Sadhu Sanga

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva AGTSP PAMHO Hope U have a good arrival.on Mexico City Gurudeva thank U also so much for iur last visit... We feel really enhanced by iur association I just talked to my mother. she feels ashamed we did not invite U at our home this time. She wanted to talk to U. but she is really upset and depressed with her health.. And also my sister and I are worried... the cost of the operation as I told U is $10 000. My.mother sister and ulyses send their best regards to U. It was really nice to be with Vrsabhanu nandini.. ambar.. Jagad Guru.. caro... devotees in Tarapoto we realized that this movement is just good association. our friendship has increased a lot.. we are not expert as they are but just serving them we will be pleased I talked with M Jambavati and I suggested that on December I may invite her very good father and U to our home.. she is very pleased with the invitation and for us will be an honor. Gurudeva thanks again and see u on cyber space.. lima... argentina and chile Trying to be iur disciple Candramukhi dd HpS - ASA - Thank you for your letter! We will write more in DTC. Do your best for your household. If they want to learn they can advance a lot. They can even become immortal!


9 years, 4 months ago by sadmonkey in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna gurumaharaj

thanks a lot for taking your precious  time to answer my questions .. ANYWAY i may take some time away from temples and maybe return to university, and return to my japa step by step

hope to travel and see you soon and in a better way... i respect you very much and i am very grateful

In service 

ASA AgtSP. Paoho. Be a good soldier. Kiss your three left fingers goodbye, put on a bandage, pick up your BBT bazooka and get back into the fight. "Out of my life, Witch! I'm gonna save Baby Krsna!" "We're all gonna die. It's how you live that counts", Conan the Barbarian

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi (Veganism)

9 years, 4 months ago by priyasakhi in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada!

Espero que se encuentre muy bien de salud.

HpS - 67 anos!  Bajo energia por la predica pero bien. Espamos descansar un poco la proxima semana.

Le escribo para reportar mi servicio.

Terminamos el estudio del Bhagavad Gita, y realizaremos un exámen de todo el libro, antes de comenzar con Néctar de la Devoción y demás libros. Terminamos en octubre con éste curso, y luego de ello pienso retomar el proyecto de  escuela para los niños.

HpS - Vd es profesor, no?

Continúo con la organización de Talleres y cursos en el templo. En breve comenzaremos con 2 talleres para niños. Uno de música; canto coral y mantras con Madre Cynthia Farias, y un taller de Yoga con Madre Gandharvika Radhika.

HpS - ASA - Super!  Pienso estas cursos cortas son los mejores.

Quiero además contarle que estamos esperando un nuevo bebé. Ya tiene 3 semanas 1/2, y estamos muy felices. Esperamos que crezca sano (a) y sea un devoto (a). Continuaré con el Instructorado de Yoga.

HpS - Bien. Mucha austeridad para Vd. como Madre!

Una de mis profesoras está muy cercana a los devotos de Krishna, y otro compañero muy interesado siempre en la filosofía y nuestra cultura..

La familia está bien. 


También quiero hacerle una consulta.

¿Cuál es Su opinión acerca de dejar de consumir lácteos que no vengan de una vaca feliz (vaca que no es maltratada en las industrias)?

Escucho de muchos devotos decir que no se deben consumir lácteos ya que el maltrato que sufren las vacas en la industria lechera es horrible. Y he sabido que algunos Maestros Espirituales no consumen lácteos, pero hasta ahora no he escuchado a ninguno "predicar" el "Veganismo", o decir algo en cuánto a éste tema. Si, me interesa mucho saber qué piensa usted.

HpS - ASA - [].  Our understanding is that the treatment of animals in the USA has improved since the time of Prabhupada because of the efforts of several groups. In Chile it may be worse. Prabhupada knew of some of these problems but promoted the use of milk in offering to Krsna and consuming the results. Meat eaters need milk products to give up meat. If we live in the forest then maybe Brahmanas don't need milk, but for mental strength to advise the King and preach then seems the brain needs milk.

Of course we look for the best milk. In California there is a big difference in the way th cows are treated and the quality of the milk from different companies.

The best way to help the cows is Sankirtan Yajna. For that we need brain power, so we use their mik to help them.


Esperando que ésta carta lo encuentre bien.

Su sirviente 

Priya Sakhi DD

HpS - Gracias!   Reverencias a todos lo devotos. Pienso venimos a Chile en Enero!

Hare Krsna Gurudev - Sankirtan Report - II, from Vrndavan

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, Thank you so much.

    Schedule - Morning Program, SB by HH Radha-Govind Maharaj (Morning & Evening - 2-2 Hours), Office work (from Vrndavan), Temple Services.

    Learning lots of things - Previous and current activity. Like - The real reason behind, why i was not able to join Morning Programs, during your
    last Delhi Visit, where i am lacking in Sadna, where i should focus more and lots of things.
    Will visit Barsana under guidance of senior leaders from ISKCON Vrndavana to see few great Vaisanava and brajwasi so that i can get ignited more
    for sadna.

    Please let me know if you have any thing for me.

your fallen servant,to
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - ASA --- Bharata bhumite haile!      Because of your past work you have put your self in Bharata as a Bharata vasi!  Now you have so much opportunity make your own life succesful. Just hearing from you hear in the Pascatya desa is so purifying.   Thank so much for being a real Bharata vasi!   This is our last day in Peru.  Incredible results with the Sankirtan.  Just keep looking for the new ways that Krsnna sends to distribute your knowledge!!!!!!!   Hope to have more time after this week for letters. Please send us reports of the life of Devotee in India like this! 


NitayGoura Premananade! querido y siempre recordado, Gururdev,

por favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias,p


HpS - ASA ---  Hare Krsna. Estamos en Mexico manana.   Gracias su pequeno fotos de sus Deidades. Estamos llevando con nosotros. 

                                             en los ultimos tiempos adaptandome a las circunstancias que toca vivir, una mujer con disfunción renal afrontando sus gastos y los de su anciano Padre, Es el Mundo Material, hay que cubrir necesidades inmediatas,  Gtacias a su Misericordia sin causa, la Distribución de Libros  está sembrado en mi Corazón, apesar de realizarlo dentro del poco tiempo que dispongo, es la FELICIDAD DURADERA,  con la Tecnologia ofresco los diferentes temas y colecciones de libros de Srila Prabhupada, en tiendas, Instituciones Culturales, llevo conmigo solo 2 Libros grandes y les digo:   como estos Libros tenemos diferentes temas para Coleccionar, les enseño las fotos en WatsUpp entonces me dicen: ah! y este libro que veo en la foto de que se trata? les explico brevemente , y me dicen:  por favor traeme uno la proxima semana, les digo: Claro que si! Felicidad espiritual es duradera!! de que sirve lamentarse de las miserias de este mundo Material? verdad? actualmente estoy siguiendo una carrera de multinivel en Cosmetico, no me gusta, pero, ofrece Seguro para enfermedades complicadas como la mia, ok, lo voy a hacer tengo que estudiar mucho, practicar, demanda tiempo!! La  Cia. se basa en principios de: Primero Dios, Segundo la Familia y tercero el trabajo, estoy aceptando que Dios me puso en este camino por algo,  circunstancialmente para ganar el Sustento soy como un payaso, desempeñando el papel de una vendedora de Inciesos en un Semaforo o vistiendo de Sastre visitando Sras. elegantes,  etc.... pero su infinita compasión querido Gurudev no me abandona y hace que el Bhajan a Prabhupada esté sonando constantemente en el corazón de esta inútil sirvienta suya!!! Eternamente agradecida  a sus divinos Pies de Loto!!

                                                                                                                                Radhe, Radhe, Radhe.....

su inutil y torpe sirvienta

m. Jambavati d.d.

HpS - Si, eso es una perspectivo commun, bueno!   Dios, Familia, Trabajo.   Y para devoto todo es Dio. Por media de su trabajo puede apprender MUCHO acerca de marketing por libros!  Esforzando visitar a su padre durante esta visita pero no posible. Ayer en Janmastami 4-conferencias, dos iniciancions y hablando con infinita cuantidad de gente.

No vemos manana!!

urgent one question

9 years, 4 months ago by sadmonkey in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva:

Thanks for your answer, Gurumaharaja you put this:

Yes, I make mistakes, the President makes mistakes, but also disciples don't tell us that they are breaking principles or even if they do they refuse our advice and still go on acting as Brahmanas.

Question: What is your advice??? 16 enthusiastic rounds 4p anything else??

and in which way those devotees still go an acting as brahmanas??? that for me is not clear¡¡¡ 

You mean doing pujari? giving lectures?? 

thank u gurudeva , hope that next time i see you i will be  better ¡¡ thanks a lot for your response that was firm and tender as always


more less sad monkey 

HpS - ASA ---  AGTSP paoho.  Happy Prabhupada Appearance day!    Yes, they go on doing Puja, lecturing and giving their association to innocent people who don't know what is their conscsiousness.
My personal discipline as I understand our Acharya's wishes is 1. Japa, 16-enthusiatic rounds (gayatris), 2. four principles strictly,  3. Full Morning (Evening) Program. Can be as simple as up by 4am, little puja (flower or even mental) for our Deities, Gurv astakam, Kirtan, Srimad Bhagavatam 4. Sankirtan!!!   (so Much fuN).    We struggle to do this and many times the only immediate result of our effort is freedom from suffering and keeping some hamony in our life. But we see that everywhere in this world there is chaos. We don't need to hate anybody because whoever is bad is suffering. So best thing to do is to try help them. If we just try in our little, little way in spite of our lust, to do something, then at the end of the week we can always see tangible results. 97% is Krsna's mercy!
Detailed advice we get from people who know us. Even intelligent enemies.
Ha!   Ha!    Hare!!!  Go ahead with your life. . .      One who does good is never overcome by evil.