Hare Krsna Gurudev - Answer to your query

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
HpS - ASA - Locust feet!

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, Thank you so much for comments and queries for me on
    Answering the queries below.

    Gurudev, Thank you so much for sending recommendation letter to Temple President for
    their approval, am absolutely ready for Second initiation and then 3rd initiation in this
    life only, I never have had plan for Grhastha Ashrama. i wanted to talk about Ashrama
    during your recent Delhi visit but the schedule was very busy.

    I want to join temple but don't know how and where? may be in Vrndavana or may be at
    Radha-Kunda by doing sadhna, don't know, how it is going to happen, not clear to me.
    want to give this life for Krsna's servant of servant of servant and read & preach
    SB and BG for the remaining life.

    I am very much attached to SB and BG, so always things are going on my mind, how may i
    preach glories of Lord with limited time and limited Knowledge!!?

ASA - Srila Prabhupada's Gita is much more than just BG, no?   He includes so many other things.

    Younger brother was studying and just finished his graduation and looking for a job. Once
    he engaged in a job, he would be able to take care of parents and it would be easy for me
    to take action for full time for ISKCON, very soon.

ASA - Look for Sankirtan Leaders, Partners. Does not have to be an eternal relationship, but practical partnership in Sankirtan. We worked with B. S. Damodara Swami as our Chief in the B. I. for many years, but it was not proper place for us for several reasons. So we left that Sankirtana party, but still worked with him as our Chief in Ranga-niketana group.

    Regarding SB,

    My Stew Dents are one entire family, cultivating them for last 7 Years but started SB
    for them after a long 7 year waiting. The entire family is chanting, following the
    4-principles. They are from business society, 7 years ago it was difficult to take their
    time and they were not ready to give their time. So what i did, i started with basics
    ( what i had learnt from ISKCON ( have 5 certificates from ISKCON Pune)) by standing out
    side their shop.and it was very difficult for me to concentrate because it was a on going
    shop and customers are their always. But i never loose my patence. This way i cultivated
    the Head of the family. Then finally the day come, when the Head of the family fully
    convince and then he agreed to give 3 hours on Saturday and 4 hours Sunday. But it took 7
    years to bring them at his stage.

ASA = Prabhupada also had to spend long time in preparation!

    Smilerly, wherever i go and get chance to explore Prabhupada's said, i try my best. Even
    they are from any society, cred, caste, any shop, road, office, market, public transport.

    But i can assure you, will take care the points, you asked me to take care for SB.

    Thank you so much.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - A G T SP.     We put some news in the DTC for you and others!!!

Hari Hari!

All Glories to Sri Sri Gauranga Nitiananda.
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All Glories to you!
All Glories to devotees.

Please accept my most humble obeisances to your feet.

ASA - Paoho.... !

Thanks for your answers in my previous letter. Hope your health is good!
Rounds debt, have to fix it URGENT 4 principles ok.

Keep On in Bhakti Sastri... I want to make it for all my life over and over again, always learn something new!

You ask me if I'm ready to do more service without my gross body. Hope can keeping fllowing your instructions, and this day will came... Thanks for bless me.

Last letter:
 The "rasa" of each entity is always the same? Or can evolve? - We always are "the same" and we discover? Or when we obtain prema, Krsna give it to us?  ASA - In NOI the verse 'nitya-siddha krsna prema..." is cited. Look it up and see where it is spoken and then read that section. Send us your thoughts!

My thoughts: Always is the same, the process show it to us cleaning our hearts, The rasa is there. That's what I understand about that but I won't speculate, please enlighten me with your knowledge. (It show you I'm not even close to be the second most intelligent person in Arg! hahaha)

ASA - Many people in Argentina think that they are intelligent, but at least we know that we are insane. We need to read that section also, but we understand that, yes, we have a relationship with Krsna and now we have to revive it. Then we go back to our normal work of expanding that ocean of bliss. It is like we start offering all of our Bhoga to Krsna first. Then we get separate plates for Him. Then we start taking a bath before we cook, then ....  in this way we have our Rasa, but we can improve it, add compementary secondary rasas. It is a matter of self discovery also. Krsna does not know His full potential, neither do we. How wonderful is reality, how wonderful is Aksara Dhama.

O.K. Let's look at some other letters. Come with us.

Gurudeva KRSNA make his arranges! Last week I had a meeting (thanks to Lomasa Rsi Das) with a group of therapist who have a Jung Institute, they're so interested to know you, they say they put the place, the students, everything, they really want to know you! We will put the exponent and the snack ;)

Soon  I will start again to give the spiritual scientist in two different places and a Kirtan program in my neighborhood! From here we will invite people to do a Bhakti Vrksa, please send us your blessings. I know nothing of this things will happen in a good mood if i'm not chant good my rounds. I will be more serious in my process, sorry for my faults. I will not say nothing more, I will act. Is abusive of my part keeping asking for blessings and be lazy, Sorry. I have to improve and i will .

Guru Maharaja, thanks for your time and for your causeless mercy, your latest answers enlighten me a lot.

Who always want to stay engage in Prabhupadas mission, your aspirant to disciple.

Rati Manjari Devi Dasi

HpS - Such nice pictures, remembrance. Krsna married 16,108 princesses. Actually more. There are Apsara gopis, Bimal-gopis, why not Bhauma-lila-Argentini Gopis! !

Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández Piceros report

9 years, 7 months ago by rodrigo hernandez piceros in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a Sri Goura Nitai

Querido Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias


¡Hare Krishna Gurudeva!

Aquí Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández de Santiago de Chile.
Espero que Usted se encuentre muy bien.

Bien, Bien, Pero nada como tu!


Muchas gracias por su última carta y sus respuestas sobre los Semi Dioses.

Usted me recomendó leer Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta Adi Lila capítulo 7, verso 157.

Gracias a usted he leído este verso como 3 veces. De alguna manera yo pensaba algo así pero de manera instintiva, no conciente.

Pue De Memo Reyzar los versos y cantanlos con comprehension!


También usted me recomendó: “HpS: Puede cantar el Sad goswami astaka cada dia y ellos va a removar todos los obstaculos en servicio devocional”. Humildemente puedo decir que es una de mis canciones favoritas cuando Srila Prabhupada la canta.

Desde que practico Conciencia de Krishna pienso en mi vida, pienso en tantos errores, tantos pecados y ofensas que he cometido en mi vida. Tantas estupideces, tanta locura.

Por ejemplo, hace una semana atrás un buen amigo me dijo que para adorar Deidades una persona debe primero pedir autorización, permiso y bendiciones al Maestro Espiritual. Y yo no pedí autorización a Usted, ruego me perdone.

Hare Krsna!


Nuestra mente sigue muy inquieta, debo cantar con más atención el Maha Mantra. Y también para calmar la mente escribo poesía surrealista.

"When wounded write'" Satsvarupa Goswami,


Desde su última carta estoy pensando, meditando mucho en el Señor Caitanya y en el Señor Nityananda. Pienso en ellos y pido ayuda y misericordia para esta alma tan caída.

Leya CC & TLC 

En 1999 y 2000 estuvimos visitando el Templo y vimos a Usted por primera  vez y nunca lo olvidé, siempre estuvo en mi corazón pese a que estuve alejado 7 años de Conciencia de Krishna, 7 años!

Yo estaba casi muriendo en el mundo material y justo en noviembre 2007 Usted visitó Templo de Chile y salvó mi vida y mi alma.

Entonces, yo ya tengo 40 años de edad. Mi “hermano burro” ya tiene 40 años y esto significa que durante 30 años de mi vida viví sin principios ni regulaciones, algo así como “Jagai y Madhai” pero del siglo XX.

Por eso en el último tiempo pensando mucho en el Señor Caitanya y el Señor Nitayananda. Pensando en la misericordia de Usted y gracias a Usted quiero vivir y morir en Conciencia de Krishna.

De vivir como demonio poeta materialista estoy empezando a vivir como devoto, gracias a Srila Prabhupada y Usted.

Por favor perdone todas mis ofensas

Dandavats a sus pies de loto,

Su aspirante a sirviente

Bhakta Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas poesia!

No es Poesia si no convierta a Cancion, no es Cancion si no convieta Drama (Opera). 


Estoy en Buenos Aires

9 years, 7 months ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada,

Recien me arreglaron la compu ya tengo Internet, espero estar mas conectado, volviendo a la distribucion de libros y al Pujari, seguimos en el camino, gracias, volviendo a la lectura, estube 9 meses en India, los ultimos 45 dias con mi Madre viajando por toda India.

HpS - Jaya!   AgtSP.  Nine months that will go on maturing for 19-years!

Estoy intentando mejorar mi bhajan, estudiando palabra por palabra investigando sobre el canto del Santo Nombre, realmente me siento muy a gusto en el templo de Buenos Aires. Sobre la India, muy buena experiencia y realice mi deseo de estar alla por un tiempo, vi devotos santos y  devotos materialistas, (una casa en la que puede vivir el mundo entero), aprendia algo de ingles, pero poco, ahora voy a tratar de elevar mis pensamientos acciones  cada vez mas y para eso neceito de sus bendiciones

Siempre a Su servicio Adi YAjña Das

HpS - And a little talk of Varna-Ashrama, do you plan to stay, a b'cari all the way, from the this to the very last day, and then to Goloka fly, a bird in the solitary, Scotland sky???

If you are filled with love then how hard is it to give some of it to others, Sankirtan.

Je prasade pure sarva asa

9 years, 7 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna beloved and esteemed Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

This last week we have been meditating in this phrase " je prasade pure sarva asa" of the song by NDT Guru Vandana.

It brought peace to us.

16 rounds and 4p strictly ok, willing to improve sadhana.

Actual work pace is so much better. We feel more introspective.

Healing little by little, feeling sadness, loneliness, but inner peace.

We remain very active in the local Sankirtan movement.

To be part of ISKCON is the greatest benediction of our life.

Running behind you, Krsna Krsna Boli!!!

Your stupid project of servant,

Nikunja Bihari Das.

HpS - ASA ---  AGTSP paoho.   Healing.   Is it from childhood tramas or from previous lives?


​Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Goura y Gouranga Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupad Gurudeva por favor acepte mis Humildes reverencias a sus pies de loto...

GURUDEVA cantando 24 rondas y cumpliendo principios, estoy ahorita pasando momentos muy difíciles,

HpS - ASA ---  Nosotros tambien!

Maharaja tratando de no cuestionar nada,

ASA - BG 4.34, Significado - Que dice Prabhupada en terminos de "Fe Ciego"?

...tomando cada cosa que pasa como viene de la mejor manera y pensando que KRISHNA sabe el porque de todo ,que hay un propósito ,Gurudeva el dia de hoy tras hacer unos exámenes me diagnosticaron cáncer al esófago,lo primero que pensé es porque? luego di vueltas sin saber como reaccionar y llore estoy sin reaccionar aun ,cante rondas para encontrar respuestas y no hay respuesta alguna solo WOOwww mucha confusión.

ASA - Pasa mucho conmigo. La respuesta era, "su preocupacion y pregunta no es importante". Yo tengo arthritis mas y mas en los manos. Aparece va a ser un aspecto de vida mas y mas fuerte estoy moriendo de viejez, peridendo la vision, oido, memoria, de hecho. Pero eso es bueno. De un enferimidad o otrod Krsna es educadonos, "Eso no es su hogar!!!!!".

O.K?  Si va a morir esta ano, Jai!   Indra era feliz a matar a Vrtasura pero mientras estuve moriendo Vrtrasura estuvo sonriendo (laughing), "Ja, Ja, Ja, Indra, Vd piensa que Vd es el ganador, pero yo voy a dejar esta cuerpo horrible y ir a Vaikuntha y Vd va a quedar en esta mundo material. Quien es el ganador, Indra?  Ja!  Ja!  Ja!"

​MAHARAJA pido a usted unas palabras ,una guía para saber que hacer ,no dejarme engañar ni caer en ilusion,SE QUE MI CUERPO ESTA ENFERMO YO NO,pero a veces olvido eso y sufro como cuerpo,con todo esto mi único deseo es hacer una vida espiritual intensa,buscando que avanzar cada dia un poquito más y entender el propósito de krshna.

​GURUDEVA gracias por siempre estar ahy ,por contestarme siempre con las palabras exactas ,esas que me sacuden y me devuelven al camino correcto sin lamentaciones como lo hizo en mi carta anterior.

​Usted para mi es mi padre ,mi madre ,mi guia,espero ansiosa su llegada a Peru ....alguien que espera poder servirlo y aspira ser su sirviente

Amparo Hernández

ASA - www.translate.google.com  -   Basically you are in the same situation as me or many others. You are conscious of the fact that death may be very near. This is good. Others think that life will continue forever. Like many others you have to take advantage of this good position to increase your Krsna consciousness, Krsna bhavan amrta.

Basically chant 16-enthusiastic rounds and follow the 4-principles strictly. Of course that means you have to get up early and have a good morning program, mangala arati, kirtan, japa, SB, Prasadam, and then your position in the Sankirtan movement will be clear and that is the best way to get the mercy that Gaura Nitai are TRYING to send.

Write to the Blog with news and questions.

Hope you go to Goloka soon. Krsna is so unhappy to be without us.