiasm while chanting my rounds. So I pray to Krsna, for him to help me and give me inspiration. And the inspiration I got was remembering that I count with the guidance of  a Spiritual master that is so merciful, that connects every day to make the morning program with us. So, spite I didn´t want to have internet at home (cause when I need use it at work or my sisters house), I did it with the purpose of connecting to japa joe, having yours and devotees association, and try to recover my lost enthusiasm…..and it worked!!!! 

Its amazing how sadhu sanga can help a lonelier like me!!

HpS - We can't live without your association!

So now, I can report that I’m chanting 16 enthusiastic rounds and following strictly 4 principles. Also when I go to work or to the temple, while traveling, I also chant, between 6 and 8 more rounds. Now I’m starting to feel the strength that good rounds can give.

HpS - Then Krsna will send sincere people to whom you can communicate what you are experiencing. Prasadam is better than hamburgers and Japa is better than worrying about things!

Regarding my sadhana,I must admit that I know im not following the program in the proper order, but im trying to do my best, as im also trying to involve Antonia in it.  I’m waking up at 5 to chant rounds. Chant until 6.30 when I take the laptop to my daughters room, and make Mangal Aratik together , with you. We been having good night conversations about what he hear on NOI  (something funny: we have a cat, Tomato. Everytime he hears we are chanting with you, he starts scratching the rooms  door for coming in and participate in the program!!!!!..How big is the effect of the Holy Name in every living entity!!) When Antonia left to school, I finish my rounds.

HpS - Solid program. 89% perfect!

Actually, im working with my family, but there is a possibility, that im going to administrate the temples restaurant. At  the present, we don’t have permission for functioning, so im doing the service of putting everything in legal order, so that we can distribute presadam in a proper way. Is very important to remember how  SP wanted things that regards preaching, to be done.  I remember once reading that SP said that devotees should be exemplary citicenz. I think that also applies to the functioning of the temple. So, we are trying to do that.

HpS - Jaya!!!  In Kali yuga the best we can expect with ISKCON or public administration is about 80% perfect, no? The rest we have to adjust by the mercy of Hari Nama!

My fixed services in the temple are going for flowers, making garlands and cook for the Deities. I did want to improve the quality of the food offer, so I took and Indian cuisine class, with an Indian mataji. She teaches us many secrets for tasty food so that we can make a nice offer!!!   Also, we make service at home with Antonia; pijamas and jewelery for the Deities.

Thank you very much for your answer about free will, it clarifies things a lot. You also told me to read SB 1.6.37, and it was a nice answer. What I mostly like was the part that sais The freedom surrendered to the Lord does not mean that the devotee becomes dependent in every respect.” Ufff…very, very clear!!!

HpS - Pancha Tattva Das has similar question in his letter that we answer today!

Also I read in Krsna Book, part 3 chapter 16 “spiritual instruction for Vasudeva”, when he talk to his sons, Krsna and Balaram and said “You are the owners of this cosmic manifestation and, actually, this manifestation creates itself only for your pastimes”. I’ve read and heard many times of the glories of the Lord but, this two answers together, calmed my heart and give me a better perspective that this hole voragine has never been about me…its always been about him…and I love it!!!

There are no words that can explain how grateful I am for Srila Prabhupada, all of these questions would never been answer unless it was for Him.

Also , I would like to tell you Gurudev, that if there is any service that I can do for you, like transcribing, translating or traducing( Does that word exist???) please let me know, I would be honored of being of any help to you in your Sankirtan.

I absoluty know im not worthy at all, but hope someday to be able to make a quality service for you and SP….

Aspiring to be your disciple,

Pundavanika dd

Jay Nimai!! Jay Nitay!! Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!!

HpS - We are looking for devotees to transcribe the lectures we did on Start Meetinig for NOI. We can't find them now but watch for a notice.