Reporte rápido

9 years, 3 months ago by bhaktina lali in Personal Sadhana Reports

AGTSP PAMHO Haribolo maharaja, como esta?

ASA - La misma como Vd.

Le escribo para decirle que le voy a mandar un mail, candramukhi DD me paso el correo. Mi mail es [email protected] le aviso para que sepa. Mis rondas están mejorando mucho. Estoy muy feliz. Espero que se encuentre bien. Quien espera poder servirlo, Bktn lali

HpS - O.K. pero no lo vemos.  Mejor comenzar comunicando aqui!

Qualifications to look for in a life partner

9 years, 3 months ago by Vrsabhanu Nandini dd in Personal Sadhana Reports


Dear Maharaj,

We are wondering how to choose a husband. What qualifications should we look for? How should a relationship period be tested to decide if the marriage is liveable? My personal sadhana is weak again. You're holiness instructed us to rise early for morning program and chant nice rounds for clarity. We will start doing that again tomorrow. _/\o_. Please forgive us, we find our life very hard to manage any sort of discipline due to emotioanl turmoil from household conflict on a daily basis and will endeavor to improve.


Vrsabhanu Nandini dd

ASA - HpS - AGTSP --  Note for your readers: The devotee writing is not our good disciple from Argentina with the same name. She already has a husband. He is pretty cool dude.
Qualifications for a husband.
1. Heterosexual (Ha!   Ha!   Ha! (but this points out the first point: Things are tough in Kali-yuga. Maybe better to chuck the whole thing and ask Radharani to share Shyama-sundara with you. You can wear white and cook one grain of rice each day for every round you chant.)))
-1. An ISKCON devotee.    Real ISKCON devotee.  Doing his rounds, getting ups, Temple program, participate Sankirtan movement.
Of course, if nice person who likes devotees, O.K.    Husband is like getting a car. Don't expect perfection. He is your husband, not hour God.
Hope he has same expectations of his wife. Then peaceful life, natural affection, Blah!  Blah!  Blah!    and he will become more appreciative of devotees and become initiated after 35-years.

2, 3, 4 ... Prabhupada's purport he says that should try to marry a devotee and not a demon.   All the details, it really is natural if your community and his community are involved. How to get to judge each other etc.

That's about all we have to say, but 16-good rounds (mangala arati, Kirtan, SB) + 4-principles and all family, sankirtan, health, wealth issues improve at the maximum possible rate.  Kartika starts on Tuesday. Do a Katika vrata!  Get your request in before the other Gopis (during Katyayani vrata, next month).

Struggling Struggling Struggling to balance

Hare Krishna Beloved and Esteemed Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your divine (sweet soft and beautiful) lotus feet,

ASA - AGTSP.  We have ingrown toenails.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

We missed so so much SM FMP and the blog during your latinamerica tour.

Such a great sanga, both programs are pure nectar. I realize when you say one can not take everything the guru has to offer. Is like Krisna giving with millions of hands but just two to take.

Thank you so much for your so intelligent and clear instructions, you make SP 's teaching so accesible to us. Is amazing that so much people still dont know about him. Oooff!!!! so much work to do. Mercy!!!
Psychotheraphy is helping me a lot, I can see how my behavior is conditioned by childhood and even previous lifes traumas. Is giving me a deeper sense of observation, a more conscious anartha nivritti. I can see how conditioned i am. Is depressing, but i have a process, so my intelligence tells me keep chanting dude!!

HpS - What is name of your psychologist?  What process do you use?

My life shifted from a super mega insane pace to a very insane pace. Harsh is helping me a lot in this regard. I decreased my work load and i am trying to fix going to sleep and waking up hours.
Still is super difficult to balance material with spiritual life. 

HpS - Morning is for Japa, Spiritual Life.   Day time is for making money, with both feet and both hands.  Evening is for    e n j oy i n g!!

Utsaha is still high. I am very commited to the local mission.
My sankirtan is:
Ayurvedic counselling and director of SAMA our health center ( today i gave 2 small books)
Member of the local directive board. Our Institution Prabhupada Seva is gaining more and more recognition. We made a campaign where we made sleeping bags for the homeless out of disposables plastic milk packages and we had a huge media covering, tv, newspapers, radios, etc. Now everybody here knows that the Hare Krishna's are good people.

Im in charge of the book commision. Im a link between the BBT and the sankirtaneros.

BG gita lectures every monday at El Loft.

Administrative service at our farm project Sri Govardhan which is developing little by little. On december i start to build a house there. Is a new concept in buildings it is called earthship ( ) It is made with recycled materials and uses alternative sources of energies, and has a super effective usage of water, etc.

HpS - Jaya!

Manu and Benji are ok, is super intense to raise kids alone. Tapasya.

HpS - They don't spend time with their mother?

Feel a little bit as Laksmana Agraja prabhu but the opposite, you are not a bramachari but a grihastha (and i feel a bramhastha and it drives me crazy).

But we are detrmined, 16 horribles rounds ok with a huge well recorded old prasadam to take, 4 (anista) principles ok. We are seriously working on the feeling guilty issue.

ISKCON LIFE is a beautiful big challenge for everybody i guess. Despite i feel i'm doing horrible, (I JUST can not go beyond NOI preface, control mind and senses, advancement deppends on the attitude of the practitioner and situate in the mode of goodness and everything will be revealed for further advancement). Still i feel happy at least to be a part of it and try everyday to go out and spread the message. one day i will reach to text number one.

I'm reading CC madhya 22, which describes my situation perfectly, first chapter of second canto of SB and krisna book at night.

I listen one class of HH HDG everyday, i like his mood a lot. You, HH HDG, TKG, BVPS, GGS and locally Mahajan Prabhu and Arjuna sakha Prabhu are my Siksa gurus. I feel safe under your guidance.
Asram deities are being very very merciful to us!!!!

Dear Gurudev i know that your intelligence is a pure one and that your sankirtan is super clever. Here in Mar del plata we are doing a good job, we are organized, so if you wish i can organize a program for you if you come, jung, interfaith, whatever you prefer. Please consider visit Mar del Plata if your health allows it.
Gurudeva thank you so much for being so merciful, you increase my sraddha in the process a lot. I really feel from you that pure love descending through the parampara. Taking the less and giving the most. 
Spiritual bliss.
Crying and feeling totally unworthy, running behind your lotus feet.

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - You are like a medium sized elefant.   May take some time to get the beast going in the right direction, but then nothing will stand in its way.    Try to avoid steping on little people, and correct your mistakes as soon as you can.

ananda vardhana chile

9 years, 3 months ago by ananda vardhana in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna guru maharaj! !!!

Mis reverencias a usted! !!

TlgaSP! !!!

Soy su tonto discípulo de chile, San Pedro, espero me recuerde.

HpS - ASA --- TlgaSP.  Nunca puedo olvidarse, pero no muy frequente escribanos.

Tengo muchas faltas y cometo muchos errores en mi vida espiritual, le pido Pido perdón por todos mis errores.

HpS - Claro tenemos que corregir nuestras errores, no?  Claro continuando bien con el processor muchas veces lo corregan.

Continuo con la distribución de Prasadam a través de la empresa Madhu. Estamos distribuyendo miles de panes , galletones, queques, alfajores, miel y otros productos todo Prasadam!!!!   Y miles de personas comen cada día.

ASA -- Muy bien estan comiendo su consciencia.  Va a ser exactamente como Vd!!

Estoy a cargo de 6 hijos, Narotam, Gopal, Krishna, Radhe, Gopinath y Lalita. Los cuatro mayores cantan un numero determinado de Rondas. Atendemos a las deidades Jagannatha, Balada y Subhadra, son las deidades grandes del templo,

ASA - Claro.  Recuedo.  Y el Embajador de India a visitado su casa.

...además de Goura Nitay y sala gram sila y Sri Govardhana Sila, las adoramos sin falta cada día. Y realizamos junto a un maravilloso grupo de Devotos el Harinam Sankirtan en santiago cada dos semana, ese ha sido muy servicio los últimos 15 años.

ASA - Por que no para siempre, en Goloka con Nanda Maharaja?

Pero hace tres años que lo hacemos muy formal por 5 horas cada vez, con permiso del Gobierno ,mesa con libros, distribuimos como 130 libros cada vez y distribuimos además 2.000 galletas Prasadam! !!!! Eso lo hacemos sin falta.

ASA - Cuales libros?

Nos visitó Bhakti Bhusan swami a mi hogar en el campo, como con 80 devotos y realizamos Kirtan y Maharaj dio un seminario de Japa. Estoy muy feliz de que nos visitará Usted a Chile. Le doy las gracias por estar transformando mi vida, espero nunca me abandone a pesar de que no soy muy buen discípulo! !!! Le ofresco mis reverencias !!!!!!!! Hare krishna! ! ! ! ! !

ASA -  Oink!    Oink!     WHoop!   WHooop!!!!        Regresamos al cielo!          Por favor unas palabras de los hijos: Quien es Krsna?  Quienes son Sus amigos?  Que hacen?

LAD continues discution

9 years, 3 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja.

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thank for answering my letter.

I should have explained mysef better

HpS - ASA --   AGTSP   paoho...   We have been wondering what has happened to you!    Several days with no communication.     First decision is:

Am I going to serve God or the Devil. 


The devil has faster parties and better whiskey but in the long run prospects don't look so good.

I’ve been there. No more, enough.

Second decision is which Acharya am I going to select to approach God?    Jesus, Mohammad, Caitanya? 

Lord Caitanya

Are you fixed in staying under Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet eternally? 



Yes, indeed

Next we got GBC details etc.    Varna-ashrama details.   These are still part of our transcendental service.  This is where things can start to get very practical and very detailed.

I would suggest first thing is your Ashrama.  There really are only four: B'cari, Grhasta, V'prastha and Sannyasa.   If you start inventing Brahmastra, Grhacari etc you are an easy target for Maya. 

Right! I was wondering…I felt that my mind was trying to decive me.

You don't have Sastra to tell you what to do.  Good people don't know how to relate to you.
No bona fide ISKCON organization is going to suggest something other than Varna ashrama Dharma.

The junta agreed when I brought up the white issue…Maybe they don’t know either. Here you turn white as to say: girls, watch, I’m available.

This is one dis-accord [amongst the many more accords] that we may have with Hrdayananda Maharaja.  We remember him saying that there is no such thing as "Vedic Culture" in Vedic tradition, but then next day we saw in Prabhupada's books the statement, "Vedic culture, Varna-ashrama-dharma". We did not want to bring it up, so as not to create a polemic, argument, over a more minor point, but there it is.

I just say that I like Krishna west, I don’t endorse everything they say.

We are b'cari, grhasta, vanaprastha or sannyasa, or sastric approved subdivision. Yes, we can take to some mixed, mental concoction for illusiory sense gratification,

Yes, I was suspicious of myself…trying to enjoy out of frustration.

but we will only get mixed clarity of intelligence and a mixed chance of human body in this life or the next.  Of course, Krsna, Guru, will still try to help us and engage us in pure devotional service and get us back on the track.

So, now you are a B'cari. Dress in peach colored clothes in the temple, and as much as possible outside. Dress in secular dress as needed for Sankirtan, but for short term contact for preaching purposes only.

Still not sure about wearing ropes [robes?]. For me are not comfortable, and it’s kind of unnatural to me… Definitly for giving class, altar service, festivals…but those dipers [diapers?] I don’t like, really.

ASA - Not sure about what are "diapers". Wear peach colored yogi pants and a kurta?

Who is experience great succes in the modern world? Russia, China, USA?   Krsna West or some other entity is designed to connect with the successful material culture?    No, that is not the idea. There is no, "Main Stream Successful Culture".  Are we right?

There is only a "Main Swamp Confused Culture", and yes, Lord Caitanya shaved off his Sikha, but he didn't take a Sannyasa name, so we have to adjust but with intelligence.

Yes, That’s pretty clear to me. Mingle with people for preaching, to enrich human culture, no play their games.

We offer our advice to you and others.   It is very nice discussing with you, but victory, rather than seeing your life becoming a defeat,

I consider myself a winner. I’m a warrior of Lord Caitanya’s sankirtan movement!

depends on good advice, and good advice comes from many counselors. Talk with Mathuresa Das, Omkara Das. . .

I’m gonna talk to more people…already to junta as I mentioned.

The Peru yatra, to our vision, is a mess in terms of administration. The USA is a mess.

I sadly agreed. That frustrate me again and again. That’s when NIMSAR comes as a sane (more or less) proposal to change things.

Men can marry men and give each other a big lusty good-by kiss in the airport and the Supreme Court agrees!

1. In any case don't deviate from ISKCON management structure. If it comes to the fact that the ultimate managing authority, the GBC, is itself fallen, then we can go directly to Prabhupada for adminitrative solutions.

No problem with that. You’ve been by my side in my worse moments in ISKCON. You know that. I’ll never quit ISKCON and Prabhupada or deviate.

They told me that Daru Krishna is leaving Narayana’s maharaja group ‘cause he wants to do things in his own way…No surprise. He always wanted that.

2. Always be a part of the solution. Always think how I can improve the situation, help others, rather than run away and get my own benefit.

Yes, sir, I’m still helping in Chosica but from education perspective, with NIMSAR, etc. (despite that faultfinding and back stabbing continues, I don’ mind)

3. Always keep your Sadhana. FMP.

No problem with that.

4. Wear orange as a B'cari. Consult with Guru, Brahmanas et al, about changing Ashrama and then if you are going to go into Vanaprastha Ashrama, then wait until reasonable arrangments have been made by sane family (ISKCON) memebers and formal aggreements made, even signed documents, fire sacrifice, then change color.


The Witch will howl and gnash Her teeth in dismay but you will be safe and strong. Your wife will be safe and strong (She may even have a little mustache). Your nation will be safe and when you die they will make a tomb for you in central Lima and write on it: He was a Cool Dude, and people will come to offer flowers at your tomb and pray for benedictions (and unless there is a proper roof, pigeons will also drop splendid offerings on your monument).

And by the way...   Where is our Word Doc for the NIMSAR Regional Encounter and we know about the Youtube posting.  Ambo/Vrsa have been pretty professional to tell us where it is.
I’ll tell to our president Gandharva prabhu
HpS - We noted it on our response to the Ekadasi report.

You are one of our ASA Main Guys.  Monkey and Piggy et al, don't care really what you do, too much, as long as you keep making these great blog posts.

Yes, GM, I’m getting excited about write here.

I have more hot topics related to my ISKCON perspective!

Thank you very much. I was going through a bad moment. But still, I think a have to consider my ashrama. I’m contemplating Karuna krisna and Patraka examples. They both went home and authorities suggest wearing white. I’m not sure if it applies in my case.   

HpS - Yes, that's another thing. Some temples have a standard that only B'caris living in the Ashrama can wear Saffron.  Main thing is to dress so that people know that you are in B'cari ashrama. Change to Vanaprastha in a sane way and don't spend too much time worrying about it. Sankirtan!!!

See you soon.


HpS - Yes, we will be in Peru in January!    Also, we have lots more work to do with ISKCON Education Ministry.    We are doing a lot here.

NOw to the DTC.

Hare Krishna

9 years, 3 months ago by purnamasidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Purn  Dear Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Sorry, I don't write you more often. I have to improve.

ASA(Monkey Piggy) - Yeah!

I am working as a school teacher after two years of taking care of Sarasvati at home. So, I am adjusting schedules. I get up at 5:15 am, chant 4 round and Gayatri, and then I wake up the children (during breakfast, we read pastimes of Krishna. I chant the other 12 round during the children play time and at my 1 hour lunch time (and in the afternoon if I couldn't finished them all). 

At school, I have got 14 children (4-5 years old). every morning, we wake up Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra doll Deities and offered them the flowers or leaves that the children bring from their gardens. while they are working or playing, the mana mantra is playing and before lunch and at the end of the day, we dance with some devotional music. We enjoy these moments a lot. It is very curious, that every year, when the children listen the "Govinda" song, at least one of them, tell me that his or her mother, has got that song in the car. they love this song. Every week, we watch a chapter of the Little Krishna movie and they like it a lot. This is all I humbly can do at school, thanks to Krishna's mercy.

At home, Nimai and Sarasvati are growing well. I'm trying to give them a good example but my husband's is much better than mine.

About the Gurukula, I organize it every Friday afternoon, after school. By the moment, since the weathers is still good, we meet at a nice rural property where the children have planted flowers and vegetables for Krishna. every session consist of greeting, chanting Japa, Bhajan and aratic, reading of Srimad Bhagavatam for kids, craft and gardening. The number of children is increasing, so my house is getting insufficient speaking about space. But that is what we have. In two weeks, we will be meeting at my house Friday afternoons. I am considering about extending the meetings to Saturday mornings too, when we could do more activities, specifically, thhe ones that need to be don in an open area. Could you, please, give me your advice and blessings to do things right and with humility?

Thank you for everything.

hoping you are doing fine when reading this message. 

Your humble servant,

Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS - AGTSP ---   This is a pubic school?  You can include so much ISKCON activities!   Sounds very, very nice.   We have noted every point.   Do you have Mother Tapasvini's Sunday School Curriculum and School Organization materials?