pasatiempos maraton chile san Kirtan!

GM <img alt="heart" height="23" src="" title="heart" width="23" />

pamho AGtSP

ahora andamos en el norte de chile en las universidades de Viña del mar

me paso algo, un nectar.  GM Sankirtan hace q reamente crea en este proceso, cosas magicas pasan a cada seguno es como si lo que leo en el SB se materializa en las calles,

estaba caminando dejandome llevar como titere en sus manos, GM,

HpS - Pienso yo tambien estoy un titere en los manos de Srila Prabhupada y pienso Vds es mejor titere que mi!

y en una voltie por una calle y no habia nadaaa, sin envargo sentia en mi corazon q debia seguir caminando, ya estaba llegando al final y no pasaba nada asi q me pensaba devolver, pero justo cuando di la vuelta..... una joven me pregunto de que son los libros, justo lo q buscabas!!!! le dije y seguido a eso una sonriza de fierro!!!!<img alt="laugh" height="23" src="" title="laugh" width="23" />.

ella se empezo a reir y luego cuando vio los libros se puso muy serio y se agarro la boca con la mano, no lo puedo creer!!! me dijo, que paso le pregunte!

acabo de venir de la libreria y estaba buscando estos libros pero solo encontre basuraaaaa, pero tu me has dicho q era lo q buscaba y me los entregaste!! me viste en la libreria? me pregunto, tenia la piel como de gallina y a mi se me puso igual, yo le dije q no la habia visto pero hay una energia suprema q todo lo ve ( para mi es Ud GM!) ella se llevo todos los libros y me dio mas de lo normal!!! luego fui a la libreria y les ofreci los libros, y me compraron algunos mas!!

sankirtan es el Sumun bonus de la educacion Vaisnava GM!! o no?

HpS - "... vidya vadu jivanam .... param vijayate sri krsna sankirtanam..."

. . . en su carta anterior me pregunto q va a pasar con mi futuro, mi respuesta es LO Q UD QUIERA GM!!! por ahora espero seguir en la calle despues de aqui vamos a panama a colectar para el SR Jagannath (nos invitaron al festival) y uego quiero ir a Huston al simposio de educacion  que hace mi heroe Hanumatpresaka Swami, quiza luego a la india o la tumba no lo se!

HpS - Nuestra GRAN amigo. Hari-lila Das (68 anos), Indu, y su familia y unos otros van al Rathayatra de Panama. Es Houston.  Lalita-gopi y Saranagati de Mexico va a el Simposium de education en Houston. Manana comprara boleto como 3-10 Agosto en Mexico.


GM es q hace algunos dias soñe con Ud! y ud estaba con muchas personas y de repente pidio q a todos que salieran y me dijo: TIENE UNA PREGUNTA  POR HACERME?, como siempre siempre que estoy junto a ud me paralice y no le pregunte nada asi q ud sonrio y me dijo sigue sonrriendo, y salio de la habitacion............ pero en relidad si le queria hacer una pregunta pero me parecio muy loca para hacersela personalmente en el sueño, pero se la quiero hacer igual, mi pregunta era como puedo asociarme con vaisnavas como Narada Muni o el Sr Siva en esta vida (Narada Muni es un nectar como mi heroe!) (se que uds tienen contacto con ellos pero es solo para devotos puros?) Jayapataka Swami el año pasado en un parikema dijo q en un arbol esta el Sr Siva y pregunto: quien puede verlo hay esta? ..................<img alt="surprise" height="23" src="" title="surprise" width="23" /><img alt="surprise" height="23" src="" title="surprise" width="23" /><img alt="surprise" height="23" src="" title="surprise" width="23" />

esa era la pregunta GM me desperte insatisfecho por no hacercela.

su sirviente

b Burro

ASA - Busca Narada Muni aqui (((   Shhhhh! Es un gran secreto!  <img alt="wink" height="23" src="" title="wink" width="23" />


All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja and Grouranga Mahaprabhu

Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji's padmacharan that I could not understand the 

One man is in Manipur and that is all he sees. Another man is in Manipur and he sees it in terms of very practical relationship with India, Earth, Brahmanda!"

Please instruct us the minimum requirements of a beisnava and daily duties for all of us. We the initiated bhaktas a group is doing weekly programe of Satsanga-namasankirtana, Krsna Katha and day to day discussion of a particular topics. All our programe are started after Guru Bandana. Please aasirbad us from the  distance so as to enable us to continue regularly and more better performance and to increase our spiritual knowledge.

Yours fallen servant


<img src="" />HpS - ASA - Jaya!   AGTSP paoho.      We were so busy in Houston Temple for one week. They are starting a Pre-school and Primary school. We helped with that. We gave four Bhakti-vaibhava classes (Canto One - Six Diploma) and several Temple and outside preaching programs. We have changed our ticket. Now we arrive in India on Monday, 4th May, Delhi.

Look at posting here in the Blog for India Calendar.

Priorities are:

1. Chant Hare Krsna as much as you can. At least 16 enthusiastic rounds on beads.

2. Follow four principles strictly.

3. Brahma-muhurta, Mangala-arati, Kirtan, Srimad Bhagavatam

4. Evening Arati, Kirtan, Reading (with others).

5. Help Lord Caitanya in His Sankirtan movement by preaching, distribution of books, giving donations, cleaning temple, dressing deity, distribution of prasadam .....

Hare Krsna!
Who else is there with you in Thoubal?

Thank you.

We won't be able to answer letters from 3rd-27th of May. We will put the details in the Kapi Dhavja.

KhD & Patrak's news

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and U   ____'0_ 


Here we are! Alive!  


We finished our 6th cicle at university and now VACATIONS!!! at least until new cicle opens so we have to wait. In the meantime we are going to travel.

However our true mission remains; 16R,4P,MA with enthusiasm, patience and intelligence. Be useful  in some way in your Sankirtan dear Gurudeva.

regarding your questions...

HpS - How is your family? What are they doing? How is the Yatra? Are you doing Pujari work? What do you learn of practical value in school? Any nice people at school? How are you kidneys...

Family is ok. My dad is 88 years old, so he is very weak now. Mom is taking care of him. they basically are at home... My mom got crazy by reading Teachings of Queen Kuntī, she felt so identified with some prayers.

Unfortunately now i have no direct service in temple but i hope back to do some service in pujari. 

As you told me before we can always learn from others, for example something i like is that at school i learn from a lot of strategies to teach. All my classmates are very nice... They dont call me as my civil name but as Patrak das, they are teachers from diferent schools and methodologies so i learn a lot. I have one friend who teaches in Waldorf schools, i love that kind of teaching.

Kidneys are very very well. But i still have to take a lot of pills. it doesnt matter if i can get up and chant my rounds and read Srimad Bhagavatam... Its so excited!

Thanks a lot for being such an inspiration for me.

yours in service

Patraka Das

HpS - ASA ---  AGTSP    paoho.  Thank you for your news!      It is all very inspiring for us.     Are you developing internally?   Then it will begin to show, shine, externally as it gets stronger. If Krsna wants you can be a great leader for many people, by example, preaching, writing, singing, teaching.

Please send us a Krsna Conscious review of some of the preaching strategies.

Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández Piceros report

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a Sri Goura Nitai

Querido Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

¡Hare Krishna Gurudeva! Aquí Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández de Santiago de Chile. ¡Muchas gracias por su respuesta!:

“HpS - TlgaSP. Si, si, si! Hemos estado sintiendo gran separación de usted y esperando noticias”.

Si, yo también sintiendo mucho sentimiento de  separación. Extraño mucho su asociación. En realidad estamos vivos sólo gracias al amor que Usted nos entrega.

Esperamos para agosto 2015 hacer una conferencia y lectura de poesía para celebrar los 100 años del nacimiento del poeta chileno Enrique Gómez Correa (RIP), él formó primer grupo surrealista en Chile en los años 1938 aproximadamente.

Nuestra salud está mejor. Yoga y deporte. Hoy fuimos a Terapia Adaba. Hace un año estamos con esta terapia.

Esta terapia Adaba trabaja con los centros de energía (chakras), es una terapia muy buena. Nos ayuda contra la depresión y cosas sutiles.

HpS - ASA - Muy bien!  Super. Pienso puede relacionar con baile y canta de Mahamantra!

Ya estamos pensando en el aniversario 120 de Srila Prabhupada y los 50 años de ISKCON. Todo se cumple el próximo año. Esperamos hacer bastantes programas en lugares importantes. Mostrar la obra de Srila Prabhupada a las personas de Chile.

Lalita Madhava das le envia sus reverencias. Y Bhaktin Ludmilla es amiga de Oscar (Oscar es hermano de Paundra das). Esta devota está practicando Conciencia de Krishna desde hace algunos meses. Ella estuvo en el Congreso de Educación en ISKCON que se realizó en Santiago.

HpS - Si I remember them. Very nice!

Ella pudo escuchar las clases de Usted y hablar con Usted. Ella está muy inspirada:  Está cantando 8 rondas fijas todos los días y algunos días canta más rondas y ella  todos los martes canta 16 rondas. Y ella está siguiendo los 4 principios regulativos. ¡JAYA!  Ella espera muy pronto escribir al blog monkey warrior.

Querido Gurudeva esta es nuestra nueva carta. Si, prometo escribir más frecuente a Usted y enviar cartas más cortas y seguir su instrucción:

"Hola, aqui estoy Rodrigo, aun vivo!".

Todas las glorias a sus pies de loto.

Su aspirante a sirviente,

Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández Piceros

HpS - ASA -- Practica (possible en la confidentiality de sus propios cuartos (((('0'))) ) Bailando y cantando para krsna.

Letter from Lima

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please, accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Dear Gurumaharaja, I want to tell you that I'm moving up with Isabelle to Chosica, two blocks from the temple, the same house where Anandamaya prabhu lived. He has gone to Lima with his family . We're happy because we need to surround ourselves with a quieter atmosphere conducive to the study and service in a calmer mode.

My sadhana is fine, doing Mangala-aratik and chanting my rounds in the morning. I read for an hour and a half at nightfall, I am very focused on the Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi Lila. I am still so far from the complex feelings that the devotees of the Lord develop . How Krsna dasa Kaviraja Goswami raises the mysteries of Lord Nityananda and Lord Gauranga dissertations with mayavadis reveals a deep and unconditional love for Krsna, how Srila Prabhupada explains these verses is also different, in another mood, with a greater share of intensity, I think. So many questions, so many realizations. But I feel my heart very hard because of my selfishness, far from my devotional goals. I'm a sick person, trying to abandon his lunacy and dilussions.

My service in NIMSAR is demanding but is also a great opportunity to learn about how to differentiate the interests of my mind and my intelligence, it is sometimes difficult to make a difference but  I'm learning something to do it, Gurudeva.
Krishna is being very kind to me, I thank him for the wife who has given me, the association of NIMSAR and other devotees, the service that I am constantly learning and, above all, you, my spiritual master from wich I have so much things to learn.
I hope to be prudent In this new service in Chosica, I just ask Govinda to keep up my enthusiasm and give me a shred of intelligence.

Hope to hear from you soon.

With great affection

Your servant

Gandharva dasa

HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP paho. We are working with Abhirama Das, Rohini kumar Das, LAD et al to fix a calendar for visiting Peru and Tarapota. Also hope to have some academic things published soon that may interest you. If you chant 1728 times the Mahamantra for Krsna to engage you in His service, then certainly He will, no? That is very interesting, useful to everyone.

What are you doing at work?

Hare Krishna!!!

9 years ago by marcos in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna gurumaharaj, Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

How are you?

HpS - Dying for Krsna, by His Divine Grace, and you???

In Madrid now is springtime and the weather is so nice, I usually go for a walk with the devotees, usually with Dhanesvara Prabhu (one of your spiritual brothers from North America, very focus in varna ashram darma).

My sadhana is good, I went to visit my family some weeks ago and all of them are fine, they respect my way of life and this is a reason to value his love. After go to visit them I did a course with Yadunandana Maharaj about differents ways to facilitate the process of education (aprendizaje por experiencia, dinámicas de grupos, etc…)

In the temple all the programs are working nice: spiritual program, prasadam, food for life, Sunday fest, etc…

From some time ago some devotees are encourage me to put orange cloths. I think that this is a good idea, Dhanesvara said me to do a list with all the benefits and disavantages, and I realized that this is a thing that I would like to try in this period of my life. Yadunandana Swami thinks that this is a nice moment to do it and he likes the idea. Jaramara likes a lot the idea, Dandava says that he isn’t very sure but he will support my decision and my mother said that its horrible but not very horrible (only a little).

I would like to know about your opinion and ask about your permission.

Thanks for your time and I hope to see you soon.

You servant Mantri Rama Das.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP. What does it mean to wear apricot colored clothes?