family reply and flowers

9 years, 8 months ago by Juan Carlo Rosas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna  Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - Thank you!   AGTSP!    Has she read Thomas Akampis, "Imitation of Christ"? It is biggest selling Christian book after the Bible. Is nice. Is hundreds of years old.  You could read it together.

I will look for the book and order it , i google it and i looked really old so i would buy so i can read it with her.

HpS - Pantheism. Chapter 10 Bhagavad gita and Canto Two, Chapter One for him, no?

Neither the hosts of demigods nor the great sages know My origin, for, in every respect, I am the source of the demigods and the sages.

chapter 10 verse 2 right ? i will talk to my dad about that verse but i know that he will just listento me just to be polite.

HpS - No, more the verses that give exact examples, "Among fish I am the shark". Also you can see the panthestic ideas of Prabhupada in the purports and present those to him as you ideas etc.

ASA - Prasadam milk for the cats, no? Keep a little register of your Japa for one week and then send it for us to read!!!

thanks for recomendations maharaja i will surely give them prasadam milk is yogurt prasadam better ? 

HpS - As long as it is Prasadam. You can even smear burfi on their paws and they will be forced to lick it off!!
I will do a register of my Japa Weekly okie, thank you maharaja

Pd: Where are you right now , how is your health ? 

Bhakta Juanka

HpS - We are in Newark, California. Part of the San Francisco area. Health is O.K. for a 67 year old ass. Next Boise.

bhaktina isabelle_sadhanna report

9 years, 8 months ago by Isabelle in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva!<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

Please, accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope this letter finds you well. We don't have internet at home, I miss read your blog more often <img alt="sad" height="23" src="" title="sad" width="23" />. We are excited about your next visit and everything  that  being organized. I want to thank you for all the blessings that we are receiving, there is a lot of service to do and daily I ask Srila Prabhupada for enough intelligence to balance the service and  home duties in the best way possible. We are almost for two months in Chosica. The atmosphere here is very peaceful and friendly, living near Radha Madhana Bihari and the devotees is so good that it seems otherworldly.

Seva, study and realizations: Many good things have happened ,Gurudeva. I'm taking the worship course with Gaura Gadadhara mataji, she is very good and inspires us a lot, she is teaching us about brahminical culture, which I like more and more. In addition, recently I finished the Guru-disciple course with Param Padam Prabhu and it has been very good, with many very interesting topics.  I learned more about the position of Srila Prabhupada as maximum siksa guru of ISKCON and I have also learned more about the responsibility that involves receiving initiation, I feel more aware of the line of disciplic succession, so I feel an immense gratitude for all the previous acaryas, Srila Prabhupada and you. Receive initiation and all that involve,  is really the maximum mercy that Krishna can give us through His pure devotee,  it's also a great responsibility and I really do not find big words to show you my eternal gratitude for giving protection to this flea, who is trying to serve you. I know I'm not qualified, but  by the causeless mercy of Krishna, I have a lot of enthusiasm for it. All educational projects that develop inspire me greatly, to the point that I want to pursue a career in the university  that allows me to serve you properly with what is going on here in Perú, Gurudeva. The school project inspires me a lot, Prabhu Gandharva is also excited.

On the prospect of being parents, we have discussed and we conclude that this responsibility would involve a lot of energy, time and laksmi, issues currently not spare us but is ok for two of us. I have 30 and he is 47,  thought we could invest that energy in educational projects. We are not going to have children and this idea is giving us much more determination for our service. Prabhu Gandharva agree and give me all his support so that I suddenly can start a career and simultaneously start the Bhakti Sastri, but first I need to know what you think about this?, I would like to have your guidance and blessings before I start go on with this initiatives.

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!     paoho.    Looking at your situation through electric cables, three thousand miles away, I would advise that you wait for the Bhakti-sastri until you get first initiation. O.K?  You can do other reading and studying, KRSNA book with other devotees, Caitanya-caritamrta.  Informal.

Career?? It is mostly the teachers that you will have and not the subject, no?  Find good teachers, but some careers we see that might be good would be journalism, history, law, education, communication, publication, social work, psychology. Even try a wide range to start. Hotel/Restaurant - Tourism.

Sadhana, readings: I'm trying to improve my sadhana beginning at 3:45 a.m so i can finish my 16 rounds before 7:30 am, That is the goal, for now I'm doing it at least 4 times a week. We regularly attend mangalaratik and sing for Sri Sri Radha Madhana Bihari. On my readings, before the Bhagavatam, I thought it was good to finish the books I have not finished before, so I'm in Chapter 60 of the Krishna Book (so far I can not believe i have in my hands a book that talks about the Supreme Personality of Godhead hobbies!) and then the teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, where I stayed in half.

HpS - Very nice. The amazing thing is that each time your read the KRSNA book it becomes more intense and you would swear that there are things in it that were not there the last time you read it. Probably Lord Caitanya hears Srila Prabhupada's Krsna book daily, no????

Questions: There are issues that I cannot understand. On one hand always Srila Prabhupada explains the omnipresence of Krishna within His 3 energies, what puzzles me is His personal form. I assume, that He knows everything, just as I assume that Lord Baladeva and His expansions are equally aware of everything, but there are some pastimes in the Krishna Book where it seems not always is like this, for example, during the Govardhan Hill pastime, Krishna blushes as He thought that Lord Baladeva discovered Him observing the chest of the gopis, however Baladeva was smiling at the frightened faces of the gopas. How does the absolute Krishna consciousness  works? and how He seems to have a limited consciousness sometimes? As happens in this pastime, he does not know what goes on in the mind of one of His expansions as Sri Baladeva?

HpS - Ahhh!  Very intesting.  I would say from what we have learned that our modern industrialized culture is very much Jnana oriented. The Britannica also supports this. We believe that knowledge and logical ability is supreme, that is how to understand and control matter and even organize communities and personal relations. Our view, the Vedica view, is that people come first.

Radharani refuses to know,
   Radharani refuses to grow.

         She 'knows' what She needs to know to enhance Her service.   If you were God and were all powerful would you want to 'KnoW'  everything???  Of course, not.  How much fun is it to know what all the wrapped packages are at your birthday party!??  Stupid. Of course, you don't want to know.  So Krsna is not primarily omni-scient.  He is primarily all-blissfull.  (sat)-cit-ANANDA.
O.K?  He knows what he needs to know. His other expansions take care of the details.

Thank you very much for you time, mercy and patience Gurudeva.

I say goodbye respectfully 

May Lord Nrisimhadeva always take care of you.<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

Your servant

Bhaktina Isabelle
HpS - ASA --  Thank you.  Our respects to the Prince and Princess!  We will be in Peru in just six weeks!

hare krishna

9 years, 8 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna Maharaj pamho agtsp.

Maharaj'm living in Norway Oslo in ISKCON Temple. more than a month ago I'm here.

hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare

hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare

HpS - ASA -  Why are you there???

new temple

Dear swamij, PHO, AGTSP. I am sure that I would be with other devotees. So far Ramai maharaj has only said that it would be with ISKCON's financial backing.

ASA - "Backing" and "Banking".   Sounds good. Formally the suggestion would be to only take leadership responsibility for a Sankirtan program after Second Initiation, but there can be other considerations. Chant 16, follow 4, up by 4am, do not snore, and your sankirtan efforts will certainly soar!!

Send us news o Condor!

Hare Krsna Gurudev - Answer to your query

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
HpS - ASA - Locust feet!

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, Thank you so much for comments and queries for me on
    Answering the queries below.

    Gurudev, Thank you so much for sending recommendation letter to Temple President for
    their approval, am absolutely ready for Second initiation and then 3rd initiation in this
    life only, I never have had plan for Grhastha Ashrama. i wanted to talk about Ashrama
    during your recent Delhi visit but the schedule was very busy.

    I want to join temple but don't know how and where? may be in Vrndavana or may be at
    Radha-Kunda by doing sadhna, don't know, how it is going to happen, not clear to me.
    want to give this life for Krsna's servant of servant of servant and read & preach
    SB and BG for the remaining life.

    I am very much attached to SB and BG, so always things are going on my mind, how may i
    preach glories of Lord with limited time and limited Knowledge!!?

ASA - Srila Prabhupada's Gita is much more than just BG, no?   He includes so many other things.

    Younger brother was studying and just finished his graduation and looking for a job. Once
    he engaged in a job, he would be able to take care of parents and it would be easy for me
    to take action for full time for ISKCON, very soon.

ASA - Look for Sankirtan Leaders, Partners. Does not have to be an eternal relationship, but practical partnership in Sankirtan. We worked with B. S. Damodara Swami as our Chief in the B. I. for many years, but it was not proper place for us for several reasons. So we left that Sankirtana party, but still worked with him as our Chief in Ranga-niketana group.

    Regarding SB,

    My Stew Dents are one entire family, cultivating them for last 7 Years but started SB
    for them after a long 7 year waiting. The entire family is chanting, following the
    4-principles. They are from business society, 7 years ago it was difficult to take their
    time and they were not ready to give their time. So what i did, i started with basics
    ( what i had learnt from ISKCON ( have 5 certificates from ISKCON Pune)) by standing out
    side their shop.and it was very difficult for me to concentrate because it was a on going
    shop and customers are their always. But i never loose my patence. This way i cultivated
    the Head of the family. Then finally the day come, when the Head of the family fully
    convince and then he agreed to give 3 hours on Saturday and 4 hours Sunday. But it took 7
    years to bring them at his stage.

ASA = Prabhupada also had to spend long time in preparation!

    Smilerly, wherever i go and get chance to explore Prabhupada's said, i try my best. Even
    they are from any society, cred, caste, any shop, road, office, market, public transport.

    But i can assure you, will take care the points, you asked me to take care for SB.

    Thank you so much.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - A G T SP.     We put some news in the DTC for you and others!!!

Hari Hari!

All Glories to Sri Sri Gauranga Nitiananda.
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All Glories to you!
All Glories to devotees.

Please accept my most humble obeisances to your feet.

ASA - Paoho.... !

Thanks for your answers in my previous letter. Hope your health is good!
Rounds debt, have to fix it URGENT 4 principles ok.

Keep On in Bhakti Sastri... I want to make it for all my life over and over again, always learn something new!

You ask me if I'm ready to do more service without my gross body. Hope can keeping fllowing your instructions, and this day will came... Thanks for bless me.

Last letter:
 The "rasa" of each entity is always the same? Or can evolve? - We always are "the same" and we discover? Or when we obtain prema, Krsna give it to us?  ASA - In NOI the verse 'nitya-siddha krsna prema..." is cited. Look it up and see where it is spoken and then read that section. Send us your thoughts!

My thoughts: Always is the same, the process show it to us cleaning our hearts, The rasa is there. That's what I understand about that but I won't speculate, please enlighten me with your knowledge. (It show you I'm not even close to be the second most intelligent person in Arg! hahaha)

ASA - Many people in Argentina think that they are intelligent, but at least we know that we are insane. We need to read that section also, but we understand that, yes, we have a relationship with Krsna and now we have to revive it. Then we go back to our normal work of expanding that ocean of bliss. It is like we start offering all of our Bhoga to Krsna first. Then we get separate plates for Him. Then we start taking a bath before we cook, then ....  in this way we have our Rasa, but we can improve it, add compementary secondary rasas. It is a matter of self discovery also. Krsna does not know His full potential, neither do we. How wonderful is reality, how wonderful is Aksara Dhama.

O.K. Let's look at some other letters. Come with us.

Gurudeva KRSNA make his arranges! Last week I had a meeting (thanks to Lomasa Rsi Das) with a group of therapist who have a Jung Institute, they're so interested to know you, they say they put the place, the students, everything, they really want to know you! We will put the exponent and the snack ;)

Soon  I will start again to give the spiritual scientist in two different places and a Kirtan program in my neighborhood! From here we will invite people to do a Bhakti Vrksa, please send us your blessings. I know nothing of this things will happen in a good mood if i'm not chant good my rounds. I will be more serious in my process, sorry for my faults. I will not say nothing more, I will act. Is abusive of my part keeping asking for blessings and be lazy, Sorry. I have to improve and i will .

Guru Maharaja, thanks for your time and for your causeless mercy, your latest answers enlighten me a lot.

Who always want to stay engage in Prabhupadas mission, your aspirant to disciple.

Rati Manjari Devi Dasi

HpS - Such nice pictures, remembrance. Krsna married 16,108 princesses. Actually more. There are Apsara gopis, Bimal-gopis, why not Bhauma-lila-Argentini Gopis! !