Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga y a su sankirtana eterno!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Hare Krsna querido gurudeva porfavor acepte mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias y esperando que ésta carta lo encuentre muy bien de salud.

Gurudev éste es mi informe; Mangala artik 4:30am, 25 rondas (algunas veces he fallado, pero las 16 rondas las termino antes de govinda), 4 principios estrictos, lectura del SB C1C3, BG C17 Y Venu gita C8, estoy tratando de tener una rutina de lectura todos los dias y kirtana todos los dias con los mrdangueros prabhus; gadai y gaura.

Le cuento que estamos en el templo de Cusco, aquí llevamos 2 meses como encargados del puyari de sus señorias JBS Y GN. Todos los días hacemos el programa completo de la mañana; las levantamos, hacemos mangala artik 4:30 am, clase de SB 6:30am, cambiamos a las deidades, hacemos govinda 7:00am y prabhupada (los programas son mas temprano de lo normal porque en el dia funciona como restaurante) y en la mañana hacemos sankirtana persona a persona con mi gran compañero de sankirtana P. gadai Gauranga d., debo reconocer gurudev que mi naturaleza siempre fué de ayudar y lamentarse de las aflicciones materiales del prójimo y éste servicio me cae de pelo <img alt="laugh" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.png" title="laugh" width="23" />!!! Srila prabhupada ki yai!!!, llevamos distribuyendo  al dia con gadai como 60 libros. algo en bondad porque lamentablemnte este cuerpo de mujer se cansa y enferma aveces <img alt="crying" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/cry_smile.png" title="crying" width="23" />. quisiera dar más de mi y me siento egoísta cuando no salgo a sankirtana algunos dias.

Gurudeva estamos a cargo también del departamento de sankirtana del templo de cusco, tenemos en almacen como 2420 libros (todos los titulos) y previa coordinacion con las autoridades del templo se subió sólo el 0.05 y 0.10 a los libros pequeños, con la finalidad de que podamos impulsar a los devotos a comprar libros y distribuirlo. Aquí a las deidades no les falta absolutamente nada, p. gaura se preocupa por darles lo mejor a las deidades.

también ya estan construyendo la carroza de sus señorias JBS, PARA EL RATHA YATRA  en octubre o noviembre todavia no hay fecha exacta. P. Anuraksa con m. narayani están por aquí construyendo la carroza del señor.

Lo del snak vegetariano no funcionó, jejeje, recuerdo que ud. siempre nos dijo restaurante no!!!<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" /> así que es un arreglo de krsna para poder dedicarnos más a la distribución de libros.

Gurumaharaj en setiembre queremos viajar a bolivia para la marathon que organiza p. mathuresh y de ahi entrar a brasil haciendo sankirtana para poder ir a india en febrero y verlo a Ud!!! GRACIAS POR SUS INSTRUCCIONES Y ENSEÑANZAS, UD. Y SRILA PRABHUPADA SON MI PADRE AHORA Y NO ENCUENTRO OTRA FELICIDAD, APESAR QUE BUSQUÉ Y BUSQUÉ TANTAS VECES, GRACIAS POR TANTO AMOR YO LO EXTRAÑO MUCHO PERO SIEMRPE RECUERDO SU ROSTRO EN MI CORAZON.

Gurudeva me regalaron una deidad de  gopal y a gadai unas deidades de 20 cm. de JBS, nose porque krsna me envia tantas deidades, dejamos en chosica a KB, GN, JBS, UN GOVINDA, NRSHINJADEVA, Y LAS EXTRAÑO MUCHO. y bueno nuestras silas estan con nosotros, todos los dias las bañamos con agua tibia y miel y las untamos de guee y decoramos con joyas y comen muchos dulces.

ahi le envio fotos de la carroza, las deidades del templo, nuestras silas, los devotos, mi gopal y deidades de JBS que nos regalaron ya pronto las pintará gadai. me despido hare krsna gurudeva!!!

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi <img alt="devil" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/devil_smile.png" title="devil" width="23" />

HpS - ASA - Jaya! Sankirtan es URGENTE!    Gracias su carta. Puedo entender como 87% por falta de nuestra abilidad limitada en Espanol. Pero muchas, muchas gracias!!    Me inspira mucho oir de Cusco!

Funciona el restaurante pero no hay snak?????

No nos encontramos en Agosto en Peru????

Hari Bolo. Distribuye libros pero mas importante es formar otros Sankirtaneros, no?

Counting the days to see you!

9 years, 7 months ago by atenea bhaktin in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna gurudeva,

We offer our respectful obeisances unto you and all members of param para.
Patita pavana jaya Srila Prabhupada!
We are here in Orlando, Florida. We are taking up new responsabilities and learning many practical things about grihastha asrama. Although we have these responsabilities still we are doing our sadhana and trying to improve. We are taking premarital counseling with Krsnanandini Mataji and we are finding it to be very beneficial. She is a great support. We are going to Houston for a week during the symposium and we are excited to see you. 
Yesterday was the 6 month anniversary of my receiving Sri Nitai Mayapura Candra, my deities of Gaura Nitai. (Jananivasa Prabhu gave Them Their names in LA)

Your little servant and spiritual daughter,                                                                                                                                                 Aindavi dd

HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP paoho.   Thank you for your letter. In Olando, Florida, Grhastha Ashrama! Amazing. We forget all the details of who is doing what almost immediately unless they are repeated at least six times.  But in any case Mickey Mouse is in Orlando, Florida and from what we understand his form resembles Lord Jagannatha so much that little children have even offered their obeisances to him!




9 years, 7 months ago by bhaktakenny in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Swamij, Aniruda das is here in Bali. He is conducting a disciples course that I am attending. I find that it is deepening my understanding of the role and of and my relationship with guru, Krsna, Prabhupada, and ISKCON. After the course is finished I will be given the test for initiation. In August Ramai Swami will visit Bali. I am supposed to meet with him. He wants to send me to either Papua New Guinea, the Solonmon Islands, or Darwin Australia to open a temple. What do you think, should I do that? I continue to follow Prabhupada's instructions and chant my rounds everu day. Your servant, Ken

HpS - ASA ---- AGTSP    paoho.   Very nice news.   I guess it would be O.K. to go. He wants you to go alone or with other B'caris???

Hope to be seen soon...

Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaj,
Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I sent this letter through Nikunja Bihari prabhu on the 18th of last month and haven't yet seen a reply. I just wanted to resend in case it slipped through the cracks somehow, if not, please forgive my lack of patience. Haare Krsna!

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!!!  paoho.   Guess it slipped!

I hope you are in good health. I am just preparing for another sankirtan expedition with my team. In spring and summer time we go to music festivals, like Woodstock. Everyone is trying to transcend the daily grind so we're trying to give them something more substantial.

Lately I've been having a little trouble adjusting to temple life again after traveling so much. For almost four years now I've been going out for a month or two, and coming back for a week or so in between. I trained for almost a year with RVC. Outside I have to be surrendered internally, I have to veld motivated, I have to prioritize, and make determined goals; but when I come back to the temple there is a lot of pressure to conform externally to a formula. I realize the importance of setting an example, and I try to get into it, but sometimes I find it hard to stay motivated and sometimes I regret that it may come across as disrespect. I actually like KC activities, but I find it a little frustrating when I feel forced, or if I have to do everything just a certain way. I can't help it, I'm rascal #1 but I'm just trying to contribute what I am able to. I can't seem to live it yet, but I'm at least trying to form a concept of obedience. One brahmacari recently posted this excellent quote by Tolstoy about monasticism. Tasty! https://www.facebook.com/16rounds/posts/10206283068813001

Some high points lately: I managed to complete some new illustrations for my main shiksa guru's translations of Sri Bilvamangalacarya (HG Mukunda Datta prabhu.) I also had the privilege to visit your servant Radhika Raman prabhu and his family; and also Bhakta Adrian and his good wife as well, last time I was in Utah. It was really great to see them again. Bhakta Adrian was my first roommate in LA! 
I was inspired by one of your lectures where you described one interfaith conference where the devotees were talking shop with a Mormon cleric about preaching. He said the most effective preaching is the follow up rather than the cold calling. I'm not such a good book distributor in terms of quantity, so I was inspired to create this website as a recent attempt to build a quality preaching platform on the foundation of my book distribution: Radhakrsna.weebly.com

I'm trying to make some arrangement to visit you in Seattle during your stay there (July 8-11, correct?) Please pray for my colleagues and me, and I will likewise pray to Nrsimhadev for your safe travels as well

Your humble servant,

Bhakta Eric

HpS - ASA -  Hare!   Krsna!      Awwwk!     I can't remember who you are, Prabhu!!!!     Awwwwk.   Past 50-then energy in the body is finished and past 60-the short term memory goes. BUT old age is a great friend for a devotee beause it pushes us from Sensual to Mental to Intellectual platform. Then if we can get completely on the Atma platform we are eternal!!!

Remind us of who you are.

Your clash with Temple Sadhana seems normal. Like you say you just have to learn how to adjust to it, no?   The Tolstoy quote is nice. Compare with BG 4.34, no?  Prabhupada says, that blind faith is condemed. So we have to understand the postion in the administrative structure and the spiritual development (and even esoteric taste) of our ISKCON associates.

ter kadamba devi dasi. buenos aires!

9 years, 7 months ago by bhaktina teresa in Personal Sadhana Reports

todas las glorias a sri sri gaura nitai

tlgsp, y mis respetuosas reverencias a usted gm!

¿como esta?..siempre orando por usted!

ASA - \'o'/   TlgaSP!

... le escribo con el motivo de contarle que en julio me retiro del templo, por los horarios de mis estudios, ya que me agregaron 4 dias en la semana y los horarios son imposibles de juntarlo con los servicios, es muy triste tener que retirarme del templo pero creo que es mucho apego. los miercoles entro al altar toda la mañana por la misericordia de krsna me queda ese dia fijo para segui adorando, los demas dias me dedico a estudiar. espero haber decidido bien, pienso que es muy importante estudiar  ¿usted puede decirme si estoy en equivocada?   le agradeceria.

HpS ASA ----  Hmmmm!  No, se exactamente. Somos lejos, pero, posible es correcto.   Unos devotos quiere estudiar mucho y Prabhupada esta restrigendo. Otros no quiere y Prabhupada esta esforzando. Depende en su servicio. Habla con bastante consejeros. Considera los comentarios de Prabhupada en sus libros, y orar bien por su Japa y   Kirtan y va a tomar un buen decision. Puede ser MUY util estudiar para Krsna, predicar a su companeros y profesores. 

voy a estar en mi casa siguiendo el sadhana, cantar las rondas y seguir los principios estrictamente. 

3er año de violin! ahora agregamos viola! 

gracias por su misericordia sin causa gm! siguiendo sus instrucciones y tratando de seguir,seguir,seguir. perdon por mi locura. 

una vez mas mis respetuosas reverencias su sirvienta ter kadamba devi dasi

                                                           Hare Krsna!

HpS - ASA --- Puede tocar con las Gopis para Radha Krsna!!!  Cual es la tema de sus estudios??

My family

9 years, 7 months ago by Juan Carlo Rosas in Personal Sadhana Reports

HpS - ASA  -  O.K. TlgaSP.   Si estamos oyendo de su Rathayatra aqui tambien. Quien es su familia? Que hacen? Son devocionales?

Hare Krishna  Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to your devotional service

Excuse me maharaja i hope you dont mind me speaking in english, My family is very small it consist of my Mom with whom i lived she is 62 years old she works at a national TV Channel in the area of publicity managment,she is faithful catholic but she respect a lot other faiths . She is really opened and respectful that i believe in Krishna conciousness.

HpS - ASA --- I think you other letter stopped here.

My dad he is 76 years old he is retired he was a University professor in the field  of economy and statistics and lives at another city 5 hours from here, he is not very devotional , he doenst believe in any especific area he is kinda like an agnostic. He believe in mother nature being respectful with nature and animals but he aint a vegetarian.

HpS - Pantheism. Chapter 10 Bhagavad gita and Canto Two, Chapter One for him, no?

Besides them i have very close cousin who was raised by mom She is  42 and lives at Canada with her 2 children and her Husband she work in a area for walmart but the offices i think some area of managment i dont remember quite , she is also a catholic .

Also i have 2 cats Jabon and Nintendo

Bhakta Juan carlo 

ASA - Prasadam milk for the cats, no? Keep a little register of your Japa for one week and then send it for us to read!!!