HARE KRSNA. PabloParikrama

9 years, 7 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other


Hare Krsna Maharaja!

I´m Pablo of the Parikrama.

I wish you are perfect in every way.

Thanks you very much for all.

I feel my energies go down and up, like the moon, the sun, etc, and I think that it´s the life. And my consciousness say to me that I must go, be, in other plane. I feel that my prana  is always forcing me to move in a continuously rise..is that the control of the sexuality like the yogis???

When I think in God, Krsna et all, is difficult to me feel him without seen the nature or the eyes of the people. All the other moments are empty moments, and I don´t understand that feelings and their meaning in my crazy life. Who knows, is possible I was one Red Skin…ha ha ha.

Really I feel that one train is in front if me, but I Have not yet ascended.

Thanks you very much for all, always thinking in your person.

Hare Krsna Maharaja.<img alt="laugh" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.png" title="laugh" width="23" />

Crazy heart--Red Skin--Blue sky--Seeing me-/-Only alone--Surf the sun--Shining soul--Wolf and beast-/-Crazy me--Crazy, not--Japa fine--Find the flow-/-Where´s the way--To my soul--Krsna and friends--Ride the horse.

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP. Do you have a vow of Japa?   If not then make one for a certain time and do it with enthusiasm. Maybe one good round each Janmastami or 155 rounds per day, but something you KNOW you can do with energy. O.K???

Bewildered like Arjuna

9 years, 7 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva AGTSP PAMHO

It is very nice and help us a lot to have your daily association in FMP and get iur tweets.

HpS - Nice, essential for us. Thank you also!

We are feeling mostly really depressed. Regrets came to my mind all the time. I should have done that or this... Now I see all the mistakes that i did. But it is late now. I would love to tell U that I am fine etc. But hide things anything from u anything is almost like being a lyer. I feel like Krsna is telling me. Where do you got such contaminations? Umm well I guess that everybody of us are facing our own Kuruksetra... Utsahan is not so good. But today we chanted rounds before mangal artik. Fmp helps. But i feel that something is missing. Hope to see U soon Your stupid servant Cmdd

HpS - Well, even the Gopis, Krsna, feel that something is missing. Spiritual life means to always be growing. Krsna doesn't know what we have become.

When we are depressed it can be related almost always to our stomach. Eat better, or ignore it and focus on your heart etc. On the other hand, lamentation for proper purification is essential. We all get caught by ignorace.

Canakya Pandita said that ignorance cannot stay where there is constant recitation of the Vedas (NoI, SB, KB, ...), poverty cannot stay where there is constant endeavor, and sinful reactions cannot stay where there is constant chanting of the Holy Names.

[At least you dog still loves you]

weekly japa report

9 years, 7 months ago by Juan Carlo Rosas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna  Maharaja, Please accept my humble obesciances at your lotus feet.

ASA - Lemon feet.  (This is a BIG letter. Terrifying!)

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Japa week report Monday I woke up early around 5 am and did my rounds straight then headed to work on some designs. Tuesday i had a lot of work couldnt do my rounds early so i had to start them at 1pm did 4 first then i kept working till 2 started to cook and did 4 more then ate a bit prasadam kept working till 4pm then did 8 more before heading to train muay thai. Wednesday i had to take my cats to the vet so i had to chant my rounds While i was waiting for the dr then at home infinish my rounds didnt had much work but i was chating while looking at a krishna portrait so i concentrate better. Thursday Woke up early started my rounds at 5:44 am whilr listening to madhava prahbu kirtan didnt stop till i was done aroumd 7-something i left 2 for the evening. friday i woke late i had to stay up doing some extra work like till 3 am thursday so i started chanting my rounds at 10 am, after taking a shower and getting some bagel prasadam for breakfast chanted 5 to start then stop to go buy the temple flowers then deliver them to the temple at the temple i chanted 5 more, then headed home at 4 pm / got my bag ready for training then chanted 2 more while waiting for my mother to.get home, left for muay thai training got out at 9 pm went home and chanted 4 more. it was a bit hard to chant at night, i work much better at night. saturday i woke up at 7 left home and went to jog came back and took a.shower and started to chant non stop 16 rOunds finish around 10 am then started to do the garlands for sunday . Sunday woke up.at 8am cook breafast (home made jam with pan integral ) took shower and then started my rounds chanted for an hour got 6 done then left to the temple at 11something it takes 3 0 mins to get to the temple from.my apt got there just in time for Arti / after class And prasad talk to jagadanda prahbu and we chanted rounds at the temple (at first we distracted ourself talkinh about music and kirtan ) i finish my 9 rounds while we waited for his wife ,then took off for the market and home :) Haribol your aspiring servant Bhakta Juanka pd : maharaja you said you will at chile since dec or all of jan ?

HpS - Very detailed. Very nice (one time) but why not give summary next time and highlights. Very nice!   Yes, as Krsna desires we will be in Chile January and maybe as early as middle of December. Then we would probably go to India!  Hare Krsna!!!!!!!




Hare Krishna Dear Gurudeva, deseando que se encuentre bien de salud. Aquí le envío mi reporte personal (siempre muy atrasado), hemos estado por momentos bien difíciles desde el año pasado, de ahí arrastramos ciertos problemas que poco a poco estamos resolviendo. En resumen estamos concientes que todo esto es a causa de nuestro Karma y ofensas cometidas y solo hay una salida para ello "SANKIRTAN"¡¡¡.

   ASA - Jaya!  Si, pero Sankirtan tiene que ser basado en algo de Sadhana practico, no?

En estos últimos meses hemos descuidado nuestro servicio en el Templo pero ya lo estamos retomando, participando de las fiestas de domingo puesto que los demás días estamos en el restaurant colgamos unas fotos en el Facebook está como Govinda Lilas, ojala pueda verlas, es un duro servicio pero felis pues se sirve Prasada y hay música devocional, hay momentos en que puedo predicar y distribuir uno que otro libro. Así como UD nos dijo, primero preguntarse ¿Quien Soy?, estamos seguros que lo nuestro es la prédica, nos cambia la mente, por ello es que vamos a participar del Congreso de Educación en Agosto, si UD lo quiere estaremos participando (ya compramos los tickets). Estamos presentado un programa en el restaurant para este viernes 10, se llama "Clínica del Alma", que tiene por objetivo el dictar clases o seminarios sobre el Alma, la reencarnación, la Ciencia de la Autorealización, etc, para que sirva como base o introducción para las personas nuevas que deseen saber sobre la filosofía. Estamos consientes que esta de Educación es importante para los devotos ya que los problemas que existen es por falta de conocimiento y pocas realizaciones y eso confunde mucho al devoto. También tendremos un programa los sábados dedicado a Srila Prabhupada, proyectaremos sus videos y clases, también lo llamaremos "Noches de Prabhupa" tenemos planeado un programa por los 50 años de la llegado de Srila Prabhupa a América, el restaurant será nuestro Centro de Operaciones, solo le rogamos por sus bendiciones para que todo salga bien. Dear Gurudeva, ahora tenemos nuestras directivas para poder mejorar nuesto sadana, dormir menos y usar ese tiempo parav las rondas y estudio, el restaurant está bien, hay días malos como buenos pero bien, pensamos en consegur un tranajo adicional para no pasar ansiedad, algo que nos permita mantener el servicio y la prédica. Dear Gurudeva, siempre estaremos agradecidos por su misericordia, por favor acepte dandavats de mi esposa Ayda y de mis hijos, Nicandra y Vrisabanu nandanu, el mes pasasdo ambos cumplieron años (5 y 3), oramos por que UD siempre este bien y que Sri Krishna siempre lo proteja, le enviaremos más reportes (16 rondas, 4 Principios), deseamos poder verlo muy pronto. Que la Misericordia de Sri Krishna se derrame siempre sobre UD, Hare Krishna Dear Gurudeva.

Su inutil aspirante a sirviente

Govardhana das

HpS - Jaya.  Muchas gracias!  Super bueno carta. Tenemos noticias de algo del Cuzco el gran, de la esposa de Amala. Ud. Estuve el Presidente del Centro, no?


Hare krishna gurumaharaj, Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Now its summer time!! Very hot now in Madrid 40 degrees!! I have been in Malaga Temple ten days. I was learning all the secrets of the pujari with Abhimanyu Das, this devotee has more than  25 years in this service and he has a lot of experience. He teaches me a lot: all the different daily services of the deity, what is the meaning of the head pujari, cleaning standar, etc… Now I have to train to do all the services to be more quickly and professional, but I have learned a very good guides to do it.

Abhimanyu said [told] me that with this knowledge of this specific service (pujari) that I have now I can do it in all different ISCKON [ISKCON] temples where you can do it without second initiation.

The idea its [is] to start to put a very basic standar[d] for Madrid in September: have a good standar of cleaning, be more strict with the punctuality, and bath and change the clothes to the small deities. If in the future we can do these things easily we could think in [of] add[ing] other things… But now I want to start from the base (under the supervision of Abhimanyu Prabhu) and try to train and teach to the devotees that want to take part of responsibility in this project.

In think that this will be my goal in Madrid, to establish a basic but good daily program with the deities. I would like to take this responsibility and try to develop, I feel that this is a project that can help to the devotees and me to be more happy in our spiritual life. In my personal experience im feeling that the process of the deity worship is very usefull and I would like to share with the devotees.

ASA - AGTSP!!!   Yes, it can also be Sankirtan. Then you have to be patient to train the new devotees in cleanliness, punctuality etc.

In a personal, level daily reading of S.B and  now I'm  doing part of the works for the Second level of Bhakti Sastri (B.G from chapter 10 to 18) and in a few days I will try to start to memorize the slokas, the titles of the chapters etc… the exam will be in September.

Now Jaramara is travelling and I cover the service of temple commander. I try to give my best, this service gives me the opportunity to learn how to stop of talking and try to listen more to the devotees.

I keep a many goods moments from your visit to Madrid and Radhadesh, thanks for coming and share with us.

Thanks for all.

Your servant Mantri Rama Das.

HpS - ASA -- Very nice to hear from you. Your English is good. I just put in a few suggested corrections so you could see how you can improve.

Your news is very good. Sankirtan and Deity worship are like two rail of the railroad. We have to have both, but because it is Kali-yuga  the Sankirtan should lead. So we do Deity worship to enhance the Sankirtan, and everyone has his own way of doing Sankirtan. You can steal techniques from other, but in the end you have to develop your own technique!

More News Soon!  Jaya, Sri Sri Radha Govinda-candra.

bio mom

9 years, 7 months ago by bhaktakenny in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Swamiji,


HpS - Yes, AGTSP!   AGT Gaura Nityananda!  Even a little favorable contact with this process has incredible results.