Visit to Tennessee?

9 years, 4 months ago by bhaktadaniel108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

HARE KRISHNA Maharaja, is it possible to come visit you in Tennessee and stay at the farm?

HpS -  Farm is very distant from here.   Call us at 209 505-3219.  We can discuss visiting here, but really best is to ask your questions in general here and then work our details with your natural physical association [which maybe in Tennessee].

Requesting shelter

9 years, 4 months ago by bhaktadaniel108 in Personal Sadhana Reports
Please accept my humble obiesances All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Hare Krishna Maharaja, I spoke with you on the phone in early 2014 about permaculture and how temples should have close by orchards and low maintenance gardens. I've been going to the saint Louis temple for 4 years and I've stayed in other iskcon temples around the country since then. I would like to get serious about Krishna consciousness now. Currently I'm chanting irregularly but getting close to 16 rounds a day, and I'm following no meat eating no gambling, but struggle with the other 2 regulative principles. I need some advice on personal matters I was living in a new Krishna house in saint Louis with my girlfriend and things didn't work out so I'm staying at my parents and contemplating joining the brahmacarya ashram in Denver colorado. Maharaja will you please accept me as your disciple and give me some direction on these matters? Your aspiring servant Bhakta Daniel Hare Krishna HpS - AGTSP! There is another letter from you more recently. Let us see what that says.

hare krishna from lima

hare krishna s.s. hanumatpresaka swami

por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias,  le saluda bhakta victor de lima del templo de wilson.

Queria saludarle y agradecerle por su trascendental visita a peru. ha sido muy inspirador para nosotros, ahora estamos  tratando de leer el libro de krishna todas las noches.

HpS - ASA --- Muy inspirador (y mucho trabajo) para nosotros tambien. Ya estamkos 80% recuperado del estress del viaje, y ya esperamos adelantar, expandir, profudizar, nuestra servicio mas!  Aspiramos siempre ser en los pies de loto de Srila Prabhupada en la assemblea de devotos, de ISKCON.

. . . bueno ahora estamos llendo a sankirtan viajero a cochabamba, bolivia. junto con prabhu tattva-vid goura y bhakta adrian. estaremos 20 dias y al regresar nos quedamos 15 dias mas en cuzco.

HpS - Associacion de Mathuresa Das!

...tambien queria preguntarle acerca del [S]srimad [B]bhagavtam, ya que en el 2.2.35 se traduce a bhagavan como la personalidad de dios y en el verso anterior se traduce bhagavan como el señor brahma, como entender ello?

HpS - No puede comentar como Jiva Goswami, pero como yo entiendo, Prabhupada es traduciendo fuertement sigiendo nuestras Acharyas previos, aqui ellos esta eligiendo el traduccion basado en el contexto. "El Presidente" puede ser traducido como "Barrack Obama" o "Evon Morales" dependiendo en las circumstancias, no?

. . .luego en el verso 2.9.31 sig. se menciona los 5 principios fundamentales para alcanzar la perfeccion en el servicio devocional, de los cuales el quinto es adorar a la deidad del señor con devocion. entonces mi pregunta es si esto significa que todos debemos ocuparnos en adorar, ya sea la deidad del templo o unas deidades pequeñas, o adorar los libros?

HpS - En sus ensanzas a Sanatana Goswami, como hoy dia estamos leyendo en "Las Ensenansa de Senor Caitanya", hay como 64-principios regulativas mencionada, y es la misma en NdlD, pero entre ellos estas cinco son la mad fuerte. "Nectar de la Devocion", Capitulo 13. All dice solamente unos de ellos es bueno, or 2 or tres. Esforsamos realizar todos. Vivimos en Templo de ISKCON, levantamos y participamos Mangala arati de los Deidades, oimos SB, Devoto Sanga, Kirtan....   Realiza las mismas cosas mietras en Sankirtan Vijero. Deidades puede ser pequenos de Gaura Nita o si, ofreciendo Mangala arati a los Libros!

bueno reciba nuevamente mis respetuosas reverencias. todas las glorias sean a srila prabhupada.

HpS - ASA --- Jaya, sea feliz en su Sankirtan!  Ke, Krsna esta feliz en su Sankirtan.

Hare Krsna Gurudev - Sankirtan Report - III, from Vrndavan

9 years, 4 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

      ASA - Potatoe feet.

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, Hope you are good in Health.

    Meeting with so many devotees to find out my imperfections for Radha-Madav. Trying ot figure out imperfections in my Sadna.
    So that sadna can be revised.

HpS - ASA ---- Very nice!

    Don't want to miss this human life...time is moving very very fast.....i have very less time....+much much behind in devotion.
    Perhaps, have not started devotion yet, for Radha-Madav.

    Trying to summarizing all points, where i need improvements for Sadna.

    My 'chitt' is not fixed yet. Don't know how much time it will take!!

    Please let me know if you have any thing for me.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - ASA - Yes, please arrange for the formalities of second initiation. Gayatri mantra

Mandir Activities

All Glories to Sri Gurudeva and Gouranga Mahaprabhu

Radha Krsna and Goura Bhakta Brinda

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Gurudeva's charanamrita


That we, the initiated groups started going to Mandir from the 6th September, 2015 and celebrated jointly the Krsna Janma Utsav on the 13th September, 2015.

Our team performed Nama Sankritana for four hours upto 12.00  night. In the morning the Nanda Utsav was organised with a lunch for the bhaktas and other interested invities.

HpS - Kamsa was not happy with the advent of Sri Krsna. You welcomed Him into your hearts!

Please inform us Gurujis tentative time table of India tour programme. We will arrange Gurujis to and fro air tickets from Kolkata to Imphal and back.

HpS - ASA --- We have just got back from this 6-weeks of Intense Preaching Tour in North and South America. Our liver was exhausted and medical advice is to rest and then establish a sane work schedule for body our age. It is one week since we are back and things are seeming to take a turn upward in our energy, but we are waiting for some response to our efforts in preaching in South America before we make more long range plans. Your constant news puts Thoubal, Manipur very, very high on our list of places to visit.  Let us see how things go in the next few weeks. Maybe we can make more fixed plans by then. Now it is at least five months before we could come at the earliest.

As I will be out of station from the 21st  Sept to 9th Oct. 2015 for tritha jatra I would not be able to communicate through the block (BLOG) or email.

Yours fallen  servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - So, I hope you get this letter just before you leave. If not I trust, Lord Krsna, who is sitting in everyone's heart to inform you of the situation and then you can get this letter when you return middle of this next month. Hope your Tirthaytra is very fruitful!!!

California Foothills and HpS Foothills

9 years, 4 months ago by David Presta in DTC, Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja

PAMHO    All Glories To Srila Prabhupada

I'm in the middle of reading a book "Srila Prabhupada's Miracle" written by Vaikunthanath Das (he spells it Vaikunthanathdas).  It's a loving account of the early days of Prabhupada's movement in New York, Monteal, Trinidad, Hare Krishna Land in Mumbai, India, London, and a few other places.  Among other things Vaikunthanath was a book binder at the first ISKCON Press in Boston.  It's a new book, have you heard of it?

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna, David Prestha, Ji... Immediately we wonder how the mysterious and celestieal Kalindi Devi Dasi is. I have not read the book nor heard of it before, but I hand a few months of Vaikunthanatha Das' association when he lived in San Francisco and the Berkeley temple many years ago.

Just returned home from the Saturday night program at ISKCON Sacramento.  Very nice program celebrating the 50th aniversary of Prabhupada's arrival in America.  I mailed you a letter - if it's easier to respond through this blog please do so.

Your humble prune, David

HpS - It's 6.16PM here. The sun is sending very slanting rays through the trees and so many cars are passing on Medical Center Parkway that it feels like a week-day, not Sunday. We went to Abbhay-narayana's home at 10:30AM to work on our accounting for year-end for NIOS and had a 5-course lunch with himself and his good wife.   Nitai-gaurausundara Das and his family are all in Boston for the anniversary of the arrival of Srila Prabhupada in USA. So, we are quite alone here. Somewhere in the distance a dog howled.

Yes, yes,   yes, yes. . .   it is much easier and much, much more effective to respond here. Many people in this little circle of wayfarers read these letters and so we can all communicate our thoughts to a broader circle.
How is your Self Realization proceeding? You are probably making more rapid progress than we are.  Have you made some realization of the phrase, "You are not the body!"

As I remember, everytime you go to your house you have to pass over 1,000 foot abysss on a magical fairy bridge that self manifested from no where, and the community where you live is like another dream place with celestially opulent fairies that kind of float in the clouds with not real realization even of who are their nieghbors, just floating in the sky in their heads. True?

Of course, ultimate reality is to fill and finish each day with bits and barges of the KRSNA book, no?