
9 years, 2 months ago by mangalanandadas in Personal Sadhana Reports



Estimado Gurudeva le escribi un reporte hace aproximadamente una semana u 8 dias y no lo estoy viendo publicado

Queria saber si lo habia recibido. Creo haberlo enviado correctamente.

Acepte mis reverencias por favor.

mangalananda das.

HpS - ASA - Super, super, super carta. TlgaSP.    pfanrh....  Si, es bueno escribir "Urgente" si no hay respuesta despues de 3-dias (mas on menos).  Intentamos responder despues de 3-days, pero a veces demurrando como 6-dias. Su carta dice 6-dias, 19-horas. Poco retrasado por la presion de fin de semana de Govardhana Puja, Prabhupada Puja etc.
Pero hoy dia estuviamos (we were going) contestarla.

Hare Krishna

9 years, 2 months ago by Rashmin dd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I haven't written in a long while, Maharaja. Life as a mother of two has been very busy and fulfilling. We are happy. Although I do loose my patience with my oldest. I am definitely trying to be more gentle.

HpS - AGTSP. Enthusiasm is more important than patience. Yes, must have patience, but more important is enthusiams. What is that? How to keep it?  NOI-3 discusses. If you lose your patience enthusiasm, then stop and look: What am I trying to accomplish. More clean around the house?   Is this a good goal?    If it is not, then O.K. give it up. If it is then second, how can I make progress in towards this. If you have these two, then you will be enthusiastic and patience will be natural. A lot more details.  NOI 3 is good discussion.

I have so much to tell you but I will keep it brief. 

My husband and I started up our Bhkati Yoga club at school again and will be having kirtan nights on Fridays. We don't expect many people to come but we know that by persevearance and humility Krishna might bless us. We also ask for your blessings to make this our service while here in Calgary.

HpS - Ha!  Ha!    Shoot for the Rhinocerous!    Expect that many people will come. Sufficient. Maybe show part of the Maha-bharata by Peter Brook. Free popcorn (with a lot of salt) and $1.00 glass for lemonade!

I also ask for your blessings on me being able to teach our children how to speak Spanish. It might be silly to ask this, but for me it's a little difficult to do since my husband doesn't speak it. I realised it can be very beneficial to grow up speaking more than one language. So I will try my best to help my children that way. Of course, giving them Krishna is best!

HpS - What about www.loftylearning.com, you can teach them Sanskrit. You all can learn. If you want to teach them Spanish, you must get a few partners, no? Others with your mad mentality. Calgary, Home Spanish, Ladies Circle. Then there must be online courses you can all do together. Its a nice language.

My husband is almost finished school to be a teacher. Very happy forhim. Audharya and Arindama are both growing and getting along well. My family is very happy to have their grand children around so close. Everyone is happy for now. Our Calgary yatra is not quite the same as when we lived in Toronto but as long as people are worshiping Krishna and love Him we can adjust for the time we are here. 

I am chanting my 16 rounds consecutively now for a few months since the birth of my son. I am back on track with a lot to make up for. I don't know about other mothers, but for me chanting when I have avery young and demanding baby, japa is hard to do every day. I feel reluctant to tell you this but I hae a need for you to accept my inability finish sometimes. 4 regs: check.

HpS - Keep track of how many rounds you own Krsna. I was only chanting like 11-rounds a day for several weeks, maybe 6-8 when the GBC had me as Temple President, Head-Pujari, Rathayatra Organize, Treasurer Director in the Berkeley Temple.

Ooof!  I was exhausted. Could barely walk, but kept track and then at one point told them, just can't do this, and gradualy caught them all up.  I hear that 16-day day is hard with a small kid, but I suspect that it can be done. Kids sleep a lot. Just fit in four here, four there.  Pooop!  16!
If I give my opinion, for a young mother to have babies and chant 16-rounds is about the same as taking Sannyasa in ISKCON.
Rasa-mandali Dasi, Maharaja, Ki Jai!

Please forgive my offences, Maharaja. 

Your aspiring servant,

Rasa-mandali dasi

HpS - ASA -- So, so, nice to hear from you.  Please offer our respects to your family, and if you husband can send a little news about his Sankirtan, that would be nice.  Also, you can see that we are focusing on this Peru symposium, and so maybe you can get some inspiration to help also!  Psychology and the Sacred.

Thank you!

You are on the right path, just go ahead.

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja_Sadhana Report

9 years, 2 months ago by Isabelle in Personal Sadhana Reports

<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />Hare Krishna Gurudeva<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

Please accept these respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada, the previous acharyas

and His Holiness Hanumatpresaka Swami.

Because of you, these souls receive the great opportunity to rehabilitate themselves through the knowledge and devotional service to all of you, dear devotees of Sri Krishna.

This is the eleventh time I edit this letter, excuse my delay Guru Maharaja,<img alt="blush" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/embarrassed_smile.png" title="blush" width="23" /> it is because there have been many events, activities of family order, devotional service, etc. (Besides my bad english grammar) Google translate and Gandharva helped me. I’m learning so, I hope write you by myself  soon.

HpS - ASA --- Thank you very much!!!

I hope this letter find you recovered in your health.  How are you Gurudeva?

ASA - Well, we, like you, are Sat-Cit-Ananda, but Brother Ass, is Asat-Acit-Nirananda, mortal, stupid and miserable.  At 67 years old our eyes, memory, teeth, respiration, skin, heart, hearing are all starting to become weak and disappear. Is good thing, because then they will be useful in making a new body for someone.
Destruction, old age, death is just the other half of the cycle or growth, youth and birth, no.
O.K.   If it is for Krsna, then it becomes part of our ever growing life in the play of Goloka!

Thank you, thank you for your visit; every time you come we learn a lot, you give us many realizations.<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

I infinitely thank for your great mercy, Guru Maharaja, for giving me the diksha initiation. I am very happy and grateful.  Our immature desire to serve is being tested by Maya. It has not been easy during the last two months. We are fighting against our mind and ego in the fire of Grhastha asrama.  Is hard understand karma, specially when this show up strongly, and is harder to learn from it, because we need a lot of humility.  After all, albeit painfully, we’re learning a lot. We really want to clean and change our hearts Gurudeva, but sometimes this is so hard.  We know that Krishna put us together in this asrama so we can learn from each other.  Sometimes it is very hard and difficult; sometimes it's very sweet and fills us with strenght.

About this point, Gurudeva, some devotees say that relationships are like a mirror, so, if we see any mistake in the other, with a lot of humility we can see those mistakes is in ourselves. Please if this works this way, can you explain it (authoritatively) to me this Gurudeva? It has to do with consciousness? We attract what we think? Also, during your last visit, His Holiness said that we should not tangle with the external aspects of devotees, ie, with aspects of his personality (personality as a mask, right?). For me, this was a BIG lesson, because it's about quotidian relationships with devotees, and understand this authoritatively, would mean to be less offensive and learn more about me in aspects that I could not identify before because of my big ego.

LAD Prabhu told us, about anartha nivritti (we don’t know if we are in that level) but prabhu LAD said: first step: look for defects, second ACCEPT them, third step: WORK ON IT, all these tips are helping us, we do not know if one day we will not argue anymore, but we know that  we can learn through each person to understand what Krishna wants us to learn.

About Sadhanna:

Rounds & Principles: I have had difficult days Gurudeva, but despite the onslaught of Maya, I still struggling to keep up with 16 rounds daily, 3.5 Principles, 4 Mangalaratikas in the temple a week, minimum.

Readings:  Krishna Book, NOD (chapter 5), recently starting Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto1, with Gandharva.

About seva: I'm at that stage of looking at what service I must do Gurudeva,  education really inspires me.  What issues should I consider to know how to choose which service can please you and Krishna?

HpS - ASA --- Really the best way to know what your service in Varna-ashrama-dharma is, is to chant Hare Krsna.  Slowly, slowly, certainly, your Japa and other service in ISKCON, eg. Mangala arti, SB, will make it clearer to you what is your service, Varna-ashrama-dharma.

Just continue that way. Be a good girl!  Be a good wife. Love your husband, even if he is a crazy rat at times. Your love for him does not depend on his love for you. If you don't want kids, then you MUST adopt Gaura Nitai, your personal Deities (can also be Madan-bihari and Radharani) as you kids. They are very jealous and may make you miserable if you neglect their cookies and milk!!

Some Sankhya, but mostly try and see everyone but your husband as your children, sometimes naughty, sometimes nice. Bring them all to Radha-Krsna. Make Radha-Krsna your life. Pray for Their individual mercy on you alone. Of course, it comes through Lalita devi, but she just passes it along with a smile and no changes. You must taste it, bitter sweet.

For now:

Pujari On Friday:  at noon I help Prabhu Omkara in the pujari, serving lunch to their Lordships, washing bowls, cleaning etc.

ASA - You are very fortunate. Please!  Give our respects to him.

Garlands on Wednesday:  For the altar of Sita-Rama-Laksmana-Hanuman.

Congregational development: Omkara Prabhu asked for our help, so we are helping a little.

House: Puja, I am trying to strengthen my relationship with Sri Panca Tattva and Jagannatah, Baladeva & Subhadra and I'm being more careful in punctuality, cleanliness and more focus on worship, according to what Gaura Gadadhara mataji taught us.  The new deities (big ones) are now at home, Adi Lila mataji (prabhu Jiva-Sakti's wife) made them clothes.<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

Gurumaharaja I'm sorry, I did not accept the position of Nimsar treasury, because the present circumstances, if I assume a position of great responsibility, I could neglect other things, and because we are going through tests, I thought I had to be cautious. Meanwhile I'm helping Isvari mataji in communications and suggested my father to help us a little in strategic planning. This to improve NIMSAR management (Do you remember I told you about my father? I introduced him to you the day of my initiation, his name is Arturo, he is an economist, specializes in projects and has 15 years of experience in international cooperation, he have a MBA in business administration) The workshop is very interesting because it can be applied to any service.

My father is feeling very inspired by Srila Prabhupada purposes.  After a long time, I did not see so inspired and rejuvenated, he admires sincerity of devotees and each Sunday takes its association and prasadam.  On the other hand my mother has started making tapestry of Lord Jagannath, she respect our philosophy, she is catholic, is very faithful to Virgin Mary but, something happened the first time she saw a deity of Lord Syamasundara,  she even wanted to buy the bronze deity, but things happened that prevented it, she loves the form of Govinda. I just worry that she is not a vegetarian, Gurudeva, I have asked her to be very careful when making tapestries, so not to commit offenses, but I think it is a way to get closer to Krishna, what do you think about that?

Living near Radha Madana Bihari is not cheap, to serve a beloved devotee of Krishna, will change everything, but we are willing to sacrifice in order to purify and someday (I hope soon) be good servants.


May Lord Nrisimhadeva always take care of you.



Your neophyte servant

Indira-Sakti devi dasi 

HpS - Thank you.  I think everybody realizes what a lot of stress this is for you. You are not an ordinary girl. You are The Average Peruvian Girl.  (Ha! Ha! Hare!).    If you figure out how to use Srila Prabhupada's magical gifts, then Any Peruvian Girl, even you mother, can figure it out.

Chant Hare Krsna and be happy. Try your best but be patient, relaxed. First focus -- 16-nice rounds.


9 years, 2 months ago by anandamayadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All the glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Muchas gracias por contestar, para nosotros es muy importante tener la aprobación de Usted, especialmente cuando estamos por hacer cambios importantes en nuestras vidas….

Sobre el lugar y los devotos que Usted menciono, sería muy bueno, no he conversado con ellos, solo algo con “Abhi”. Para ser sincero nosotros habíamos pensado algo más céntrico, cerca de Lima, pero todo se va  a ir ajustando, ahora que podemos entender que tenemos su aprobación.

Sobre las iniciaciones de Sita y Karuna, no lo sé?, Usted tiene la carta de recomendación de Chosica, pero al parecer nos mudaremos, ademas ellas no tienen el curso de discípulos, y no sé si M. Ganga y P. Yamunesvara presenten esta vez otro pedido. Particularmente me siento muy desconfiado de mis autoridades. Ante esa situación no sé qué va a suceder. Gurudeva, Usted sabe que ellas querían iniciarse ya, y nos pidió que esperáramos, nosotros hemos seguido, porque estamos rendidos a lo que Usted decida… Nuevamente muchas gracias Gurudeva, lo extrañamos mucho. Sus sirvientes AmD, KMdd, BAD, SLdd.

HpS - AGTSP paoho.  Pienso es cierto va a pasar. Hable con el LAD y el dijo que la Junta Nacional comienza requiere Curso de Discipulos para primero y Segunda iniciacion en Peru.  O.K.  Si puede tomar con Laksmana y presentar sus experiencias del curso aqui en el Blog. Cuanda estaba formando el curso, ellos, siempre fueron en contacto con Diksa gurus para formarlo, aparece bien.

Pero, para mi, si podemos hacer en Chosica un dia, estoy listo. Tengo las cartas del Junta y estamos demurrando solamente para una arregla informal.

GBC, Junta, Presidente, son representantes administrativos de Prabhupada. Ellos estan confrontando desafios tan fuerte como yo y Vd con su familia. Sannyasis, Brahmanas, son otros representantes de Srila Prabhupada . . . su presencia en sus libros...       Krsna en la corazon (BG 10.10-11).

O.K. No problema. Somos aqui para servir. Servir aun que morimos!

pillbuster treatment

9 years, 2 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP You are the light we want to follow. everybody is like glowworm. Here we are writing to you, as you understand psychology and you are close to NGD [a good psychiatrist]. [a] how much are chemicals involved in controlling mind and its thought ? How much can counselling without pills can control the mind ? [b] Pysch has diagnosed us with OCD, and says our problem is that we have standards for verything from waking up time to how use time etc. Our mind is constantly bombarding us what is to be done. hence they have recommended us with pills [i] oleans plus/fostera 5mg [ii] oxetol od/ oxeltra od/ zenoxa od 150 mg [c] we think that side of such medicines is our sleep is increasing, which means we sleep for minimum eight hours. any other suggestions in this perspective. will it be possible for you to ask about side effects of these medicine with NGd Prabhu. we think we will be ready for initiation when you come to bombay this time. any updates on service needed for mailing list ? [d] personally we like Brahma ji [may be because he was alone]. we are focusing on his prayers {Krsna book }and chapter 9 of canto 2 answer by the lord. regards, horse trying to become human

HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna!!!   AGTSP    paoho.   We have just sent this letter to Nitai-gaurasundara Das. On the telephone he said that he could not recognize the medication and that in India they have different names. So, if you got a copy of the letter he might be able to offer some opinion. In general, we  understood that he feels the medication can help.

We might suggest that it can also be adjusted by taking a certain Ayurvedic medication etc, but I suggested that if he thought it might help, then you could be pragmatic about it and see after some time  what the result is. I guess the Psychiatrist in India would have the same attitude.

Of course, we feel that we can look for more Vedic solutions: Diet, schedule, Japa...   but I also accept that we can use modern medicine if we are careful.

govinda in the heart.

9 years, 2 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna Maharaj pamho agtsp.

I would like to visit NY

Maha-bhavi said at the end of the summer I'll give you a recommendation.

but much time is left for that not ??? :)

maybe trip to london, manor; to the course of disciple.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna. 

And the immaculate lotus feet of SP.

Gradually the love of God is awakened.

but that does not mean it takes a long time.

We can start moving now. OK!!!

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna ... !!!!

It depends on the student's attitude.

the instructions of Srila Rupa Gosvami

Nectar of Instruction.

ok, many instructions !!!

but these are special!

the nectar of the instructions.

kali yuga people are animals. I

very difficult.

Jagannatha das Babaji was saying something about it.

I think it's enough ... :)

what is the meaning of all this madness about the stories of Lord Krishna???

ok! harer nama harer nama…   ceto darpana…  trinad api!!! 

And all weapons together!!! 


Maharaj thank you very much for all your support.
Please forgive all my sins I am mad.

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP  paoho.  We are all mad here, but let us reduce the madness. Yes, it takes time but we can experience tangible progress every day!!!!!!!!

"Recomendation at the end of the summer" - for visiting ISKCON New York???