Adorado y Recordado Gurudev!

9 years, 2 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports


Here photos of the Dance in the Cultural Center, Paseo of the Arts, November 2015 !!

One photo of outside center. Franco and gopalito pastimes..:-) and one photo of sankirtan!!!

Thanks for You mercy!!!

Obsesainces of Franco and Gopalito!!

I am very very happy, distribuited the books of Prabhupada, 123 books smoll, tres luz of bagavatam and two BG .. now calculation the books distribuited after birth of gopalito.!!!

What letter translate in google? my letter anterior o the long letter? Excuse me, no understand... Intent to please content : Radha japa prati jalpa dd.

HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. Dance on fire until the end, Kirtan is your only friend. Will Gopal be a dancer?  We hope Franco gets better and better idea of his mission also???

Arrastrados por el sankirtana

9 years, 2 months ago by Nadia Morales Uricay in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Todas las Glorias al sankirtana, servicio que derrite los corazones!!!

Hare Krsna querido Gurudeva, desde la última carta que le escribe, entré en un momento de depreción, pero la buena asociación de Maharaj Maha visnu y los harinama ruci y devotos en general haciendo un tours por puno y arequipa, pude revivir mi conciencia de krsna latente y lo sigo intentando, me siento entusiasmada, experimenté mucha felicidad, al bailar, tomar prasadam, dar libros, ese fué mi vida durante 10 dias y espero lo sean siempre por el resto de mi vida. Todos los dias tomabamos maha maha prasadam de Maha Visnu Swami, agradesco a srila prabhupada por la ayuda enviada.

Hablé con mi padre y hermano mayor, mi hermano siempre me dice que haga cosas diferentes y si yo me siento feliz así esta bien. Mi padre es una persona muy autoritativa  pero  le dije que yo deseo hacer esta vida viajar y que soy feliz, el fué está vez comprensivo conmigo. Devotos me han ayudado mucho, como ud. me dijo hable con buenos devotos y escuché muchas cosas que en verdad yo deseo con mi vida y lo que me hace feliz <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />. estoy agradecida con LAD,  y P. Jagadbandu (encargado del sankirtana de bolivia, perú y ecuador), lamentablemente no pude hablar con matayis grjastras porque no tengo, pero si amigas brahmacharinis y tambien me han ayudado mucho.

El sadhana esta así: 3.30 am, 25 rondas, estamos tratando de comer una sola vez al día y tomar bastante agua, es verdad cuando dice gadai que el cuerpo se adecua, más frutas y agua, me siento mejor de salud, con ganas de distribuir muchos libros, morir para Srila Prabhupada. La yapa está mejorando siento un poquito más de gusto, es increible como la yapa me está ayudando a dejar de caer en la mente, creo que el cuerpo se volvió bata,  porque ya no tengo sueño profundo jejejeje

Para la marathon de diciembre vamos con P. Adveita y P. Gadai, no se si será chile (90%), o perú (10%), seria fabuloso verlo en chile para su vyasapuya, mi padre esta tranquilo cuando supo que voy de protección con dos chicos jejeje <img alt="laugh" height="23" src="" title="laugh" width="23" />

hare krsna gurudeva, como está ud????

su hija que lo recuerda en el corazon

nadiya nivasi dasi

HpS - Oink!   Oink!      Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.  Por que ser depressed?   Tenemos el libro Krsna y podemos descansar tranquilo aqui o aca. Leyendo, leyendo, leyendo, vamos a apreciar que todo es un GRAN BROMO del Gran Bromistador.
Hare Krsna. Lucha con Krsna!

Por que va en Sankirtan? Por que es posible encontrar a personas super quien Krsna nos envia.

Festivals report

9 years, 2 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



Hope U are fine.

HpS - ASA ---  Ha! Ha!  Ha!!!!  This is the material world!!!   We suffering worse than you: Health, self-esteem, but pushing for satisfaction in service!!!!!!

I am better and better. I do not see wilson as an ugly  and dirty place, behind the curtains i found shelter.... plus me and another devotees were thinking in opening a preaching center, with yoga, restaurant, deities, etc...Jaya laksmi dd is helping me a lot taking care of JBS !

The other possibility that i have in mind is when my mother is ok, moving to Nova Gokula. I thought that I was like an urban girl, but looking back when I was bad bad bad I went there and everything was womderful... attending mangala artik at the sp samadhi, the cows, the peacoks, vayu the horse and most importantly the devotees. I havs a friend there, Katyayani dd she is married..she is really nice disciple of HDG! And maybe I was thinking in joining HH Dhanvantari S preaching program as a teacher or being a pujari I always felt since the first time pretty attached to Sri sri Radha Gokulananda !

HpS -  Take you Mother with you???   She could sit confortably with Vayu and look at Srila Prabhupada drink hot tea for several hours each day.  Ulysses would LOVE it.

Let see what Krsna wants....

We did Govardhana puja and SP tirabhava Mahotsava... many devotees enganched in the programs, Anandamaya das is singing !!! 

Attached some pictures, by the way what was the name of the book about administration that u mentioned on Saturday that u were reading? Thank u

HpS = "From Good to Great". It is good, useful. See many of our faults and successes confirmed by very professional studies. One million copies sold.

Lookimg forward to see u soon

Trying to be iur disciple


ASA - Jaya!  Jaya!  Candramukhi Devi and her Dasis too! Yes, first you go from good to great, then get make a great team.

We were alone on GP day, but we had a very nice Govardhana sila for company. We bathed Him in fresh clean water and then hugged Him to our chest while we dried Him.

Go to Vraja - 24-hour Kirtan????

9 years, 2 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna Maharaj pamho agtsp.

this letter is a bit urgent!
because I travel to Barcelona on December 13; and I want to have a clear idea of ​​my future before leaving the temple.

what happens is this.

this time in ISKCON Norway has been very good.
is incredible; managed to follow the principles and chanting the rounds and busy all the time in many different services.

so I'm very happy .... Yes; I feel good.

deeply grateful to the Norwegian yatra.

the point is that I think I have to go somewhere else.

because here this temple is austerity for me.

as I appreciate it; this place is for devotees, with experience in everything related to devotional service; with interest to cooperate in the mission of Prabhupada; and make ISKCON Norway (Oslo) shine through.

but my case; It is not exactly as described above.

I need training!


Yuddhistira Prabhu's advice: is traveling to Vrindavan; join the program (24-hours-kirtan).

Yuddhistira said you have 24 (almost 25) and you're not married why not go there.

We are talking about a two-year visa. all coordinated with the authorities of the temple (Krishna-Balaram).

with a minimum commitment of one year.

which is not something other than my most ambitious desire in the spiritual life.

therefore the president of the temple (ISKCON-Norway-Oslo) Maha-bhavi prabhu and Yudistira prabhu.

They ordered me; consult with you.

You're the last word; if you're in agreement; and you think it may be a good thing for me.

Please give me your blessings; so that I can go to Vrindavan; and learn many things; and maybe one day be ready to take initiation.

then we can talk to authorities (ISKCON Vrindavan) and start trying to organize all that is required.

if all goes well; I would be traveling to Vrindavan perhaps in February 2016.

on the other hand, the time which is expected to be in Barcelona with my mother and my sister.
I have to be very careful.
because with the slightest slip; the senses, seek the objects of the senses; I feel such a strong attachment; it will be as if a man was hanged with a rope by two elephants each in the appropriate direction.

so of course there is no better cure for that; sadhu-sanga!

well honestly I think it's better; I leave you to sing a round right now in this moment.


We try to move on; we are in the material world .... Where there is a resource that I can exploit? if you "by chance" you know where .... Please do not tell me; because then I'll jump on him like a lion jumps on its prey when not eaten nothing for a couple of days…

--->>>  HARE!!!!!

Maharaj thank you very much for all your support.

HpS - ASA -- Ho, Jorge!!   AgtSP.   Thank you for your letter. We don't know exactly how to advise you with great detail. We have never seen a perfect program in ISKCON. Maybe because of our own faults, but every Temple, Yatra, that we have seen, joined, has some interesting and some booring aspects.

I have not been able to know you in action. Maybe Yuddhisthira Das et al have had a chance to see you in action and can discuss your future better than we. From what I know of ISKCON Vrndavana, it is not like the Krsna book. That whole area now is becoming packed, packed, packed with "tourists', auto-traffic, big-city housing developments. Krsna Balarama Temple sits like a little tourists spot in the middle of that. I don't even know if the Temple would be so enthusiastic to accept you, when then could get Indian boys whom they could investigate better than your good self.

Hmmmmm?????    24-hour Kirtan can be very dry program for one year for a young Westerner, then there may not be a lot to do in your off hours. Temple is crowded, food may be too Indian. Training programs for your class of dude may be non-existent, but a lot of Mahatmas pass through there and it IS Vrndavana Dhama.
Have you gone to ISKCON India before?

Sankirtan - Cusco / Lima

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, por favor reciba nuestras humildes reverencias.

Nosotros estamos ahora en la ciudad de Lima - Perú, despues de haber estado en Arequipa por 5 dias, estuvimos de Sankirtan y también participamos del programa de Maha Vishnu Swami y los Harinan Ruci, programas de Sankirtan, Harinama y distribución de alimentos (Prasadhan[Prasadam] ), muy bonitos e inspiradores programas.

Ahora aquí en Chosica, pudimos encontranos con Prabhu Jagaj Bandhu, Brahmacari, lider de Sankirtan y encargado por el GBC de difundir la distribución de Libros en Bolivia, Perú y Ecuador, discipulo de Jayapataka Swami.  

Tuvimos la misericordia de conocerlo hace 3 años y este año lo vimos en Bolivia, organizando la Marathon de libros y  ahora volvimos a encontrarnos en Chosica con el Prabhu.

Le pedimos a Prabhu Jagaj Bandhu que sea nuestra autoridad de Sankirtan, a lo cual ACEPTO muy amablemente.

Nuestro Sadhana esta bien, tratando de que mejoremos en la salud, los 4 principios siguiendolos...lectura de los libros Caitanya Caritamrita y Nityananda Caritamrita, 16 rondas y mangal Artik.

Bueno Guru Maharaj me despido.. Hare Krsna!!!!

Gadai Gauranga Das

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna!    Muy bien!     Pienso encontre al Jagadbandhu, Ji una vez en el pasado. Esperamos va a ser relacion muy util! Kirtan, Conderencia, Kirtan, Prasadam. Una formula de Srila Prabhupada. Muy bien!  Por favor mas noticias como desarrollan las cosas.
Cuales libros tiene para distribuir?

Sankirtan en Buenos Aires.

Guru Maharajá quiero comunicarle como estoy hoy

En este momento estamos con los preparativos en el templo del festival del Ratha Yatra con mucho servicio

Las jornadas aquí son intensas. También estoy participando de una jornada de estudios varios que se dictan los viernes por la mañana, que incluye: lectura de las escrituras, música y danza devocional.

En lo personal estoy leyendo el cap 5to del Bhagabad gita.

Lo que mas quiero resaltar de esta carta es comunicarle que el día 19 de este mes los devotos que vivimos en el templo nos vamos a Uruguay para participa de la maratón de Sria Prabhupada del mes de diciembre. Mi servicio va a ser cocinar prasadam para los sankirtaneros  junto con mi hermano espiritual Adiyajña . Vamos a estar 46 día en Uruguay hasta el 5 de enero aprox.

En un principio la maratón iba a ser en Santiago de Chile, pero las autoridades del templo decidieron ir a Uruguay.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

GuruMaharaja, espero que se encuentre realmente bien.

Aquí en Bs As estamos muy contentos y con muchas ganas de verlo para que nos brinde su asociación en el mes de enero. Estamos con los preparativos por su llegada con algunos de los hermanos espirituales.

Su sirviente

Lomasa Rsi das

HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP.  Muy, muy bien. Esperamos puede cocinar y aveces va afuera buscar si puede encontrar unos personas amistoso, inteligente motivado pare presentar un poco de nuestra cultural para ellos.   Por favor unas noticias del marathon.