PAMHO From Budanath Das.

9 years, 2 months ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports


Hare Krsna Maharaja, Pamho.

I´m Budanath, the donkey monkey.

I hope you are very happy and Krishna conscious.

Regarding the origin of Budanath, I'm not quite sure, but I'm wrong but is related to the Boudhanath temple in Kathmandu. .Literally it means "the Lord of knowledge," but I have always understood as "The Lord of Buddha", the Lord of the"enlightened soul", associating to Nityananda, and maybe Lord Siva, because for me, Lord Siva is the mercy of Nityananda projected on the subject.

ASA - Aaaaah!

It is true that I feel inside me a very loving relationship with the Lord Siva, I love, and I feel something very similar with Nityananda-Balarama, although I know Nityananda-Balarama are more sensitive, more secrets. I feel very close to them in some way, so that I think once that is related to them.

Sorry Maharaja, really do not know precisely.

Thank you so much for your answers, are like to meet you on the street.

In this regard I have been thinking a lot these days.

If I am not this body, and life itself is pure energy, as the spark and fire, meet the people you love, the feeling about the soul, the heart, is not a question of space, but nearby loving, energetic. And so I've been trying lately with you ... I have to admit that I who does not move, You seem to be always moving, and that makes me happy.

ASA - Brother Ass is at least 70% Pitta, fire, says our Doctor. Fires always are moving, no?

It gives me happiness prove that one can have a friendship with someone always wherever you are. I meditate on You, and with a little luck you scold me for being with so many mental nonsense. You greets me and shows me your joy at having gone to see You that day. Of course it is not possible without the Holy Names.

I am tired, confused, I know I have to associate with the Holy Names and when I do, meet my friends at the Holy Names.

I know you try to learn me to be a great person, pleasant to the eyes of Krsna, Radharani, Balarama, Srila Prabhupada ... and I appreciate that inspire me to break my mental worlds, and try to set the vision of my mind to really see, to feel from the inside of me, the reality as it is without the projections of my mental problems.

Today I was reciting the Holy Names and dust of mind was cleaning with the vibration of the Holy Names. So you were getting me wondering;

-¿ You finally come today?

- Yes Maharaja, I know I had to come before, my mind entangled me, Maharaja.

- 'Well, yes' You said “The important thing is you're here now”

And You were  explained that this platform of the mind is that determines the fate of death. The strength of our personal desire, now broken by the pure vibration of the holy name, thought materializes in the form of body. But if we do not let that touch, impregnated us with his mystical material power, we return to the source of our life. To the world where Life, God, Vishnu, Krishna is present with us without departing from the fire.

A world of pure life energy, without beginning and without end.

When I am in that state, I can not extend it by effort, but by internal pure desire, For love to not part with those people I love. I guess that's personal. I dream that this vibration open the clouds of my mind and let sunlight pass without interruption before my death, and may come running.

Sorry to dwell much.

Thank you so much Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaja to make a fool like me to learn.

At Your shadow Maharaja, Yours, Budanath Das.


HpS - Hmmmm!   The Srimad Bhagavatam is quite large. It includes, with CC, so many descriptions of these different realms of consciousness, no?   Go on reading Prabhupada's books!!! You will get to see you realizations of cosmology, time, space, psyche there!!
Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!!!!!!!!

Vedabase office, etc ... update

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my hubmle [humble] obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada. is getting bigger every month and it seems to move project to next level we will need some physical office space where our team can work on the project. 
So today I had meeting with Gauranga Simha Prabhu, one of deputy managers of ISKCON Mayapur regarding possibility to rent some office space on ISKCON campus. Hopefully managers will be inspired by Krishna to agree to provide the space for Vedabase project.

Also I canceled offer from Mayapur Institute to work on their website, canceled any future service for JPS Archives and will be extremely cautious in taking any other projects.  It seems I took much more than I could handle which led me to too much stress, 'systematically' avoiding morning programs. And also took time I could use on If I will continue like this I will get mad/crazy and my head will explode. :) 

ASA - That happened to us about three lifetimes ago. Wasn't a good thing.

When my service for TOVP will be completed I am planning to do only service on

Last we spoke about ILS you mentioned about place on education table. Do you think it will be possible to get also slot(s) for presentations in main tracks? 

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - ASA ----  So, so nice to hear from you and your reactions and plans. I think can be considered very best way to help all other projects. Yes, seems to be so much work: A better Welcome page for new people, Index, Increase different languages, Promote knowledge and use of the

We are working on the ILS program now. The organizers cancelled the idea of an education exhibition and are going to have some kind of ISKCON exhibition. Contact Ramgiridhari Das directly if you can. .. [email protected] ...

Other than that the Deadline for proposed ILS Seminars has closed, but I submitted one on Higher Education and if you let us, we could give you a lot of time to present, during that time, and leaflet people in general.

We are of course focusing on this symposium on "Psychology and the Sacred"., June 21-23rd, Lima, Peru, but is an essential part of that.

Thank you so, so, so much for your work. Thank your good wife for loving you even though you must be an intolerable ass at times. Thank your parents who gave us such a half-way sane person.

Thank you in the name of everyone who uses this Blog.
What about getting, "Prabhupada" in Spanish for


Maybe you can't afford Audi, but at least you will be able to walk barefoot around Goloka some day, causing more mischief there, no?


9 years, 2 months ago by kirtan 108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj!! Please accept my houmble obeisances.

Dont worry i understand that the body is getting old, this happen to everyone. The important thing is our eternal soul.

Im Bhakti Sundar Goswami son, we met and talk in Houston.

I hope that your remember me.

HpS - Yes!!!  AGTSP.    I was just thinking about you and wondering if we would hear from you again.

The last time i wrote you this letter from the account of Mantri Rama Das.

PD: I will read the Gurutattva that you post in your website.


HpS - O.K.!!!!  Hope to hear from you soon!!

Reporting from HariKripa

All glories to Srila Prabhupada & U

please accept my humble obeisances

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva. We hope U are much better.

HpS - Better?  AGTSP  Paoho.    Better from the stress for the South American trip?   Hmmm.  That was a long time ago, no?   Better than our daily struggle, like you?  Hmmm.  Like you, we are struggling to improve, and we do discover things. We discovered that we can bake potatoes in the micro-wave in five minutes and that has helped a lot.
Ha!  Ha!   Hare!
In general, I think like you, we are discovering that, "much better", means that our improvements, externally keep up with the external degredation caused by the three modes, but internally we are getting eternally "much better", like you(?).

As we promise we are trying to write more often to the Blog telling U about our adventures. This time we are in HariKripa (Arequipa- Peru) having such a good time with devotees (Rama lila dd and family , Manasi Ganga dd, and many many more). They are such a nice devotees with so much enthusiasm…

We had a Ratha Yatra here with their Deities and the presence of H.H. MahaVisnu Swami & Harinam Ruci devotees. For Us this has been a blessing…  we could share with devotees after so many months. Its like an injection of happiness, faith, devotion, mercy, ect…  hahahaha  we are so happy… This is the best medicine…Association with devotees, kirtan, prasadam…. 

Some days ago we experienced something very very emotional for us, after many months we were dancing and singing in Goura artik. It was so so moving. In some moment we couldn’t even sing cause we were feeling like a baby crying and asking for forgiveness to his parents. We really miss that kind of things.  We need to go to temple more often and be more open and try to share more with devotees…

We still have this problem of weight but we feel with more energy and that helps a lot to follow our sadhana. We are following an alternative medicine based on herbs and meditation and eating proper food for our body, bach flower remedies. In some way it is working. But our main medicine are our rounds so we putting more emphasis on that.

Family is ok. they are 90% vegetarians now… 

Well i guess this time news are much much interesting than last letter….

Thank you SO SO SO SO much for always being there with us, helping us... we are not a good example but that is our aim....

Yours in Service

Patrak Das

HpS - People tell us that all of Patrak's problems are a result of his sadness at seeing his father go. Is it true? I did not know him very well, but I can see that he might have been a very, very intimate part of your life.  My father and I were not very close. My Mother a little more, but not much, but when I got news of may fathers mortal demis, even though I had not had any contact for years, Sannyasa, still I was having dreams of him at night.
Any Krsna conscious advice about these things for our family audience.

Your Arrequipa report is super.   Of course, we smile and think, hmmm, things are very good there when you visit, but how would it be living there. Maybe the same as Lima, ISKCON.   If.....   that is true then the answer is to travel a lot, no?    -[;o]/\____


How are you Gurumaharaja?

How is your health and your sankirtan?

HpS - ASA ---  AGTSP.  Little short of breath. May die soon, but whenever, is best to die in love rather than lust. Sankirtan is Srila Prabhupada's mercy. We try to do something. We want very much to see some success.

I recently found the location of the temple in Tennessee, using Google maps, what a nice place!

HpS - We are based in Franklin, Tennessee for at least a month. Is nice here now. Enough rain. No really extreme weather!

I'll tell you that the hurricane in my life has diminished its power to a tropical storm losing strenght more and more.

As you say, we must let Lord Krishna to drive our carriage. I find it hard but I'm trying. It's amazing how, despite my inability to correct the way I refuse to let go and stubbornly remain confident in my understanding of the facts will pull me out of problems.

You have been wise in your commentary, my past life, before coming to Krsna Consciousness, has been very complicated. I suffered an alcohol and drugs addiction for more than 25 years and, beside some nervous system damage, I was feeling tired.

The transformation process has been exhausting, four years ago I left addictions and underwent an intense devotional life, I'm happy in it, is the most important thing I've ever done. Being away from NIMSAR has been healthy.

I decided to leave the group because, in my opinion, they are concerned in issues that go beyond education, I believe that with so few members we must focus with regard to congregational education, so that we perfect and consolidate an educational product that can be competitive in society in the future. Maybe my approach has been conservative, I think there is not enough resources to venture into this kind of "bridge-programs". The other Members think otherwise and do not agree with them. My interests are simple, ISKCON Peru is suffering a severe crisis of confidence and leadership. Education, as an activity that allows the reconsideration of certain paradigms can question things from their understanding, on the other hand, education corrects false concepts, evolving in the correct attitudes and behaviors. Education is self knowledge and, therefore, represents transformation. If we do not transform ourselves, any attempt to do with the Yatra will be artificial and unsustainable over time.

HpS - Wonderful thesis. Very nice. Are you going ahead with this thesis personally inspite of not being able to find any partnerships with NIMSAR?

I am a teacher for 20 uninterrupted years (I am 48), education has been my main activity and the means by which I achieved the best things in my life. I have met many people and I have been fortunate to teach many youngsters.

Prabhu Omkara (current president of the temple of Chosica), has given me the opportunity to take care of the temple educational program. I have ideas, there are human resources, we have teachers and students, so I'm developing a strategic plan for short and long term. In time I will present you this plan for your opinion and suggestions. On the other hand, I have left the Bhakti-Sastri course. The course has not been good, it is handled a bit superficial, your written lessons have helped me a lot as a way to access different levels of understanding of the texts, but classroom sessions have been simple, routine and very undemanding, I prefer to start in March with Padam Prabhu via online, I am sorry not to have all of your lessons. I am reading and researching much more. There are some thematic lessons I'm preparing for Chosica and Wilson, for example, classes on VAD, the Holy Name, the three modes of nature and other basic introductory topics and defining basic concepts for understanding more elaborate themes. Otherwise, I am participating in Prabhu Pancharatna's ISKCON Online project , on Wednesday we have our first meeting via Skype, ISKCON Online is intended to serve as a tool for counseling, education and outreach tool of useful content for training devotees worldwide. Of course my involvement focuses on educational issues, and I'll tell you what progress is. I have renewed enthusiasm because of new possibilities. I deeply regret having failed in my service in NIMSAR, I hope to serve you better from now on.

Basic issues go well, the saddhana is solid and I enjoy my rounds more than before, with Indira Sakti our communication flows better, I am very lucky to have her as my partner in this beautiful path.

HpS - Our humble perspective would be, 1) Work on getting your own Sadhana, work healthy. You mention this above. In First Aid this is a basic concept: Understand the danger, problem, make sure you are safe, then try to help others. So, seems you are doing well.    2) Organize healthy relations on the basis of 1) with your family. Then 3) you can also expand into other communities. Whether it is ISKCON Chosica or NIMSAR, the main thing is having clear understanding of personal realtionships, no?  You and Omkara.  You and Laksmana..... Then work out a Plan.

Personally we are involved in ISKCON Education at the International Outreach level, International, National, Nieghborhood Internal level. At the MOE level we are trying to push people to register their programs so there can be healthy perspective from different Centers on what we are doing locally and also take advantage of the success in other places.

Since our deities came home, air is thinner and days are lighter and brighter. Be fine, Gurumaharaja, Lord Nrsimha always take care of you. Your servant Gandharva dasa

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!!     Best of luck, learning about your Karma, Mind, Family, Soul!!!!  Some patience, no?

De su sirviente Mangalananda das

9 years, 2 months ago by mangalanandadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krshna Gurudeva. Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias para su santidad Hanumat Presaka Swami
Todas las Glorias a mis hermanos espirituales
Ante todo Siempre agradecerle por la infinita misericordia que me da y le da a tantas entidades vivientes 
que se encuentran en mi estado.

HpS - ASA -- Somos muy egoista, codicios, pero Srila Prabhupada ayudando nosotros, entonces estamos ayudando otros. Casi, posible, ninguna credito para mi.

Transitando este mundo material con mas cautela y un poco menos de pasion para no cometer
los mismos errores que intentamos dejar atras.Muy abocado a mi deber de padre intentando 
dar lo mejor que tengo (comprendiendolo como mi servicio en este momento). El relacionamiento
es con carreteras de tierra y autopistas pero estamos moldeando a alguien de rigida estructura y mente fuerte por naturaleza como Radhe Gopinatha(regido en el zodiaco por Tauro)
Krshna lo controla y me coloco a mi (Cancer) para formarlo mas poeticamente, el agua de manera leve moldea la tierra . Hay mucho amor entre nosotros dos y Krshna en el centro.

Esa es la fuente que sustenta todo. Muchos pequeños problemas materiales con los cuales lidiamos diariamente ,que en realidad no son problemas cuando salimos del cuadro y ampliamos la perspectiva. Aun viviendo con mi madre, seguramente habra que solucionar  algunos detalles internos del pasado por eso  aun no tengo que salir, pero la idea es :casa propia en breve.
Vamos siempre al templo, minimo una vez por semana, amo la asociacion de los vaisnavas.
Cantando 16 rondas diarias, 4 principios regulativos, escribiendo muchas reflexiones despues de la japa. Es fantastico. Amo escribir.
Leyendo bastante: PNL(programacion Neurolenguistica) y Guerrero espiritual 4 de Bhaktitirtha swami.
La unica minima ansiedad es que aun no soy millonario, pero tiempo al tiempo.
De a momentos con mucha pasion y muchos proyectos, y luego viviendo el presente nuevamente. Me gusta por que realizo cada vez mas cuando estoy  muy en la ignorancia y cuando un poco menos pero en algunas oportunidades me puedo situar como observador de mi propia vida.
Con muchos deseos de charlar mas intimamente con usted y apenas pueda intentar ayudarlo en su predica.
Siempre estamos haciendo Sankirtana. Lo quiero mucho Gurudeva, a mi manera(espero aprender a quererlo correctamente).
Le mando mis reverencias a sus gloriosos pies de loto [TLGASP] sepa siempre que intento ser conciente de usted y deseo ser su sirviente para que me lleve con Srila Prabhupada...
Mi meta es Sri Vrndavana Dham y solo a traves de usted eso se puede conseguir.
Para servirlo de la mejor manera que un tonto lo puede hacer.

Jaya Srila Prabhpada
Jaya Gurudeva
Jaya Radhe Syam
Jaya Sri Vrndavana Dham

HpS - ASA ---- Muchas gracias su carta.  Muchas gracias.  Ya son las 3.00PM aqui en Franklin, Dia completa en servicio. Deficil ver el computador. Respiracion poco debi. Pero generalmente bueno. Quiero hablar con Vd. individualment.  Pero, como!!!    Muchas peticiones...   Ooof.       Cuando encontramos en Argentina, Chile?  Si es algo urgente, donde piensa tenemos ayuda espcifica, pudiear hablar por telefono.
Aqui somos para servirle.
Saludos a Radha Gopinatha. Cuantos anos tiene? Como esta el Yatra??  Saludos a s Mama tambien. Aparece que esta conquistando mucho sus pasiones y esta en la linea a gran exitos pronto.