Adorado and Remenbered Gurudev!!!

9 years, 3 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports


To spect to encounter good to receive my letter. The before letter is write for me for that one disaster..!! Excuse my evil english...thanks for the counsel!! My report: sadhana complete of the morning generally good. Increase two rounds after radhastami.. 24 roundas chanting now after Radhastami... Solicit your blessings for maintain..

HpS - May the devil give you bad tasting food for three weeks if you fail.

I am happy to know You go a sudamerica ...cordoba!!! Krsna is very mercyful!! To ask krsna to look into every days!!

The large letter speak gopalito and franco.. every detail... Now 108 bokks small and 1 bhagavad gita distribuited total.

Iam folow dancing!! Parts of the long letter : -fran dreaming of Srila Prabhupada and bhaktivinoda thakura. Bhaktivinoda says : every will invitation to the party.. bad every go to finish.. - also drean with Ud. Speaks together!!! I am too dream with Ud. And devotes , temples, deities gopas and gopis .. wonderful bad too dreams not beautiful.. - education of gopalito.. i am will go one gurukula..bad here... scholl rural one to select..bad look what plains have krsna!!

-read the pastime of CC the Dancing of Sri Caitanya .. is very wonderful.. very thanks!!!! - Ud. Inspired very very much .. wel miee abd mire dancings for Krsna.. to attend You ideas!!!

Will estudy with Ud.. pada padma!! I am Reading more and lovelly the books of prabhupada! Very very very thanjs for You asociation of the FMP and this blog, etc. Is very wonserful to heard You and to participate. Is one temple in house!

Thanks for your Time! Fran and gopalito remittance your obsesainces to You.. Aspirant to please You hearth amazed in krsna conciense: japa - prati - jalpa Radha dd.

HpS - ASA -  -    Thank you for your letter. What does Gopalito do? He is continuing his previous birth, no? Is he attracted to Krsna?    What is Franco doing?

Novedades y sankirtana

9 years, 3 months ago by YugalaKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

HK Paoho

Querido Guru Maharaja, dejamos el inicial, y ahora estamos distribuyendo libros, nuestro cuerpo esta canado de esa modalidad, pero sabemos queen el futuro continuaremos distribuyendo libros en otra modalidad y tal vez mas efectiva, me paso en la ONU con bus Una Sra. muy elegante, Antropóloga deseaba Una Colección de bhagavatam Srimad, me dejo su Teléfono, yo ESTABA muy emocionada, Pero la Sra. Manifiesto no tenía todo el dinero, Que si su Esposo le daba lo llevaría, quedo en Espera, Igual me llevo un Gita, Lo tenia antes, Pero entraron a Su Casa y lo robaron, pensaba Que los ladrones Eran muy cultos y Afortunados si lo Llegan a leer

En NIMSAR el papá de Indira nos dio Asesoramiento  de Planeamiento Estratégico, interesante, Creo el movimiento Requiere de Asesoramiento de Especialistas en: temas administrativos, el Sr. admira a Srila P'pada por SUS por 7 Propósitos de ISKCON. 

Posiblemente Como gitana Vuelva a bajar a Lima, por Temas Económicos y Más Oportunidades Laborales, MIENTRAS deseo Disfrutar de vivir cerca de un templo maravilloso, Tal Vez Vuelva Hacerlo Más adelante, si Krishna Quiere. Plan del Próximo Año Trabajar, Éxito Tener estudiarrrrrrrrr, subir la montaña libre de Temor Aprender, la alegria de aprender.

Espero su vista mejore vista,  yo pronto usare lentes mis ojos muy Afectados por el sol. Aun Así aman Verlo.

Hari bolo

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

HpS - Muchas gracias su asociacion. Sientimos muy feliz conocer a una Brahmana. Puede ver en el Calendario de la Kapi Dhvaja, fechas de visitar a Lima en Enero y Febrero. Esperamos iniciaciones de Sita y Karuna, y posible el muy buen Brahmacari de Wilson (nombre???). Trabajo con Abhirama.

Aparece que NIMSAR es pasando mucho introspectiva con Gandharva dejando ser Presidente.

Hare Krsna.  Clarificar su propio posicion basado en buenas rondas y busca otros con la misma resultado.

Vamanos a las demas cartas.

gadadhara gosai das (barcelona)

9 years, 3 months ago by gadadharagosaidas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! todas las glorias a Usted!

Espero se encuentre muy  bien de salud! disculpe hace varios meses que no le escribo,desde su ultima visita a Barcelona.

Desde julio ya no estoy haciendo sankirtan con libros, consegui un trabajo que nos permite renovar nuestra residencia legal aqui y estar mejor economicamente. la bebe tiene año y medio es muy curiosa y activa, pushpa cuida muy bien de ella y yo hago lo que puedo para ayudar.

HpS - Super!

Me levanto de lunes a viernes a mangal arotik, realizo la adoracion a la deidad,canto las oraciones guru astaka, nrismhadev y tulasi. Luego me voy a trabajar y durante el trabajo escucho a diario una clase en audio suya.  Canto las 16 rondas durante el dia, algunas son buenas. los fines de semana me despierto mas tarde.

Participando siempre de algun servicio en el templo, todos los viernes en el altar y un domingo al mes.

aqui los devotos españoles estan haciendo los estatutos nuevos para ISKCON(ACK) ESPAÑA,  y tenemos que votar si nos gusta o no nos gustan, no entiendo mucho del tema.

El templo esta como siempre: gundica, nimai, jayalaskmi y algunos devotos nuevos viviendo y  visitantes. todos los domingos harinam por la rambla y fiesta de domingo.

esperamos poder volver a verlo pronto.

su sirviente gadadhara gosai das.

hare krishna!

HpS - ASA --- Grrrrracias.  Reverencias a Gundica y Nimai y Jaya-laksmi...   Todo el mundo.   Espero bien la bebe-ismo. Puede predicar subtilmente en su trabajo?  Tiene un plan por su vida?   Puede ver en el Kapi-dhvaja fechas en Europa (Espana).


9 years, 3 months ago by Germán Vegas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaja

Please, accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I'm writing you to tell that things haven't been so well during the last month and a half. It's a little sad because my first intention in coming to Chosica was to simplify my life in order to improve my spirituality but I haven't done it. I know that is mandatory to be patient in this process, and I'm trying it. The thing is that I'm quite stressed for my activities. Labor issues have not gone well, same with my marriage. I cling to my personal saddhana, my reading and my japa like to a life raft. But a permanent melancholy and sadness diminishes my enthusiasm and I think on the verge of a nervous breakdown at any time. My survival instinct compels me to devote myself to solve my personal problems, I must keep my devotional life afloat. I'm leaving my NIMSAR duties in the devotees hands, I'm resigning because there's no chance for me to do things in the way NIMSAR requires. Hope to give better news next time.

Yor servant

Gandharva dasa

HpS - ASA ... Hare Krsna. AgtSP.   Who is the new Secretary for Nimsar?  This is the first time you write to us of these distressing conditions, and we have not heard of any such developments from others.

Of course, by our Karma business can go bad at any time and of course for either husband or wife their marriage situation can become bad also at any moment. We may be acting in the most sane and rational spirit, but forces from the past act.

Of course, for a sincere devotee, and also, of course, Krsna uses these things to give us chance to grow our sincerity, he learns how to realign his family, business, community, in terms of the real healthy center, Krsna. Then everything eventually becomes harmonius.

So, not knowing the details we cannot give detailed advice, but in general, the basic advice always holds true, "Chant Hare Krsna and be happy". You seem to be on the midst of great opportunities. Let Krsna drive your chariot, do the service that you know is correct, and that will lead you onto choices that will just be unavoidably clear. We are not God. He has His plan, become a pure devotee and watch the magic happen. Reality distinguished from illusion for the welfare of all.

Waiting for more news,


krsna exists.

9 years, 3 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krisna Maharaj pamho agtsp.

a change of plans. I'm in ISKCON norway since Monday 12.
singing and "apparently" all right this week. I'm helping "Maha-bhavi prabhu" with traduccion of the Bhagabav-gita. Bhagavad-gītā. from English to Norwegian. notes the difference in the words in Sanskrit? this is my work; correct the words in Sanskrit. Cursive letter. fat letter. It's a lot of work; It takes all day. 8-9-10-11-12 finished chapters. one per day. little time to go in Maya but still found the time, I'm very clever. they are the news for now; It's a little late; morning when the alarm wakes me - "I wish I had not been born". therefore Hare Krishna.

Chapter 12 is very good so sweet - very very dear to my.

please accept my obeisances.

Maharaj thank you.

HpS - ASA --- So, you stay in Norway for some time?   Is NOI is Norweigen language????

Radhakunda ki jaya

9 years, 3 months ago by Tungavidya devi dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

As I told you on Skype, I am back and safe in Radhakunda. Thanks to Radharani's krpa and your causeless mercy for this fallen soul, I got the letter from Iskcon Vrndavan, Panca Goura Prabhu [is Pancha-gauda, no?  Madhya 18.134] was very kind with me, so I went to Philippines and Radha Madhava, the gorgeous deities in the temple, gave me shelter for the 15 days I was there. At the beginning they asked me for a recommendation letter from you, but when I started doing seva they said it was not necessary anymore. All devotees were very kind and even one devotee working as the secretary of the counsel in Indian embassy helped me a lot to get the new visa. Now I am back here in Radhakunda, just arrived two days ago and I am trying to retake my seva cleaning Radhakunda and here at home working for our Radha-Kunja Bihari.

Yesterday, I had to run to Vrndavan to help Radha Caran with the second initiation process since she entered in a fire suddenly and I told her how to chant the gayatri mantra as you asked me to do.

My dear guru maharaja, once again I want to thank you for all your help and causeless mercy. Your (trying to be humble) servant Tungavidya devi dasi

HpS - ASA --- You are so, so, so lucky.  Living on the banks of Radha-kunda constitutes the highest perfection of life. It is a perfection even great sages like the four Kumaras and Narada Muni cannot achieve. Of course, there is the Bhauma Radha kunda we see with our litle, Sadhana-bhakta eyes, but it can be such a nice step toward the Radha-kunda that the Brija Vasis see.

Nectarean Glories of Sri Vrndavana-dhama
by Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati Thakura
(Translated by Kusakratha Dasa)

Sataka One. 1
1 Meditating on the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha-Muralimanohara, placing myself at the dust of Lord Caitanya’s feet, and respectfully offering obeisances to the great devotees of the Lord, who are so many oceans of transcendental virtue, I shall now happily begin to praise the transcendental opulences of Sri Vrndavana.

2 I am not strong enough to go to the far shore of the great nectar ocean of Vrndavana’s glories. Who can go there? However, because I love Vrndavana I will now dip into that ocean. I pray that this endeavor may become successful and bring an auspicious result.

3 O Sri Vrndavana, please reveal in my heart Your wonderful transcendental form full of the most confidential spiritual knowledge and bliss. Embarrassed to describe the highest nectar, the Upanisads only say “not this, not this”. Where are you described?

4 Day and night I glorify Vrndavana, which is filled with the wonder of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna’s pastimes, the wonder of the greatest sweetness, the ultimate nectar of Lord Hari, the sweetest, most beautiful auspiciousness and a flood of virtues Ananta-sesa, Siva, and a host of others cannot cross.

5 Think of Vrndavana with love. Roll in its dust. Love it ardently. Please its moving and non moving residents. Worship Sri Radha’s birthplace. With all your heart take shelter of Sri Vrndavana, the best of all holy places.

Complete Mahimamrta, 573MB, at: