Parama karuna GN news

9 years, 3 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



It is very nice to have iur daily association .. sometimes we even crawl for managala artik!

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP!  Nice to have yours and the others!     Are you presenting Draupadi on Saturday morning?

Gurudeva.. the authorities from wilson sent me more than 5 emails asking me to be the head pujari again.. I think and think ask 6 brahmanas.. I did not ask U because on that time U said that it is time for us to grow up. I accept.. but I asked them for 2 weeks.. In order to see how can I help, etc

HpS - ASA -- Good decision!

It is a pity GM if I am sincere I am really discouraged. Wilson is old dirty and it is really frustrating even if I clean and clean... It is never clean enough...  as u said admimistration here is a mess..many fancy jewels that I bought are lost

HpS - It is a mess here too.   I heard from Prabhupada's lips that...  [remember?].....  There are problems in our Temples.

<img alt="sad" height="23" src="" title="sad" width="23" />. devotees do not want to do practical,service.. then i think in which way I am helping to the sankirtan movement.

I remembered The Loft it was neat and clean... I really miss that... Anyway I had the idea to celebrate Ramvijaya in wilson. M Ganga has Sita Rama Laksman Hanuman deities so we are going to perform an abhishek, a little program in order to inspire us and inspire the devotees... I am going to give the class.

HpS - Some times we serve in Hell, sometimes we serve in Mahar-loka.  We just serve and then Krsna will put good intelligence right in front of our face what to do!   Don't leave, don't deviate!

In Chosik the celebration is going to be on Sunday.. I will help doimg the flower dress for GN.. is going to be a contest... 

We already bought our tickets to chile ...VP for U and all the Guruparampara... just one week.. we are not goimg to bs as because we are working until the end of January

This is our report. 

Trying to be iur disciple


HpS - Please stick in there for six years like this and as far as I know your return to Goloka dhama is guaranteed.

Respuesta a carta anterior

9 years, 3 months ago by Nadia Morales Uricay in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a su sankirtana eterno

Hare krsna gurudeva, pamho, gracias por sus palabras directas y claras, ahora entraré en un momento de introspección, voy a tratar de levantarme más temprano y cantar bien mis rondas y meditar más en Srila Prabhupada y usted.

Morir en sankirtana o en un templo sin opción a regresar a mi vida de antes, estudiar y trabajar???

ASA -  TlgaSP.  Son opciones?   Claro el opcion basica es canta Hare Krsna y sea feliz.  Jaya!    24-horas cada dia.  Entonces todo sigue!!

Con respecto al viaje a India me refería que queríamos comprarlo en las fechas del 15 de enero al 01 de febrero del 2016, ir para esas fechas y quedarse unos 3 meses.

La verdad y quiero ser sincera que todo éste tiempo desde que  conocí a P. Gadai hace 6 años, empecé hacer éste servicio  maravilloso del sankirtana viajero, pero mi padre nunca estuvo de acuerdo con que yo viaje y siempre me está reprochando y haciendo sentir mal con sus indiferencias  y pienso que tal vez no soy buena hija para él al desobedecer, mi padre sabia que yo nunca ejersería mi carrera cuando era niña un devoto le dijo, y más aún ahora en mi carta astrólogica  sale la carta de kalamrta donde es muy extremo a la vida espiritual, el karma no me dá para estudiar ni trabajar ni tener familia, porque  en mis resultados últimos del doctor sale que tengo muy debil y pequeñitos los ovarios. Empiezo a preguntar si yo estoy ejerciendo el deber correcto como mujer???

HpS - No, se?    Es una pregunta muy detallado para nosotros.   Tambien es mejor del perspectivo de una devota, Grhastha et al, de un Sannyasi. Nuestra respuesta es casi siempre: Renunciar todo sino Sankirtana!    Habla con muchos personas para buen perspectiva.   Hacer un buen plan.    Hay muchos diferentes tipos de Padres, y claro es casi imposible entender que tipo tiene Vd, no?   Pero pienso Vd es una persona sana, entonces habla con diferente personas, Madres, Padre, Esposo y pienso Vd. va a hacer un plan practico para su vida.

Estoy muy confundida a quien debo seguir a mi esposo o a mi padre o a Krsna????, devotos grjastras presionan en establecerme y mi karma de un hipie viajero no me dá.

ASA - Hippy...     Consejo como antes.  Va ser bien.

Perdóneme gurudeva, me falta mucha convicción para entregarme a Krsna, como ud. dijo a LAD ¿Voy a servir a Dios o el Diablo?

Tratando de entender el servicio más sublime que dejó srila prabhupada

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi. 

HpS - ASA --- Habla con unos personas que conocen la situation. Canta HK/HR bueno, y busca inspiracion personal en los libros de Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krisna, from Aranjuez

9 years, 3 months ago by Dandava das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna, dear Gurudeva. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We already are at home after some holydays in Malaga.

By Krisnhna's Mercy the Carcika's pregnancy is going up (now 14th weeks). We don't know what's he/she. We don't mind.

This summer has been very hard. Many changes in Madrid's Temple, you know. Many adjusments in the service and in our minds. The mind can be the best friend or de worst enemy. Many time our mind is the worst enemy. Now I'm reading and studing The Nectar of the Instruction. I realized that I have to start in the begining. Maybe i wont to run quickly and I lost the begining. I want to concentrate in the chant and The Nectar of the Instruction introspetively for some months. I want to concentrate my service in the congregational development and preaching, helping to Yadunandana Swami. I still be the Madrid's Templep's treasurer. Not how long. The administration is many dificult  living at 50 kilometres from the temple, and many unpleasant things and letdowns have happened . Krisna will say. What do you think about this?

HpS - It is just as you say.  [Best of wishes to Mataji and her baby.] Temple worship is for Dvapara Yuga, but on the basis of Sankirtan we can do it in Kali yuga and then it helps the Sankirtan so much.  So,    Madrid temple has to be a Sankirtan party.  That is most important focus.  Whatever else you can do, do it. Understand you personal contribution and then see what devotees you can work with . Many times I have tried, even 7-years, to get some program going and then I had to be a little firm to politely withdraw. People appreciated it was the correct thing. Other projects are going on 65%, so we give 71% effort to them.
O.K?   You keep your Sankirtan program going ENTHUSIATICALLY and then connect with others as much as you can.


Carcika and me are working in the congregational development and preaching  with one Bhakti Vriksa group. And we are working in two diferents courses programms: One, "Self Knowledge, Therapyes for a better world " where we speak about suffering, forgiveness, happines, action and reaction (3th Newton Law), etc from a phycological point of view; and the other one, "Material Problems, Spiritual Solutions" where we speak about the same topics but from spiritual point of view and much more deeply.

I hope I don't go to the hell. But I want to get better. I'm not giving up. I'm not even Kanistha Adikari, but I want to serve to the devotees. It's enought.

Mathura Mani DD was operated yesterday in the morning. The operation was longer doctors thought. Finally They removed her the pancreas, duodenum, pylorus, and some ganglions arround pancreas. She'll sedated for a some days. It was cancer. It's very serious. Krisna knows. Please pray for Mathura Mani.

HpS - Krsna is a very jealous lover!     Maybe He wants her back immediately, so He is going to give her a little time for becoming detached then take her to Goloka very soon.  Is it good or bad if she dies soon?

When you come back to Madrid again?

HpS - Maybe when we come back from India, no? Beginning of April?

Your humble and fallen aspiring to servant, Dandava Das.

HpS - Thank you.  Do not doubt that Krsna appreciates very, very, very much your efforts!!!

Bhakti vaibhava, Croatia Sankirtan Report

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

You wrote: HpS - AGTSP!   Oh, dinosauro of Middle East, so nice to hear from you.  Maybe is Window's 10, conflict then.   We can live with it.   Just takes more work.  Guess it will be resolved.  This Blog is so nice.

What are you doing!!!?    Sankirtan.   No news.      You can see what we are doing (dying (Sankirtan)).

Yes, Blog is nice. Very useful for sharing ideas and informations, staying in email-touch. Thank you Guru Maharaja and Prahlad Nrsimha prabhu.

In the meantime of waiting what is going to happen with BhVai program, I read Bhagavad Gita, Jaiva Dharma, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, and then continued with Srimad Bhagavatam. Finished 7th Canto and starting 8th, maybe not with specific study as we were doing in BhVai, but strong regular reading. I almost forgot about Narada Muni's previos life (one before being maidservant's son) which he personally described.

HpS - Well, we publish in the Kapi Dhvaja, that we are having, always the regular Saturday morning classes.  We go back to what we personally really want to accomplish.  Pada-padma, Cantos One and Two, well developed, is one of those things. So now we are trying to develop community each Saturday morning for those things.
Then Srivasa, San Jose, Upendra, Srinivasa, everyone wants to go ahead with Cantos 7-12, even without Bh. BVai diplomas, so I have been suggesting maybe we can make an arrangement with Mayapura Institute, to join them as Study Partners and become registered as on line Bhakti Vedanta students as a group. Then we can work out times for physical meetings and use their administration and curriculum and help them to develop it.
What you think. Others think it might be good idea.
The higher education in ISKCON is very much pioneering. It is only go on with personal committment by everyone, especially you. You have a lot of qualifications to help!

As some other Blog followers, I too followed Hrdayananda das Goswami on tour of Israel and Europe by watching the recordings on Youtube. I am inspired  by his preaching and ideas.  Maharaja surely gives food for thought. You mentioned something about him in a letter to Raghava Pandita.

HpS - Yes, he is very nice devotee.  We agree with about 81% of his perspective. Of course, other devotees like other leaders. It is natural, no?

From when I came back to Pula (16 years ago), between our small local devotee community there were (are) a dozen children. Somehow, we never got a program for them. Last Nrsimha Caturdasi, as the initial bhajans finished and a lecture started, I heard the children (3 of them) playing, jumping and screaming in the another room. I got inspired to go and be with them. I asked one mother if it is OK that I go and do something with the children. She agreed. So, I went to the room and asked if they want to hear about Nrsimadeva and Prahlada. They said "YES!". I told them the story, intertwining philosophical points of Krsna consiousness. Later parents told me that the children were very happy with the time I spent with them and with what they heard. Parents were also very grateful. And I was also enlivened by how all the situation came about and how children asked intelligent questions which made me  aware of necessity to dive deeper into KC. ie more surrender). Now, we have  program with the children during a Sunday program lecture. It is once a month, taking in consideration that before neither parents not children were coming regulary for Sunday program.  During Gaura arati kirtan children chant, dance and jump happily.

HpS - The average Mormon boy decides by 12-years old that he is going to do two years of missionary work after college!

Krsna-ksetra Maharaja and Smita Krsna Maharaja blessed us with their visit to our local temple. That was nice and sweet, too.  

We went to Ratha Yatra in Rijeka (Croatia) and there tried to pull Krsna to Vrindavan and specifically to turn our hearts back to Him, after insolently leaving Him with the idea of becoming self-centered King of the world.

Big challenge in life is how to balance (not sure if this is the right word) sadhana with other duties as husband, son, citien of Croatia, ISKCON member... How to chant minimum 16 nice japa rounds, attentively study SP's books, do puja, be/stay clean outside and inside, and work for livelihood which entails mingle with persons, offices, bosses who (for the time being) are satisfied with their material way of life.

HpS - Later it becomes achintya-bheda-abheda-tattva.  We see how all these things intimately relate to our service and we can mix them very well, but until we come to that point, Bh V Thakura says that we have to "balance" them.  One nice balance I heard is that morning is for Spiritual Life, daytime is for making money (with both arms and both feet!), and evening time is for enjoying - goodness, passion, ignorance.       If morning program is strong then the other two parts of the day are FOR Krsna also, no?

Another challenge is to percieve Krsna in all living entities, devotees too :-)

Naturally, it  all depends on fine program of japa and abiding to devotional regulative principles.

Please, excuse me, I am not writing on the Blog more often. You say many times that eyes, legs and heart pain you. And you are occupied with many other letters so I feel like I do not want to burden you.

Somebody kindly shot and I am attaching few photos  of a wandering jiva who is trying to consciously stand on his  spiritual legs.

Thank you Guru Maharaja.

Your servant Namacarya das

HpS - Super nice letter!    Please write more as necessary.  Maybe join us on Saturday morning!  Next week Candra mukhi Devi Das will tell us about the new Diary of Draupadi that was found in the ruins of M. Yuddhisthira's palace in Dehli!

Hare Krishna

9 years, 3 months ago by Adi Yajña Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada.

Por favor acepte mis reverencias a Sus pies.

Hare Krishna Gurudev!!!

Gracias por sus respuesta.

aqui bien quizas soy un poco impulsivo en la carta anterior, o grave innesesariamente, la relacion con mis autoridades es muy buena, pero tenemos que discutir algunas cosas y no estoy acostumbrado a esto.

HpS - Ha!  Ha!  Ha!    TlgaSP.  Es un arte, luchar como forma de communicacion. Realmente solamente es para Grhastha Ksatriyas o Vaisyas. Necesita una buena esposa para ayudar.

. . . aqui las cosas a nivel administrativo estan muy bien y a nivel espiritual pienso que tambien, todos los programas se mantienen he incluso hay algunos nuevos.

HpS - Aparece como Vaidi Sadhana Bakti. Super, pero...  necesitamos adelantar a Raganuga tambien.  Una vida interior para nuestra Sadhana exterior.  Con Krsna en la carroza!

. . . esta semana Krishna me ha puesto en trabajo de la humildad, por que he tenido que ver como me equivoco muchas veces con los devotos.

HpS - Si....   verguenza para nosotros aqui. Monocito, Puerquecito, aveces no sone muy generos compartir se bicicleta rojo con otros!

Gracias por su tiempo y disculpe!

nos vemos pronto!!!

Su sirviente Adi Yajña Das

HpS - Tenemos el boleto!  Vamos al "Lado Bueno"

Hare krishna Dear Gurudeva!!!!!!!


trāṇāya kāruṇya-ghanāghanatvam
prāptasya kalyāṇa-guṇārṇavasya
vande guroḥ śrī-caraṇāravindam

Pamho!!!! agtsp!!!!!!!! agthps!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you are well when you receive this letter in all aspects.

HpS - Ha!  Ha!  Ha!    We want to do mere intimate service to Radha-Krsna!

Dear Maharaja, we have been thinking about the last letter you wrotte us,

so, the first thing that we wish to do is to travel to India (Mayapur) and do the four month course on deity worship and brahminical culture.

ASA - Great.

Personally, I´m meditating about the posibility of giving up my job or maybe asking for a leave of absence, so I could get my job back after .

It is something that  came up since we have decided not to keep trying to have children.

This is a great opportunity to start a career for Krishna, traveling and serving in temples of Spain or out, this can be a great experience for both, we believe this will help us to grow and gain spiritual maturity, in order to enter the vanaprastha asrham.

HpS - Yes, travel with the Sananda Devi Dasi to ISKCON India, but ....  go with experienced devotees. Have good plans, confirmed with ISKCON India before you go...

After (or at some point) there would a  possibility to move to Almeria, and start something there, as part of Yadunandana Swami´s  project of the 54 provinces, because Sananda lived there some years ago and got an apartment (with a morgage, that has some years still to pay...).

This is up untill now our brain storm...<img alt="sad" height="23" src="" title="sad" width="23" />, what do you think?

always  waiting for your infinite mercy,

thank so much

aspiring to become your servants Sananda and Bhadra.

HpS - I think we don't know the details well enough to give detailed advice, but in general we can give the advice that Canakhya Pandita gives:  Victory comes from good advice, and good advice comes from many advisors.
So talk to a lot of devotees who know you two, the situations and then make a practical decision based upon good rounds and SP's books.
Oink!     Then even if you have to kill 640,000,000 people it will be cool, man!
Awaiting your next step!