Wait for the Letter

9 years, 4 months ago by David Presta in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaja

Kalindi is in the puja room singing bhajans.  We are quite comfortable in our new home and she is as happy as a 70 year old person with chronic health problems can be.  We moved here to be closer to the devotees and she is very happy and as active as she can be, preparing prashadam, often leading kirtan at the programs, and chatting with the matajis.  We went to a home program Friday night to celebrate the appearance of Vykasananda Krishna Das's (an ISKCON Sacramento board member) spiritual master, Saturday night at the program, and Monday night we go to a home program to celebrate Radhastami.  And I am enjoying it all almost as much as Kalindi.  I realish the oportunities to serve Krishna through the devotees, but honestly, I think too much about serving the devotees and not enough about Krishna.

Your inquiry, have you made some realization of the phrase "you are not the body"?  Read my letter.  I would very much appriciate your thoughts on it.  I will start reading The Krsna Book, and then Nectar of Devotion.

Your humble servant, David

HpS - Hare Krsna.    Thank you for the news!!!      If we realize the different levels of the devotees and serve them within that perspective then it is O.K, no?   NOI 4-6.  Otherwise it can be celestial pleasure of materially contaminated heaven with Grandma, Grandpa, the Dog, Church and friends all there, but no Jesus or Jehovah!

We have a real tough time getting to the Yahoo mail now.   We are 67-years old.   Can you put some of the answer here?  You could even use a Secret Name:  eg. Navajo of the Highlands.

Knock 'em dead!!!

Eternamente agradecida

9 years, 4 months ago by Cruz Santa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias a sus Pies de Loto

ASA - Pies de Loco.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada, quien manifiesta su infinita misericordia de millones de formas.

ASA - !

Deseando se encuentre en buena salud. Escribo para enviar nuestro  reporte personal, Mantenemos  Cuatro principios, 16 rondas, lectura diaria de Srimad Bhagavatam y Bhagavad Gita tal como es…  básicamente lo mismo desde hace algunos años, pero intentando ser más estrictos cada vez.

Guru Maharaja, le ruego me permita agradecerle desde lo más profundo de mi corazón por su misericordiosa  visita a México.  Gracias, muchas gracias por salvarme… Sri Krsna nos despojo de mucho  por lo que nos sentíamos orgullosos y durante algún tiempo, había estado en medio de un gran torbellino creado por mi mente.  Ahora, únicamente por su misericordia sin causa y la de sus fieles discípulos seguimos en la batalla.  Aun hay muchas dudas  y  asperezas que limar, pero nos aferramos a las únicas ideas claras que tenemos… 1) Sujetar con confianza y entusiasmo nuestras cuentas de Japa 2) Mantenernos pase lo que pase en ISKCON, al servicio de la trascendental misión de Srila Prabhupada  y por supuesto de usted, 3) Mantenernos en asociación de los Devotos y 4) Continuar con nuestro Sankirtana según nuestras capacidades.

ASA - Ha!     Ha!   Ha!   Y en su proxima vida va a ser un servienta de Draupadi directamente en los pasatiempos de Krsna!

La asociación con los devotos nos hace apreciar  lo insignificantes que somos y lo extraordinarios que son ellos, asi que aspiramos complacerles.   Guru Maharaja le ruego nos bendiga para  algún día poder ser herramientas útiles a su servicio, Muchas gracias por tanta misericordia.

Su torpe aspirante a sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA -- Gracias su carta, honestamente estuvimos pensando en que ha pasado con Vd.   en el Upadesamrta, Prabhupada dijo que esta movimiento, ISKCON, es solamente para Paramahamsas. Claro, hay muchos niveles, pero eso es la definicion de ISKCON mas central.   Busca el ISKCON real.

Reporte de Actividades

¡Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias, he demorado para poder escribirle pero estamos de regreso, actualmente ya estamos en el curso para discípulos en ISKCON en linea con Prabhu Param Padam Das, estamos en la 4ta semana de estudio, ha sido muy intenso y espero poder aprovechar todo lo posible de este curso y mejorar siempre el servicio, tuvimos la maravillosa visita de S.S. Guru Prasad Swami en Janmashtami y en la aparición de Srila Prabhupada, se hicieron 108 ofrendas a Sri Krishna durante todo el día, yo hice un pastel de algarrobo y moras, tuvimos Kirtan hasta las 12 de media noche, fue realmente extático.

ASA - En la proxima vida va a ser en Nabadvipa con Nimai

Aprovecho también para agradecerle infinitamente que nos acompañara en el Jala Yatra de este año, su visita fue realmente inspiradora para nuestra vida espiritual y esperamos seguir contando con su transcendental prescencia.

Reporte del Festival de Jala Yatra Mty 2015

-Asistentes en Lanchas 200 personas

-Asistentes al Festival en el museo aprox 500 personas

-Food for Life: Se distribuyeron mas de 300 platillos

-link de fotografias del festival Jala Yatra 2015

https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.866284003424706.1073741834.669244726461969&type=1&l=fa606fc8b6 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.866472990072474.1073741836.669244726461969&type=1&l=4e4909fd84 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.864195166966923.1073741832.669244726461969&type=1&l=924f63e36d 

-Video del Festival- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpAr0W6pjzk

Su aspirante a sirviente Lalita Madhava d.d

HpS - ASA --- Thank you. Otro dia mejor para el festival cuando hay mas gente en la calle?    Parando los barcos en diferentes sitios donde hay gente para Sankirtan para un tiempo? Competencia de Bebe, vestido como gopis y gopas. Premios, munecas de Krsna y Gopis. . . Hare Krsna!          Guadalajara ISKCON es dirigiendo el mundo!!      !

Denver - Bh. Adrian - Update

9 years, 4 months ago by BhaktaAdrian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Jay!

Bhakta Adrian here. Just starting to get more established here in Denver. Started a job with the Department Of Revenue, helping people with their taxes. On the up-side, they allow me to decorate my desk at my leisure, soon to have nice pictures of Radha and Krishna to help keep my mind on them as much as possible. Going to try to go to at least part of morning programs at the temple twice a week. Going to try this new schedule for a little while and adjust as needed

HpS - AGTSP!   Whatever you do regularly every day, at that you will become perfect.

I have yet to have an in-person conversation with the Temple President here. However, he did call me, and we spoke briefly on how I can move forward and get integrated nicely into this community (starting with morning sanga). I also reached out to the Ashram leader here to see if there is some service I can do on the weekends. I am just waiting to hear back from him.

ASA - Great!

I finally finished reading Mahabharata! I'm so excited! I am almost ready to read it again. Trying to decide on which book to read next.

ASA - Krsna Dharma's?   It is on-line at Vedabase.com. Also his Ramayan. Read the regular SB class verses that they have in the Temple and discuss them with a study partner. Read several books at the same time. Mahabharata and Ramayan are kind of like restful reading, no? 

Divorce is getting finalized. I met another devotee girl, a bit older than me, Russian girl. We are currently living together.

ASA - Adrian!!!    You can't be a member of ISKCON if you live with girls un-married. Rule from Prabhupada in the very first days. Is animal life!     Whoop!     Whoop!     WHoop!    Of course, we all got our attachements, problems, BUT, we have to be progressive and solve them. Also, the choice of Maya: Prabhupada said (They say) that a younger man can NEVER control and older woman. She will always have a false ego of superiority. I have seen this as true, true, true over and over and over again during 40-years as a devotee.  Several times I thought, O.K. in this case it might work, but ploop!   Divorce, separation. Only candidates so far are one Latin American Temple President and his wife who may even have joined together. They have been hanging in ther for many years.

She is favorable towards Krishna Consciousness, but is a little more open minded and into astrology/mystic yoga/ demi-god worship. At least I am able to stay strong in my own sadhana. Feeling nervous if you might disapprove of this situation.

HpS - We disapprove of the situation but not you.   One man's food is another man's poison. If we are going to go out and have illicit sex with dead bodies or donkeys then it is BETTER to live with a living human girlfriend. Progress is first, not our level of elevation, but the standard of ISKCON life is there.  Jaya Srila Prabhupada, and he and Krsna will let us solve these problems for EVERYBODIES benefit.  Go on chanting and see!   You are a Mahatma

Maybe I should see if the temple has an extra room for me to live in? Maybe I can move forward nicely in my devotion with the new girl? 

I want to take initiation as seriously as possible. Still chanting! Any news or advise or instruction you feel inspired to share?

Your Aspiring Servant,

Bhakta Adrian

HpS - Try and act for everybodies benefit. Then life is simple!!    More news of your Tapasya.

Sadhana report

9 years, 4 months ago by zareth bhaktin in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva, Please accept my respectful obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Sankirtan movement.

I feel so lucky to write you, since a time ago that I did not but  assure you that every day I receive the fortune to think you.

HpS -  Well,    AGTSP!      Paoho...     it is so nice to hear from you also, and it is nice to think of your dog every day it is also nice to feed him!

After 5 month trip to Europe where I was studying at the University of fine Art in Austria, Vienna. I finish a good academic exchange with a project that speaks to Migration, Movement and Destiny. Use my line hands with landscape to the city Vienna, creating an analogy with tram in the city. Migration now is the topic in Europe and in specific Vienna with full of immigrants from many countries, paint the lines of my hands with henna to speak also of the migration of soul, the eternal soul migration. The project was very well received at the University and the Embassy of Mexico in Austria.

HPS = ASA ----   Sankirtan!    Showing people how to get direction from Krsna!

During my stay I lived with 3 Russian matayis really beautiful and loving, I visited temples as Simhashalam in Germany, Villa Vrindavan in Florence, the Temple of Madrid and Radhadesa in Belgium, I consider that the best of this trip was see you and realized the great effort that made to travel of place to place, you has such precise observations of each situation and place. Without his company it would not have been the same. Thanks for the blessings and protection given to me all the time, you are who connects me with God supremely attractive personality.

HpS - Was big surprise to see you also. Like seeing a vase full of nice flowers in a room. You consciousness is what you have to share!

After researching and thinking it over, I understand that the plan to live for a year in Madrid needed to think better with more time. Finally I returned to Mexico and feeling very happy, I could have your association 2 times!!! , but I dont have the opportunity to talk to you personally, but when I look around me and see that I am surrounded by devotees, hearing your classes and make service sankirtan I can see that all is well and I just have to increasingly take refuge in their instructions to someday aspire to a deeper advance. Education seminars have been very inspiring, thank you Gurudeva!

HpS - Haraye namah Krsna, Yadavaya namah...   Srila Prabhupada quotes so often from the song the line, Yanhara carana sevi, bhakti sani vas...  Serve the lotus feet of the Six Goswamis in the association of devotees.

I have done a year living with [room]mates in a [apartment] department where we worship the deity every day, go Mangalartik the temple regularly and have services in the kitchen or Sankirtan. Some matayis working in office, other study and others are dedicated to sankirtan, some finally travel to other countries, or marry but always come new matayis. Thanks for the blessings that once gave u, I hope this apartment help this most matayis who want to live near the temple at a [cheap] ship price.

Currently studying my last year of University of Art and do Sankirtan weekends, I have a week offering to the temple and do Mangalartik 5 days a week. 16 rounds and 4 principles. I read SB in the mornings and in my free time Mahabharata. Before the trip to Europe I was full of desire, desire to travel, learn more, study abroad, etc. I was too absorbed in the academic and not in the transcendental :( But by the grace of Krishna everything has come true and now I feel with calm, with no plans, just with focus on my spiritual life and energy to learn more about Krishna consciousness, but now finish the carrier its so hard,  I try to see it as a service but I can´t.

HpS - Yes, we are faced with newer and newer challenges. Arjuna lost his enthusiasm to kill the Kurus, but Krsna convinced him to do it.   On the other hand maybe you should not do it.  Seems like just one more year, then do it but in a very simple direct way. Relate it all to Krsna even if you don't get highest scores, and even if it shocks your professors a little.  Sankirtan Girl at the University!

Excuse me the long letter Gurudeva, I needed so much write all this. I wish that you return to North America well and much much care of Krishna.

You and Srila Prabhupada live in my heart.

Your aspiring servant Satyabhama dd

HpS - ASA -- Satyabhama is a very Cuban minded girl friend, wife, of Krsna, no?

Nice photo!!!

Hare Krsna from Mexico

9 years, 4 months ago by Fernanda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja! AGTSP! Please accept my obeisance. 

After your stay in august it's been more dificult for me to chant my rounds clearly because of the festivals and the intense service.

HpS - Ha!    Ha!    Hare!      That is the only reason for doing festivals. SB 1.2.18, by helping Srila Prabhupada organize festivals, we should have MORE taste for chanting.  Krsna will arrange the BIG PROJECTS. We are little dancing mice in the show [with red hats].

At the moment I have been thinking about taking Bhakti Sastri because I can't listen to the SB classes due to my service; but I talked with the authorities and they told me to wait because there aren't many devotees at the moment living in the temple, so maybe next year :/

I'm very grateful with mataji asta sakhi for letting me try to serve you this last time you came and I hope I will be able to do it again in your next visit. please give me your blessing to do my service with the right consciousness because sometimes it's difficult. 

oh! could you please explain me this: coarse objects can not exist without subtle objects.

I will keep in touch.

Your aspiring servant Bhaktin Fernanda.

HpS - Get a partner and study the same verses as the temple class and ask questions from the temple devotee class teachers!   Nectar..    A table, coarse object, is just a bunch of light and touch sensation in the nervous system. We see a table and not bed because the subtle object is there. We organize the gross experience based upon so much subtle reality.  Thoughts and Understandings, Manas and Buddhi are real.

Please write more of your fantastic life.