Continuation of trip to chile letter

9 years, 4 months ago by Juan Carlo Rosas in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

All glories to your lotus feet Hare Krishna maharaja Pleace accept my humble obesciences

HpS - AGTSP. How are you Sr. Juanka? I hope you have been reading the letters and DTCs here. You can see why it has taken two weeks for us to answer. In any case it is very nice to hear from you. Yes, we think we remember getting letters from you. Thank you also for the photo. There was big Rathayatra in Panama recently, no? Bh. Sundara Goswami was there and others. Are you steady in your Japa vrata? 16-rounds minimum daily? Chanting Japa, sitting with attention, it is so natural to begin to experience Krsna's Form, Qualities, Associates and Lila, "NOI 7-8". Any questions? Are you married with five wives and 26-children? Are you a brain surgeon? Do you have a father and mother?????

I have read your letters gurudev and i am aware, i hope you are doing very well and krishna keeping your mind calm.

HpS - ASA ---  Maya can be subtle, so we have to be more subtle in our defense. Other wise She can engage us in subtle falldowns. Subtle loss of valuable service!!

yes maharaja there was a big Ratha yatra here in panama we had an [ec]static and happy festival i remember sending you pictures, you to dear gurudev, Bh Sundara Goswami , Guru Prasad Swami and Bhakti Busana Maharaja were here yes . I am very well maharaja just finishing doing the flowers the garlands for tomorrow arti.

Yes i am steady on my 16 rounds chanting sometimes i try to go an extra one if i have spare time , yes i have on question guredev What do you think about me taking inicitation at chile now that i am going to see you on January

HpS - Seems very nice if ​we can get letter of recomendation from Temple president now.

I am not married i only have 28 i will be 29 on the 24 of SEPTEMBER , i am a brain surgeon hahha no just kidding i am an ilustrator and graphic designer(i work with art and i also paint and draw a lot right now i am tryting to write a book and ilustrate it ) maharaja .

HpS - Today is 25th September. Happy birthday. Giving a lot cows to Brahmanas!   So, one third of your life has passed. Was it quick?  What did you accomplish?

about my father and mother we spoke about them like 3 months ago <img alt="cheeky" height="23" src="" title="cheeky" width="23" />

ill post you what we spoke of them :

My family is very small it consist of my Mom with whom i lived she is 62 years old she works at a national TV Channel in the area of publicity managment,she is faithful catholic but she respect a lot other faiths . She is really opened and respectful that i believe in Krishna conciousness.

HpS - Jaya.  We forgot. Past 60-your short term memory decrease, but your intelligence can increase!    We may ask things several times and eventually it will sink in.

HpS - Thank you! AGTSP! Has she read Thomas Akampis, "Imitation of Christ"? It is biggest selling Christian book after the Bible. Is nice. Is hundreds of years old. You could read it together.

My dad he is 76 years old he is retired he was a University profesor in the field of economy and statistics and lives at another city 5 hours from here ,he is not very devotional , he doenst believe in any especific area he is kinda like an agnostic. He believe in mother nature being respectful with nature and animals but he aint a vegetarian .

HpS - Pantheism. Chapter 10 Bhagavad gita and Canto Two, Chapter One for him, no?

THANKS for you wise advice bout them maharaja i truely appreaciated :)


Bhakta Juanka

HpS - Has your mother read "Imitation of Christ"?  Father, BG, chapter 10, 11?

Hare Krishna-God is God

9 years, 4 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna Maharaj pamho agtsp.

motivation for writing this letter is very low, because basically I have nothing good to say.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP!   It may not be good, but its spiritual!

...still here between Oslo and Årjäng, Sweden, it is a small village on the border. struggling to work. I humbly hope the day where I can do something nice for you. I know that without following the process, sing and follow the 4 regulative principles; you can not make any real progress, in order to rise to the transcedental platform where you can savor the nectar of devotion, and experience ananda. anyway sometimes I have very good realizations that keep my spirit alive. about me; Great Barrier, 3 modes of material nature. want to act in a way; without following the script is impossible. Hope is my friend; to be in a better position where I can fight harder.

Maharaj thank you very much for everything.

HpS - Look at BG 6.37 +. Krsna says that one who does good my friend is never overcome by evil.   Make some practical plan. Inch by inch its always a "cinch" (easy).   Vow to chant a certain number of rounds that you know you can do, here, in the Blog, for a certain time, and then make your report, etc. All progress here is eternal. Yes, it is easier to follow th Sattvik princples in the mode of goodness, but you can be a devotee in any situation.

Sita Reporting and Grhastha Ashrama.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,

Please accept my obeisances and forgive my offenses,

All the glories to Srila Prabhupada.

First of all, I wanted to say that your arrival to Chosica was very helpful for many of us, I wanted to tell you that I will strive to develop the necessary qualities such as patience, punctuality and cleanness. About the initiation, I personally believe that is a difficult decision to make for some authorities because I am still young and somewhat immature, so this situation has encouraged me to improve faster, is not easy for me sometimes but I will try to do my best. I have started reading the Nectar of Instruction again, but this time in English!

HpS - ASA -- Then Hindi!

Moreover, I have a little doubt about your answer to my last letter, was about: duty, asrama and marriage. Being single has not been a problem for me all these years, and that’s principally because of the education I received from my parents and all the classes You Gurudeva! have given here in Chosica when I was a child, I remember that I felt that Your words were instructions for me and me spiritual sisters. So I have always tried not to disappoint You and my parents, and to be honest I think Sita Ram Lakshmana Hanuman have helped me in this process, I have like a pact with my father and is something like if someone tells me or asks me about marriage or something, I will have to answer that my father is making all the arrangements and any doubt about it could be answered by my father… I think it was something like that, fortunately I haven’t had the opportunity to say it. Well my doubt was about this, because I know marriage is my duty and is going to happen in the near future, but I don’t have idea about how is going to happen, I mean I am not planning to hang out with many devotees and then realize who is the right one, however some astrologers have told my father that there is no worry about my marriage, that there is no need about fixing my marriage with a devotee because is already done, something about destiny. So this has helped me to develop a confidence in Krsna, but still I have to say that this confidence is not completely sincere, but is more like afraid. Is this good?, are there some things that I must consider?... I am praying to Sita Ram, Krsna Balarama and Radhe Shyam to help me in this process.

HpS - ASA -- We, ASA, cannot say too much since we are all Brahmacari here in the ASA Comando, so you and your father, mother, brother... need to look for help from good Grhasthas. We all need Ashrama gurus. I can be a good Ashrama guru for Sannyasa candidates. Even then it is for a certain type of Sannyasis, American Sannyasis, if we want to get very specific.

Canakya pandita: Victory come from good advice and good advice comes from many counselorss.

Focus on your place in Sr​ila Prabhupada's, Lord Caitanya's, movement and then your Varna-ashrama requirements will follow easily. You can see, your father and mother have a relationship in terms of their service in ISKCON.

Also, this is Kali-yuga, so we should not expect too much perfection in our marriage situation. Best use of a bad bargain, but if we look at our partners as devotees this can be a lot of fun.

So, not putting too much faith in astrologers only, its Kali-yuga, I hope your parents, brother et al, can help making arrangesments for a nice Grhastha ashrama for you. There are many nice boys also looking for partners.


Next week is Radhastami, and there is going to be a painting contest, I hope I can do a good job painting her beautiful and spiritual form!

HpS -  If you are sincere She will let Her beauty pass through you. Even there are 25-winners that still would not be enough to give us a glimpse of Radharanis love for Krsna, no?

I hope not to disturb and I also hope You are fine!, que el Señor Nrsmha Deva lo siga protegiendo Gurudeva! Hare Krsna!

Su aspirante a sirvienta,

Sita Lalita devi dasi. 

HpS - Thank you!!!    Send us more news as you have time!

Class Schedule, Spanish

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



I hope u are fine ¡¡¡

I was about to write about this topic in ekadasi but I read the letters regarding BV.. so I want to make a humble request.

My schedule had changed as I told U, I give classes on saturdays at 9:00 am so I am commuting to work when SB classes starts ; I wanted to join by cellphone but even if I use headphones the traffic in Lima is terrible and the sound is really annoying. And I really want to listen to the class in Sattva guna. So please I want to ask U if I can join the Spanish group .. I am listening the recordings that U put on twitter but I miss the sanga....

Thank U Gurudeva in advance

Trying to be iur disciple


HpS - ASA --- AGTSP.   Paoho.   After this Latin American tour we really had a chance and really had to reconsider our service. So, considering everything we dicided: Thursday, 11AM, Hawaii, SB; Saturday AM,San Jose, SB (The time for that may change); Saturday evening, Spanish class. This Spanish class we can work out at SB or other things. We want Yugala's, LAD's, your, Ambarissa, Vrsabhanu...  opinion, Jambavati, Asta sakhi, Krsna kirtan............   but it seems Satuday night at 7.30PM is a nice time to start. Later we can adjust.

Please join any of those classes!


Todas las glorias para Srila Prabhupada

Todas las Glorias para usted Maharaj

Soy David Leyton nuevamente. muchas gracias por su respuesta estaba ancioso por recibirla, ya que hace mucho que no le escribo. También quiero contarle de algunas terapias que me he hecho y también saber si estas se pueden usar para la conciencia de Krishna o simplemente para darle salud interna o mental a las personas.

Estuve realizándome terapias alternativas desde Junio se llama Sintergética. Me hizo sentir en paz y controló en ese momento mi problema de psicomatico y síndrome Gill de tourette. Me ha dado muy buenos resultados aunque temporales y fue aliviador.

También hice AONC (auto observación neuroconciente) es una terapia que se hace despierto y relajado, la persona va describiendo los recuerdos y visiones que uno está teniendo en ese momento, relacionandolas con las sensaciones del cuerpo, donde esa sensacion o dolores se describer. Eso me ha reducido por parte el problema de los dolores y molestia del cuerpo (psicosomatico), pero aun no encuentro la manera de solucionarlo definitivamente.

Maharaj, usted cree que el AONC podría ser alguna terapia que pueda superar mi problema? He leído que algunos hermanos espirituales cantan mantras que le han ayudado con sus problemas internos y creo que el Srimad Bhagavatam o Bgita tienen mantras que podrán ayudarme.

Una tercera terapia que me hice fue Biosintesis la cual 2 terapeutas van analizando mi energía interna y problemas del pasado que me hayan llevado a los problemas actuales, una de ellas me comento que fui monje franciscano en una vida pasada e hice un voto de pobreza, pero que aun esta vigente. Se supone que la muerte hace que esos votos se terminen y uno comience una nueva vida con Dios. Eso lo relacion mucho con la mayoria de los problemas y dolencias que estoy teniendo.

Favor maharaj necesito que me diga algo sobre esto y me guie para terminar con estos votos. no quiero caer otra vez.

Muchas gracias por estar con nosotros

Hare Krishna.

Bh David Leyton

HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP.  NOI Texto Tres, "maya tatam idam sarvam...". Puede leer esta Texto, tres. Alla puede encontrar los principios basicas de evaluar estas terapias.  Puede ser muy util.   Pienso el libro, "Los Hombres son de Martes y los Mujeres son de Venus" es un super libro para todos, especificamente para Grhastas. Claro, estamos utilizando todo del perspective de SB y los Significados, Bhaktivedanta.  Muy buen obra relacionar unos practicas de psicologia con SB.

En detalle no puedo decir mucho.  Falta de idioma.    Falta de conocimento de estas sistemas.  Pero... por que no habla con Madan mohan Das???  Es psicologo, devoto, loco, su vecino!!

Hare Krsna Gurudev - Sankirtan Report - IV, from Vrndavan

9 years, 4 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, Hope you are good in Health.

    Have extended stay in Vrndavan for one more week, will start on 25 or 26 Sep 2015 from Vrndavan.

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP.  paoho - "bharata  bhumi janma...".   Because of your previous good deeds you have taken birth in Bharata!  Can visit Vrndavana dhama as easy as I can go to Texas!  Vrndavana is better than Texas (Of course, ISKCON Texas is something special also).

    Meanwhile, have got news that, i will be transferred to a new Project in office so have to re-plan
    everything. Don't know how long it will go on...

    Yes, Gurudev, i am very much eager to get 2nd initiation so that may enter altar. how you would like
    to give, Maharaj and what i have to do - before and after the 2nd initiation, will follow as per your

HpS - Just find a time for the fire sacrifice. Usually there are sacrifices by other ISKCON gurus and you will just sit in the fire and offer grains with their permission with a photo of us present. AGTSP .Then you should get a printed copy of the Gayatri Mantras and we can chant them together over the telephone. We have heard that Naryana Maharaja said that Srila Bhakti-siddhanta Maharaja intitiated devotees in Malaysia that way.

    i need to more focus on more sadna, more reading, more hearing and more speaking about Krsna
    to cross the material consciousness. Don't know, how many time, have to keep trying...but have to keep
    trying so that someday, you would pull us......i don't have the capacity to cross...need help.
    Please let me know if you have any thing for me.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - Yes, we have to learn how to do better and better Vaidhi bhakti.  Just by being in ISKCON under Srila Prabhupada's direction we automatically get so many opportunities for help  -  Specific help - We are still working on this academic preaching with Dr. Samaresh. We are waiting for Harsh Ji to undate the University Mailing List and then we will sen notice of our book to them. In general we are working with Rama-giri-dhari Das in Nava Mumbai, Ministry of Education. So, we will communicate what help we need with these projects!   Thank you so much for all you help to date!!